Beautiful and funny congratulations and toasts on a woman’s 45th birthday

Toast for 45 years

On such a wonderful anniversary, I want to wish you. Live in love, kindness and happiness, preserve the strength of spirit.


Forty-fifth birthday Let it bring only joy. Let life's flight be sublime and passionate.


Forty-five - what does it mean? Life is seething, laughing, jumping. Luck strokes your shoulders, your mood rushes uphill.

In verse

  • Forty-fifth birthday!
  • Let's drink to wise thinking!
  • We drink to your mind and soul,
  • For the peace that was disturbed!
  • So that all enemies disappear
  • There were bright brains.
  • In general, we drink to you,
  • Loving you with all my heart!
  • What is this strange number forty-five?
  • You start your life again!
  • You won't grow old for another three hundred years,
  • Make your friends and the whole world happy.
  • Raise children to their feet, don’t be sad,
  • Life is more fun and beautiful
  • We raise a glass to success,
  • Please accept wishes from everyone!
  • How old are you again?
  • Are you saying forty-five?
  • We won't believe it, it doesn't look like it
  • Very young face!
  • No wrinkles or marks
  • On your face now,
  • Pour it for us soon -
  • Let's drink to our youth!
  • Forty-five is already a lot,
  • Maybe my heart is tired,
  • Maybe your legs are tired
  • Are yours on the road of life?
  • Don't let this scare you,
  • The main thing is to have summer in your heart!
  • The main thing is not to sin!
  • A toast to the purity of the soul!
  • Forty-fifth birthday,
  • You're already tired in the morning,
  • You treat us so deliciously
  • Don't let you be sad
  • Let it seethe with all the merriment,
  • And everything will be smooth sailing,
  • We drink for a hangover
  • No headache!
  • Did you want to celebrate your anniversary?
  • How old are you? Forty five?
  • What an unprecedented year, don’t be sad,
  • We wish you an easy journey!
  • And on the way there is a warm meeting,
  • May your life be good
  • And in spite of all sorrows,
  • Let's drink to good luck!

In prose

All sorts of stories have happened to you, my dear. You missed the train, got into the wrong car, stepped on a gentleman's foot while dancing, got on the wrong bus. But all these stories had pleasant consequences. By missing the train, you were able to enjoy your vacation longer. By getting into the wrong car, you met new people. By stepping on the gentleman's foot while dancing, you conquered this man forever; getting on the wrong bus, you saw a new area. Now I want to drink to your 45 years. And I wish you that all the stories that still happen to you have a joyful ending that we can remember on your next anniversaries, happy birthday!

Having learned that you are 45 years old today, I wrote congratulations to you with a trembling hand. No, I wasn’t scared by your still young age, I wasn’t even scared by the successes that you were able to achieve. And what scared me was that I might not have time to surprise you first. I am pleased to surprise you with my gift, which, dear birthday girl, you will receive after you go to the specified address. Happy Birthday!

I wish you at forty-five:

  1. Have 45 days of vacation a year;
  2. Attend 45 special events in a year;
  3. Make 45 pleasant purchases per month;
  4. Have 45 pairs of shoes;
  5. Be friends with 45 worthy people;
  6. Be happy at least 45 times a day.

May all my wishes come true. And let them give you 45 bouquets of flowers today. Happy Birthday! To the dregs!

In your own words

They say that at forty-five the berry starts again. But don’t remain a berry for long, and quickly turn into another fruit. But don’t become mean and mean. And you will turn into a very extravagant woman, so that everyone will be surprised when looking at you. And also all the men immediately fell in love with you. Also, do not forget to maintain juiciness and elasticity. Be sweet, but don’t forget to add a little pepper when communicating. Happy birthday, happy forty-fifth anniversary! Let's drink to the bottom! I invite all guests to be transported for a moment to the Louvre. And go to the most famous painting in the world. To the painting "Mono Lisa". Looking at her, you will be forever fascinated by her smile, you will think about her riddle. About femininity and sophistication. It will remain in your memory for a long time, changing your life forever. But, returning to reality, we realize that the Louvre is far away. Traveling there is expensive, and the road can wear us out a little. Therefore, I suggest not to go anywhere, but to enjoy the smile of our dear hero of the day. Our dear woman celebrating 45 years. And her smile has already eclipsed the smile of Mono Lisa. For you, my dear, for your unsurpassed femininity.


You are a sorceress-hostess And smart as hell; I’m not lazy at work, I’m always full of vigorous energy.


You are soft, kind-hearted; Infinitely elegant! The woman is lovely; Interesting personality!


Always be yourself, Remain like this forever, So that You, a goddess, please the eye every hour.


