2 remade fables for a woman’s 55th birthday

Every birthday is a fun and long-awaited holiday, especially when it comes to an anniversary. On the anniversary, relatives and friends of the birthday boy try to organize an interesting program, fun games, skits and competitions. 2 remade fables for a woman’s 55th birthday will decorate any festive scenario. The skits will certainly please the guests and delight the hero of the evening.

In fables and fairy tales, the main characters are animals. There is no need to worry about purchasing expensive costumes to stage a fable. It is enough to make masks with the image of an animal out of paper and paints, attach them to a paper headband, and secure them to the back of the head with paper clips.

Comic tales with congratulations to the hero of the day

Funny fairy tales for a man's anniversary, played out by role, will enliven the holiday and amuse the guests. It’s not difficult to prepare such miniatures, and the success among those present will exceed all your expectations!

Cool fairy tale scenes should be real small performances with the participation of several actors, the birthday boy himself and guests. To stage such comic miniatures for an anniversary, you need to select appropriate costumes and props. Where can I get them? Rummage through your closets and chests, contact your friends or the costume department of a theater, drama club or cultural center.

Scenes for a man's anniversary in the form of fairy tales

*** We offer, for example, a fairy tale scene with the participation of two heroes . To equip them you will need helmets, capes, swords and wooden sticks with horse heads. This comic fairy tale staged for the man’s anniversary begins with two heroes riding into the hall on “horses.”

Together: From across the ocean, from across Buyan Island, we rushed to the anniversary, to get here quickly!

First hero: And why is there ardor and heat here? Who is the hero of the day here?

Second hero: Don’t you see Al? Here he sits looking cheerfully. Hard worker, the main thing is, With work, with money, With a car - just ah!

There are only two heroes, and they turn to the hero of the day with the question: “Will you be the third?”

He agrees. However, to become a hero, he needs to show “valiant prowess and heroic strength.” Therefore, the fairy tale scene at the anniversary is continued by fun competitions. This could be arm wrestling (a hand fight held at a table), running in sacks, lifting a chair by the tip of a leg, tug of war, bowling, shooting at targets from a toy crossbow, a tournament with sausage balloons (“swords”), and etc.

During the comic competitions during this miniature, guests can support the hero of the day by singing the song “Heroic Strength” in choir to musical accompaniment:

It is not the menacing sky that frowns, The blades do not sparkle in the steppe. These are the priests of Ilya Muromets. The disciples came out to fight.

The winds pray for their victory, Thorns and crowns await them. Good fellows had a blast, Good fellows had fun.

Eh, yes, we need to live beautifully, Eh, yes, we need to live freely. Our heroic strength is strength of spirit and willpower!

The last test for the hero of the day in this comic fairy tale will be the “feat of Svyatogor”. This hero wanted to turn the earth over, but could not. However, the birthday boy will be able to do this if you give him a globe or a small bag of earth. The fairy tale will end with a toast in honor of the hero of the day. And then the heroes will present the birthday boy with gifts - a treasure sword, a wooden horse and a globe.

*** Or, to congratulate the hero of the day, you can prepare a skit based on the fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood” .

Presenter: - Near the forest above the river - House with a brick chimney. Mom and daughter live in it and bake pies in the oven. The nice girl is growing up. Waters the garden, picks strawberries, helps mom around the house. Everyone recognizes the little girl and calls her Little Red Riding Hood. No baby is more fun. Animals and birds are friends with her.

Mom: - Daughter, today is a holiday - the anniversary of one very good person. We need to congratulate him. I baked pies, please take them and treat the birthday boy. Just be careful!

You, daughter, are right along the path. Go forward and don’t turn off. And most importantly, don’t talk to anyone on the road along the way.

Little Red Riding Hood: - Okay, Mommy! Do not worry about me! I'm wearing a red hat, Pies are in a basket. Here I am going to the anniversary along the forest path. If I meet a wolf, I will not roar, I will then loudly call the hunters.

She sings a song: - If it’s a long, long, long time, If it’s a long time along the path, If it’s a long time along the path To stomp, ride and run, Then, perhaps, then, of course, Then, probably, right, right, Then, perhaps, it’s possible, it’s possible I need to go to the anniversary!

The heroine of this comic fairy tale addresses the hero of the day with congratulations: - I came to congratulate you (name) from the bottom of my heart and wish you warmth and kindness on your birthday!

I came to you for a reason, I brought gifts. And the gifts are not simple - they are magical, There are fortune pies in my little basket!

The birthday boy and the guests take the pies in which leaves with fortunes are hidden and read them out: “If you live the whole year without crying, good luck will rush to you.” – There will be a lot of money, a successful journey awaits you! – A fireworks display of bright events awaits you soon. We hope you purchased firecrackers. – You will be cheerful and energetic, you will live great. – Expect a promotion in your career: you deserve it, without a doubt.

