"Organ dispute" - a skit at a general biology lesson. Section "Man" creative work of students in biology (8th grade) on the topic

Funny sketch for the New Year “Dialogue of the body after drinking”

Hello dear readers, Gennady Korolev on the topic of funny mini skits for corporate events.

What are the benefits of cool funny mini skits? Those that require a minimum of props and time for execution.

You just need to find them and prepare properly. The more mini skits you have in stock, the better.

We present to your attention a funny mini-scene “Dialogue of the body after drinking”

As always, I give my recommendations and advice on organizing and preparing a skit, for a corporate event:

Funny mini-scene for a corporate party “Dialogue of the body after drinking”

ROLES: Brains, Eyes, Liver, Bladder, Memory, Legs, Conscience, Stomach, Hands, Tongue, Lungs

On the morning after the New Year, our body slowly woke up. Reluctantly the Brains turned on

1. Brains: Oh, how bad! Eyes, open!

Eyes 1 responded dissatisfied. Eyes: Well, they opened. What, feel better?

The Liver woke up: 1.Liver: Mommies, where am I?

Brains answered: 2. Brains: Where – where. Still in place. But don't worry, you'll be cut out soon

But the Eyes did not stop: 2.Eyes: What happened yesterday? How much did we drink?

Memory answered this question : 1. Memory: Do I remember? You knocked me out after the third toast.

Suddenly the Bladder intervened: 1. Bladder: Guys, I need to go to the toilet.

He was angrily besieged by Legs: 1. Legs: You'll get by! It's because of you that I have to trudge so far.

The commanding voice of Brains was heard: 3. Brains: Okay, legs! I give the command: now we get up and leave. Eight in the morning, time to go to work.

Suddenly Conscience woke up: 1. Conscience: Guys, what about washing?

Stomach answered her irritably: 1. Stomach: And in the face? Where were you yesterday? Because of you, they poured two liters into me.

Conscience defended itself pitifully: 2. Conscience: Who poured it?

Legs answered for everyone: 2. Legs: Hands, naturally. Look how they are being hit now.

Ruki cursed furiously: 1. Ruki: You are all bastards! We have to work today, and you're kidding me.

And then the Brains began to stir: 4. Brains: Legs, don’t you understand? We get up and start heading to work.

But that was not the case, the Bladder spoke again: 2. Bladder: Legs, and go to the toilet! I'm not rubber.

A sudden insight descended on Memory: 2.Memory: I remembered! Yesterday was New Year. There was still such nonsense in the language!

Tongue reluctantly responded: 1. Tongue: No need to la-la. I spoke beautifully.

The Lungs made a request to the body: 1. Lungs: Guys, cough, cough, we could use some haze.

Tongue answered him mockingly: 2. Tongue: Shchaas! It was as if a squadron of hussars had spent the night in the mouth.

The Liver whined with her request: 2. Liver: Now I would like some kefir.

But she was besieged by Ruki: 2. Ruki: What a fool, what kind of kefir? We need a hundred grams. Otherwise, we refuse to work on principle today.

As always, the wise Brains put everyone in their places: 5. Brains: How tired of you all! Legs, drag your body to the table. There should be half a bottle left. Hands, pour it!

To keep abreast of new funny skits and more for corporate events, subscribe to the blog news.

Funny anniversary scenes

1. Sketch-game “Dialogue of the body after drinking”

Make hoops on their heads with the name of each organ and distribute the words.

1. Brains: Oh, how bad! Eyes, open!

1.Eyes: Well, they opened. What, do you feel better?

1.Liver: Mommies, where am I?

2.Brains: Where - where!.. For now. But don't worry, you'll be cut out soon.

1.Black humor: Ha ha!

1.Memory: what happened yesterday? How much did we drink?

2.Memory: Do I remember? You knocked me out after the third glass.