What can a woman wish for her anniversary? I will answer simply, without further ado:


A three-carat diamond on a thick chain, so that flowers can be displayed in vases all year round.


Always on sale in your favorite department, And look better than any top model.


But seriously, Love and attention, Always adoration and understanding.


So that the only betrothed would be nearby, carried in his arms and loved madly.


I'm tired of congratulating you, Every year it's the same thing. Again I have to wish that you were smart and pretty.


This time I wish you, Stormy parties, And now I know for sure, We cannot avoid funny mistakes.


Let only pleasure swirl, Above your wild head, Let only joy happen again, Every day and every time.


May this glorious anniversary give you a whole cartload of good words and wishes, Flowers, gifts and romances with a guitar, That can even bring you to tears.


Let there be friends and songs in the house on this day, Balloons, surprises, laughter and dancing until the morning. I wish you a fun, interesting life, so that doctors don’t know the way to you!


You are always seventeen years old And you look great, But you won’t be given more than a year, After all, you are a famous coquette.


I wish you happiness and love, good luck and success in business. And there are a few tears, but keep in mind - So that only from happiness and laughter.


Happy anniversary, dear, Tell us your secret, I’ve known you for many years - Only there are no changes.


You are still beautiful, There are no traces of wrinkles to be found, And your figure is simply a marvel, Sweeter than vodka for men.


The head is the chamber of the mind. There is a kind soul in the heart. There is a decent salary, in general, you are good for everyone.


So that after the anniversary, Life will develop without problems, So that you don’t regret the past, I suggest everyone have a drink!


Your smile makes me want to fly, I'm sure to become a goldfish! So that all your wishes are fulfilled immediately in reality, not in dreams!


Blossom like a rose, smell like a lilac May every day bring you joy! Happy birthday, on the most, dearest, I congratulate you with my poem!


We hasten to congratulate the super-woman - Your victories are countless! You accomplish great things even without the help of a suit:


Throw a magnificent feast, Spend your entire salary in an instant, Organize a concert at a football game, And have a pillow fight with children.


We are unable to imagine goals that a superwoman cannot achieve. And on the anniversary day they wanted to drink Magarych with you!


Graceful as a panther, Temperamental as a lioness. Let the gentlemen sigh, And the beloved be proud.


The years have no power over you, They only reveal your talents. Let furs and diamonds lie at the feet of the beautiful ones.


Happiness will be replaced by anxiety, Only from joy - excitement. Let the roads lead you From dreams to fulfillment.


I would give you a house, but who will guard it? I would give you a ship, but where can I get a captain?


If I gave you a car, they could break it or even steal it! I will give you myself as a man! There will be someone to sleep sweetly in bed with!


I will spend this birthday with you. I am your most tender, affectionate gift!


Well, old lady, you came up to the anniversary, And exchanged ten and five without bills. But before your beauty, I am thrilled, as before, I am ready to meet sunrises and sunsets with you.


Years later, I am no longer afraid that one day I will suddenly be poisoned by your wonderful concoction, and I bravely gobble up up to 100 pieces of meatballs, buns and cheesecakes with gusto.


On this holiday, let me swear that I will always carry it in my arms. I want to kiss you passionately, And I confess my love to you, my star!


Be loved and desired, Be beautiful and smart. On our anniversary, we can do anything, have fun to the fullest!


Drink a glass of alcohol, Eat three slices of pie, Prepare a lot of brine, What if you want it in the morning?


Congratulations on your anniversary, I wish you a Bentley, It’s like relaxing in the Canaries, In general, it’s not in vain to live life.


Today is a big anniversary, and it’s so wonderful! I wish your life to be like a holiday! So that it is always cozy in a warm and big house, So that the whole huge family always loves you.


I wish you not to know sorrows and always live in abundance, I wish you to go on vacation, drink and eat sweets there. So that luck never leaves you, So that your huge wallet rings and rustles!


The figure is like that of VIAgra, and the fans in love, Write portraits and emotional poems, Let serenades howl under the windows, Suitors rich in soul and body.


But the dearest of all should remain the one whose shoulder is always close, And let every day begin with the words: “Well, dear, quickly defeat me!”


Congratulations on your anniversary and we wish that you will always be the most beautiful of all and forever young.


So that men in herds would run after you, thrilled, and throw pearls at you, not daring to come close.


So that your husband, looking at this, Never objects, So that he always gets along with you, Honors, loves and respects you!

Toasts for a woman's 45th birthday

Our daughter is forty-five! A reason to smile, to start something again, to perk up somewhere. We wish you, daughter, much, much joy, to always be on top and, as you are, a beauty!


