How to hold an unusual graduation in kindergarten: competitions, ideas, quizzes

Children's shows for graduation in kindergarten

When you plan to organize a kindergarten graduation, think about bright inclusions in the overall outline of the holiday.
It was good when the children tried, learned poems, songs and dances. Then we had fun with the animators, running around and jumping. The children are asked to sit on the chairs, but they are happy to take a break, and suddenly a surprise awaits them - a bright show program. The Soap Show is the most popular among preschoolers.

A science show (Chemical) is often ordered for children's shows, because creating a lot of smoke and hiding in it is interesting for both preschoolers and adults.

Tips for organizing animator performances in kindergarten

In order for everything to go smoothly on the day of the holiday without any hitches or problems, it is necessary to discuss all organizational issues in advance with the management of the kindergarten and the artists. Below we have written questions that are worth asking.

  • Write a complete holiday script. It is important to understand whether there is time at your graduation to play with animators or show a show program
  • Create a holiday timing. You can see variations in graduation timings below.
  • Choose the exact time for the animators to perform.
  • Decide what will be included in the program: games, dancing, quest or show
  • Check with the director of the kindergarten about what is needed to organize a performance by artists: an official contract, medical books, passport details, company charter documents.
  • Discuss the holiday scenario in detail with the animator
  • Prepare your music equipment and playlist
  • Designate a room for dressing up actors and preparing props
  • Tell the artist in detail how to get to your kindergarten. If possible, send a photo of the map with traffic signs by email or phone.
  • Arrange passes in advance and notify the security guards about the arrival of the artists.
  • Check with the animators what time they will arrive. The best option is for the artists to arrive 30-60 minutes before their start time.
  • Check with the artists what materials and props are used, whether they are certified, and whether they contain flammable or allergenic substances.

What is included in the animator's program for kindergarten graduation?

We hold graduations in an interesting and dynamic way, thanks to a clear event plan, beautiful costumes and professional actors and animators.

Each program includes:

  • Scenario dedicated to kindergarten graduation
  • Bright costumes for animators
  • Thematic props for active competitions and games
  • Riddles about school or about a fairy-tale character
  • Musical arrangement (disc or flash drive)
  • Face painting for all children (small element)
  • Balloon figures for modeling for each participant
  • Balloon fireworks at the end of the event

What documents are required to admit an animator to kindergarten?

Each kindergarten sets its own rules for admitting “artists” into the kindergarten walls. The charter may stipulate certain requirements. But you need to understand that often this is the personal wish of the director, with the exception of fire safety. The Department of Education officially responds that there is no exact list of documents or Law that would regulate the activities of animators in kindergartens.

What is most often asked in kindergartens:

1. Medical book. Our animators have medical records, and we can send a scan of this document to the director of the kindergarten in advance. 2. License to provide services. Our activities are not licensed, since they are not educational and are not included in the list. Article 12 Federal Law of May 4, 2011 N 99-FZ “On licensing of certain types of activities” 3. Certificate of registration of the company. Our company has been operating officially since the very beginning of its activities in 2011. We can send scans of all constituent documents to the director of the kindergarten by email. And also sign a contract for the provision of services with all the necessary clauses and obligations. 4. Certificate of no criminal record or involvement in drug offenses. ⠀ The Department of Education clearly explained that they DO NOT HAVE the right to demand such things, because invited artists are not employees of the educational organization, therefore, they do not have to provide any certificates. Also, if desired, the Director can find free information on the Internet about criminal records about each citizen using a scanned passport. ⠀

How to diversify the graduation party in kindergarten?

The program with animators lasts from 1 to 5 hours. To prevent children from getting tired of running, jumping, participating in competitions and having fun with the animators, we advise you to take breaks and watch shows.

For children aged 6-7 years we conduct a Soap Bubbles Show. Children sit in a semicircle and watch a show with soap bubbles. The presenter shows bubbles from the smallest to the largest to the music. Soap bubbles with smoke, unpopping soap bubbles and bubble tricks. During the presentation, the presenter invites the children to try making soap figures themselves. In the finale of the show, each graduate will be inside a giant soap bubble.

The Chemistry Show will also add variety to the graduation celebration in kindergarten.

We adapted the show for graduation, leaving only the most watchable and interesting experiences. The program, lasting 30 minutes, includes 6 experiments. The presenter, Professor Gluck, will show experiments with dry ice. All children will be able to do a small chemical or physical experiment themselves.

Quest mechanics in kindergarten

The overall task of the team is to pass tests, unravel clues, get keys, open chests and find out the secret place where the “surprise” is located. The surprise could be gifts for each graduate or a big delicious cake.

Animators give the teams a map of the area and accompany them during the quest.

All clues are located in special boxes, chests or safes. Hints can be placed throughout the garden: under a lilac bush, in the corner of a wooden gazebo, under a hill, in a sandbox, under benches, in flower beds or hung from any tree, under children’s beds, on window sills, in closets, next to a living corner, on sofas or in the corridors.

On the territory there are “Game Masters” zones . Teams must complete all games and win against the Master to receive the keys.

