Birthday invitation text in prose - congratulations in your own words

This type of correspondence, such as an invitation letter, can be used if it is necessary to invite a person to an event, meeting, interview, exhibition or seminar. Non-profit business letters are often used in the field of entrepreneurship. Let's look at how to draw up such a document for various cases.

Examples of invitation letters:

— for an interview — for an event — for a seminar — for participation in a tender — for an exhibition

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Functions of an invitation letter

A written invitation allows you to solve the following problems:

  • notification to the addressee about any event or activity;
  • confirmation that the person is actually invited to a particular event;
  • a reminder of the place and time of the event, indicating the exact address;
  • showing signs of attention, and this is important if the company needs to leave a good impression of itself with a potential counterparty.

If the organization does not have the opportunity to invite a person in person or by telephone, then this letter will be a good option.

Sending a Dinner Invitation Email

If you do choose to go paperless, you'll want to make sure that you still get all the important information across to your guests. To ensure this happens, do your best to stick the following guidelines:

  • Include the date, time, and address of the party. These are the key pieces of information to include on the invitation itself.
  • Specify the dress code for the event. Will it be casual, business casual, semi-formal, formal, or black tie? Did you want everyone to come in costume, or only wear a certain color? Having these details on the invitation will ensure no one misses the memo.
  • Tell the recipient's what the occasion is for. Starting the letter by informing everyone of your intentions to throw a birthday party or philanthropic dinner will set the tone for the remainder of the message.
  • Do you expect donations or don't want anyone to bring gifts? Include this as well.
  • Give them a contact and deadline to send in RSVP's. This will help you in the planning of your party.
  • Keep it simple enough so the key details aren't buried within the body of the email. Bold or highlight important information if necessary.

How to send an invitation letter

A letter of invitation to an event can be sent to the recipient in several ways:

  • In person or by courier. With this method, you can also invite verbally.
  • By post. For particularly important events, you need to send the document by valuable letter with acknowledgment of delivery with a list of attachments. Please note that the letter should be sent in advance so that it arrives on time.
  • Via email. A convenient option for sending an invitation letter to an interview, exhibition, etc.

Other Resources for Dinner Party Invitation Wording

If you liked this guide on dinner invitation wording and you're looking for custom party favors for your dinner party, try our personalized glassware. Or, if you're specifically planning for a holiday party, make sure to order your Christmas party invitations well in advance.

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Features of writing an invitation letter

When writing an invitation letter, use the standard rules of business correspondence. It is necessary to use a formal business style of speech and not include colloquial expressions in the text. Particular attention must be paid to literacy: there should be no spelling, punctuation or other errors. It is also important to check the text for ambiguous constructions.

A company can develop invitation letter forms independently for various situations. There are no legally approved forms.

The letter must include the following information:

  1. About the sender of the letter: full name, position, address, name of the organization (if the sender is a legal entity), its details. If the letter is written on company letterhead, then such information will already be included in the header.
  2. Who is the letter intended for? Here you indicate your full name, position, name of the organization and its details.
  3. Letter title: “Invitation.” Located in the center.
  4. Addressing the addressee. It should also be in the center. As a rule, they use a standard address by name and patronymic: “Dear ...!”
  5. Information about the event or activity to which the addressee is invited. You must indicate the date, time and location of the event. You can also indicate additional data: uniform, contacts of the person responsible for the event or meeting of guests, necessary documentation, etc.
  6. If it is necessary to confirm the participation of the invited person, then a request for this should be placed in the text. You also need to inform about the registration fee or payment for participation.

The letter ends with the signature of the sender of the letter. In addition, you need to indicate his full name and position.

For your information! If necessary, you can attach brochures, maps, an event program, a list of speakers, and more.

Below are examples of invitation letters for various situations. You can safely use them by changing the necessary data.


Many guys like it when girls pay attention to them and do not hide their interest. Women's initiative is welcome, but only if the man himself is not against the relationship. To invite him first, you need to take into account important conditions:

  • young people have known each other for some time;
  • the guy is a little interested;
  • he is shy and indecisive around girls;
  • She has been in love for a long time and is tired of revealing her feelings.

If it is obvious that a man is indifferent and cold in communication, you should not be the first to invite him to a meeting. We need to wait some more time and find out more information. You should remember what he likes in women and what annoys him. It is important to understand his interests and how he likes to spend his time. Then it’s worth showing him that the woman has the necessary qualities, that they have the same tastes and hobbies.

Having decided to take the first step towards a relationship, a girl should not forget that men first pay attention to external data. Therefore, you need to look attractive, seductive and feminine. The guy should be interested and charmed so that he agrees to the meeting. It is important to show your best side, skillfully emphasizing your strengths and hiding your weaknesses.

Girls who have a decisive character and are not shy about inviting a guy for a walk should follow this plan:

  1. 1. Make sure he is not dating another woman.
  2. 2. Think about the day and place of the meeting in advance.
  3. 3. Choose a place where there will be no distractions.
  4. 4. Be prepared for the fact that the guy is busy with something and has no time for dates.
  5. 5. Set yourself in a positive mood, be moderately relaxed and confident.
  6. 6. Do not insist or impose if he is not sure and is hesitating.