1. Bladder: Guys, I need to go to the toilet!!!!

1. Legs: You'll get by! It's because of you that I have to trudge so far.

3. Brains: Okay, legs! I give the command: now we get up and leave. Eight in the morning, time to go to work.

1. Conscience: What about washing?

1. Stomach: And in the face? Where were you yesterday? Because of you they poured two liters into me

2. Conscience: Who poured it?

2. Legs: Arms, of course. Look how they are pounding now.

1.Ruki: You are all bastards! We have to work today, and you're kidding me.

4. Brains: Legs, don’t you understand? We get up and start heading to work.

2. Bladder: Legs, and go to the toilet! I'm not rubber.

3.Memory: I remembered! Yesterday was my birthday. There was still such nonsense in the language!

1.Language: No need to la-la. I spoke beautifully.

1. Lungs: Guys, cough, cough, we need some smoke.

2.Language: Right now! It was as if a squadron of hussars had spent the night in the mouth.

2. Liver: And also some kefir.

2. Hands: What a fool, what kind of kefir? We need a hundred grams. Otherwise, we refuse to work on principle today.

5. Brains: How tired of you all! Legs, drag your body to the bar. There should be half a bottle left


1 girl: Dear aunt...(Name) Congratulations on your anniversary! You have such an outfit that your eyes sparkle in it!

2nd girl: Your hands can do everything. You will take us into custody, you will go to our kindergarten, and sew dresses for our dolls.

Girl 3: Send me a pocket here, I’ll hide the candy in it, Otherwise Mishka will take it away, He pesters me all the time...

Boy: You pushed me in the back. I fell and tore my trouser leg... I'll scold you at home. Aunt... help me out.

Girl 4: And something bad happened to me, I found myself without panties. The rubber band shot straight away... Well, not in the eye...

1,2,3,4 together Like ours, Irishka lost her pants, Ay yay, hey, hey, what a happy anniversary.

Girl 4: (takes out large men's underpants from under her skirt) Don't look, I'm shy and I'm squeezing my knees. If they had put an elastic band in, I would have worn them again.

1 girl: Leave your panties on. Why did we come here?

1,2,3,together Aunt.._________________congratulate, kiss each other on the cheek!

Girl 2: Happy birthday, happy anniversary! Answer us quickly: Will there be a birthday cake? Well, who will do the cutting?

Girl 3: Will you give us a small piece, just to take a bite once?

Boy: Well, then we’ll play, And we’ll come back later for tea.

Girl 4: Keep your underpants (holds out underpants) Just insert an elastic band. They are big anyway, I stole them from my dad.

3. PORTRAIT (we draw a congratulation).

The host reads, the guest or guests take turns drawing what they are talking about. Sit back, our friend, birthday boy! Whether you want it or not, Let's draw your portrait now. We put a dot, and next to it a second one. Look, the eyes blinked slyly. We will draw a nose with a crooked comma... Funny, looks like a funny question. There is a place for a smile in a portrait, The most pleasant smile in the world. Let's cover everything with thick hair, And then our hero shook his head... From below we draw a large cucumber, Legs and arms - the little man is ready.

He waved his hand, walked around a little, and for some reason suddenly became depressed. He probably still wants something. For artists, that means there is still work to do. Let's draw him a kind heart, We'll put his feet in fashionable shoes. So that life doesn’t break it in half, a fragile little body is probably not enough: We will finish the strong core inside, We will pack everything into elastic muscles. The little man is silent, still nodding his head: Something is missing in life again. We will reward him with a strong voice, and a musical one, that’s what we want. So that a little man can be confident in life, we’ll draw a pocket on his cucumber, in the pocket there’s a big, big coin, and a very cool mobile phone handset. We’ll park the car, well, it’s very cool, so it can fit into the garage, it’s not very big. And a dacha by the sea and a sea of ​​luck So that our little man will be satisfied. Well, what can I wish for him? - Not to be sick, to confidently step out of the picture into our world, to go through life for another two hundred years!

More congratulations

Script for a corporate event with jokes

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A cheerful scenario for a corporate party is the key to a bright holiday with colleagues. After all, it’s not the salads on the table and beautiful outfits that create the mood. We present an original and fun scenario for a corporate party, which is suitable for any office party.

For a cool corporate event

A friendly team gathered.

