Games and competitions for Halloween - fun and funny

Halloween is a bright and unusual holiday that is quickly gaining popularity among young people in Slavic countries. This is not surprising, because the carnival holiday attracts with its interesting traditions and original surroundings. However, funny competitions with elements of horror films fit quite organically into the domestic mentality.

The origins of Halloween go back to the Celtic tribes. Previously, the Celts celebrated this holiday as the beginning of the next year. According to pagans, on this day all supernatural creatures, spirits and other evil spirits appear in the world of living people. Then, with the advent of Christianity, Halloween acquired a new status - people began to celebrate All Saints' Day.

In Russia, it is customary to celebrate Halloween by dressing up as evil spirits and heroes of horror films. That is why young people liked the holiday so much.

Increasingly, theme parties, mass celebrations around the city and exciting show programs are being organized. On this day, unusual and terrifying quizzes, sweepstakes, competitions, and games are held.

The Mystery of Destiny

The presenter gives the participants their new characteristics: cards with the inscription (for example, vampire, demon, sorcerer, werewolf) are fixed on the backs of the players. At the same time, everyone can read the names of the others, but cannot find out who they are. During the allotted time, players can ask questions about their “rank” to others, and answer others’ questions only “yes” or “no.” At the end, the players tell the host what they think is written on the card. Those who guessed correctly or were closest to the solution win.

Catching apples from a barrel with your mouth

This traditional British game has been around for centuries. The British love the apple catching competition so much that they hold it not only on Halloween. As William Pokhlebkin explains in his book “Kitchen of the Century,” the game is traditionally held on November 5—Guy Fawkes Night.

How to hold a competition to catch apples from a barrel with your mouth on Halloween? Here are the rules of the game:

  1. Prepare a large container. A barrel, a large saucepan, or a basin will do.
  2. Pour water at a comfortable temperature into it.
  3. Throw pre-washed apples into the container.
  4. At the leader’s command, catch the apples with your mouth.
  5. The one who manages to get the fruit the fastest wins.

You can catch apples for a while. Then the one who gets the most apples in one game session (30 seconds, a minute) wins.

Halloween Contests for Adults: Flickr

The most terrible death

Competition for the best horror story and fantasy. Each of the participants in turn must tell the most terrible story of death, for example, A man was flying on a plane, but then his heart stopped, but he was saved, suddenly the plane got into a storm and the engine began to burn, the man jumped out of the plane with a parachute, the parachute did not open , but after the 10th try it still worked, but then lightning struck and hit the man directly, he was killed, but a few seconds later he woke up, got caught on tree branches, suddenly a kite flew in and began to peck at him, but then the branches broke and the man fell into the sea, began to swim to the shore, and then a shark bit off his leg, but the man was able to get to the shore, began to lose consciousness from loss of blood, but still made it to his home, bandaged his wounds and poured tea for himself and died. And the whole point is that his wife mixed a strong poison into the sugar bowl. End. Which of the guys (based on voting) can write the scariest, most interesting and longest story will receive a prize.

Fun for Halloween

Get the apple out of the water

The difficulty of the task is that it needs to be done without using your hands. You will need a large plastic container, which is washed and filled with boiled water. Several apples are placed in it, which you must try to catch with your teeth. The winner is the one who gets the fruit first. Another option: so that no one is offended, each child must catch one apple. Adults control the progress of the game.

Pumpkin Explosion

Each child can pop a pumpkin-shaped balloon and, if luck smiles, receive a small sweet gift.

The game requires preliminary preparation, you need to take:

  • Styrofoam,
  • burlap or any suitable fabric (about two meters),
  • Double-sided tape,
  • hooks,
  • small orange balloons (their number depends on the number of guests),
  • confetti, small candies,
  • green paper,
  • sharp objects that will serve as arrows (darts or fountain pens).

Sequence of work:

  • The base is made of polystyrene foam and draped with fabric. It can be glued to the wall with tape or attached using Velcro hooks.
  • Balloons are filled with sweets and confetti. This can be conveniently done using a funnel. To make the game resemble a lottery, you can leave some of them empty or put pieces of paper with wishes inside.
  • Inflated pumpkin-shaped balloons are attached to the base with tape. A green paper spine is glued to the top.
  • The end of the improvised “arrow” is also decorated with green paper. This makes it easier to hold and easier to find on the floor.

Since the game uses piercing objects, it must be played by adults.