You should speak to him in a calm tone and not show off your love. He shouldn't think that he can play on a girl's feelings and treat her with disrespect. Let him see that he is being given a chance to have a relationship with an interesting, proud, brave and confident woman.

How to ask a girl to date

Letter of invitation for an interview

Most often, candidates for a position are invited to an interview by email. Features of the letter: specificity in the presentation, respectful address, official business style of speech. Be sure to indicate the name of the company, the name of the vacancy, address, contacts of the HR department employee, and a list of documents that the applicant must take with him.

In the subject of the email you need to write that this is an invitation letter, indicate the vacancy and the name of the organization. It is better to follow up the letter with a phone call to ensure that the applicant received the email.

An employee of the organization’s HR department can sign this letter.


Limited Liability Company "Bereg" (organization details)

Tikhonov Alexander Anatolyevich


Dear Alexander Anatolyevich!

thanks you for your response to the vacancy “System Administrator”. We have carefully reviewed your resume and believe that your experience and qualifications are a good fit for our organization.

We invite you to an interview at our office at the address: Izhevsk, st. Sadovaya, 12, office. December 14, 20, 2021 at 11:00. We ask you to have your passport with you to obtain a one-time pass.

For any questions you may have, please call: 8 (3412) 22-12-13.

HR Department Specialist at Bereg LLC Romanova Kristina Petrovna

Letter of invitation to the event

An event can be understood as conferences, round tables, meetings, forums, presentations, congresses, that is, various types of business meetings. The features of the invitation letter in this case will be: description of the event, address, program of the event, wardrobe requirements (if necessary).

The letter must be signed by the head of the organization if a manager is also invited. If the message is addressed to top managers or other employees, then employees replacing management can also sign the letter.


Limited Liability Company "Perfumer" (organization details)

To individual entrepreneur Polina Sergeevna Somova


Dear Polina Sergeevna!

invites you to attend the presentation of our new products. The event will be held at: Kirov, st. Partizanskaya, 131 (Business Center "Hawaii"), "pink" hall, December 24, 2021 at 15:00.

The program includes: perfume tasting, buffet.

Responsible for the event is Alexandra Ivanovna Bekk, tel.

General Director of Perfumer LLC Nikolaev / N.M. Nikolaev

Letter of invitation to the seminar

This invitation letter copies other letters in its structure. The text must indicate the topic of the seminar, the issues that will be discussed during the event, which will allow the invitee to participate in the seminar. Also, if the recipient must send any personal data before participating, then you must be warned about this. The registration form can be attached to the letter.

For your information! It would not hurt to indicate the approximate duration of the seminar.


Limited Liability Company "New Technologies" (organization details)

To the General Director of Gamma LLC, Kirill Kirillovich Petrov


Dear Kirill Kirillovich!

invites you to our new seminar. Its topic: “Attracting foreign investors in the development of Russian business.” The event will take place on December 23, 2021 at 17:00 at the address: Kazan, st. Revolutionary, 138 A.

During the seminar we will discuss such topical issues as:

  • the most attractive areas of Russian business for Western investors;
  • how to find foreign investors;
  • terms of cooperation with foreign investors;
  • promotion of Russian business on the international market.

Participation in the seminar will allow you to get acquainted with the experience of your colleagues, share your own experience and expand your list of business contacts.

To participate in the seminar, you must fill out the form attached and send it to our email.

The estimated duration of the seminar is 3 hours.

Responsible for the event: Sokolov Stepan Stepanovich, tel.: 8 (843) 777-66-55

Sincerely, General Director of New Technologies LLC Dmitry Dmitrievich Rustamov

Effective methods with minimal risk of failure

When inviting a man on a date, so as not to be refused, use proven means. Research in advance where you can go for the first time so that both of you will be interested.

The classic “ticket disappears” scheme

The idea is as old as time, so it is not an original method. But it has been tested by millions of women. Chat with the man and his friends. Observe to determine what he is interested in, what is important to him and causes positive emotions. Buy tickets to a place that will be interesting to both of you. A trip to the theatre, concert, football match or circus performance is suitable.

In an unobtrusive manner, inform the gentleman that you were planning to go with a friend, but she got sick, left, is working or is treating a sick cat. In this way, you will show interest in the young man, but minimize the risks of shame, deterioration of your own reputation, leaving a path to retreat.

This method has its pitfalls that need to be considered:

  1. Firstly, a man may think that you are really inviting him out of despair, because there is no one else. And he's just a backup option. This hurts sensitive male pride.
  2. Secondly, there is a risk of a situation arising, as in the famous Soviet film. The guy will decide that you are ready to sell or give away tickets that disappear anyway. And invite someone else with him.

Offer to try something new

It’s appropriate to start a conversation with the phrase: “Imagine, a new trampoline center for adults has opened. Excellent for relieving stress. Maybe we can go today after work? It will be fun and useful."

If you know that a man does not like active recreation, invite him to a cozy coffee shop, an unusual bar, or a themed cafe. For example, eat black ice cream from the shop around the corner. A suitable phrase would be: “An interesting bar has recently opened. They say that the cocktails there are very tasty. Shall we try on Saturday?" Use your imagination.

