Fairy tales remade in a modern way for the New Year. Project (6th grade) on the topic

How would you like to, having worked properly for a whole year, finally, at the end of it, have a corporate rest so that this event will be remembered for a long time, if not forever!

It’s no secret that New Year’s corporate parties can charge you with a real storm of positive emotions and give new strength for work feats for the next year! We have developed exclusive corporate party jokes especially for you! We are sure that these funny, amusing jokes will bring any team together even more! We highly recommend capturing everything that happens on video! Happy New Year! And have a wonderful celebration!

New Year's sketches funny for adults short

how news is born: a cool short scene


— Good evening, dear guests of our holiday, I hasten to note that we have already been waiting for some sensational news. Where did they come from and how to find them? We'll find out right now! (We prepare a stencil in advance, cut the paper into pieces and place it in a magic hat. For the convenience of the competition, we attach a ready-made template. It can be supplemented or printed several times.).


So what do we see? On a piece of paper we have blanks with phrases consisting of a set of words. For example: Table, Lamp, Cafe, Boot. From these words you need to collect sensational news that will excite our entire district. Words can be declined, combined into phrases, and used in “news” several times. Let's go! The magic hat goes to the first participant!

we talk about love and show it: a cool skit competition


- Gentlemen, answer my question: did everyone come here with their significant other? (until the guests begin to raise their hands and shout out yes/no, you can get an idea of ​​the further course of the dialogue with the viewer). I suggest moving on to the next scene, which is called “Uninhibited Love.”


— I need 6-8 people from the audience who will participate in a mini skit.

While everyone is choosing suitable participants, the host explains that these should be people who can freely talk about their feelings. The essence of the competition is as follows: participants sit in a row on chairs. Then, at the command of the leader, the first participant turns towards his neighbor and remembers what he likes/dislikes about his neighbor (ear, left pocket, protruding handkerchief, etc.).


(Addresses the first participant) Pay attention to your neighbor. See what is suspicious about him, and what do you like? You need to remember this.

Guests examine their neighbor on the right and remember. All contestants are interviewed in this way.


- And now, starting with you (the first participant), we will find out what you didn’t like about your neighbor?

Guest #1 (example):

— I didn’t like his curly lock of hair!


- Now stroke this fatal lock of hair! Maybe it will become even. It’s good that you didn’t like only his strand, otherwise you’d have to completely make amends for your neighbor.

And after, the presenter remembers the spoken phrases and gives each participant a task: kiss what they didn’t like (for example, the ear), tickle what they liked. The action can be modified, supplemented and fantasized according to circumstances.

group portrait: funny scene competition

From 3 to 5 people can participate in the skit. Portrait artists are blindfolded, each is given a felt-tip pen and passed around a blank A4 sheet. Each participant draws part of the New Year's picture. After completing the masterpiece, everyone tells what they drew and why.

Funny competition No. 3 “Sweet kiss!”

To conduct it, several participants are called in pairs.

The number of men and women must be equal. Each couple is given a balloon, on which the young man, looking at his couple, draws with a marker the eyes and lips of his partner in the competition.

To the music and at the command of the leader, the balls are placed between the faces in each pair. A woman can hold it with her forehead, nose, cheek or lips. Women's hands are behind their backs. Do not touch the ball. But the partner holds the ball with his hands, like the face of his beloved girl, and chews the ball with a kiss, or rather with his teeth.

From the outside it looks like a passionate kiss! Whoever bursts faster, and whoever does it more believably and artistically, wins the New Year's contest “Sweet Kiss!” The winning couple is rewarded with a slow romantic dance.

Short New Year's skits for adults

games for drunk company

In a heated company, several participants are selected (from 3 to 6). They go on stage and sit in a row or in a circle on chairs. The presenter places a Christmas tree toy (preferably a plastic ball so as not to break it) on the laps of the first participant. Next, this toy must be passed through all the sitting comrades, but on the condition that no one uses their hands. The one whose ball falls is out.

cool competition game

It is advisable to hold the competition after the first or second toast. To participate, you need three people, three chairs, three spoons and 3 chicken eggs (can be replaced with wooden or plastic ones). Contestants stand in front of the stop line, take a spoon in their teeth, and place an egg on it. In this form, you need to run to the chair as quickly as possible, go around it, and come back as quickly as possible. In this case, the egg and spoon should remain in place. During the competition, there are 3 races, but as a rule, the winner is visible already in the first lap.

lambada trend

This is a competition game for the entertainment of a less active public. Lambada-style music plays, the host announces a new competition that will amuse everyone and at the same time set everyone in motion.