Hit the pumpkin

Cut the pumpkin into a bowl shape and line its inner surface with foil. Leave the top hole wide enough. The child moves a couple of meters away from the pumpkin and tries to throw small coins into it. For each accurate hit, a candy is awarded.

Guess the weight of the pumpkin

Children are shown a large pumpkin and asked to guess how much this vegetable might weigh by writing down their version on paper. The one whose version is closest to the truth wins.

Pumpkin bowling

To play, you need a small pumpkin, several plastic bottles with a volume of one or two liters, and a ribbon that will mark the start. “Skittles” can be made heavier by pouring sand or rice into them and decorated in a holiday style.

Save yourself who can

Participants dance to cheerful music, but as soon as the leader shouts: “Here comes a monster!”, they must quickly freeze.

The evil spirits are listening to you

This game is reminiscent of the well-known “broken phone”. Participants in the dark whisper along the chain the phrase that the leader tells them. This needs to be done as accurately as possible. To ensure that the game action fits into the festive atmosphere, phrases of a certain theme are used. For example, “We will eat you”, “Save yourself who can”, “I will drink your blood” and others.

Terrible howl

The winner is the one who makes the most terrible scream or howl and scares everyone. When holding such scary Halloween contests at home, do not forget to warn your neighbors about this so that the holiday does not end in a conversation with the police.


Elimination game. Children sit in a circle in a dark room. One of them is given a flashlight that is turned on. The music plays, it should match the theme of the holiday and be a little creepy and exciting. Participants pass the flashlight from hand to hand until the music fades away. The one who has a flashlight at this moment leaves the game. The player who is left alone wins.


The game involves teams consisting of two people: the Mummy and the Egyptian. The Egyptian wraps the Mummy in toilet paper from head to toe (except for the face). To win, you need to not only do this faster than everyone else, but also be careful: the team whose paper is torn stops the game.

Ghost Hunt

It's unlikely that a kids' Halloween party would be complete without dancing, and this is a great dance competition for kids. From among the guests, they choose someone who wants to be a “ghost hunter” and blindfold him with a scarf. All the other children are ghosts. They dance and the hunter tries to catch them. The captured “ghost” begins to cry pitifully. If the hunter guesses by the voice who it is, then he changes places with the ghost; if he doesn’t guess, then he continues the game.

Sinister bag

To play, you need a small bag in which several “scary” objects are placed: a damp sponge, dried fruit, pumice stone, insects made from marmalade. The presenter tells the players the creepy story of how this bag came into his possession: he found it in an old cemetery, in a ruined house, and received it as a gift from a ghost. The first participant must, without looking, take something in the bag, but not take it out. His task is to come up with and tell a scary story about this item, and at the end of the story, take out the item and show it to the other players. Then the bag goes to another participant.

Trick-and-treat (tricks and treats)

First you need to prepare sweets for prizes: small chocolates, lollipops, waffles, bags of sweets, dragees, marmalade. The next step is to number them.

For this Halloween game for a group, you will need three types of cards:

  1. with prize numbers,
  2. with predictions (for example, “you will soon meet your soulmate,” “the black streak in your life will soon be replaced by a white one,” “you will finish the school year without C grades.” It’s better not to write bad predictions),
  3. with tasks:
  • Crow the rooster.
  • Picture a hooting owl.
  • Imagine yourself as a bat.
  • Scare everyone by screaming.
  • Show how zombies walk.
  • Make a scary face.

The participant selects a card with the prize number on it. The presenter shows him this prize and asks if the player wants to compete for it. If the answer is yes, then you need to draw a card from the pile with tasks. For completing the task, the participant receives the earned prize, as well as a fortune card.

Blowing a balloon

Two volunteers are blindfolded and seated opposite each other, having previously explained the goal of the game - to blow the balloon towards the enemy. The trick is that before giving the command to start the game, the presenter replaces the ball with a plate of flour, but the players, naturally, do not see this and have no idea about anything. On command, they begin to blow as hard as they can on the supposed balloon. The result of the competition is obvious. This game, as a rule, causes a storm of genuine emotions, both among players and spectators.

Take care of your eyes!

Two teams participate in the relay race. The players' task is to cover the path from start to finish, holding in their hand a tablespoon containing a tennis ball with a drawn pupil. If the “eye” falls, then the person who dropped it will have to go the distance from the beginning. The team whose members reach the finish line the fastest wins.


