Congratulations from the postman Pechkin's parcel. A scene for the anniversary of the man “postman Pechkin.” Postman Pechkin at the anniversary

An anniversary is a big holiday. Many are trying to celebrate it on a grand scale. This implies a wide feast and many guests. There are not only relatives here, but also friends of the hero of the day with their children and spouses, his colleagues, co-workers, and superiors. It turns out to be a very diverse company - in terms of age, hobbies, interests. To prevent guests from getting bored, you need to think in advance what entertainment you can offer them. The best options for this are scenes that will periodically “dilute” the feast, amuse the guests and delight the hero of the day. Scenes can be very different - costumed and not, short and long, with one “actor” and larger-scale ones. There are also many ideas for them. Any plot will be suitable, from existing books, films and mini-productions that we spied somewhere, to those invented independently. However, they all must have one thing in common - be funny.

Costume performances

The main difference between them and the rest will be only the costumes in which the participating actors are dressed for believability. Usually the guests themselves are the actors. Their participation is agreed upon in advance by the relatives of the hero of the day, who are preparing the holiday and want to give an additional gift.

Traffic police inspector and hunters

Three men are participating. You need to choose the appropriate costumes - a traffic police uniform for one and a gun, boots and bandoliers for the other two. “Hunters” can be exchanged for fishermen, fans or anyone else. It depends on the interests of the hero of the day.

Progress of the scene

Two hunter friends, accompanied by a traffic police officer, enter the hall where the feast is taking place. They were just on their way to today's anniversary to congratulate their friend, but they violated traffic rules and were stopped by an inspector. We explained the situation to him - well, it’s impossible not to congratulate a good man! Of course, the inspector agreed to take them to the celebration site. After congratulating friends and presenting gifts, the inspector comes forward and himself joins in the congratulations. He reads out, and then hands the wife of the hero of the day a certificate of technical inspection of a special vehicle - the birthday boy himself (his last and first name is announced) on the occasion of his 50th birthday (the number can be any) and the corresponding conclusion.

Technical inspection

Conclusion of the traffic police

  1. The condition is excellent.
  2. The owner claims that this vehicle can still be driven and driven.
  1. Refuel only with high-quality fuel - octane number not less than 40. If the octane number is lower, more fuel is needed.
  2. Regular lubrication of the filler part is recommended: on vacation, after hunting and bathing, on birthdays, etc.
  3. Using a vehicle by proxy is not permitted.
  4. The owner must remember that for normal operation the vehicle needs affection, love and regular lubrication.
  5. The next technical inspection is recommended after 50 years.

Italian guests

This skit also requires three participants - two men who will be Italian guests, and a female translator. The costumes are quite simple; you don’t even have to completely change the actors’ clothes, but simply choose the appropriate accessories - dark glasses, black wigs and mustaches, brimmed hats. For the translator - visual glasses and a stack of paper. As gifts - pasta, olives, wine. At the height of the fun, the actors of the scene quickly enter the hall and head towards the hero of the day. They take turns congratulating the birthday boy, and the translator repeats each phrase in Russian. 1st guest

: Nashente zdravizhilento yubelento e druzente – lubente alcoholento pipento!
: We want to greet our hero of the day, as well as his dear friends.
2nd guest
: Come to Chertente on Kulichkent and tell at least something!
: We came to your wonderful city to join everyone’s congratulations.
1st guest
: Pozhelanto ne glotanto tabletanto and not znanto vrachevanto!
: We would like to wish you the best health.
2nd guest
: There was a lot of money in my wallet and my belly was always full!
: May financial well-being and lasting happiness accompany you throughout life.
1st guest
: Puskaento druzilento nigogdento na krysento!
: Let there be reliable friends nearby.
2nd guest
: We wantetto handed over figinetto and jurundento!
: These wonderful gifts from sunny Italy are for you.
1st guest
: Don't obzhirante and don't blivante, pusento not lopnento.
: Eat to your health and enjoy.
2nd guest
: Posminente nascente prizedente – Italiano podarente.
: Remember us, always your Italians.