I send congratulations, Forty-five sister! I love you Be true to yourself! Smile soon Life is wonderful! Invite your friends Let's celebrate!


Our miracle berry, Grandmother of the Anniversary. We congratulate you and wish you with all our love, a lot of joy and laughter and great success in life on your path. Sing, berry, blossom.

Anniversaries fly by, But don’t you dare grow old! You need to “refuel” your life in order to get a lot done.


To babysit your grandchildren soon, To help your children, To keep your pocket full, After all, you are already forty-five!


I wish frankly to be the darling of fate, so that your dreams may find a response in the universe!


Forty-five of the closest and most devoted Gather for large dinners. Our dear, kind woman, Today we solemnly “thank you”


We will tell you that you are with us, admiration, joy for our eyes; So that your glasses are filled with health, and your wishes are completely fulfilled!


Something turned over, Something happened inside, Immediately my soul opened up, My heart began to beat quickly.


With a little joyful excitement, you ran to the kitchen. It's a birthday! Immediately hairstyle, shoes.


  • So that even the husband would believe, It’s unlikely that he could imagine Forty-five roses at the door Need to be left today


Our beautiful woman is forty-five! Of course, there is something to tell her today. Let obstacles not lead you astray from the vector of the path, And with friends it is easier to follow fate.


May the whole world bloom at your feet, as if in a sweet dream, like a crocus in spring, and may there be peace and quiet in the family all the time. What more could you wish for happiness!?


Today we congratulate our beauty, After all, wise ladies become more beautiful At forty-five and much later - Let's raise a glass to this on our anniversary!


  • We wish you happiness to heaven, to experience all earthly wonders, to recognize the divine power of love, and to see the world as beautiful and happy.


May God grant you wisdom in your decisions and multiplication of your best qualities, wonderful relationships with children and understanding of their eccentricities.


At the threshold of forty-five - Congratulations, dear. I wish you to become a berry again with joy. Let your dreams come true, Happiness warms your soul. Soon you will forget troubles and misfortunes.


You will become a berry again at the age of sixty. In the meantime, you are a young and attractive woman with a luxurious figure without any “again” stuff. With which I congratulate you.

Short congratulations on the 45th anniversary of a man

In your forty-five beautiful springs, You are younger in soul than everyone else, Please accept these congratulations with all my heart, May happiness and success accompany you.


Today you are the hero of the occasion, All congratulations and sincere words are for you, Greet every day with a smile, Never be sad or discouraged.


Forty-five, forty-five – It’s urgent to celebrate, Call guests as soon as possible, Many loved ones and friends Let your dreams come true, Joy and kindness! Let love come soon, May it never let you down!


Your 45 is a wonderful age. Everything is one here: wisdom, beauty. Here is intelligence and strength, charm, vivacity. Live. many summers!


Today, at forty-five, we sincerely hasten to wish you - The future is simply super, To live - do not despair.


May goodness, beauty, and wonderful moments, and great grace always be nearby!


I've already hit five nines, but fortunately, gentlemen, this will add health and strength to you, and sadness will disappear without a trace!


Let the trumpets ring loudly, Solemnly and cheerfully, Today you are only forty-five, Beautiful and free!

Beautiful and funny funny toasts for a woman’s 45th birthday

45 to you today, I congratulate you, And I wish you a long life, Joy, goodness!


Today I drink to happiness, to delight and beauty, you shine like the sun, make your dream come true!


Be rich and loved, And live to the fullest, Let troubles pass by, Don’t be sad, don’t be sad!

On some vessels there is a division: 50, 100, 150, 200 I wish you to fill such a vessel to the top with a beautiful creature - your life! Happy anniversary to you!


I wish your enemies to live 200 years. And may you dance on the graves of your enemies.


Today is our friend's anniversary. They have already wished him a lot of things, but all separately. So let’s drink to him having everything and not having to pay anything for it!


May all my wishes come true. And let them give you 45 bouquets of flowers today. Happy Birthday! To the dregs!

Congratulations on your anniversary, we wish you strength in life! We love and cherish you, And we want you to bring health every year, Which leads to your 100th anniversary.


In Siberia they say 1000 km is not a distance, 100 reindeer is not a herd, 60 degrees is not frost, 50 years is not an age.


It takes a person 2 years to learn to speak and 50 years to learn to keep his mouth shut. Let's drink to the fact that the hero of the day passed this school.


The famous ancient Roman philosopher Seneca once said: “Everything over which we groan and are horrified is only a tax on life.” I want to wish our respected hero of the day easy taxes!


Our berry today, the most beautiful and sweetest of all, has an excellent occasion, celebrates its anniversary!