Another option - Little Red Riding Hood invites the hero of the day and guests to tell fortunes based on the filling of the pies: - Take the pie boldly, bite it first, I'll tell you what awaits you! Treat your guests with the rest of the pies. I will predict their fate too, to make it more fun! If you come across a pie with cabbage - You only have to wait a little, Soon joy will come into your home!

With potatoes: - Wisdom and health will be with you, Although this year is not easy for you!

With meat: – Your destiny is not so simple – Career growth awaits you!

With rice: – Oh miracle! Fate will have a surprise in store - Pack your bags and go on a cruise!

With cottage cheese: - Suddenly you will become a star, We just ask, don’t be arrogant, Say hello to everyone and smile!

With raisins: - If you don’t shed tears, there will be a whole cart of money!

*** Another sketch can be staged based on the fairy tale “The Town Musicians of Bremen” .

Merry robbers take part in this fairy tale adaptation for a man's anniversary. The lights in the hall suddenly go out, the sounds of shots (firecrackers) are heard, and then three robbers appear in a puff of smoke. They are in pirate costumes, in their hands they have toy pistols, one of them has a large bottle with the inscription “Rum”.

The robbers sing a song based on the song from the cartoon “The Bremen Town Musicians”: “As you know, we are a hot people and cannot stand the tenderness of calves!” But today is a day off - we are not angry, You come to us, you come to us, You come to us - we will kiss!

Chorus: Bang, bang! In honor of the anniversary, we salute, we salute! Bang Bang! And we’ll kiss the hero of the day, we’ll kiss him!

They fire pistols and give the birthday boy a bottle of rum: “We came to share the trophy and have fun with you on your anniversary!” Glory to the dear hero of the day! We give you, we give you, We give you a bottle of rum!

The robbers pour alcohol to those present and make a toast to the hero of the day: - Dear birthday boy! Be brave, like us, sweeping away all obstacles. And on this occasion, we are happy to have a drink with you!

Then three robber girls appear at the festival. The participants in this fairy-tale-like scene perform a reworked song for the hero of the day (to the tune of “They say we are bullies”): – Your friends congratulate you on your name day for a reason! Give me some cards in your hands - Tell fortunes for the king! O-la-la! O-la-la! Tell your fortune for the king!

Maps foretell a long journey for you soon! There will be a lot of travel - From Paris to the Bahamas! Smile more cheerfully! The road of kings awaits! O-la-la! O-la-la! Oops!

We want to occupy an important place in the deck! So that people will soon call you an ace! Pour it for everyone! Olya-la! The king's luck awaits!

We wish you a general salary from the bottom of our hearts! May a reward and the love of beautiful ladies await you for your work! You are dear to all of us! Ladies love kings! O-la-la! O-la-la! Oops!

There will be happiness in your personal life and a charge of energy! Everything will be great for you! The cards tell the truth! O-la-la! O-la-la! Congratulations to the king! O-la-la! O-la-la! Oops!

After this, the heroes of the comic fairy tale with congratulations to the hero of the day will organize a fun balloon tournament, a game of darts, etc. among the guests. The losers will carry out the tasks of the robbers: sing a song, recite a poem, dance, for which they will receive small prizes.

*** Also, for a man’s anniversary, you can prepare a remake of a fairy tale with the participation of Winnie the Pooh and Piglet .

They will appear at the holiday, singing a song: “Where are Piglet and I going, Big, big secret.” And we won't tell you about it. And no, and no, and no. They stop.

Piglet: - Oh, Vinnie, where are we going? Winnie the Pooh: - How to where? Visit! - And to whom? - To you, of course; eat something tasty. - So I have nothing. Let's go to your place instead. - Mmm... Let's go to someone's birthday instead. Let's congratulate the birthday boy, and at the same time let's refresh ourselves.

They go with the same song in the opposite direction. They stop and look at the guests.

Winnie the Pooh: - It seems we have already arrived. Piglet: – It’s somehow inconvenient, because we don’t know anyone here. Winnie the Pooh: - And now we’ll get to know each other. Hello, dear hero of the day and his guests! My name is Winnie the Pooh, and this is my friend Piglet.

The heroes of this scene in the form of a fairy tale for a man's anniversary bow to the guests.

One of those present asks a question: “What will you give to the birthday boy?” Piglet (confused): - Well, I, I... can give you a cute teddy bear. Winnie the Pooh (indignantly): - And I..., and I’m one mean little pig. Piglet: - A pig? Well, I do not! Let's better give a balloon, or better yet several...

Winnie the Pooh: - Okay! And a pot of honey! Piglet: - How good, how good - I found a pot for the ball Just in time for his birthday! Winnie the Pooh: – Happy birthday, dear hero of the day! I wish you happiness in your personal life! Pooh.

They present gifts to the hero of the occasion and sing a song: “Whoever goes to visit on an anniversary, acts wisely, There are a lot of snacks on the table, And it’s just wonderful.”