Strange salaries

A small costume scene that should accompany, and possibly open, the gift-giving ceremony. There are two actors. It is advisable that they be women - thin, short and tall:

  • The small one is “weighed” with a small amount of money - this can be either coins or small denomination bills. You can simply draw them on large sheets of paper so that they are clearly visible.
  • A tall woman is dressed more richly - there are no coins at all, but there are a lot of large bills.

Before presenting gifts, they take turns approaching the hero of the day and congratulating him.

Congratulations to Little Salary

Don’t look, dear birthday boy, that I’m still so little. I wish you all the most beautiful things in the world. May, with my help, you be able to provide yourself with a life worthy of the king himself! To make this happen, I invited my older sister here. I hope that together we can please you.

Congratulations to a Big Salary

Maybe I don’t look very much like a lucky lottery winner, but together with my younger sister, we are the best gift that will be useful to you in any situation, will take you on vacation and will bring you many pleasant minutes! Congratulations! After this speech, all guests who decided to choose an envelope with money as a gift present it to the birthday person. You can prepare a large envelope in advance and put the entire amount into it at once.

Costume comic congratulations with gifts.

Why are we celebrating the anniversary? In order to please our dear person (Mom, Dad, brother, sister, children, etc.). And also in order to get everyone together once again, on a joyful occasion, to play, have fun, sing, laugh. And the most important thing is that the anniversary remains in the memories for a long time.

This is precisely why we need details, memorable, beautiful, certificates, medals, posters.

Gifts given in an unusual way remain in the memory for a particularly long time. For example, a handmade money tree, or a gift packed in a box, wrapped in paper, tied with a bow and packed in a larger box, wrapped in paper, tied with a bow, etc. you can walk up to a huge refrigerator box decorated with a big bow. Such a gift will be remembered for a lifetime not only by the hero of the day and all the guests. It will be especially interesting if two movers bring a huge box tied with a bow into the apartment, cursing, and ask the hero of the day to sign the receipt. And what a delight everyone and the birthday boy had when they opened all the neatly wrapped boxes. And the gift will turn out to be very small, but especially memorable.

Surprise your loved ones, make them happy. Make life brighter and more interesting.

One of these congratulations:

  • A remade song to congratulate the hero of the day. Motive “Just don’t worry” Congratulations from the Shoemaker on the gift.
  • Scene “Wonderful Time Machine”
  • Congratulations skit to the woman celebrating her anniversary “TV show”
  • A comic congratulation - the game “Catch the Joy”.
  • Original riddle congratulations on the Anniversary.
  • Original Congratulations - an anecdote.
  • Poster - Puzzle - Congratulations - Game. “Super Detective” With the presentation of the comic medal Super Detective.
  • Scene - congratulations “Guests from Italy”
  • A comic costumed congratulation, a scene with ditties


Such scenes usually do not take much time. They are staged with the help of one or two actors. Very rarely more is needed.

It is convenient to insert them before the next toast in order to somehow diversify the usual course of the feast and entertain the hero of the day and his guests.

Urgent medical examination

A man fully dressed as a doctor enters the hall. He is wearing glasses, a white coat, a stethoscope, and shoe covers. In his hand he holds a small “medical case”. Doctor

: Allow me, let me! Before congratulations can be heard, I am forced to examine our today's hero. He goes straight to the hero of the day and begins an examination: he examines the face, ears, pupils, asks to touch the tip of the nose, listens to breathing with a stethoscope and performs other medical procedures. During this impromptu medical examination, the doctor comments on his actions with various remarks: “So, sir,” “let’s see what we have here,” “yeah, yeah,” “that’s what I thought,” and the like. After this he makes a short speech.

Doctor's speech

I have conducted a full examination of our patient and am ready to make a full report on his health! So…

  • Jubilee (last name, first name, patronymic).
  • Age - in the prime of life, that is, blooming.
  • The pulse is a real fountain, there is no way to measure it.
  • Blood type - only red cells, sometimes white ones are also found (in strictly measured quantities). This is real “blood and milk”!
  • The heart rate - as it should be on your own anniversary - either jumps or freezes from a complete overabundance of feelings.
  • The vital tone is completely versatile.
  • Vision is perfect. This way you can notice any little thing.
  • Hearing is truly universal, which is very rare.
  • The sense of smell is very subtle, with a probability of error of 3% it can determine with whom the spouse communicated today. Such an acute reaction occurs only in males.
  • Chronic diseases are an inexplicable hibernation after a delicious lunch, a lovingly prepared dinner. More often this occurs next to a working TV.
  • The daily routine is mixed: walking, sitting, lying down.
  • The general conclusion is that this is only the beginning of the life of a given organism. It is recommended to take from life everything you want and what you didn’t get.