To attract as many people as possible, the toastmaster lures participants with the following phrases:

  • whoever joins the round dance now will live without grief and troubles;
  • whoever becomes the next participant will become rich and generous;
  • the next participant will become famous in the coming year. Does anyone want to become famous?;
  • Now the most fashionable and stylish people are joining the dance;
  • and now it’s time for the most beautiful, most charming ladies!

Party in the style of Russian fairy tales “In the Far Far Away Kingdom”

Themed parties are becoming more and more popular; they have long become a good alternative to banal and boring feasts. If you are tired of hackneyed holiday ideas, we offer a rather unusual option for organizing a celebration - a party in the style of Russian fairy tales. It will take you to a wonderful childhood, where, at the behest of a pike, the most extraordinary fantasies were fulfilled.
The topic will be very close to everyone, because we all grew up on these fairy tales. Everyone in childhood associated themselves with some fairy-tale character, imagined their own castle or dreamed of having supernatural powers. Going into the world of magic and adventure, let's take a closer look at the organizational aspects and scenario.


It all depends on your company’s preferences, available budget and time of year.

If you plan to use a lot of decorations, then it is better to hold the holiday indoors. Accordingly, whether it is winter or summer does not matter in this case. A banquet hall of a restaurant, cafe, bar, nightclub or country cottage is perfect for a party. If there are only a few invitees, you can organize a party in an apartment.

If it’s outdoors, then look for a clearing in the forest, near a river, or gather in a park area. You can prepare a fabulous transportation for your guests - in a horse-drawn carriage or cart.


Original invitations will put all guests in a positive mood long before the party starts. Therefore, be sure to pay special attention to this point.

There are several options for designing invitations:

  • Make a pop-up card, the front of which will have an illustration of any Russian fairy tale or a specific character with whom you associate the guest.

  • On antique-effect paper, use an ink pen to write the text of the invitation, roll it up like a scroll and tie it with a stiff rope (string). This is how important messages were conveyed in tsarist times.

  • Write a letter on bright paper, roll it up and hide it in a matryoshka doll. Such a pre-holiday souvenir will remind you of a trip to a fairy tale for a long time.

Indicate the date, time and place of the celebration on the invitation. Don't forget to emphasize the mandatory presence of a themed costume.

We offer a ready-made invitation text:

“We caught a goldfish here. We will stuff it like the last pike! So roll your peas faster (for girls, get a broom). If you arrive at four to midnight on such and such a date, you will have time to make a wish! If not, Ilya will make a wish for you: “I got up for the first time in 33 years” Muromets!”

Greet your guests with the legendary phrase: “Taste the heroic strength!”, and then capture them in a very tight hug !

Interior decoration

The main task of decoration is to create an atmosphere that best characterizes Russian fairy tales. If you do not plan to stick to the theme of one specific work, we offer the option of zoning the room.

Conventionally divide the festive hall into several parts, where you place attributes that correspond to the given styles, then all the guests from different fairy tales will be “in the know.”

Let us dwell more specifically on the props in the styles of different fairy tales.

  • Far Away Kingdom: wooden lampshades, benches covered with expensive carpets, a chest of gold, a samovar, a royal throne.
  • Mystical forest: tree branches, large flowerpots with flowers, a hut on chicken legs, a stupa, a tall broom, figures and outlines of ghostly castles.
  • Village hut: Russian stove, poker, accordion, balalaika, bast shoes made of wicker, wicker baskets, bundles of onions.