I’ll drink to you today, Standing, and straight to the bottom, I wish you from the bottom of my heart, Happiness, joy, goodness!


Our berry, I congratulate you, And from the bottom of my heart today I wish that there will be goodness in life, And that everything will always be fine!


So that your soul does not know grief, So that your beauty blooms forever, So that it is young and fresh, I drink to the dregs for you today!


45 to you today, On such a wonderful anniversary, I wish you health, new, fresh ideas!


I wish I could build myself a dacha by the sea, So that my soul would not know pain, So that it would be the most beautiful of all!


For you, for your happiness, I will drink to the bottom now, You are smart, sweet, beautiful, Be like this always!


45 to you today, I congratulate you, And I wish you a long life, Joy, goodness!


Today I drink to happiness, to delight and beauty, you shine like the sun, make your dream come true!


Be rich and loved, And live to the fullest, Let troubles pass by, Don’t be sad, don’t be sad!

Cool funny birthday greetings for a woman

On your birthday, I wish you a life without hassle, a corner of earthly paradise at home all year round.


So that dinner grows on the trees Right in the yard, Domestic affairs in relationships You can avoid.


Chocolate has zero calories AND a healthy cake. And a ticket to a sanatorium at a seaside resort.


So that prices don't bite. And today is all for you to guess what to give you.


A beauty like you should always be given flowers. Not only on birthdays, but every day, for the mood.


I wish you all the most beautiful, the happiest: Health - chocolate, Fun - grape, Life - endless, Youth - eternal, Smile - strawberry! And life will be easier.


We wish you health, a cheerful gait, more herring, port wine and vodka, And life and youth in a warm heart, And we wish you a sultry chick to boot.


May you always have cash. What you spend it on is a personal matter. Maybe you’ll buy a house, a car, a dacha, and then treat your friends for change!


And with all our hearts we wish: To be loved until a hundred years old And to forget all sorrows. To be a healthy, young And attentive wife, Always a kind daughter, And for many years to come, An exemplary Mother, And a faithful friend!


Accept the wishes, They are both joking and serious: Let all your days be happy, And the nights are not a question!


We wish you to stand at the stove five times a year, and your husband gives compliments twenty-five times a day!


Let the kids only have “A” in their diaries! And most importantly, from doing things like this So that you don’t have a heart attack!


Happy Birthday, in verse, I congratulate you And, as a Russian woman, I wish: Let the huts not burn on your way, So that you can walk peacefully to happiness.


Let the horses gallop by too, only giving a horseshoe for good luck. Well, if trouble awaits you somewhere, let a real man come to the rescue!


Happy birsday, my dear! You will live forever without knowing troubles, So that the salt does not spill, The cup fortunately breaks, So that they don’t give you a watch. So that black cats can go around a mile away. So that the dogs at the windows don’t howl, And so that your affairs are definitely not down the cat’s tail!


We wish you much, much happiness, We wish that in your young life the road you took will not become a narrow path. We wish you more love, Huge, pure, like a tear And so that Your happy eyes smile more often!


Happy birthday my friend! Let it all be yours: the penthouse, the servants, your own personal yacht! In the center - a personal apartment, Dress in boutiques, And only go crazy with fat, And live like in your dreams!


Happy birthday, or what? Happy holiday of the soul! But don’t rush to grow up yet. Be a diligent daughter, please your mother more often Well, that's all, in short! In general, don’t get sick!


On your birthday, I wish you that all your dreams come true, that men surround you, and not March cats!


So that you can achieve everything. To make life seem more fun, we wish you one, followed by many zeros.


Congratulations, hugs, and shout Hurray to you. You are Miss World, Miss Universe and Miss This Table!


To my dear lady on her birthday, it’s such a pleasure to wish her. A suitcase of great fun, To laugh all your life!


A barrel full of love, So that every new day you can get drunk and bloom, driving out melancholy and laziness!

Toasts and congratulations for women

We were and remain goddesses, sparkling with the perfection of our bodies. Let those who didn’t get us cry. Let those who did not want us die!


Where does the water go? Water goes to water. Where is the trouble going? Trouble comes to trouble. River goes to river, Line goes to line. Where am I going? And I'm coming to you.


Be forever desired and loved by everyone, Always charming, irresistible, May your eyes forever shine with happiness, And in life only friends surround you.


It is better to know the bitterness of losing a loved one than the joy of gaining a wife. The first is a one-time grief, but the other is a hassle for the rest of your life. So let’s drink to our beloved wives, there’s less hassle with them!

The best anniversary toasts for a woman

There is no more beautiful person in the world, Listen, dear, You are forty years old today. I congratulate you.


