Quest game based on the fairy tale “Turnip” for children in kindergarten

The fairy tale “Turnip” in a new way

The fairy tale “Turnip” - in a new way

The 1st player will be
the turnip.
When the leader says the word “turnip”, the player must say
the 2nd player will be the grandfather.

When the leader says the word “grandfather,” the player must say
“I would kill.”
The 3rd player will be the grandmother.

When the leader says the word "grandmother", the player must say
The 4th player will be the granddaughter

When the leader says the word “granddaughter”, the player must say “I’m not ready.”
The 5th player will be the Bug

When the leader says the word "Bug", the player must say "Woof-woof"
The 6th player will be a cat

When the leader says the word “cat”, the player must say “Get the dog off the court!”
The 7th player will be the mouse.

When the presenter says the word “mouse,” the player must say
“Pee-pee, everything’s okay!”
The game begins, the presenter tells a fairy tale, and the players voice it.


Dear viewers! Would you like to see a fairy tale in a new way?

Familiar to the point of surprise, but with some additions... in one, well, very rural area, very far from fame, there lived a grandfather.

(Grandfather appears). Grandfather:

I would kill him!
and grandfather planted a turnip.
(Turnip emerges) Turnip:
Our turnip has grown big and big!
(Turnip emerges from behind the curtain) Turnip: Both-on! Presenter:
Grandfather began to pull the turnip.
(leaning out from behind the curtain) I would kill him!
Repka: Both-on! Presenter:
Grandfather called Grandfather.
I would kill him!
(emerging above the curtain): Oh!
Oh! Presenter:
grandma came...
Oh! Presenter:
Grandma for grandfather...
I would kill him!
Grandfather for the turnip... Turnip: Both-on!
They pull, they pull, but they can’t pull it out. Grandma is calling...


Oh! Presenter:
I'm not ready!
Didn’t you put on lipstick?
Granddaughter came... Granddaughter:
I'm not ready!
I took hold of Grandma...
Oh! Presenter:
Grandma for Dedka...
I would kill him!
Grandfather for the turnip...
they pull, they pull, they can’t pull it out... Granddaughter is calling...
I’m not ready!
Woof! Presenter:
Zhuchka came running...
Woof! Presenter
: I took on Granddaughter...
I’m not ready...
Granddaughter for Grandma...
Oh! Presenter:
Grandma for Dedka...
I would kill him!
Grandfather for Turnip...
they pull and pull - they can’t pull it out... she took Zhuchka...
Woof! Host:
Remove the dog from the area!
Woof! Bug:
Woof! Granddaughter:
I’m not ready...
granddaughter - for Grandma...
Oh! Presenter
: Grandma - for Grandfather...
I would kill him!
Grandfather - for the turnip...
: Both-on!
They pull, they pull, they can’t pull it out.
They called the mouse Mouse:
pi-pi, everything is okay!
Take the dog away.
I'm allergic to wool. Mouse:
pee-pee everything is okay!
: Take the dog away, I’m allergic to his fur!
Woof! Presenter
: The bug grabbed onto the granddaughter...
: I’m not ready...
The granddaughter is flying after the grandmother...
Grandmother: Oh! Oh! Presenter:
Grandma for Dedka...
: I would kill him!
Grandfather for the turnip...
Both-on! They pulled out a turnip!

The fairy tale "Turnip - 2" - in a new way

Roles and their description:
- at every mention of it, he raises his hands above his head in a ring and says:
“Both-on.” Grandfather
rubs his hands and says:
“Well, well.” The grandmother
waves her fist at the grandfather and says:

The granddaughter
rests her hands on her sides and says in a languid voice:
“I’m ready.” Bug
- twirls its tail -
"Woof-woof." The cat
licks itself with its tongue -
“Pshsh-meow.” The mouse
hides its ears, covering them with its palms -

Competition "Fairy Tale": from idea to implementation

There are several variations of such a cool competition as a fairy tale, which can be held at a wedding in order to amuse the guests:

  1. The presenter selects participants from among those willing and reads to them an excerpt from a real or fictional fairy tale. The task of the participants is to depict what the presenter is reading as funny as possible. This action looks very funny and fun!
  2. The presenter reads the story, the participants must stand up and say a phrase when their character is mentioned during the story.

The first option is suitable for guests who like to perform in public and have charisma, so that they can play their character in funny roles. The second version of the competition in the form of a fairy tale is simpler and does not require special acting skills from the participants.

As a script for the competition, you can choose a variety of fairy tales: “Kolobok”, “Ryaba Hen”, “The Three Little Pigs”, “Three Sisters”, “Sleeping Beauty”, etc. You can come up with your own scenario (a funny fairy tale about the bride and groom) or remake a good children's fairy tale in a modern way (for example, “once upon a time there lived Kolobok in a penthouse and once drove off into the forest in an Infinity...”).

Do not forget to select musical compositions for the wedding fairy tale you have chosen, which will be needed for some episodes, for example, when Koschey the Immortal and Ivan Tsarevich fight, the prince meets the princess, etc. Usually the fairy tale is recorded on audio and played at the wedding. Or the presenter himself reads out a previously prepared text, improvising during the competition.

At the end of the fairy tale at the wedding, you can award the participants with certificates of honor with cool nominations:

  • "To the bravest prince of all times."
  • "To the sexiest sister."
  • “To the most beautiful Koshchei the Immortal”, etc.