Spare no expense in making themed banners. Do not use images of characters from Russian fairy tales for posters; there will be enough of them at the party. It’s better to print out drawings of a fairy-tale palace, a hut on chicken legs, a Russian stove, an oak tree with a golden chain, a mansion or a Russian landscape. Let the banners complement the decorations, and against their background you will get very impressive photographs.

Use in the stylization of the room and unifying elements of Russian decor, for example, garlands of flowers and herbs, traditional Pavlovo Posad shawls. Use small lanterns to create a magical atmosphere.

Place all decorations along the walls, as there should be enough space for games and other entertainment.


What an abundance of characters from Russian fairy tales! Transform yourself into your favorite and closest-in-spirit hero, then you will feel “at ease.” Try to maximize your creativity in preparing your costume. Think through everything down to the smallest detail, from makeup to shoes, so that the image is easily recognizable. If you don’t want to make a suit yourself, rent or use the services of a tailor. Guests who come in pairs will look very harmonious if they are from the same fairy tale.

Characters of Russian folk tales:

  • Dobrynya Nikitich, Ilya Muromets, Alyosha Popovich;
  • Snow Maiden, Marya Morevna, Vasilisa the Beautiful;
  • Fox Patrikeevna, Mishka Kosolapy, Gray Wolf;
  • Baba Yaga, Bolotnitsa, Cat Bayun, Koschey the Immortal, Serpent Gorynych;
  • Firebird, Frog Princess.

Characters of original Russian fairy tales:

  • Dunno, Znayka, Button, Sineglazka;
  • Pinocchio, Malvina, fox Alice, cat Basilio;
  • Tsar Saltan, Tsar Guidon, Swan Princess, Shamakhan Queen;
  • Aibolit.

Make sure that there are no repeating characters at the fairy-tale party, because the choice is quite large. Let each guest tell you the chosen image in advance, and you tell them if such a character already exists in your common fairy tale.

The exception is that two from the casket are identical in appearance. Very colorful characters. If there are two cheerful scumbags for this role, the holiday will only benefit!

You can see some more interesting images for a fairy tale party here.

Party menu or feast for the whole world!

Whatever fairy-tale characters attend the party, the treats must be at the highest level. Remember about the self-assembled tablecloth? Just imagine a rich royal table, bursting with an abundance of all kinds of delicacies!

It doesn't matter whether you opt for a simple meal or choose the buffet option, there should be plenty of food. Cover the table with a white or red embroidered tablecloth, decorate it with fresh flowers, wild herbs, and delicate tree branches. Roll the napkins into a roll, decorate with a flower and tie with a ribbon. Use painted wooden or clay dishes to serve treats. Present baked goods and fruits in wicker baskets. Pour the drinks into clay jugs.

The menu can be composed of traditional Russian dishes, so as not to stray too far from the theme of the holiday.

The main royal dishes can be baked suckling pig, goose, pike, game, potatoes, mushrooms, red caviar and all kinds of pickles.

For dessert, you can’t do without pancakes with different fillings, pies made from yeast dough, gingerbread, bagels, jam and honey.

Drinks that suit the theme of the party include tea from a samovar, kvass, fruit drink, mead and vodka.

Entertainment program: games and competitions

Make sure that your party budget allows you to hire a professional host or event organizer. Don't forget about the photographer!

"Who sat on my chair"

This is a well-known fun game, without which no holiday would probably be complete. Everyone is welcome to participate. Chairs are placed in a circle or randomly around the hall; there should be one less of them than the number of players. The music turns on, everyone dances, but as soon as the music stops, you need to sit down. Anyone who does not have time to land on a chair is eliminated from the game, taking this piece of furniture with them. The game lasts until only the smartest one remains. He becomes the winner.

"Guess who"

Anyone who wants can participate. The presenter chooses one of those who wish, and wishes him a fairy-tale character or the name of a fairy tale. You need to show what you have in mind without uttering a sound. Which of the guests guesses is shown to the next task. This game has no winners.

“It flowed down my mustache, but didn’t get into my mouth.”

Both girls and boys can take part. An equal number of containers of alcohol are placed in front of the players. Use a glass, cup, glass, bottle or even a plate. Just don't pour too much! The task of the competitors is to empty all the dishes as quickly as possible without using their hands. The winner is the one who completes the task faster. If several people drink everything at the same time, determine the winner by assessing the amount spilled.