Yes, maturity has come to our husband, But with it comes happiness! You have gained charm and charm, and you look alluring!


Forty years is not yet a date, This is the very peak of fate. Be desired and loved, What is destined will come. Forty years, how beautiful you are! New peak and new takeoff!


I wish you to forget about sadness, And remember that today is the forty-fifth anniversary, I wish you to be cheerful And invite friends to your house today!


Let youth shine more often In the soul and in the body, in nature Your love burns with fire Health will be in the majority!


Your anniversary - and at forty-five Let everything be like it was at twenty So that you can win


We are very pleased to congratulate you with all our hearts and warmth on the wonderful date of forty-five. Good luck and happiness to your home!


Let your loved ones always give their love, And let a dream live in your heart, To come true again and again!


Today is your anniversary, not just a simple one, but a golden one! We could sooner believe that he is in your fortieth, charming in appearance, tender, well, how can you not fall in love with someone like that? You are good in all matters and you can be proud of your life.


Congratulating you on this glorious date, With all our hearts we want to wish you another half century, or even that, to walk through life cheerfully and cheerfully.


Walk with a confident gait, The path ahead is still long. There will be losses and finds, Well, we are always with you.


Don't take stock at fifty-five! A beautiful wise light shines in your eyes! Happiness and health, vivacity, warmth! I wish your life to be joyful!


Let this day not add wrinkles, but smooth out and erase the old ones, and bring happiness to the house for a long time.


On some vessels there is a division: 50, 100, 150, 200 I wish you to fill such a vessel to the top with a beautiful creature - your life! Happy anniversary to you!


I wish you sunrises and sunny days, Crystal constellations and moonlit nights, Water meadows, freshly cut grass, Majestic oak forests rustling in the night.


I wish you sunsets from the evening dawn, Birches in the forest with silver bark, Honey flowers, strawberry meadows, Mirror lakes that are shrouded in fog.


I wish you reliable and faithful friends, health, care and joyful days. More luck and happiness, love. Dream, enjoy, worry, live!


I wish everything in your life to be strong: wine, health, friendship, spirit and family. For the hero of the day.


They don’t ask how old a woman is. She is always beautiful, young, Although gray hair and wrinkles mark the years that have flown by so imperceptibly.


Everything about them was stagnation and change. And you live with a bright character, survived adversity, changes, raised two children to their feet.


Seventy-five is just the beginning of the journey, We wish you strength for a long journey. More health and beauty. May your dreams come true forever.


We always wish you to be more beautiful, so that women’s happiness is not washed away by misfortune. And day by day you sparkle your eyes, make us happy with your smile.


Ten times eight years, This is the trace of a long life. You are a living story, and for us a dear soul!


Be healthy, don’t get sick, don’t regret the past. We love you very much, And lovingly we wish:


It is our joy to live longer, to see more happiness! Raise grandchildren and great-grandchildren, And always be cheerful!


At eighty years old, you are full of health, Energy, vigor, and strength! We wish you peace of mind, so that every day brings only joy!


For your grandchildren you are an example to follow, And for your children you are a loved one. Please accept this wish from the bottom of your heart: May your happy life be long!


It’s so good that you exist in the world, After all, you can be an example for all women! We want to give you flowers every minute! May it only get easier for you every day!


We congratulate you on your anniversary and believe that there will be no more troubles! You are the coolest among women. Well, even if you are eighty-five years old!


Let fairy tales come true And let time move backwards Five times you are seventeen And not “eighty-five”!

Funny Happy Birthday Congratulations to the Woman

What does a woman need? Yes, in general a little. With children, to be friendly, without traffic jams.


Husbands should be greeted from work with flowers. Gone are the worries, dental problems.


So that the shoes are comfortable, Tights without creases, So that the breasts are incomparable And clean plates.


May everything come true on your birthday and may you be lucky this time!


Life is simpler for men; they don’t have women’s worries. Even though the butt is clearly flatter and the belly is huge.


The cutest thing about a monkey should be a man. Everyone will point out our lovely flaws to us, directly.


So that no one torments the soul, So that no one tears the heart to shreds, So that no one destroys the peace. I will wish you:


Let your butt be elastic, like a peach fruit. Let Europe be jealous, Seeing you look like you.


Let your chest stand as if it were a night soldier on duty in the barracks. Let there be no holes in your karma, Let there be five carats on your fingers.


Orange Peel Let him torture others. On the table, let there be caviar, Let there be more wines, let them be dry.


So that diets are tastier, So that fitness is just a thrill, Guys, so that it is stronger, And in life - eternal drive!


I really, really, really want to wish you on the day that counts the years, to go to Sochi in the summer, not to go to the doctor, and not to hear “madam” for as long as possible. Drive everyone crazy with its bright beauty, and you can buy the rest yourself!