Props for the game:

  • paper,
  • tassel,
  • desk lamp,
  • lemon juice.

You need to prepare for this game in advance. On sheets of paper, using a brush and lemon juice, you need to write the answers to the questions: “yes”, “no”, “maybe”, as well as various numbers. The inscriptions will not be visible, this is how it should be. It is important to distribute the leaves into two groups: with numbers and words.

Guests gather around the table lamp and begin asking questions. The presenter needs to get the right piece of paper depending on the meaning of the question. If they ask: “What grade will I get on a test?”, you need an answer in the form of a number. If the answer involves a word, then you will need a piece of paper from another pile. The paper is brought to the “magic lamp”. The inscription made with lemon juice will become visible, and the guest will read the prediction.

Who's scarier?

Young artists must turn inflated balloons into frightening monsters. To do this, they will need multi-colored markers. The one whose ball turns out to be the scariest wins.

Road of Fear

Empty cardboard boxes should be filled with various objects: rustling plastic bags, dry leaves, wet moss, crumpled paper. A blindfolded volunteer is asked to walk barefoot along the path of fear, helping him move from one box to another.

Witch's Pantry

In a large room, you need to hide in secluded places as many ingredients for a witch's potion as possible: toy snakes, bats, worms, spiders and other animals. The players’ task is to find this “evil spirit” in a dark room (it is allowed to use the light of a flashlight or a mobile phone screen). To make the game more interesting, you can limit your time in the closet by telling the children that the witch is about to return. The participant who finds the most toys in the allotted time wins.

Make your way through the swamp

The floor of the room turns into a swamp. The participants' task is to move around it using sheets of A4 paper. Standing on the first sheet, the child leans back to take the second one, places it in front of him and takes a step. Thus, you need to go the entire way without ever stepping foot outside the sheet. The one who stumbles is considered drowned in the swamp and is eliminated from the game.

Who is this?

Halloween contests for younger children should be less frightening. For example, you can ask them to solve riddles. The presenter reads riddles on the theme of the holiday: about Baba Yaga, an owl, a mouse, a pumpkin, a broom, and the night. Whoever names the most correct answers becomes the winner.


For this Halloween game for a group of five people, you need to have five boiled eggs. Each player is invited to take one egg from the box and break it on his forehead. According to the rules of the game announced to the players, one of them is raw, the rest are hard-boiled. The winner will be the owner of the raw egg - for courage. (The essence of this Halloween entertainment is that, in fact, all the eggs will be boiled, and the last of the participants is awarded because he was sure that his egg was definitely raw and was not afraid to seem funny).

Witch dance

Another original dance competition for Halloween. Those who wish are invited to turn into witches and show their ability to dance with a broom (a mop, broom, or floor brush will do). The players form a circle. While dancing to the music, the witches pass the broom to each other. The music suddenly stops, and the witch who is holding the broom at that moment leaves the game. The winner is the one who remains last.


On a piece of paper mounted on an easel, you need to draw the face of any character: a vampire, a mummy, a zombie. The essence of the competition is that this is done blindfolded. The “artist” whose portrait is closest to the original wins.

Find the bat

For the game, several animal figures are prepared in advance - made of fabric, cardboard, wood. They are hiding in the room. The participant's task is to find them. The presenter gives him hints: “far/close” or “cold/hot”.

Competitions with sayings

You need to prepare sheets of paper on which proverbs, sayings, aphorisms, phraseological units about various evil spirits are written.

There are two options for playing using them:

  • Pantomime. Children are divided into small teams, each of which receives a piece of paper with a statement. The participants' task is to portray it, and the rest - to guess this proverb or saying.
  • The presenter reads out half of the saying. Players must say its continuation. The participant who guesses the largest number of sayings wins.

You can use the following proverbs and sayings:

  • Not a candle for God, not a damn poker.
  • There would be a swamp, but there would be devils.
  • Still waters run deep.
  • The devil has contacted the baby.
  • The devil should go to the wedding, but he's afraid of the priest.
  • The devil has nothing to play with and just play with coal.
  • In the middle of nowhere.
  • Step through the door, and he's through the window.
  • He's afraid like hell of incense.
  • Sell ​​your soul to the devil.

Collect candy

You need to scatter small flat candies, such as M&Ms, on the table. Children must collect them through plastic straws by sucking in air.