Urgent telegram

A man with a bag over his shoulder, a hat with earflaps and a glued-on mustache enters the hall. He portrays a well-known character - postman Pechkin. Hello! It's me, postman Pechkin. I brought you an urgent telegram. It must be read aloud. To do this, I definitely need to wet my throat. He demands a filled glass, drinks it, then reads the telegram. It can be written down on this form.

Costumed congratulations!

Postman Pechkin.
Our dear postman Pechkin, of course, will bring the hero of the day a parcel from Matroskin and Sharik, which may contain, for example, a set of dairy products from Prostokvashin, a photo gun, as well as gardener’s or photographer’s reference books.
The postman's bag may also contain congratulatory telegrams addressed to the hero of the day. Serious messages will arrive from relatives and friends from distant cities, and Pechkin will find not very serious ones in the “Posters-Telegrams” section. But first, the pedantic postman will demand identification documents from the hero of the day. In the section “Comic documents for the hero of the day and guests” we have given samples of some of them, and it’s good if they are presented before Pechkin’s arrival, otherwise the hero of the day will be left without a package from Prostokvashino... Next comes not the scenario plans, but rather detailed costumed congratulations . When accepting any of them for production, please take the time to rehearse. At the same time, pay more attention not to memorizing the text, but to developing consistency in the actions of all artists with partners, assistants and musicians. If your knowledge of the text of the role is not solid and you have a hint sheet and a hero of the day in your hands, the guests will forgive you for this. But if the wrong soundtrack plays or your partner delivers a line that is not according to the script and gets embarrassed, this can significantly spoil the impression of your performance, which was so well planned. So, go for it! Postman Pechkin
OPTION-2 Postman Pechkin came to us.
Pechkin: Good evening! How beautiful you are! V.: Today is Olga’s anniversary. P.: Congratulations, hostess! I wish you to bloom and grow younger! And I didn’t come empty-handed. I have congratulatory telegrams for your hero of the day. V.: Give them to the hero of the day as soon as possible. P.: Look, how smart they are. But I won’t hand it over. V.: How can you not hand it over? If telegrams are addressed to Olga, they must be delivered. P.: You never know what I have to do. I won’t give these telegrams back like that. (holds the mail bag to himself) V.: Everything is clear. Let's sing a song or perform a dance for Pechkin. P.: Am I some kind of Santa Claus? I can sing and dance myself. V.: Then please tell me, dear postman Pechkin, what needs to be done in order for you to give us these telegrams? P.: I love cultural treatment and hospitality. V.: Postman Pechkin, join our company, relax, taste a delicious treat. P.: Thank you for the treat! (takes a glass and says a toast) V.: Wonderful toast! We all join you. P.: Now is the time to deliver congratulatory telegrams. Congratulations on the anniversary! Wait for an increase in your salary. I haven’t decided yet by what percentage; I haven’t gone to see Merkel yet. Your boss….. Anyone who wants to become a millionaire must visit the First. You come to Moscow, ask where Galkin is, that is, I, Maxim. Then catch your luck! I'm waiting for you at the show. You become an example for the Motherland and just be a millionaire! Maxim Galkin I wish to appear to you like the ghost of the opera. Have some vodka, caviar and a cup of tea. Congratulate you on the holiday and sing “Hurdy Organ” for you. But it’s very hard to wake up early. Drink it yourself and, having eaten the sausage, congratulate yourself! Kolya Baskov! More congratulatory telegrams were sent to our birthday girl, but all of them were unsigned. You need to guess the sender. These are people known to everyone. I wish I could sing with the guitar more often! Have a good company!... ROTARU Live, Olga, have fun and cool! Don't forget about your childhood!... QUEEN I wish you a lot of music and laughter! and eternal youth!... PIEHA Let there always be plenty of money! And kurinve's legs!... BABA YAGA You look like a painting today! I'll send you the key to happiness!... Pinocchio Don't get into emergencies or shootouts! We wish you a long life! Group... STRELKI Congratulatory telegrams Congratulations on your anniversary From afar I have been driving the Volga to you for a long time. I won't be able to arrive on time. You live so far away. (Lyudmila Zykina) *** Congratulations on your birthday! I wish you happiness! I leave all the clear days for you, I take all the gloomy days for myself. I promise you without deception, you believe me. (Oleg Gazmanov) *** Congratulations on your anniversary! I won't be able to come. I'm in the hospital. You ask the car park, so that the green-eyed taxi does not drive so fast, but slows down, slows down. (Mikhail Boyarsky) *** Congratulations on your anniversary! I wish you health! I will come to visit you and give you some “chic” together! (Philip Kirkorov) *** Happy birthday! I didn't forget about the gift. I sent a rabbit sheepskin coat by mail. Wear it and don’t forget about “Lube”. With regards (Nikolai Rastorguev) *** Congratulations on your anniversary! To the