No, today I won’t tell you banal wishes, but I’ll take it and cast a super spell on you:


Let your chest not hang like a rag! And cellulite, go to the forest! And you, work, should never be a cause of stress!


Let the arrow of the scale be on the number you want, Even though you allow yourself delicious food all the time!


And may the one who got your heart be with you. May he always understand you and let your soul warm!


Don’t be sad that you’re no longer 17, Every age has its own charm. It is important in life to be able to smile, so that friends surround you.


May only warm words await you in life, And may your heart never cry from pain, And may your head be spinning From happiness, from love and from luck.

Cool toasts for a woman turning 45 years old. Toasts in prose

Do you know that women don’t particularly like to celebrate their 45th birthday? And one of the reasons is that in about five years there will be a more significant anniversary. But you know, these five years still have to pass, and we won’t repeat each anniversary. Therefore, be sure to persuade your friend to celebrate her 45th birthday. And so that she doesn’t regret it, tell her some cool toasts for her 45th birthday. For you, our authors have come up with funny toasts to a woman, specifically for her 45th birthday. So choose and say it, and let your hero of the day know that such a holiday should take place!

A woman gives us the strength to do great things and deeds. A woman warms us with her warmth. A woman gives us coolness on a hot and cloudless day. A woman is the most wonderful thing on earth. I propose to raise a glass to our birthday girl, to a wonderful mother, to a beautiful woman, to a kind and sympathetic friend! Happy anniversary!

After the toast, be sure to present some kind of humorous one. But a beautiful gift. Look at these comic telegrams:

They will help to play an interesting prank on the hero of the day and make this day even happier for her. And you can download all the comic telegrams here.

There is one wonderful joke when one woman was asked - what do you do? She answered - I am a soloist! Then they asked, “Where do you sing?” To which she replied - I don’t sing, I salt: cabbage, tomatoes... I propose to raise a toast to our birthday girl today. After all, she is not just a soloist, but also a wonderful housewife! For the hostess and for her “delicious” table!

You know, being a woman is very, very difficult. After all, women have a lot of responsibilities. A woman is responsible for family, children, well-being, food, entertainment and much, much more. But the main difficulty is that women have to deal with men! I propose to raise a glass to our birthday girl, who copes with all her responsibilities with ease!

Two elderly people are walking along the central street of the city. Suddenly a doctor comes towards them. One old man hid behind the second. He says - what are you doing? “You know,” the second one answers, “I’ve never been to a doctor, and I’ve never once turned to them for help.” That's why I'm ashamed to look him in the eye! So let's drink to our birthday girl so that she will be ashamed to meet with doctors. And so that she has excellent and best health!

One day a man met God and he told him - Know that everything you take from people will be taken away from you. But what you give to people will come back to you a hundredfold! I propose to drink to our generous hero of the day, to her kindness and affection with which she always greets guests in her home!

Happy is not the one who is rich. And happy is the one who has friends, family and health. I propose to drink to our hero of the day, who has it all and shares her happiness with others!

When a woman laughs, everyone around her is happy. When a woman is sad, everyone around her is sad. There is always fun and positivity around our birthday girl. I propose to raise a glass to her, for her laughter and good mood. And for those who make this mood good - for friends!

In prose in your own words

Half a bottle of wine is not a whole bottle. Depending on who looks at this bottle, he will say it is a lot or a little. On one side the bottle is half full, and on the other half empty. Today, being at the anniversary of a person dear to me, who is 45 years old today. I want to say that on the one hand, 45 is a lot, but on the other hand, it’s so little. So, I want to drink so that you always have the right train of thought. I drink to the realization that 45 years is really not a long time, and at the same time long enough to appreciate a person’s life, which seems to me to be going well for you.

With small five-year plans, you managed to reach a significant date today. When this anniversary comes to you, it definitely scares you. After all, in your mind the number is 18, and if you calculate from your passport, then it’s a whole 45 years. As they say in the Caucasus, the human soul has no age. And the numbers on the passport are relative. I wish you to recognize the wisdom of the peoples of the Caucasus, respond adequately to conditional figures and always look forward with confidence, despite all the adversities that may happen in life. Let's drink to the dregs for this!

One day, a fly decided to fly across the ocean, imagining the strength of a mountain eagle. The fly could not fly across the ocean. She didn't have enough strength. I wish you that you will always be able to bring all your ideas to the end and bring all your wildest plans to life. You are now at a great point in life. 45 years is an age when not all plans and ideas have yet been realized. There is still something to strive for and something to want. Let's all drink to this wonderful man who has gathered us today at this luxurious table.