Pumpkin crabs

To transform a child into such an animal you will need large pumpkins. Two teams are made up of children. The participants’ task is to lie on their stomachs on the pumpkin and, helping themselves to move with their arms and legs, walk a given distance and return back in the same way, passing the vegetable to the person next to them. The winners are those pumpkin crabs that managed to make it this way the fastest.

Chains for a ghost

Children are told a story about how ghosts live in old castles and frighten their inhabitants with the ringing of chains. Guests of the holiday are divided into two teams. Their task is to make a chain for the ghost from paper clips.

There are two game options:

  1. Teams receive a box of paper clips. The winner is the one who builds a chain out of them faster.
  2. Paper clips are placed on the table in a box. Teams are located at a certain distance from the table. Their participants take turns bringing a paperclip, but do this only if the previous “link” is already attached to the chain. The winner is the team whose chain is longer.

Scary face

Players compete to see who can make the scariest grimace. The winner can be given a small mirror as a prize.

Vampire's Dinner

For dinner, young vampires are invited to drink “blood” in a glass through a straw. Suitable drinks include tomato, cherry juice or cranberry juice. The first one to empty his glass wins.

Pitch darkness

Each participant in the competition is given a piece of foam plastic into which lit candles are inserted. The lights in the room are turned off and the command is given for the start of the competition. Whoever blows out the candles on their piece of Styrofoam first is declared the winner.

Who is the most dexterous?

Pour flour into a large bowl and insert the candy so that the edge of the wrapper sticks out. The player's task is to pull out the treat without using their hands, but without getting their face dirty. If this is successful, the participant receives a candy as a gift.

Makeup in the style of "Halloween"

Those who want to become make-up artists receive various decorative cosmetics: lipstick, blush, eye shadow, eyeliner. They select volunteers and paint their faces so that their makeup matches the theme of the holiday. The jury determines which makeup artist coped with the task best.

Best caster

Competition for the most terrible spell. Each participant needs to come up with a terrible spell and explain to the others how it works.

A very scary letter

If children already know how to read and work independently with paper, scissors and glue, you can offer them this game. Its participants are divided into teams and, taking newspapers and magazines, cut out letters and words from them, paste them on paper, thus composing a letter. The team whose message is the creepiest will win.

Running on chicken legs

Relay race. Team members take turns putting “chicken legs” made of foam rubber on their feet. They must reach the counter in them, run around it and return to their place. The team that completes this task the fastest wins.

Competition for the best costume

You can hold it at the end of the holiday.

If you recognize the object, don’t eat this disgusting thing

Guests sit in a circle with their eyes closed. The presenter throws some scary object into the circle over the hands, for example, a rubber spider or a toy rat, jaws (chewing candy) or a real chicken foot. Whichever of the guests is the first to place the object in his hands is a good fellow and leaves the circle. The last 3 participants who remained in the circle and did not guess a single item will be punished, for example, they will drink a glass of blood (tomato juice) or eat a spoonful of brains with their eyes closed (any salad or porridge).

Halloween Pranks


It is not recommended to play tricks on particularly impressionable people.

A mummy crypt is prepared in advance in the room. You need to turn off the electric lights and light the candles. The “mummy” lies down on the sofa. A small open bowl with yogurt and curd mass is placed on her face. The top of the “mummy” is covered with a sheet.

You can take a tour of the crypt on a one-by-one basis. The presenter tells the person being played about the mummy, while simultaneously moving his hand over parts of her body. For example: “Here is the mummy’s leg, here is the mummy’s hand” - the palm is applied to the limbs of the “mummy”. When it comes to the eyes, the leader takes the fingers of the crypt visitor and sharply plunges them into a bowl of yogurt, covered with a sheet.


The principle is the same as in the raffle about the mummy. A girl is selected from among the guests, blindfolded and brought to the table. “Pharaoh” lies on it. The palm of the “victim” is applied to different parts of his body, describing them. At the end of the prank, the girl’s hand is placed in a bowl of salad and she is told that these are the brains of the pharaoh. The reaction may be unpredictable.

Room of fear

The volunteer is invited to visit the panic room. The presenter escorts him to an unlit bathroom. There, the participant in the drawing is given the task of extinguishing a burning candle by screaming. He is prohibited from telling other guests about what happened. It turns out that at first everyone hears the terrible scream of the first “victim”, which comes from the bathroom, and is a little afraid to go there. But the more guests took part in the draw, the more terrible it was for others to do the same.

Old Dead Joe's Cave

This prank requires thorough preparation. Older children will like it.