Everyone forgot about the dress code,

About reports and work.

We'll dance until the morning,

Sing songs and rock!

Are you ready to have a good rest? To take on work on Monday with renewed vigor? Then let's start our corporate party! You are a single team, and this is what makes the company successful. I suggest testing your ability to act together in the next competition.

Competition "Catch the Ball"

For the competition, those present are divided into two teams. Each of them chooses a captain. The captains stand opposite the team, at a distance of 2-3 meters (marked by a line), they are given large baskets. There are a lot of balloons near each team and a line that they cannot cross. The task is to throw as many balls as possible into your captain's basket. They, in turn, should help, but not step over the line. Captains are also prohibited from touching the balls with their hands. 3-5 minutes are allotted to complete the task, the team with the most balls in the captain’s basket wins.

At this stage of the corporate party, you can invite everyone to the table. But the fun doesn't stop. After the guests have had a little refreshment, the entertainment can continue.

I know your boss is perfect. Understanding, generous, positive. And all employees easily find a common language with him and understand each other perfectly. The next game will confirm this!

Game "Deaf Dialogue"

The manager and subordinate are invited. The boss puts on headphones, and the subordinate asks the boss questions.

  • Can I take tomorrow off?
  • When will the salary increase be?
  • Why am I going on a business trip, and not Ivanov?

The boss, of course, doesn’t hear the questions. He can understand what he is being asked about only by the movement of his lips and facial expressions. However, the boss must answer. As a rule, the answers are “off topic”, and the dialogue turns out to be very funny.

Then the subordinate puts on the headphones, and the boss asks the questions. For example:

  • When will the report be?
  • Why don't you go to work on Saturday?
  • Why are you late again?

Then a new subordinate comes out and the fun is repeated, only with different questions.

There are no winners or losers, but small prizes can be awarded for the coolest answers.

You are a close-knit team, almost like a family. I suggest checking how well you know each other.

Game "Who are you?"

The driver is blindfolded. One of his colleagues sits on a chair in front of him. The driver's task is to guess who it is by feeling only his head. To complicate the task, you can use glasses, wigs, earrings, scarves. Then the one who was guessed becomes the driver. This is not a competition, so there are no winners. But everyone will have great fun!

Game "Fanta"

This is traditional entertainment for the holidays, and we couldn’t help but include it in our fun scenario for a corporate party. The rules are simple: guests, sitting at the table, pass each other a small ball or some round fruit to the music. Suddenly the music stops and the one who has the ball pulls a forfeit out of the box and completes the task.

Forfeits with tasks must be prepared in advance. For example:

It all depends on the company and imagination, however, respect the chain of command.

You know how to work well and have fun! I invite everyone to the dance floor.

During the disco, you can hold a dance competition to keep the atmosphere festive.

Competition "Dance like..."

To play the game, you need to prepare cards in advance with descriptions of objects or phenomena of the same topic. For example, for a corporate party in winter the following are suitable: snowflake, snowman, blizzard, sleigh. All pieces of paper with inscriptions are put into a box. Each participant pulls out one card and dances like... a snowflake, a sled, a snowman. Then you can determine the most original performer and give him some kind of prize.

During the dance block, you can play a team game.

Competition "Company Treasure"

The players are divided into two teams. Props will include cocktail straws for each participant, two bracelets, and a pair of chairs. The first player puts a straw in his mouth and puts a bracelet on it. Then, at the leader’s signal, the participants run to their chairs (they are 4-6 meters away), run around them and return back. They pass the bracelet to the next player - hands-free! The winner is the team that passes their decoration from the first to the last participant faster and does not drop it.

We have a very fun and vibrant corporate party, right? But can there be a holiday without gifts? Let's play the lottery and no one will be left without a present!

The presenter invites everyone to take turns pulling out a ball with a number that corresponds to the gift from the drum. Presentations must be prepared in advance and numbered. It is important that they be universal; the presenter suggests finding a hidden meaning in each souvenir.

  • Notepad - career growth,
  • Candlestick house - buying a cottage or house,
  • A magnet with a beautiful landscape - a journey,
  • Keychain – buying a new car, etc.