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Jokingly congratulate a woman on her 45th birthday

  • Everyone knows at 45 the Lady is a berry again! It is not in vain that this is said! Your friends will confirm! You have so much life and fire, Darling! Your enthusiasm infects everyone, energizes everyone with mood! You are our lighter, There is no one more beautiful in the world than you!
  • *

    We wish you happiness to heaven, to experience all earthly wonders, to recognize the divine power of love, and to see the world as beautiful and happy.


    May God grant you wisdom in your decisions and multiplication of your best qualities, wonderful relationships with children and understanding of their eccentricities.

Cool toasts for a woman turning 45 years old. Toasts in prose

After the toast, be sure to present some kind of humorous one. But a beautiful gift. Look at these comic telegrams:

They will help to play an interesting prank on the hero of the day and make this day even happier for her. And you can download all the comic telegrams here.


Happy is not the one who is rich. And happy is the one who has friends, family and health. I propose to drink to our hero of the day, who has it all and shares her happiness with others!

Comic congratulations on a woman’s 45th birthday

The years burn out like candles, They cannot be added or taken away, But for us it is not evening yet, It is not forty-five years yet. The indomitable impulse of the soul We still can’t calm down, And that means it’s time to be loved, If “the woman is a berry again”!


It is a holiday today! Anniversary! You are a woman and you are beautiful, I wish you smiles and clear days, Do not be upset in vain!


May your soul be light, May your eyes laugh enthusiastically, May luck help you, May you touch your dream soon!


Even though a lot has already been said, But I won’t repeat myself, I want you to know for sure, I’m afraid of your beauty. You look so beautiful, That anyone would envy, And time certainly has no power here, Over unearthly beauty!


Congratulations on your anniversary! I would like to wish from my heart that Life will suddenly begin to surprise you more interestingly, more fun!


Let it fill you with newness, Give you charm at forty-five! After all, you are so young at heart, That you turned back time!


But I think you’re lying, I wouldn’t give you 45, After all, you bloom like a rose, And it’s hard to guess your age.

Year by year you become more beautiful, It’s as if time is going backwards, Only in your passport you see this number – ONLY FORTY-FIVE.


On the way, let happiness meet again, May yours enter the house with love again! And let your heart not believe the papers: This figure is ANOTHER FORTY-FIVE.


You are forty-five today, a memorable date! I wish you to radiate joy and always be rich!


Let your soul be young, And let you bloom like a rose. Let peace reign in the family, live in peace and love!

Original congratulations and SMS to a woman on her 45th birthday

  • We wish you everything, our beauty, May these warm moments remain in your memory. Not for the sake of a nice word, I will say by the way:


Happy birthday dear, happy anniversary sunshine. We drink to you, this toast to the bottom! You deserve the best now.


But I will make adjustments. The hero of the day, for starters, has never stopped being a fresh, beautiful woman. So we're waiting for our second youth at sixty years old.


Congratulations to the young woman, Let your eyes burn with fire, Let men fall in love, Let your soul sing Like an innocent girl. I wish you a beautiful, rich, cheerful life. From the bottom of my heart, I wish you. May you be amazed again and again by the happiness that keeps coming.


Let luck surprise you more often, Which gives you presents from life. Let any tasks and the most daring experiments be possible.


Well, and of course I wish you to surprise everyone with health, charm, activity and fill everyday life with love


And every day will be like a holiday: Cheerful, sparkling, bright, Victorious, not monotonous


Love and sunshine in your destiny, May luck shine like a bright fairy tale, And happiness become a shadow on your soul, That your world will be embellished with tender caress.


Let this anniversary give you the warmest, long-awaited words in the world, Believe that at 45 you live again


Captivate with your beauty, Give ground to gossip! At forty-five you are good, and your soul is pure. Rejoice, live, shine Give joy to everyone around you!

Cool toasts for a woman's 45th birthday

Our berry today, the most beautiful and sweetest of all, has an excellent occasion, celebrates its anniversary!

I’ll drink to you today, Standing, and straight to the bottom, I wish you from the bottom of my heart, Happiness, joy, goodness!

45 to you today, I congratulate you, And I wish you a long life, Joy, goodness!

Today I drink to happiness, to delight and beauty, you shine like the sun, make your dream come true!

Be rich and loved, And live to the fullest, Let troubles pass by, Don’t be sad, don’t be sad!

Our berry, I congratulate you, And from the bottom of my heart today I wish that there will be goodness in life, And that everything will always be fine!

So that your soul does not know grief, So that your beauty blooms forever, So that it is young and fresh, I drink to the dregs for you today!