At the end of their speech, the characters of the comic fairy tale read poetry with congratulations to the hero of the day: - Congratulations on the anniversary, Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts, We want to wish you fun, Happiness, money and love.

Always look great, Feel great, So that it seems indecent to wish you health.

We know that there won’t be enough time to count all the merits... Congratulations on the round anniversary. And thank you for being there!

Fairy tale - fable: “Dragonfly and anniversary”


  1. The author stands at the edge of the stage;
  2. Dragonfly-Woman in a bright dress, with large glasses and “transparent” wings behind her back;
  3. Ant is a man in a dark suit, a hat with long “antennae” on his hat.


The jumping Dragonfly sang its youth; I didn’t have time to look back, the anniversary was rolling into my eyes. The silk curl has turned white. There are no more cheerful days. It’s getting sadder every day. And the house is often empty. Everything has passed: youth has flown away. Soon retirement is coming; The dragonfly no longer sings; And who will sing in the mind when there is sadness in the heart? Depressed by angry melancholy, she crawls towards the Ant:

(Dragonfly sadly):

“Have pity on me, dear godfather! Old age takes away strength, Stands menacingly at the door, How can we drive it away as quickly as possible?!”

(Ant indignantly):

“Gossip, this is strange to me: Your beauty is sung! - Ant tells her - It’s even hard to say that you are 55! Your soul is young, and how good it is! It’s in vain to wet your eyes with a tear. Appreciate life, you, every hour, So that your head will turn! Don’t look back at what happened, the days ahead are good!”


The dragonfly instantly brightened, blossomed, became younger

(Dragonfly joyfully):

"Yes, you are right! After all, life is wonderful! At every age! In vain, I was torn yesterday, And I was a little upset. And now I wanted to dance!”

(Ant, approvingly):

“That’s a completely different matter! So come and dance!”

The Ant and the Dragonfly, holding hands, dance to a cheerful melody for about half a minute. The music fades slightly, they stand next to the Author.


The moral of this story is: Never complain about your age!


Just greet every day with a smile! Step joyfully into the future!


Youth is always available to everyone, And the years will not conquer it! If you are young at heart. Your beauty will become eternal!

(The actors bow and leave the improvised stage.)

Comic fairy tale “Morning in the forest after the anniversary”

Place of action - Forest Time of action - Morning after the Anniversary banquet Characters: Bear - man Wolf - man Cuckoo - woman Frog-Medvedev's girlfriend - woman Bunny-Razdolbaychik - woman \male\ Shameless Fox - woman Mouse-Thief - woman

Props – A chair in the corner of the den on which the Bear sleeps, an almost full bottle of alcohol for the Bear

1. The bear returned to the den in the morning. An unfinished bottle in my hand, my head was buzzing from yesterday. It was difficult to keep balance. The bear put the bottle near the bed and went to bed. The cuckoo crowed 5 times. 2. There was a knock on the door. It was a hooligan, rowdy and drunkard Wolf. Seeing the unfinished bottle, the Wolf offered the Bear a drink, but attempts to wake him up were in vain. The bear refused. The Cuckoo agreed and crowed 6 times. 3. There was a knock on the door. It was Frog - Medvedev's friend. Seeing all this disgrace, the Frog began to sweep and swear. The Wolf offered to drink, the Frog refused. The Cuckoo agreed and crowed 7 times. The bear was still snoring in the corner. The frog was sweeping. The wolf howled. 4. There was a knock on the door. This is the Razdolbaychik Bunny. He really liked the Frog and the broom. He began to stupidly jump over the broom and disturb the Frog. The wolf offered to drink. Bunny - Razdolbaychik refused. The Cuckoo agreed and crowed 8 times. 5. There was a knock on the door again. It's Shameless Fox. She had been pining for the Wolf for a long time and immediately began to harass him. The wolf offered to drink. Lisa refused. The Cuckoo agreed and crowed 9 times. 6. The bear did not stop snoring. The frog was cleaning up and swearing. The Fox was exhausted without the Wolf's caresses, and the Wolf howled. Suddenly the Wolf put the bottle on the floor and turned his attention to the horny Fox. There was scratching at the door, but no one heard it. The Thief Mouse leaked into the den. She saw the unfinished bottle, immediately grabbed it - the most valuable thing in the den, and slipped through the door. 7. The Bear woke up from the noise and began looking for the unfinished bottle. The wolf, in fear of inevitable retribution, jumped out the window. Shameless Fox jumped out after him. The Razdolbaychik Bunny, trembling like an aspen leaf, slipped into the door. The bear offered me a drink. The frog refused, continuing to furiously sweep the floor. The cuckoo agreed, but there was nothing left to drink. The cuckoo crowed 9 times and fell asleep, exhausted from the amount of drink. 8. And the Bear stretched, left the den and went into the forest to look for something to drink. Dear ladies and gentlemen, give the Bear a drink!

More congratulations

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