What to give to parents and friends for their 35th wedding anniversary - ideas

A coral wedding is a significant period of time, which is equal to 35 years of marriage. Many couples who are planning to celebrate such a wedding are interested in why it is called coral. The explanation for this is very simple - you just have to remember what coral looks like.

Its branches are formed over many years from small polyps that are tightly connected to each other. As corals grow, they form reefs that are one whole. In the same way, the family gradually grows stronger, built on respect and understanding. As a result, two people who once decided to live together can no longer imagine life without each other, they become one.

How to mark - script

35 years is without a doubt a beautiful date that requires appropriate celebration. Considering that a significant period of time has passed since the wedding, a large family has probably already formed and good mutual friends have appeared.

Not only the heroes of the occasion, but also children, grandchildren, and close relatives can participate in organizing the holiday.
It is believed that a coral wedding should be celebrated outside the home. Therefore, choose a place for your holiday that suits your desires and capabilities.
The best option would be a restaurant or cafe. Ideally, you can celebrate the event on the deck of a ship or on the sea coast. Of course, the wedding theme should be marine, and the symbol of the celebration should be bright red coral.

Use corals, starfish, and shells to decorate the room. The room should be fragrant with flowers. The presence of red and coral colored balloons will look interesting.

Invite people close and dear to your family to the celebration, do not forget about your old friends who rejoiced with you at your marriage 35 years ago.

A coral wedding involves rituals that should preferably be included in the holiday script. However, for this you will need to be on the sea or lake or river. The idea is that a couple goes ashore at dawn, holding hands. The husband and wife confess their love to each other, thanking each other for the happy years they lived together. Then the couple boards a boat, where each spouse asks for forgiveness for past “errors” and insults.

This ritual, as it were, revives feelings, cleanses them of bad things and blesses them for a future happy life. Purchase a sprig of coral in advance and dip it in the water together. This branch will become a family heirloom, which you can later pass on to your grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Celebrating a coral wedding implies the presence of seafood and fish on the festive table. Red wine is preferred as a drink. Don’t forget to order a beautiful cake for your anniversary, preferably coral-colored or decorated in a nautical style. It is better to entrust the celebration to an experienced host who will make the atmosphere truly festive and unforgettable.

Also, one of your friends with good diction and excellent organizational skills can act as a toastmaster.

When all the guests sit down at the festive table, the host should greet all those gathered, tell what the coral wedding symbolizes and ask to greet the heroes of the occasion, who will solemnly enter the hall, with loud applause.

The host invites the couple to take the main seats at the table, pronounces words of admiration and offers to raise the first glass to the spouses, while making a toast. Possible toast for the presenter:

“Dear guests, let's raise our glasses to this wonderful couple, who managed, despite the difficulties, to carry bright and warm feelings through the years. 35 years of marriage is a serious date; living so many years together in peace and harmony is not given to everyone. So may your future life become easy and happy for you, may your children and grandchildren bring you joy and protect you from adversity. Continue to love each other as reverently and tenderly as you did 35 years ago.

The coral wedding is your pride, and an example for all of us to follow. Be happy, our dears, long life to you and love, love and love again!”

Next, the guests try the treats offered to them, communicate, and enjoy the wonderful, friendly atmosphere.

After this, the host invites the heroes of the occasion to make a congratulatory speech to each other.
If desired, you can exchange gifts.
This action ends with the applause of the guests, the presenter at this time shouts “bitterly”, and those present pick up. The feast continues after this. Next, you can invite guests to say congratulations and give gifts.

Of course, competitions and dancing should be included in the holiday program, because guests and spouses should have more fun on this day than ever before.

Competition "Chamomile"

For this competition, you need to make a paper daisy with tear-off petals in advance.
On each piece of paper, a significant date is written for the couple (for example, the birthday of the spouse, children, mother-in-law, mother-in-law, etc. or the day they met, first kiss). The spouses take turns tearing off the petals and telling those present why this date is significant for their family. If one of the spouses has difficulty answering, he is given a “punishment” in the form of a song or dance.

Balloon competition

To participate, an equal number of men and women must be invited to form pairs.

Each couple is given a balloon. Then a tray is presented on which there are inverted pieces of paper, with the names of different parts of the body (stomach, forehead, knees, etc.) written on them. The pair must place the ball between the body parts that they got on the leaf.

Next, for each pair of participants, different music is turned on in turn, to which you need to dance, holding the ball and trying to prevent it from bursting. Those partners who lost the balloon during the dance, or it burst, are eliminated from the competition.

While celebrating, don’t forget to take photos of the best moments of the day.