dregs, we drink to the dregs for you. Come, there will be enough wine for you too. (Yaroslav Evdokimov) *** Congratulations on your anniversary! Let us note, friend, that the little ones run like our little walkers. And life is not sugar and not honey. Who fattens and who dies. But, my friend, don’t be discouraged, and sing songs with us! (Balagan Ltd group) *** Happy birthday! Good luck! I'll send you a jar of coffee and I'll send you a box. In the morning I drink it myself... Together with my beloved. (Marina Khlebnikova) *** Congratulations on your anniversary! You have no reason to be sad. After all, you are celebrating your name day today. Your men are next to you, pour them into their glasses more often. Well, they'll get drunk; What's wrong with that? I agree with them. (Alla Pugacheva) SMS - FROM VARIETY STARS
On the eve of our holiday, pop stars congratulated us.
They gave her their compliments for a long time and sincerely. Now I invite you to listen to the audio recording of these phone calls. 1. Alla called first. She found out about the anniversary. And sends greetings to you all. And advice to the birthday girl: Rest... 2. And right after Pugacheva Allka, her friend Galkin called. In his soul, he could not contain his admiration, He repeated only one thing to the hero of the day: I have seen a lot in my life... 3. Kirkorov Philip, not sparing words, confesses his love on the day of the anniversary: ​​I don’t sleep well at night... 4. And the Basques are not far behind him. Today he sings to Olga: My beloved... 5. The Prime Minister's musicians Today they revealed the secret to everyone. That song, where the eyes are like diamonds, They dedicated to our Olga: Two diamonds... 6. Another man sobbed. And Olga is the reason for this: I love you to tears... 7. Kirkorov did not calm down. I went to a tavern and got drunk there. He called Olga again and said into the phone: I raise my glass... 8. And Dima Malikov tenderly, in confidence, sang this line soulfully: You are alone, you are so... 9. Piekha Stas was in a hurry somewhere on business. Let’s listen to what he says to us: I’ll give you a gift... 10. Missing the birthday girl In cold and snowy Moscow Soso Pavliashvili sang with longing “Well, where are you, dear? Where are you?" A Georgian is waiting for you... 11. Time passed. Kirkorov drank. The wine did not cool the ardor: My only one... 12. And all the men, burning with love, repeated without hiding their admiration: Oh, what a woman... 13. And the congratulations continued. And, all illuminated with happiness, the culprit on her birthday could only hear the words: I wish you... 14. And at the end of the concert of the stars, whose congratulations were heard in the hall, Allegrova Irina will say a toast to the birthday girl - let it sound in the finale! Happy birthday... PACKAGE...
What's inside is interesting to us. But, unfortunately, it is not known. It's a gift, that's for sure! We need to open it urgently! But there is an instruction... It cannot be opened now, We need to pass it on... I pass it on as a prize to the most cheerful of the girls! Laughter is a girl, take the parcel to the one who sits in the farthest corner. The gift, it’s a pity, is not for you. Bring it now to the lady who, in your opinion, has put on the brightest outfit. Yes, your outfit is not simple. Everything sparkles with beauty. Give the parcel quickly to the one who has hair of all lengths. Long hair is an ornament. Give the parcel to another, whose legs sparkle with beauty. Your legs are good! We speak from the heart. But again, alas, a mistake. Give the package to the one with the most beautiful smile. I now allow you to convey this gift to the one whose anniversary is today! Then the presenter takes the parcel and says: From far away in Siberia, from remote taiga places they sent you a parcel. There's even an inventory here. Horseradish Even though life is lousy, And no glimpse is visible, But potions made from horseradish Will save everyone, obviously. Spread this horseradish on famous places, and you will be guaranteed to live for up to a hundred years! Collection of herbs taiga herbolife This collection was prepared according to ancient recipes. It’s just like a love spell, focus on it. Like Madonna, be beautiful. Like Cinderella she is hardworking. Be as slim as the Valley. Like Malvina, be smart. And then 33 heroes will love you! Garlic and onions You are always friends with them. Cherish this friendship. And they will save you from all diseases and illnesses! Living water (brine) If the feast lasts at night, And in the morning your head hurts, a glass of another such water won’t hurt you. Elixir of youth (moonshine) And this drink is wonderful, take it every day. And add five to six teaspoons to tea or coffee. It is more useful than tablets or pills, It helps against a hundred diseases: From the blues, cholera, from typhus and plague, From fever, from scabies, scrofula And all other dryness. From insomnia, the evil eye and other infections. Taken at any time of the day, but not on an empty stomach. Eats onions, garlic, lard, horseradish or potatoes in their uniforms! Beetroot and cabbage Vegetables contain all the vitamins. This one is ahead. He will smooth out all the wrinkles and bring a blush. Gifts, cards and congratulations evoke wonderful feelings. In order for us to extend the holiday, the glasses need to be poured.