This is the end of our fun corporate party. I wish success and prosperity to the company, achievement of your goals and inspiration to each of you.

We hope you enjoyed our fun scenario for a corporate event. We wish you a bright party!

Scenario for a corporate party “Let’s compliment each other”

In addition to joint calendar holidays, each team hosts corporate events on the occasion of the company’s birthday, professional holiday, especially successful contract, etc. Typically, such events are organized in the form of a buffet with congratulations from the management and performances by invited creative groups.

But, if you want to organize an evening with a game program and honoring employees, then this scenario for a corporate party “Let's compliment each other” will be very appropriate. The scenario includes corporate congratulations, entertainment, and team games that unite the entire team and create a high spirits for everyone.

Corporate party scenario.

The evening begins with B. Okudzhava’s song “Let’s compliment each other”

Host: Good evening, gentlemen! Isn't it true, wonderful words! And they fit perfectly with our evening, and you, of course, know that they belong to the pen of Bulat Okudzhava. This wonderful poet did not even imagine that the relevance of his words would only increase every year. Indeed, in our age of high speeds and crazy technologies, completely simple human concepts are fading into the background: communication with colleagues, intimate conversations with girlfriends, meetings around the fire with friends - they are being replaced by virtual and mobile communications. We live experiencing a constant lack of warmth, attention and ordinary human participation. However, everything is in our hands! And we have gathered here not to be sad, but to give each other this deficiency and be charged with its positive energy for future use!

A game for getting to know each other and bringing guests together “Truth in the Ball”

(you can watch the game or choose another option more suitable for the company in games for corporate parties)

A toast to rapprochement and acquaintance.

Presentation of humorous nominations to employees.

Presenter: Based on the results of this survey and questionnaire, which was conducted in advance, I am pleased to announce that this year each of you received the following nominations (see Option 2 here)…..

(diplomas or medals are awarded)

Host: Well, as they say, “the awards have found their heroes.” Tell me, what usually accompanies any celebration in addition to stormy applause and solemn fanfare?

Host: Of course, we haven’t prepared the presentation of beautiful and unusual bouquets, then we’ll collect them right here.

Team game “Bouquet and song collage”

This game is suitable for mass reach of guests, since here we will “collect” bouquets. To begin with, we call five or six of the most active guests and invite them to collect a bouquet of “flowers”, that is, recruit colleagues for their team dressed in a certain color of clothing: yellow, red, blue, orange, etc. The teams may turn out to be unequal in number - that’s okay. What matters is how they know how to demonstrate their talents. But first, let the presenter briefly tell you what each of the colors means. For example, green is the color of health, optimism and hope. Can you tell the “green” team how they are doing with hope and health, etc. then the teams receive one paper daisy, on the back of which are written lines from poems and songs that mention flowers or colors, as well as the names of excerpts for the team “color” dance. The teams themselves decide who reads the poem, who sings, but they all perform the dance to the song where their color is mentioned (the music is provided by a DJ). Thus, each team gives its own small concert. The winners are determined by applause.

Game with the audience “Let's give compliments”

Host: As we see flowers, they are truly a unique gift. Only compliments can compare with them. Shall we exchange?

Men say adjectives that describe women beginning with the letter “F,” and women praise men with the letter “M.” The last one to answer wins.

Host: You noticed that men were still a little more inventive, apparently they have more experience, and maybe more imagination. After all, when a man seeks the favor of a lady he likes, he is sometimes magically inventive. I would like to ask: men, what qualities do you attribute to the ideal woman in your fantasies?

Answers follow, among which the presenter literally seizes on the word “weak.”

Host: Well, since a woman is weak, then a real man, in my opinion, is the one with whom she can afford this quality. Let's get creative! You strong men, what wish of a weak beloved woman would you fulfill if God gave you the power to create magic?!

Of course, men begin to fantasize. In this case, the presenter must work not just as a commentator, but also make sure that the ladies present express their opinion about male fantasies.

Song compliments between the male and female half of the team.