How to celebrate a coral anniversary at home

It is customary to celebrate the coral anniversary widely, on a grand scale ; after all, it is a significant anniversary of family life. But if there is no desire or opportunity for this, you can celebrate it at home without a toastmaster, for your closest and dearest: parents, children and grandchildren.

To make the holiday feel despite the home environment, you need to decorate the room in accordance with the traditions of the anniversary

It is advisable to cover the table with a tablecloth of red or blue linen, since the anniversary has a second name - linen.

Make treats of a similar color . For example, salads with tomatoes, bell peppers, shrimp and red fish. Place vases with red apples, oranges, cherries or strawberries on the table - depending on the time of year. Decorate everything with shells, starfish, homemade corals.

Table decoration for a coral wedding

To spend a coral anniversary with your family without getting bored, you need a script. You can entrust the most active and cheerful relative to compose it. The holiday should have a touch of solemnity ; after all, 35 years of family life is no joke. But basically the script should be composed with good humor and fun competitions, tricky questions for spouses.

After so many years of marriage, you can finally allow yourself to relax and have a good rest, have a holiday for the soul. Celebrating your 35th wedding anniversary at home can be just as fun as with many guests, but more heartfelt and touching. And no matter what congratulations are heard during the celebration, the main thing is that they come from the heart.

Gift ideas for husband and wife

To make the holiday a success, do not forget about gifts. They are expected not only from guests and relatives - spouses should also exchange pleasantries and thereby please each other.

A wife can present her beloved husband with a sprig of real coral or a bottle of expensively aged red wine.
A painting with a seascape or depicting coral reefs would be a good gift.
Such a decorative item will remind you of a past event and please the eye. Some women prefer to give gifts made with their own hands, and this is also correct - such a thing is valued much more than a purchased one.

Considering that a coral wedding has another name - a linen wedding - you can sew a beautiful shirt for your spouse or make your own decorative element with the addition of coral branches.

The husband should also take care of a gift for his beloved wife. A wonderful option would be an unusual piece of jewelry with corals, such as beads or a bracelet. You can choose a set of bed linen that depicts corals and shells.

Any decor items with a marine theme will be appropriate. Or you can make yourself and your wife a real holiday by buying a ticket to some country where you have never been before.

Don't forget about flowers. Be sure to give your wife a bouquet of gorgeous roses - ideally if there are exactly 35 of them.

Wedding anniversary competitions for spouses

At the wedding anniversary celebration, you can hold competitions not only for guests, but also for spouses, who will be happy to show how strong and harmonious their union is!

Memorable Moments

  • Participants: spouses.
  • Props: 2 pieces of paper and pens.

The facilitator asks the spouses questions to which they must write answers secretly from each other. Their themes can be different, depending on how many couples are together. If the wedding was recently and the memories of it are fresh, then you can find out from the spouses about their first date:

  • When did you go on your first date (date, month, year or at least time of year)?
  • Where did you go on your first date?
  • What time of day did the meeting take place?
  • What were you wearing?
  • What interesting happened on this day?

For a competition for a wedding anniversary of 30, 40 or 50 years, you can prepare questions about the celebration itself. For example, in a pearl wedding scenario you can include the following quiz for husband and wife:

  • What day of the week did you get married?
  • What was the weather like?
  • Where did you celebrate your wedding?
  • How many guests were present at the wedding?

Items of clothing

  • Participants: spouses.
  • Props: gloves, socks.

The spouses are blindfolded and the husband is given his wife's gloves, and the wife is given her husband's socks. Everyone’s task: quickly put a wardrobe item on a spouse blindfolded. For a competitive effect, other married couples present at the holiday can be involved in the game.

Find your salary

  • Participants: spouses.
  • Props: banknote.

The husband is given a banknote, which he must hide in his clothes secretly from his wife. The wife's task: quickly find a banknote, showing how deftly she copes with the distribution of the family budget.

The mystery of the name

  • Participants: spouses.
  • Props: none.

The following could be an interesting option for a wedding anniversary competition. The presenter invites the spouses to decipher each other's names, asking them to come up with adjectives in the form of compliments for each letter of their other half's name. For example:

  • Ivan is sincere, attentive, ambitious, reliable.
  • Larisa is affectionate, neat, romantic, sincere, seductive, active.

How to congratulate spouses for friends, children and relatives - tips

When choosing gifts for the heroes of the occasion, guests should first of all give something necessary and something that will later remind them of the past holiday.


Traditionally, guests give gifts that fully correspond to the celebration - these are decorative corals, jewelry, paintings depicting corals. You can and should give flowers in pots - they symbolize family comfort.