For creative inspiration, we present below several options for a variety of wedding fairy tale scenarios that are suitable for both a classic celebration and a fairy tale-style wedding.

Wedding fairy tale “Three girls under the window”

The fairy tale “Three Girls Under the Window” is one of my favorites from childhood. Usually the beginning is played out - three sisters sitting in the room, who dream of getting married successfully. It’s good to choose men for this role, not girls - it will be very funny. As a prop, you can arrange your breasts in the form of balloons and wear colorful wigs. If the bride herself wants to take part in the scene, it will be great, since the groom can then play the very king who chooses his betrothed. You can put a crown and a fake beard on him, and also add modern black glasses and a massive “golden” chain around his neck.

Photo of the bride participating in the scene

A cool fairy tale text can be composed in poetic form or prose, and if the guests have artistic abilities, simply improvise on the spot.

The wedding scene “Three sisters under the window” may look something like this in a modern interpretation. The tsar came to the sisters’ room and each of the two enterprising “girls” is trying to please the oligarch. One of them, for example, is informal - emo or goth and amazes him with her originality, rudeness and frankly frightens him with her appearance. The second is super sexy and depraved. And finally, the third one is real, gentle and kind. It should be played by the bride. If she does not want to take part in the draw, you need to choose another option , which is obviously unsuitable, for example, playing the third sister to one of the men, choosing an image in the form of a “blue stocking”. In this case, the groom can also be supported by a witness or one of his friends.

Turnip competition

Each of the guests is given a chance to put their hand into a magic box, feel the first object they come across, guess it and receive it as a gift.

I never did

Everyone begins to say what he has never done in this life, if one of those present has done it at least once in his life, he bends one finger... When someone says something he has never done, one of the remaining ones bends the last finger, then the first can ask any question to the second, which he must answer honestly.

Jump-jump competition

Participants of the competition stand in one line. When the leader says “land,” everyone jumps forward; when they say “water,” everyone jumps back. The competition is held at a fast pace. The presenter has the right to pronounce other words instead of the word “water,” for example: sea, river, bay, ocean; instead of the word “land” - shore, land, island. Those who jump at random are eliminated, the winner is the last player - the most attentive.


Couples are called and given a bandage (if there is no bandage, you can use toilet paper). One of the pair should stand, and the other should be bandaged so that it turns out to be a mummy. The team with the mummy wins.

The result of all competitions

Before the start of all the competitions that you are going to hold at the party, you need to warn all the guests that at the end of your feast and after all the competitions very good prizes will be awarded (up to a mobile phone as the main prize), thereby interesting and invigorating everyone who came to your event. Below are approximate “nominations” and gifts for them.

Fairy tale competition “Ivan Tsarevich and Koschey the Immortal”

  • Participants: 3 men and one woman.
  • Props: shirt, crown and sword for Ivan Tsarevich; horse blanket; black cloak and sword for Koshchei.

In a distant kingdom, there lived a brave prince whose name was Ivan Tsarevich. He woke up early, yawned loudly so that the whole kingdom could hear, and did exercises to always be in shape. And he had a friend - a horse, who really loved himself. And for a long time they could walk like this, together with the prince, around their chambers, showing off themselves.

And so they decided to take a walk with their horse in an open field. They jump and jump, and a princess meets them. The prince fell in love with the beauty at first sight, got off his horse and sang a serenade to her. And the princess liked the prince, she began to make eyes at him.

Suddenly there was thunder! Koschey the Immortal appeared before them, so menacing, menacing, evil, despicable. The Tsarevich got scared and pulled out his huge sword to defeat Koshchei. And a fight broke out between them. And the princess stands aside and sends kisses to the prince in the hope that he will defeat Koshchei. Ivan Tsarevich pierced Koshchei's heart. And he fell to the ground. The pleased prince grabbed his princess in his arms and carried him to his palace. And the faithful horse galloped after them.

Competition-fairy tale “No one gets married”

  • Participants: 7 guests (oak, wolf, crow, frog, maiden, well done, horse).
  • Props: chair, stage clothes for characters (optional).

An oak tree stood in an empty field and waved its powerful branches. In the distance a wolf howled, a raven flapped its wings and a frog croaked. And under the oak tree a girl sat on a bench and sobbed, because... no one wanted to marry her. The animals heard this and decided to console the girl: the wolf came running and began to sing his signature song to her. But nothing made the girl happy. Then a crow flew in and screamed loudly: “Car-rrrr!” But the girl wept louder and louder. The frog was the last to jump up, timidly approached the girl and croaked loudly. But nothing helped, the girl didn’t want to listen to anyone.

A young man was galloping past on his black horse and he heard crying. He spurred the horse so that it would gallop quickly towards the girl, the horse neighed loudly, beat its hoof and set off. They galloped to the clearing where the girl was sitting. The animals got scared and ran away. The young man saw the girl and gasped: “How good she is!” Marry me!". The girl squealed with happiness and rushed into the arms of the young man. The good fellow put her on a horse and took her to his home to live there happily ever after, like our newlyweds. Bitterly!

The portal told you how interesting it is to play out a fairy tale at a wedding. Don’t forget about other fun competitions for guests, then your celebration will long be remembered by your family and friends for its positive atmosphere and original entertainment!

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