At 45, a woman becomes freer than ever. The children are adults, there is beauty, there is more than enough courage and experience. A great kit for doing crazy things. I wish you adventures and explosive emotions. Enjoy your freedom!

Forty-five is not even an age, but a polite reminder that a woman is as good as a ripe berry. We wish you to experience all the beauty of maturity, preserve the charm and charm of youth in your heart, and still remain the most charming and sweet. For the birthday girl!

45 to you today, On such a wonderful anniversary, I wish you health, new, fresh ideas!

I wish I could build myself a dacha by the sea, So that my soul would not know pain, So that it would be the most beautiful of all!

For you, for your happiness, I will drink to the bottom now, You are smart, sweet, beautiful, Be like this always!

45, and you are beautiful, Like a rose you have blossomed, I drink to your happiness, to your wealth, so that you may be loved!

Happy Anniversary, bright impressions, Smile, rejoice, bloom, And I wish you inspiration, May your dreams come true!

Let’s omit the now vulgar comparison with a berry. And today we’re not talking about a woman. Our dear birthday girl is charming, like a nymph and just as graceful in her bends and movements. But today, I want to drink not for her beautiful form, but for the flexibility of mind and the positivity that she adds with her mere presence. Here's to your 45!

I ask everyone to raise their glasses in honor of our beautiful hero of the day! May there always be love in her life. After all, this is the feeling that, like fresh air, heals the soul and heart. Let her take deep breaths of this air more often. May her dreams come true and may she always shine with the light of happiness!

No matter how anyone tries to upset you with this impudent saying about the similarity of women and berries, I assure you that it only applies to “women.” But a beautiful mature girl at 45 is more like a bouquet of beautiful and expensive flowers that makes everyone around her happy! Happy birthday! All the best to you, don't stop there!

In verse

  • At forty-five you're not a girl
  • Not like a child.
  • Queen of life you are
  • I give you flowers.
  • You are experienced in every way
  • And brave in all her decisions.
  • I drink so that the experience will be added.
  • I hope you like the new age.
  • There's no need to be sad at 45
  • After all, you are a lady – what we need!
  • You have a great figure
  • You are a top class woman.
  • Men don't pass by.
  • Their cheekbones are aching with envy.
  • Everyone wants to talk to you,
  • Enjoy your communication!
  • We want to wish you
  • Success in life,
  • Get a lot of money
  • In work - diligence!
  • Don't let your head hurt
  • After a binge,
  • Let's drink so that we don't break up
  • Never with a dream!
  • I wish you attention
  • From family and friends!
  • People at a distance
  • We bowed low to you!
  • Respect at work
  • And in the brain for enlightenment,
  • We drink to this now,
  • Not once, but five times!
  • It's our turn to congratulate.
  • We were told that you are forty-five today.
  • We didn’t want to believe, we were overcome by doubts.
  • You look only twenty-eight.
  • And your autumn is just around the corner. We wish
  • Have fun and excel this evening
  • We'll pour you some champagne
  • We will sing you a song about how beautiful you are!
  • Don't stop at age,
  • At forty-five you have distinguished yourself.
  • Enjoy life more
  • And don't doubt yourself.
  • Relax in Goa
  • The water there is warm.
  • I drink to you
  • I just adore you!
  • Lots of drunken joy to you!
  • And more pickles,
  • So that you live in abundance,
  • Expensive cognac to drink.
  • There was caviar on the table
  • Black and red!
  • We drink to your life
  • It was super cool!
  • For life to be successful,
  • Unfalse and not sinful,
  • Without deception and sadness!
  • Children so as not to upset,
  • The neighbors didn't bother me
  • Delicious food at lunch!
  • In general, all the best!
  • Let's have a drink for the occasion!
  • You have a voice like Madonna
  • And your eyes are bottomless.
  • You have a figure like Lopez.
  • You seduce all men with your curves.
  • Like Claudia Schiffer you walk down the street
  • I can't take my eyes off your walk.
  • You are the same age as Pamela
  • Age has no control over your body.
  • So, forty-five is just the beginning.
  • I have listed quite a few celebrities.
  • And my toast to you for combining them all.
  • And you conquer us all with your beauty!
  • I'm glad you gave up the cafe
  • And you quickly got ready for nature.
  • We will celebrate with vodka and barbecue.
  • Everyone is used to this situation.
  • After all, at forty-five you need to remember the past.
  • What is interesting, past, dear.
  • Let's celebrate in nature, like twenty years ago.
  • And you have the same sweet look as before.
  • So may you never grow old.
  • You will completely forget about pensions.
  • Keep your youth, rest as before,
  • According to the program, I will continue to drink for you!
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