Divide the participants (it is better to choose guys) into two equal teams. Organize a traditional tug-of-war with a fake turnip tied in the middle. Instead of a turnip, you can tie incentive prizes to the rope. The team that “pulls out the turnip” wins.

"Free the Princess"

Couples of the opposite sex take part in this competition; there can be any number of them. The guys cover their eyes with dark scarves. The presenter ties the girls an equal number of ribbons on different parts of the body, but do not tie strong knots. You can tie ribbons on the wrist, waist, thigh, neck or ankle. The guys need to blindly find all the ribbons and untie them with their mouths. The pair that completes the task faster wins.

"Baba Yaga's Broom"

A fun game for the whole company. The host gives each of the guests a tall broom. Accompanied by music and dancing, guests pass this equipment to each other, without any sequence or queue. Suddenly the music stops, and the person holding the broom must perform a dance or, for example, fulfill the wish of the one who gave him Baba Yaga's transport. Then the transfer of the broom continues again. Award prizes to everyone who completed the task.

In between active competitions and games, conduct quizzes on your knowledge of Russian fairy tales and storytellers.

“From what fairy tale?”

The host names characters from Russian fairy tales, and guests guess the names of literary works. Whoever is the first to correctly name the fairy tale gets the answer counted. Count which of the participants gave the most correct answers, and he will be the winner. Selection of characters:

  • Yalo, Abazh, Yagupop (“Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors”)
  • Ellie, Toto, Tin Woodman (“The Wizard of Oz”)
  • Volka Kostylkov (“Old Man Hottabych”)
  • Gunka, Donut, Pilyulkin (“Dunno and His Friends”)
  • Carpenter Giuseppe (“The Golden Key, or The Adventures of Pinocchio”)
  • Mistress of the Copper Mountain, Danila the Master, Katenka (“Stone Flower”)
  • Shamakhan Queen, King Dadon (“The Tale of the Golden Cockerel”)
  • Dr. Gaspar Arneri, heir to Tutti, Suok ("Three Fat Men")
  • Mikhailo Ivanovich, Nastasya Petrovna, Mishutka (“Three Bears”)
  • Grandmother bee, beautiful butterfly, little mosquito (“Fly Tsokotukha”)

"Who is author?"

Party guests are invited to guess the authors of famous Russian fairy tales. The winner of the quiz is the participant who is the first to give the most correct answers. So, the task options:

  • “The Scarlet Flower” (S. T. Aksakov)
  • “The Little Humpbacked Horse” (P. P. Ershov)
  • “The Stolen Sun” (K. I. Chukovsky)
  • “Porridge from an Axe” (folk tale)
  • “Puss in Boots” (V. A. Zhukovsky)
  • “The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda” (A. S. Pushkin)
  • “Malachite Box” (P. P. Bazhov)
  • “The Adventures of Dunno” (N. N. Nosov)
  • "Nikita Kozhemyaka" (folk tale)

We suggest including some enchanting show . Invite a dance show-ballet (in a fairytale style) to the party or order a fire show. Vivid impressions are guaranteed!

Despite the abundance of choice of Russian fairy tale characters and such a rich stock of the works themselves, it is possible that at the party there will be heroes of the same fairy tale. This way you can determine the most popular fairy tale among guests. Make a nomination for “Hero of your favorite fairy tale.”

Organize a competition for the most interesting outfits among men and women. Conduct a secret vote: let all those invited, after taking a good look at each other, write the names of the best on a piece of paper.

Awarding the winners of all competitions and competitions in the best fairy tale traditions. These can be symbolic postcards or calendars with fairy tale characters, painted boxes in the old Russian style, nesting dolls or books with fairy tales.

Musical accompaniment

Using music from filmed fairy tales is suitable. For example, “Pinocchio”, “Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin the Serpent”, “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”, “Stone Flower”. Use this music as background music when meeting guests, at a festive feast and during competitions. You can also greet the winners of competitions with songs about their theme character. For the dance part of the party there will be more acceptable music in the disco style, or songs from Russian cartoons arranged by a DJ.