Organizational work:

  1. Choose a room to serve as a cave. The windows in it should be covered with thick curtains. The light will not turn on, so you need to stock up on a flashlight.
  2. The point of the prank is to identify Old Dead Joe's body parts, which are placed in different containers. You need to find many containers of different sizes and, filling them with warm water, place them around the room.
  3. You need to make the following parts of the dead man's body:
  • Heart - a large tomato is placed in a vessel, the skin of which is first removed.
  • The eyes are two large grapes.
  • Teeth - small stones, small candies.
  • Guts are well-cooked pasta.
  • Hair is a wig placed on a ball.
  • Ears - cut the artichoke in half, clearing it of thorns.
  • Nose – cut from raw potatoes.
  • Fingers - made from sausages.
  • Bones - twigs, cleared of leaves and sharp twigs.
  • Blood – tomato juice is poured into a jug. It is important to prepare a towel for drying hands that get dirty in it.

A child who volunteers to look into the cave is blindfolded. The volunteer is led around the room under the dim light of a flashlight, asked to put his hand into the vessel and determine by touch which part of Old Dead Joe's body lies there. The rest of the guests sit quietly, listening to the screams coming from the room. When releasing the child from the room, he is asked to wash his hands from the blood dripping from them, which enhances the atmosphere of horror.

What prizes can be prepared for participants:

  • All kinds of sweets. These can be either ordinary sweets and chocolates, or cakes, cookies, gingerbreads, made in the shape of a pumpkin or bat, or decorated with holiday symbols.
  • Small soft toys in the shape of Halloween characters.
  • Thematic stickers, souvenirs.
  • Chocolate medals with the inscription “To the most terrible monster”, “To the most cheerful ghost”.

Now you know exactly how to celebrate Halloween with your kids. Finally, we recommend recording the Halloween pranks and games for children on video. The recording can be shown to guests at the end of the holiday.

Animators at the children's Halloween party in KP Europe. Outdoor games for children

Vampire Assassination

Among the guys there are 2 vampires (for plausibility, they can wear vampire jaws, which are sold in any joke store). The rest of the guests are ordinary people, who will be attacked by vampires as night falls. The lights go out, the vampires go out hunting and try to bite their victim's neck if they are caught. The game lasts about a minute, guests run away from vampires, and vampires chase guests. Then the lights turn on and daylight begins. Vampires, in order not to die, must have time to hide under the table, under the blanket. If the vampire does not hide, he dies; if the vampire catches the guest and bites him, the guest turns into a vampire and this is how the game continues: a minute is night, a minute is day. At the end of the game we will see who is stronger: the vampires who were able to join their ranks or the ordinary people who were able to resist them.

Catch the witch


  • several bells;
  • scarves or scarves for blindfolding.

Two witch hunters are selected from among the competition participants and are blindfolded. Those who get the role of the witch take bells in their hands and mingle with other participants. The hunters' task is to catch the maximum number of witches in a certain period of time. The most dexterous hunter is awarded a prize. The competition is quite active, so it is better to hold it in a spacious room so that the kids have room to run around. While the hunters are catching the witches, turn on a cheerful, rhythmic melody.

How to reward the winners and participants?

For competitions, it is necessary to prepare not only props, but also prizes. Here are a few small and inexpensive gifts for the winners:

  • a small soft toy in the shape of a holiday hero: a ghost, a bat;
  • sweets. These can be regular candies, or you can bake or order cupcakes decorated with an image of a spider web, pumpkin, monster or ghost;
  • carnival masks with scary faces. Such props will certainly come in handy at the party;
  • medals for “Best Monster”, “Best Ghost”, “Coolest Witch”, etc.;
  • diplomas. The meaning is the same as the point above;
  • small souvenirs with the symbols of All Saints' Day.

These are just a few ideas, the list goes on. The main thing is that none of the participants is left without a prize, and that the holiday is fun and unusual!

Video on the topic:


Props: several soft toys in the shape of bats. They can be replaced with cardboard figures.

One of the children hides bats in the room, and the other participant must find all the figures using the clues. Hints are formulated in only two words - either warm or cold, or close or far.

Figures for the competition can be not only in the shape of bats, it can be any object associated with Halloween - a pumpkin, a witch, a cross, a monster. Or you can use several holiday characters at once.

Cardboard figures are easier to hide - they are lightweight and can be attached to furniture, curtains, or a chandelier. For fastening, use pins or double-sided tape.

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