Which script to choose for kindergarten graduation?

Children's performance at a kindergarten graduation takes place according to a pre-rehearsed scenario. And have fun with the animators, participate in competitions and have fun according to a predetermined graduation scenario. During our work, we selected 5 of the strongest, most interesting and successful scripts, tested by time and by graduates. If you want to offer your own script, our actors are ready to learn and rehearse it for an additional fee.

If you have ideas, but no script, our professional screenwriters will turn all your ideas into reality.


2-3 such competitions will definitely have to be written into the script.
Otherwise, the children will get bored or tired, since the program is usually long. And active competitions are a good release for them. Active games for graduation in kindergarten:

  • "Find your island"
    . There are 5-6 hoops of different colors laid out on the floor. Each hoop is an island that should shelter travelers. While background music plays, children run between the islands. But they must follow the leader: he picks up a card of a certain color, the music stops, the children run to the island of the desired color. The whole group does not participate at once, only 5 people each.
  • “What paws!”
    . We need props, very large paws (cat paws, for example), in the form of huge mittens. Some character participating in the scenario must put on these paws, they will help him play catch-up. Whomever he catches, he puts on these paws and catches others.
  • "Dance while you are young!"
    . A funny competition for guys. The task of the first three participants is to iron clothes for the dolls (a toy iron and board), and be sure to dance to the music. The second trio wipes the toy dishes with towels, but, again, while dancing. The third one puts the baby to bed, the fourth one sweeps the floor, the fifth one treats the parents with sweets. And you need to dance the brighter and more expressively, the louder the music sounds.
  • "Stream"
    . A classic competition, it always looks cute, and you can attract parents and educators.
  • “Edible/inedible.”
    A relay race with two baskets, where children must send toy items that belong to either one or the other category. These items are located outside the chair with a basket; each person running can take only one item.

The script for graduation competitions in kindergarten must be convincing: that is, the teacher must make eyeliners for them, tie them to the guest hero at the holiday, etc.

Animators for children in kindergarten

Animators for children in kindergarten - that's where it will be fun, it's at a party with animators in kindergarten! Professional actors with radiant smiles and the best programs will play and have fun with girls and boys at the holiday! Animators for children in kindergarten must be real professionals in order to easily find a common language with girls and boys. The big advantage of such holidays is that the children in the groups are about the same age and already know each other. In addition, teachers work every day on the cohesion of the children's team, and the children will behave well in front of them. Why then do you need an animator for children in kindergarten?! Only professional animators know all the secrets of organizing children's parties, have at their disposal the most modern props and fabulous additions to the holiday for children! We will select a great program and take the kids on a wonderful journey! Professional animators for children in kindergarten will host any occasion - prom, children's birthday, New Year and various matinees. Spending your child's birthday in kindergarten is the best solution! We have no doubt that your child has friends in kindergarten and it will be great to celebrate his birthday with them! Moreover, your child will receive a huge number of congratulations! We can immediately decorate an assembly hall or group, order a banquet or a birthday cake, and select awesome additions! We will also hold the graduation party in kindergarten in a bright and original way! Children will remember our ball for a long time, because an experienced animator will select a magical program that will create a real sensation at the holiday! To organize a New Year's party and children's parties in kindergarten, we also have a huge number of various programs and scenarios. If you want to spend this evening somehow special, we can write an original script that will blow up all ideas about the modern and coolest children's party! We won't let you down!


Getting started: project formation

Add selected photos and videos to your timeline. Select screensavers and titles for the project: 100+ slide options are presented in the tabs of the same name.

Are there many photographs in the project? Look at the "Effects"

. Choose the animation for each photo yourself, or save time by using the functions of selecting “random” transitions and effects.

Advantages of a ready-made graduation party from Bananashow:

  • turnkey organization, without involving the minds and efforts of parents, searching for props and equipment;
  • universal venue: children's cafe, play area, park, kindergarten premises;
  • original holiday plot, personal graduation script, modern entertainment for children, animation, face painting;
  • interactive games and master classes;
  • tricks, effects, experiments, unforgettable sights and emotions for preschoolers;
  • the ability to immediately order photo and video shooting of a kindergarten graduation in order to preserve the holiday;
  • low cost with a high level of professionalism;
  • complete safety of the event, medical records for all persons working with children.

Bananashow holidays are not repeated and are created from scratch every time, so you can invite us to both your children's birthday and graduation party. The programs have no age restrictions, since we come up with entertainment for children from 0 to 16 years old, and scientific and entertainment shows will be a revelation even for many adults.

Tips for organizing a quest with animators in kindergarten:

  • The duration of the quest is from 1 to 1.5 hours.
  • It is necessary to discuss in advance with the animators and director where cues can be placed.
  • The team must have no more than 10 children
  • Each team must have 1 accompanying person. The accompanying person can be parents or animators.
  • Conduct the quest at a time when all other groups are awake. Since searching for clues is a very exciting process, and some children will make noise.
  • Animators and parents should be familiar with the kindergarten evacuation map
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