Soon the fairy tale will tell, but not soon the party will be organized! So start preparing early!

Author: Victoria Sirotenko

Cool New Year's scene for a corporate party

everyone dancing scene


We have known you for more than half an evening, but I still don’t know which of you dances the best. Now I need five participants in the dance scene (three are possible, it all depends on the number of guests). I will whisper a task in each of you’s ears.

  • Participant No. 1, the presenter says: dance without using your legs;
  • Participant No. 2, the presenter says: dance with a chair;
  • Participant No. 3, the presenter says: dance without using your hands;
  • Participant No. 4, the presenter says: dance with your face;
  • Participant No. 5, the presenter says: dance with a scarf.


On command, I turn on the music and say the participant’s number, at this moment you must move according to the task.

  • Participant #1! — (A. Revva’s song “Tudym syudym” is turned on);
  • Participant number 2! - (the song Joe Cocker - You Can Leave Your Hat On is included);
  • Participant #3! - (Natalie’s song is turned on - Oh, God, what a man!);
  • Participant number 4! — (Verka Serduchka’s song “Everything will be fine” is turned on. Excerpt from the words “I’ll go to the little gardens and eat some worms...”);
  • Participant number 5! - (Lezginka turns on).

The best participant in the musical scene is determined by the audience. Whoever receives the most applause, whistles, and stomps takes 1st place.

body with a hangover: morning of January 1

In advance, signs with the names of the organs are placed on the participants’ heads. Imagine that you woke up after New Year 2022. What will be the first thoughts of your body? Let's find out now. Participants (sit with signs on, the presenter names the order of the organs, listen to the conversation).

Presenter: the morning after a merry New Year. Brain: Lord, I haven’t felt this bad in a long time! Eyelids, open! Presenter: The eyes blinked in displeasure and opened : Eyes: Let's say we opened. What? Do you feel better? Host: The liver also woke up. Liver: Who am I? Where did I end up? Host: The brain supported. Brain: Where, where? Nowhere yet, but soon you'll go to the trash heap!; Host: The eyes continued the interrogation. Eyes: We saw, we drank together yesterday... But in the end, we didn’t see how much... Host: Memory joined the conversation. Memory : What, me? After the third glass, I was already passed out... Host: Then the Kidneys intervened. Kidneys: We're about to burst, we want to go to the toilet!!! Presenter: Legs exclaimed angrily. Legs: This wasn’t enough... we haven’t left yet after the dance, now we’re dragging ourselves to the back of the house again! Host: The brain commanded. Brain: Legs! Listen carefully: we all have to get up for work tomorrow at 7.00 am. Host: Conscience made its own adjustments out of surprise. Conscience: Come on, we’ll wash ourselves first. Host: The stomach was indignant and joined the conversation. The stomach: “First, let’s wash ourselves.” First you'll get it in the face, do you even know that because of you they gave me three liters!!! Host: Conscience decided to bring some sense into the Stomach. Conscience : Remember who poured it for you? Host: And then the legs intervened for all the organs. Legs: Who poured it? Hands, of course. Look how cowardly they are now. Host: Ruki look at each other and swear, remembering yesterday... Ruki: Yesterday everyone was fine, but today they are not. And you bastards are kidding me. Host: The brain perked up. Brain: Legs, get everyone to work! 30 minutes left until exit! Host: The kidneys sounded the alarm. Kidneys: Dear legs, please go to the toilet! Otherwise, we're about to burst! Memory : Oh! I seem to remember. Yesterday was New Year... There was also a tongue in the company with us... He said such nonsense! Presenter: The tongue responded and began to argue something. Language: There’s no need to slander! I stated smart things and to the point. Host: Suddenly the Lungs turned on. Lungs: Comrades, how about some smoke? Language: Are you crazy! In my cockpit, a herd of cats spent the night! Presenter: The liver made a proposal. Liver: Maybe we can go our separate ways on mineral glasses? Host: Hands waved in displeasure. Hands: Are you completely crazy? We should remember yesterday, otherwise there will be no work. Presenter: The wise Brain saved everyone. Brain: Memory whispered to me that we still had a bottle of champagne left from yesterday! Legs, lead everyone to the table, let's celebrate again!