Host: How wonderful men are as wizards, aren’t they, ladies! Let's reward them for their good intentions with at least applause! Of course, if the ladies wish, you can kiss them on the cheek! However, I dare to remind you that the main goal of our evening is “to compliment each other”! That's why I'm announcing a “compliment auction”! I will ask you to remember all the poems and songs where a man or woman declares their love.

For example, song compliments. The female half of the hall suggests: “Oh, what a man he was, a real colonel.” And the male one replies: “Oh, this girl drove me crazy, broke my heart. “

If the audience is ready to exchange poetic compliments, then carry out this option:

Men: “I loved you silently, hopelessly...” The ladies do not remain in debt and quote Tsvetaeva: “Thank you with my heart and hand for being with me - without knowing it yourself! - love it so much. " The one who utters the last compliment wins.

There is no need to rush people here; on the contrary, stock up on tips and encourage guests to make as many quotes as possible. Those who remember the most beautiful or witty quotes can be given small gifts.

Host: Isn’t it true, poetry tunes our souls in a special way! However, music has a similar influence on us. It is not for nothing that these two manifestations of human sensitivity get along so well with each other and give birth to a song.

Concert number - a song about love.

Corporate table chant “Let's be happy?! Hooray!"

Host: Mutual compliments have already given us many pleasant moments, haven’t they? Perhaps someone already wanted to scream with happiness?! I propose to do this according to the rules of corporate ethics: amicably and with enthusiasm. I read out the quatrain, and after my words “Let’s be happy,” you all shout loudly: “Hurray!”

Paraphrases about different things

Characters : heroes of the fairy tale “Turnip”. Roles are distributed to everyone, starting from the first participant, regardless of gender and age, which makes the scene very fun. For example, a man can be a grandmother, and a large woman can be a mouse.


  • cognac - a small bottle;
  • champagne regular bottle;
  • hat with ear flaps - grandfather;
  • headscarf - grandma;
  • headband with pigtails - for granddaughter;
  • collar and leash for the dog Zhuchka;
  • for a cat - a headband with ears;
  • for a mouse - antennae and a mouse nose (you can draw it).

Host: Let's, friends, remember the Russian folk tale about the turnip. And at the same time let’s play it! Do you agree? So, let's distribute the roles.

The host reads the text, the guests perform the actions.

Presenter: (puts a small bottle of cognac on the table near Grandfather): Grandfather planted a turnip.

Grandfather pretends to sit the bottle down and watch it.

Presenter: The turnip has grown big and big!

The presenter exchanges cognac for champagne.

Host: It's time to harvest. The grandfather grabbed the turnip, pulled and pulled, but couldn’t pull it out. Grandfather called grandma.

The grandfather waves his hand and the neighbor, playing the role of the grandmother, grabs his belt.

Presenter: They pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out. The grandmother called her granddaughter.

The next participant will join the game.

Presenter: They pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out! The granddaughter called Zhuchka.

Zhuchka joins..

Presenter: They pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out. Bug called the cat.

The cat approaches.

Presenter: They pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out. The cat called the mouse.

The mouse grabs the cat.

Presenter: They pull and pull... They pull!

Grandfather takes the bottle.

Host: Eh, no! Did you think everything was so easy? Now let’s show this same fairy tale to our viewers with different emotions. So, grandfather, you are constantly confused. Grandma, you don’t have time, you’re always in a hurry. Granddaughter, you are lazy and lazy. Bug, you're always trying to steal something! Cat, you are a white-haired woman and an intellectual. You don't want to get your paws dirty. Well, you mouse is an alarmist! You're the only one allowed to scream at the end of the scene!

The presenter tells the story again. Participants include specified emotions, making guests laugh. And the last cry of the mouse will cause everyone to laugh!

At the end, champagne is poured into glasses and the host makes a toast for the heroes of the occasion:

Host: Our heroes wish you to lead a wonderful life and experience certain emotions at the right time and for the right reason, and not at all like in this funny fairy tale!

  • Birthday - themed collection
  • Wedding - thematic selection
  • Scenarios and skits - thematic selection


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