To colleagues in primary vocational education - in honor of 2006, the Year of the Dog

Someone is knocking on our door! - Low bow to you, friends! I couldn’t pass by you: I’m Pechkin! Postman! By the looks of it, guys, I'm not late at all. After all, I should congratulate you. I wrote the speech too. Gentlemen (now you seem to be)! I wish you health and strength in the New Year. At work - so that there are regulations! And so that this department would pay more money. So that there is less perestroika. So that there is a fuse in the soul. The contingent should be persistent and not run away from classes. To strengthen the base. And the balance should be positive, damn it! And so that any infection does not force you into quarantine. New Year is the Year of the Dog. Don't follow the lead! Don't bark until you fight, be in peace and harmony. Everyone - smile more often. Eat meat, cheese and eggs and sour cream with cottage cheese, fruits, vegetables, carrots. For sports training, walk often. In any weather, for healthy food, you dig in the garden, potter in the garden. Breathe fresh air. And love someone: Screw the bride, screw the wife (Better if more than one!), Husband, groom, child, Mother, family... And for this you have to bite! Pour one at a time! -Why don’t you take a glass? - Yes, I’m at work today! I'm all covered in soap! I'm covered in sweat! I'm also a boring old man. If I pour a little, it won’t be difficult for me to grind for an hour. The main thing is to stop it on time! Ugh! Steamed like a teapot! Who is the boss here? Oh, well done, no matter what, they won’t hire you for years! Sign for the parcel. You should step aside a little. There are telegrams and letters. It will be possible to read it out loud. — We want to congratulate our friends. Could you deliver it on time? - Telegrams? Letters? Send! I'll destroy them in no time. You urgently bring them to Me under the Christmas tree in the forest. The address on the envelope - Be more precise, the louse is vigorous! Otherwise, sometimes it’s like that - you can’t understand a damn thing! Well, I think I’ve said everything now. Have fun in the New Year! New Year is one in a year. And this New Year - You are your own master. Have a blast until you drop! Dance the hopak! Well, I need a new address. Goodbye! Bye!


Shura, Happy New Year, I sincerely wish you all the best, and health, which is the highest above all blessings! And, of course, new poems and projects, new insights and happy, significant meetings!

Natasha! Happy New Year! All the best to you and your loved ones. and inexhaustible creativity. May the new year be at least a little better than the last one. I will write to you.

The daily audience of the portal is about 200 thousand visitors, who in total view more than two million pages according to the traffic counter, which is located to the right of this text. Each column contains two numbers: the number of views and the number of visitors.

Postman Pechkin at the anniversary

Presenter: Good evening, dear guests, I would like to welcome you all to this room today. Do you know why we have gathered here today? (guests must answer).