Idea for a movie night together

Take a man to talk about cinema. Find out what films he likes and what genre he prefers. Discuss new products that should be released soon. A great way to find out what he would like to watch will help him not make a mistake in choosing a movie. And when the cherished picture appears in cinemas, feel free to ask the guy on a date to the premiere.

This option is ideal for a first date. You won't have to endure awkward pauses while frantically coming up with a topic for conversation. Since the first half of the evening you will be busy watching, and the second half discussing the film.

A walk as a hint to meet

The calmest, most unobtrusive way to be the first to ask a man out on a date so that he doesn’t refuse. Invite the object of your affection to take a walk in the park or join company at a city day celebration, an ice cream festival, and so on. Example: “A new alley (an original art object) was opened in a nearby park. Let's go this weekend and see."

So that the man does not refuse, choose places and events suitable for both a romantic evening and a friendly meeting. Don't focus on the fact that you're asking for a date in the literal sense.

Original methods of invitations

Men are not creatures from another planet, they are people just like women. They want love, romance, attention, care. When you decide to invite a guy on a date, try to do it beautifully and originally.

  • Send the letter by mail. Try to find out the residential address. Write a letter by hand and use the Russian Post service. It's so nice to receive a real letter in an envelope, with beautiful canceled stamps, keeping the touch of your hands. It will be a surprise when your dream hero finds a romantic message in the box instead of utility bills.
  • Place the card where the man will definitely find it. Choose a beautiful but neutral card from the print department. Fill it out yourself, even if you are convinced of your inability to write beautifully. Someone else's handwriting will confuse the recipient. He may think that the message was written by another girl he knows.

  • Organize a small quest. This is another way to beautifully invite a man on a date. Use stickers, surprises in the form of candies, notes with hints. The following phrases are suitable: “Look for your happiness behind the monitor”, “I’m waiting for you under the table.” The man must be the last to discover the treasured message. To make it even more interesting, draw a map.
  • Secret friend. There is such a game. It is especially convenient if people work together. Send small gifts by mail, through friends, or leave them on your desk. The last message should be an invitation to a date.
  • The effect of surprise. The best way to ask a guy out on a date is without him saying no. If you unexpectedly put forward a proposal for a meeting in a conversation on an abstract topic, the young man will be confused. This will minimize the risk of failure.
  • Mysterious companion. Use a little trick. Throw the object of your dreams a movie ticket. Let him guess until the last minute who will sit next to him. People love riddles; they are unlikely to refuse.
  • Meeting with the company. If you are not ready for solitude or are afraid of a negative reaction, first suggest a group trip to the cinema, a cafe, or a trip to nature. Choose people you both know well.

Humor is welcome , but you should make sure in advance that the guy is able to understand the joke. In this case, an invitation to a date will make the man smile, and will give the girl an escape route if something goes wrong. But you shouldn't get carried away. If you overdo it, the man will think that this is just a ridiculous joke and will not take the invitation seriously.

Appropriate invitation wording

An example note might look like this:

“Hello, radiant Andrey. Bright-eyed Anna writes to you. I don't want to indulge in lengthy discussions. I also won’t find out what your weather is like. After all, we have the same one. I'll go straight to the purpose of the conversation. In the evening at the Bolshoi they perform “The Queen of Spades”. Would you be so kind as to accompany me on your outing?

R.S. Just in case, I took a ticket to the Spartak-Zenit match for tomorrow.”

Theaters and exhibitions will interest a rare man. Therefore, in the example, a similar situation is played out in a humorous form. If a guy is predisposed to close communication with you, he will agree to both options with a smile.

The content of the spoken or written text depends on the form of communication established earlier. If the relationship has reached the level of friendship, contact the man with a direct proposal: “Let’s go to a cafe this weekend.”

Preliminary reconnaissance of men's circle of interests will help. For example: “It’s a jazz evening at the Philharmonic on Sunday, and I have absolutely no one to go with. Will you keep me company?

Or the following phrase: “An exhibition of Dali is opening in the gallery. You are the only person I know who is interested in his work. Maybe we can go on Friday?”

Letter of invitation to participate in the tender

An organization can be invited to participate in a tender. For this purpose, it is important to note in the letter the deadlines for submitting an application for participation, the object of the tender, and the address for sending the application, since a special procedure must be followed to complete the application.

Forms to be filled out (questionnaire, application, tender offer, etc.) must be attached to the letter.


Limited Liability Company "Perspective" (organization details)

General Director of LLC "Chrysanthemum" Zagrebin Alexander Alexandrovich


Dear Alexander Alexandrovich!

We invite you to take part in the tender held by Perspektiva LLC for the development of an information portal.

In order to take part in the tender, please fill out the application for participation in the tender and the tender proposal and send the documents before December 20, 2021 to the email address specified in the attachment to the letter, be sure to write the name of the tender in the subject line of the letter.

When filling out a tender proposal, you can select one or more positions in which your company specializes.

The documents required for review and completion are attached.

Sincerely, General Director of Perspektiva LLC Semenov Roman Romanovich

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