The Wild West is cowboys and Indians, horses and cacti, revolvers, bows and lasso, the eternal confrontation between two cultures and a unique style. It’s hard to come up with a better theme for a party! Guests can choose the image of an Indian or a cowboy, and the hero of the occasion can be made a sheriff or a formidable bandit. But we will leave for you the pleasant troubles of choosing an image and selecting competitions, suggesting only ways to create a suitable atmosphere in the room.

Let's take it as a given that the budget is limited and it is not affordable to order professional decorations from a film studio, and the party will be held at home or in a cafe. The first thing you need to decide is who the decor of the room gravitates towards: Indians or cowboys?

Cowboy Party Invitations

First you need to make a guest list and send out invitations to everyone. The Wild West and cowboy theme gives you an incredible amount of design options for your invitations. You can make them in the shape of a cowboy hat, horseshoe, sheriff's star, horse, cactus, etc.

You can surprise your invitees with a more interesting design. For example, format it in the “Wanted” format. The title will be this word, then they put a photo of the birthday boy in a cowboy hat, and below they write the following text: “You are wanted for active participation in a cowboy party.” The invitation text is written on the reverse side.

You can design the invitation in the form of an ancient scroll, which is tied with twine and secured with a sheriff's badge.

Invitations must indicate the place and time of the celebration. It is also necessary to emphasize that there will be a cowboy party, and therefore it is necessary to adhere to the appropriate dress code: jeans, a checkered shirt, a fringed vest, and most importantly a cowboy hat, a scarf and a weapon, a toy one, of course.

A children's superhero party will be very useful if your child is interested in this.

Room decoration

Just in case, you should stock up on a few spare scarves and hats. Perhaps some of the guests will forget about their mandatory presence.

The design of the venue for a cowboy party must be taken seriously. It is best to spend it outdoors in the yard, but if this is not possible, then any room will do.

On the “territory” of the holiday you can hang signs made of paper “Saloon”, “Prairie”, “Ranch”, “Sheriff”, etc. Of course, we set up the table in the “Saloon”. It is necessary to decorate the room with everything related to the theme of cowboys and the Wild West. At the entrance they place a full-length cardboard cutout of some cowboy and pull up a “Welcome to the Wild West” banner. A basket of spare bandanas and cowboy hats is also placed here to allow guests to add to their costume if necessary.

Required attributes: cacti. If you have live ones, great! Place them around the Prairie area. You can draw large cacti on thick paper and cut them out. Toy snakes are laid out on the ground, because the life of cowboys is full of the most unexpected dangers.

Instead of the door to the “Saloon”, you can make shutters (remember, like in Western films?) from wood or cardboard. “Wanted” posters with photos of guests are posted on them and throughout the premises.

You can have a pajama party for kids any day! It's very simple!

What's a cowboy without a horse? They place various horse figurines around the area where the party is being held and post up pictures of them. Another attribute is a horseshoe. You can even buy or make as many of them as you have guests. At the end of the holiday, present to everyone “for good luck.”

If the holiday will be held in the yard or you are not afraid of cleaning, then haystacks and bales of straw will serve as excellent decorations. It’s good to place a real saddle on one of them.

The walls are decorated with lassos made from ropes, cowboy hats, and neck scarves.

You can organize a separate place for photography. There you can place a haystack, a pitchfork, various hats and bandanas, false mustaches, toy revolvers and frames with the inscription “Wanted”.

The table is covered with a red checkered tablecloth and bottles with candles sprinkled with wax are placed. It will be great if you find where to buy disposable tableware with the image of a cowboy, bandana, cactus or cowboy hat.


Rural music - rural table: a lot of meat in large pieces, stews, stewed vegetables. Kebabs or barbecues are ideal for an outdoor party. Imagine having to feed a crowd of hungry men who have been working in the fields all day! If you don't feel like sitting at the table today, prepare pizza, hamburgers, miniature kebabs, cut meat and vegetables, set out plates with bread tortillas, cheese and fruit.

Entertainment program for children

Competition "Draw a Sheriff"

To conduct this competition you will need balloons and felt-tip pens or markers. Each participant is given an inflated balloon, on which he must depict the funny face of a sheriff.