Presenter: That's right, today we will celebrate the birthday of one wonderful woman, this evening is dedicated to you, our beloved Anna Alekseevna, because today you are the hero of the day, dear. So, dear guests, let us dance, sing songs and congratulate today!

(there is a loud knock on the door).

Presenter: Who is that knocking on our door? Who's there?

(answer from behind the door).

It’s me, Postman Pechkin, who brought telegrams for your hero of the day.

(Postman Pechkin comes out from behind the door, with a large bag with telegrams, dressed up like in the cartoon Prostokvashino).

Presenter: Hello, Postman Pechkin. Come to us and make yourself at home.

Postman Pechkin: Yes, yes, whose are you? Where did you come from? (addresses the hero of the day). In addition to telegrams, I have this newspaper, which says the following: A woman has disappeared, height 170 cm, brown eyes, light brown hair, 55 years old. A bicycle awaits the finder. And excuse me, this lady is very suitable, now I will measure you here (takes a tape measure and approaches the hero of the day and begins to measure her). Excuse me, how old are you today? (The hero of the day answers 55). Yes, it’s definitely you! Hooray, now I will have my own bike.

Presenter: Just wait, it’s our anniversary here, and you’re with your bike.

Postman Pechkin: Well, excuse me, they don’t give bicycles for everyone.

Presenter: It would be better if you read out congratulatory telegrams to us.

Postman Pechkin: In front of all guests, I admit that I become soft with women! And I won’t be harmful anymore. After all, I came to the anniversary, to congratulate the birthday girl as soon as possible, and to read telegrams from friends to her.

Presenter: Well, come on, dear guests, we will hear telegrams for our hero of the day.

Postman Pechkin: I brought you telegrams, but I won’t give them to you.

Presenter: Why is that? Come on, give us our telegrams?

Postman Pechkin: I will give you all your telegrams only when you treat me to something tasty and after the birthday celebration the hero of the day comes with me. I want to return it to those who are looking for it. And finally pick up your promised bike.

Presenter: Well, okay, okay. And we will treat you and you will return your hero of the day to good hands! Well, dear guests, shall we treat our dear Pechkin to something tasty? (all guests must answer). Our dear Postman Pechkin, please sit down at our table. (Pechkin goes to the table and sits next to the hero of the day, they pour vodka for him, and everyone sings together for our birthday boy).

Postman Pechkin: Thank you for your treat. Well, now let's get down to the congratulatory telegrams.

Here is the first telegram for you:

Here's Anyuta for your anniversary, A telegram from Galya Blanka as soon as possible, She sent you as a gift, This precious cube!

(Gives a bouillon cube from Galina Blanca).

Second telegram:

Dear hero of the day, you are simply super, there is no one more beautiful than you, So accept greetings from me, from Masha Rasputina.

Third telegram:

Putin says hello to you here, He is sending you an envelope of money. (gives an envelope with money).

Fourth Telegram:

Telegram from Tatyana Ustinova, She gives you as a gift, This book for your leisure time, Read it and don’t be bored at all.

Fifth telegram:

My compliment for you Anyuta, Sharmanka You are my soul! Basque Kolya writes this to you! Please accept my congratulations.

Sixth telegram:

Greetings to you from Vinokur, You are a super, artistic person, Accept a kiss from me on your day, quickly.

Seventh telegram:

I will write in a telegram, That I love you very much, Open this heart, And be always only you with me. And Kirkorov also sends you lipstick. If you put on your makeup, Filippchik will like you. (gives lipstick and a mirror in the shape of a heart).

Eighth telegram:

May everything always be fine with you, accept a kiss from me, Kseni Sobchak. Postman Pechkin: That's all my congratulatory telegrams. And now, dear guests, let’s drink to our dear, beloved, dear hero of the day.

(all guests raise their glasses, and Postman Pechkin says a toast).

Postman Pechkin: Dear Anya, I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart, And I wish to see you again, Come to Prostokvashino now, I will be glad to see you, the door is always open for you.

(this ends the scene with Postman Pechkin).