Expensive red wine will symbolize the cohesion and strength of the union.

Congratulations in prose and poetry

If you cannot find the right words yourself, then select beautiful congratulation poems for the couple and voice them at the festive table.

Option for congratulations in prose from friends:

“Our dear ... (names of spouses), exactly 35 years ago you became one. We are truly proud of you, we are glad that you managed to carry sincere feelings through the years. Knowing your wonderful family, we can say with confidence that you are wonderful and kind people, good and loyal friends who you can rely on in difficult times. You are a role model, we are honored to have such friends. Congratulations on this wonderful date, may your future life bring more joy and positive moments. Love, appreciate and respect each other. Happy holiday to you!”

Option for congratulations in prose from children:

“Dear mommy and daddy! Today it is so joyful to see smiles on your happy faces. Boundless happiness fills the heart from the understanding that we have such wonderful parents. You managed not only to create and maintain a good family, you were able to give us – the children – all the best: love, care, affection. We ask you very much, keep these warm feelings in the future, do not waste love and respect on trifles. Know that we sincerely love you and thank you for everything you have given us. Happy 35th anniversary, our loved ones!”

Games and competitions for wedding anniversary guests

To ensure that your family and friends don’t get bored during the holiday, you should definitely prepare several cool wedding anniversary competitions for them. These can be active games, which are often used as funny competitions for weddings, or entertainment at the table, which will be especially appropriate when celebrating a holiday at home.

Original congratulations

  • Participants: 2-3 guests.
  • Props: leaves and pens.

Players are asked to write down 10 adjectives on a piece of paper. After this, the presenter gives them a sheet of congratulations, in the empty spaces of which they must insert the adjectives they wrote.

The congratulation could be like this: “Dear and….. anniversaries! I congratulate you on this ….. and ….. holiday and wish you ….. happiness, …. health and….. love! A few years ago you created ...... and ..... a family, which is a standard for us, because in your home there is always reigning ..... and .... an atmosphere that makes you want to come visit you again and again! Happiness and love to you!”

Find the thing

  • Participants: guests.
  • Props: cards with images and names of things.

The following competition can be used as a fun game to play on your wedding anniversary. Participants are divided into men's and women's teams. The men's team is given cards: on some of them purely female items are drawn (sponge, snood, clips, highlighter, clutch, stole), and on others - their names. For the women's team - purely men's items (jigsaw, chisel, multimeter, sinker, starter, rapier). Participants must find the correct names of the objects offered to them. Whoever is faster wins!

Famous couples

  • Participants: guests.
  • Props: none.

This competition will be a great entertainment option for your wedding anniversary if you decide to hold it at home. Guests sitting at the tables are asked to name the most famous couples of the past, whose fidelity and love can be envied: Romeo and Juliet, Orpheus and Eurydice, Ruslan and Lyudmila, etc. The most active player can be given a memorable gift.

Marriage is...

  • Participants: guests.
  • Props: pieces of paper, pens.

Guests at the table are given pieces of paper and pens, and everyone’s task is to write the definition of marriage on them. Then all the cards are given to the spouses, they read out loud what the guests wrote and determine the winner!


  • Participants: guests in pairs.
  • Props: cards with the names of events (first date, going to the cinema, birth of a child, renovation, etc.).

Couples “m + f” are invited to participate. They draw cards with events written on them, which the couples must act out without words, and the other guests can guess what they are talking about. The winner is the couple that shows a scene from life more realistically than others.

35th wedding anniversary script

35 years of marriage marks the coral wedding. The symbol of the anniversary is coral, the branches of which are formed from small polyps. This means that the marriage by this time was intertwined from a thousand days.

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You can celebrate your anniversary anywhere. Many people prefer to celebrate this day solemnly by inviting relatives and friends. In this case, the celebrants need a script for their 35th wedding anniversary. The script for the 35th wedding anniversary is prepared in advance. One of the children of the spouses can act as a presenter. He is preparing the script. 35 wedding years are not complete without traditions. A 35 year wedding anniversary script may include some of these.

1. The 35th wedding anniversary scenario can begin with observing a beautiful tradition, when the parents of the spouses call them and ask the question: “Why do you want to get married?” The spouses, with an equally serious look, answer them: “Raise children, love each other.” After this, the parents give them a glass of wine as a sign of fulfilling their promises.

2. Another tradition is that spouses write the secrets of their family happiness on pieces of paper, and then put them in a box, which they give to their grandchildren. They will have to open the box only after marriage.

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