"The most dexterous"

This competition requires bananas. All participants are given a banana, which must be hidden in their belt, like a revolver. On command you need to quickly get a banana, peel it and eat it. Whoever can do it faster for everyone wins.

"The Most Charming Cow"

During this competition you need to draw the most beautiful and charming cow.

"Treasure Hunters"

For this competition, you need to scatter beads, foil balls or other small objects that act as treasure over a certain area. Then the participants go to look for them. The winner is the one who has collected the most “treasures” in a certain period of time. To make the competition more complex and interesting, it is better to hold it in the yard.

"Accurate shooter"

Participants receive “loaded” water pistols. Lighted candles are placed at a distance of a meter from the shooter. The winner is the one who puts out the most candles in three shots. You can make the competition longer and hold it in several rounds.

"I'll catch you!"

For this competition you will need a rope tied in a loop - a lasso and something that the participants will catch. This could be a stool, upside down, a tree stump, a plastic bottle, etc.

Does your child love spies? Maybe organize a spy party?

"Best Horseshoe Thrower"

For this competition you will need a real or homemade horseshoe. It, as is clear from the name of the competition, will need to be thrown. The winner is the one who throws the horseshoe the longest distance.

"Golden fever"

For this competition you will need a large container of dry sand, trays, sieves and a variety of coins, polished pebbles, crystals, beads, etc. Objects imitating gold and jewelry are buried in the sand. Each guest taking part in the game is given a sieve and tray. Now the task is to sift the sand in a limited time using a sieve and find the treasures hidden there. The winner will be the one who is the most successful and can find the largest number of “valuable” things.


Little cowboys need to get through the thread patina without being touched. In order to accurately determine the contact with the threads, bells are hung on them. The winner is the one who completes the task in the shortest time.

"Hat for a horse"

This is a team task. Participants are divided into 2 teams, each of which stands opposite its “horse” (its role can be played by a stool, chair, etc.). Teams are given a cowboy hat. You need to run to the horse, put a hat on it, run around the horse, take off the hat, run to the team and pass the hat to the next team member. The team whose players complete the relay first will win.

"Ride the Horse"

This competition is held like a “Musical Chair”, with the only difference that you need to sit on a chair not normally, but “astride”. Place the chairs in a circle, at a certain distance from each other, which will allow you to “saddle” them. The number of chairs should be 1 less than the number of participants. To the music, little cowboys walk around the horse-chairs, and as soon as it stops, they must sit “astride” them. Those who do not have time are eliminated from the game and take 1 chair with them. The one who “saddles” the last chair will win.

All winners and participants of the holiday must be awarded prizes. These could be bandanas, cowboy hats, horse figurines, cowboy-themed puzzles or books, chocolate coins and horseshoes.

If you film the entire celebration period, then discs with a recording of the “western” will be an excellent memorable gift for both the invited children and their parents.

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Cowboy style in women's wardrobe

And today I want to teach you how to wear and adapt to your everyday wardrobe the most fashionable trend of the current and next season - cowboy style.

I also talked about it in this video when I showed what things I take with me on vacation to France.

It must be admitted that boho, which designers have been feeding us in different sauces for the last five years, was not as difficult to adapt to the wardrobe as Western-style clothes, echoes of which appeared a year ago in the collections of some fashion houses.

Although the usual boho was almost never worn in my circle. Firstly, on average, this style is easier to wear in the summer, and we have it for 1-2 months a year. Secondly, not everyone likes to look like a gypsy, even if it is fashionable. And even in the office they won’t understand :)

With a “cowboy” it’s even more difficult. Not everyone would dare to dress as if they had watched a western. And where should we go?

Although, on the other hand, in the summer, during the holidays, for a short time, for the sake of variety - why not?

So, unexpectedly for myself, I got into it. And I decided to inspire you, because many of you already have almost everything in your wardrobes in order to decide on that fun and unconventional stylish experiment!

What I liked is that the designers were inspired not by a girl in a plaid shirt and jeans, but by a cowboy's dream girl. And they focused on a feminine interpretation of the trend.


Calvin Klein

Alberta Ferretti


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