An anniversary is a big holiday. Many are trying to celebrate it on a grand scale. This implies a wide feast and many guests. There are not only relatives here, but also friends of the hero of the day with their children and spouses, his colleagues, co-workers, and superiors. It turns out to be a very diverse company - in terms of age, hobbies, interests. To prevent guests from getting bored, you need to think in advance what entertainment you can offer them. The best options for this are scenes that will periodically “dilute” the feast, amuse the guests and delight the hero of the day. Scenes can be very different - costumed and not, short and long, with one “actor” and larger-scale ones. There are also many ideas for them. Any plot will be suitable, from existing books, films and mini-productions that we spied somewhere, to those invented independently. However, they all must have one thing in common - be funny.

Comic telegrams from postman Pechkin on his anniversary

Congratulation sketches for adults

Postman Pechkin at the anniversary

Presenter: Good evening, dear guests, I would like to welcome you all to this room today. Do you know why we have gathered here today? (guests must answer).

Presenter: That's right, today we will celebrate the birthday of one wonderful woman, this evening is dedicated to you, our beloved Anna Alekseevna, because today you are the hero of the day, dear. So, dear guests, let us dance, sing songs and congratulate today!

Comic telegrams for a woman's birthday

  • admin
  • 19-09-2014, 17:49
  • 5414

Comic telegrams for a woman's birthday

If you don’t yet know what surprise to arrange for the birthday girl on her birthday, then we will help you. Comic telegrams for a woman’s birthday will do everything for you. Just imagine the face of the guests and the birthday girl when they see a telegram for hangover or ear relief! Yes, don’t be surprised, let them be surprised, and you just enjoy the process and the holiday. Format: JPEG Author: qwerty2009




—Quote book

About her, about the woman. Too emotional, and sensitive beyond measure, and not at all ideal, N.

CHIRBULI: Adjarian scrambled eggs with vegetables This delicious Adjarian scrambled egg with vegetables is reminiscent of bli.

Pies with apples “Chamomile” // In principle, the filling can be

Happy birthday friend lirushnik NIKOLO 7. Nikolo. Happy Birthday! I wish you happiness and...

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How to decorate a birthday package for a woman from her friends?

The company gathered for a holiday. Work colleagues or relatives can easily organize a comic event. For such an idea you will need three actors - two little devils and an old witch. Come up with costumes for them, and at the right moment, unrecognizable characters will appear on stage.

Guests relax, drink and eat festive dishes. Suddenly, two devils with a large box appear in the restaurant (apartment). The parcel is covered with moss and herbs, and the devils are merrily circling around the suspicious object.

The guests are shocked, the hero of the day approaches the box, opens the lid, and a frog jumps out (you can use rubber reptiles similar to natural ones).

Anniversary girl : Oh, what is this? Where?

Devils in unison : The hostess sent us to you, Strictly, strictly punished us, to bring herbs and potions. And take away the bottles...

The devils suddenly grab the wine, vodka, and champagne from the table and run away. The guests are perplexed.

Hero of the Day : Oh, you striped devils. Well, I’ll...ask you...

The hostess of the evening wants to catch up with the thieves, but at this time a witch appears in the room. She is so scary that even men are scared. The guests look around at the hero of the day.

Witch : Chufyr-mufer, what a disaster! The stupa brought it to the people. I flew to Kikimora, I didn’t look at the navigator.

Hero of the Day : And she came to us, grandma. And your devils brought some kind of box.

Witch : Tell me, beauty, is it your anniversary? I looked into the miracle mirror and saw your holiday there.

Anniversary girl : Yes, yes, grandma. You've come right to the anniversary. Come in, you will be a guest.

Witch : Okay! Come closer!

Oh, pale and long nose. (examines the hostess from all sides)

Have you suffered from diarrhea?

The hero of the day laughs and shakes her head.

The sorceress opens the box and boasts: I collected some herbs, I cast a spell in the pot. Search the whole wide world. There is no better drug! The hero of the day looks into the box.

The witch takes out an expensive cream, but with a sealed label, on it is a skull and bones:

And this is my gift, To always be young, Smear your face with this, It will be smooth as an egg!

The hostess is happy and laughs. The witch pulls out a jar of horseradish:

Watch your figure, run and walk more! So that the cans do not sag, especially in front!

He hands the hero of the day horseradish and squash caviar.

So that the waist is Salom, so that it doesn’t swim. For the night, horseradish and zucchini, go to the man's side!