New fairy tale for the New Year The Snow Queen

main characters of the fairy tale The Snow Queen

Scene 1 Presenter: There lived a family in the city: Gerda with her grandmother and Kai. They listened to music, made snowballs and played on the computer. Action in the room. Kai is at the computer, Gerda is sitting next to him. Gerda: Well, shall we play another tour? Kai: Come on. Grandmother: Children, go play outside while I finish printing the document. Kai: Grandma, well, they play on the computer, not type. What should we do on the street? It's boring there. The sound of the doorbell. Grandma: Kai, open it. The boy runs away. The sound of a door opening. The Snow Queen enters. Queen: I'm taking Kai away from you. I need to figure out a password on my computer, but yours is smart. Grandmother and Gerda take out machine guns, pointing them at the Queen. She points a gun at Kai and slowly leaves the apartment with it. Grandmother: Granddaughter, call the police urgently! Gerda: Oh, grandma, don’t worry. I can find everything I need on the Internet. Scene 2 There is a car on the stage (two chairs nearby). Gerda is driving in the car. An old woman stops her on the road. Old woman: Girl, I see you’re sad. Tired from lessons, perhaps? Come and have tea with me, relax. Gerda: I’m really tired. Spent a lot of time on the computer. I'll come in, I guess. Old woman: Now I’ll treat you to one delicious cocktail. He moves further, throws the ingredients and whispers:

The old woman gives the girl a treat and she falls asleep. Then he wakes up. Gerda: Where am I? Who am I? Yes, a smartphone. I'll go on social media. Yeah, so I’m Gerda! Where is my Kai? We need to find him. He runs away and rides in a car. Gerda: Lord, what ice! The car is carried away. Stops. The local punks come out and take the girl and tie her up. Bandit: Daughter, come here! You will be guarding this lady over there. And we went to celebrate! Robber (to Gerda): It’s amazing what makeup you have! And a manicure. And a tablet. A new version? Well, tell me how to remove the blocking! Gerda: Will you let me go? Robber: Okay. Just leave me the tablet. He unties Gerda and she runs away. Scene 3 Kai is sitting at the Snow Queen’s computer, looking at one point and trying to figure out something. Gerda jumps up to him. Gerda: Kai, let's run. Kai: Girl, leave me alone. I want to get rich. Queen: Oh, what unexpected guests! Casts a spell:

The Queen leaves, and Gerda sits next to Kai, also looking at one point. Gerda (in a strange voice): Boy, what holiday is it today? Kai: Most likely New Year. Gerda: Let's enter this word as a code. Kai enters the code. He comes up. A boy and a girl stand up and hold hands. Queen: Oh no, that's not the code! This one will break my spell! Music plays, everyone shouts “Happy New Year!”

Funny New Year's tales by role

Kolobok in a new way script

scenery props, characters

storyteller's words

words of the hero hare: words of the evil wolf

words of a forest bear: words of a sly fox

the ending is known

Impromptu fairy tales for a fun company

The guests had been sitting at the table for a long time; several toasts were made to warm up. It's time to start competitions and skits. Fairy tales and skits are designed for a large, cheerful group. We offer several rework scenarios. If desired, you can prepare for them in advance, rehearse and prepare the appropriate details.

groom for Thumbelina: an old fairy tale in a new way

Host: Ladies and gentlemen! Let's move briefly to the first-grader's bench, where we remember our favorite fairy tales. Does anyone else remember “Thumbelina?”, what happened to her? (while the guests announce the known ending, the presenter continues to warm up the room). Right now we will see the continuation of our favorite fairy tale, 10 years later.

characters of the new fairy tale

A plump Thumbelina slowly rolls onto the stage. She is wearing a crackling military uniform, and her suitors are walking behind her: the Mole, the Beetle, the Prince and the jumping Frog.

words of a modern heroine

mole's words

frog's words

beetle words

happy fairy tale ending

Babki-Hedgehogs scene

grandmas song hedgehog text

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