The guests laugh, the hero of the day smiles. The sorceress squints slyly and takes a package of jelly with beetles on the package:

And here is my secret jelly! Have you ever drunk this before? Brew it when the rigmarole begins in the body!

The hostess accepts gifts. The sorceress pulls out a package of squids with modified packaging from the box:

Has the disease struck? No problem! Eat the woodlice from the pond! There is no more reliable medicine than a swamp environment!

He holds out the “potion” and takes out halva and light sultanas from the box:

If your stomach hurts, your rib burns with fire. This means, dear, you have encephalitis! Eat the fried bark, you will be cheerful for the time being. It’s not some kind of chemistry, but natural gifts!

The witch points to light raisins:

And the pressure will jump, Chew badger droppings! Just throw a whole pound into your mouth, it can make you die! Well, those that survive - They all live to old age!

The guests hold their tummies, the hero of the day accepts gifts. The witch winks:

Here's another piece of advice to live your life without troubles. Take strength from the earth, Jump naked into the nettles.

The guests react violently, and the witch takes out a bag of good tea, disguised with bugs:

Drink the infusion of dragonfly legs, you will sleep like a groundhog! Brew some strong tea and give it to your neighbor. There will never be again, Drilling with a drill at night.

Those present applaud, and the witch points to a large container of pickles:

And so that the hangover does not torment you, I made you a potion. From rattle toads and snakes, Don't be afraid, drink boldly.

The hostess brings grandma a glass.

Witch : Finally, I’ll drink the glass, otherwise I’ll die on the road! After all, the years are no longer the same to fly on a broom. The witch drinks, frowns: You remember the order! (the hostess nods)

How did you have fun? (guests shout, thank you, cool!) Anniversary hero! Happy Birthday! Have fun until the morning! The witch says goodbye and runs away, the guests are satisfied with the performance.

Comic presidential decree for the anniversary

  • admin
  • 9-10-2014, 16:13
  • 9867

Comic presidential decree for the anniversary

Your friend’s anniversary has arrived. How are you going to congratulate him? We invite you to download this comic presidential decree for the anniversary. The decree states that the hero of the day is freed from everything he does not want to do. He is allowed to do whatever he wants. The hero of the day is also awarded the honorary title - “Jubilee of the Year”! You can download the decree template from the following link and enter the initials of the person you are congratulating into the text. Format: JPEG Size: A4 Author: qwerty2009

Scene for the man’s anniversary “Postman Pechkin”

Dear birthday boy! A new guest has come to our holiday and he is already knocking on the doorstep!

(there is a knock on the door)


It's me, postman Pechkin! I brought telegrams for your birthday boy!

(postman Pechkin comes out with a mail bag containing telegrams to the birthday boy, on his head, as in a cartoon, he wears a hat with floppy ears)

I’m generally mischievous by nature, Especially when I walk, But something didn’t stop me from coming to the house of the hero of the day today! I appreciated the solemnity of the moment, I cast aside my harmfulness at the same hour, I brought telegrams of compliments for the hero of the day! I'll read them now!

(reads telegrams from celebrities):

I'll tell you, my friend, without laughing - you are just super, just great! On your anniversary, Edita Piekha congratulates you with love!

You look like a real macho! The male reflex is in full swing in you! And this is great, otherwise I wouldn’t have written... (Grigory Leps)

Always look for talent in yourself and there will be happiness, I give you my word! And my word is a guarantor! (With big greetings Alla Pugacheva!)

You, like me, are full of humor and ingenuity! They say you joke like Galkin in your sleep! Always be like this! (With respect Maxim).

You, my friend, have a Bulgarian flavor: You’re used to working to the limit! Handsome, smart, hot, always shaved! That's why I love you! (Philip Kirkorov)

You are a young boy, no more, a darling like me! Basque Kolya sent you greetings. Do not be discouraged, my soul!

(After reading the telegrams, Pechkin says):

Well, I have fulfilled my duty, It’s time to go back, But if someone filled the glass, I would be very glad to drink!

(Pechkin is poured a glass and he makes a toast to the hero of the day):

Congratulations to the hero of the day, I wish you happiness and joy! Come to me in Prostokvashino, as if you were visiting relatives!

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