Party in the style of "Moulin Rouge" - passion, chic, gloss

Themed parties have become increasingly popular lately. They give more emotions and are an additional reason to get together and have fun. In fact, the topics can be very diverse, it all depends on the desires of the organizers and the interests of the company itself. For example, for young and ambitious young people, devoid of any complexes, the Moulin Rouge theme is perfect. Immerse yourself in the atmosphere of a French cabaret and endless dance, surrender to passions and forget about time, as well as enjoy expensive alcohol and perfumes with rich sweet notes, this is what modern youth need.

Party scenario in the style of Moulin Rouge

In order for the party to be held in its theme, the first thing you need to do is find a room.
Due to the fact that the usual colors for the Moulin Rouge are red, black and gold, it is better to look for a room as close as possible to these shades, because decorating green or blue walls will be somewhat more expensive and problematic. Finding an entertainment venue in red is not a problem at all, because psychologists say that this particular color can awaken the appetite.

Owners of restaurants and clubs, as well as designers and art directors, readily believe this and find confirmation in their practice. After color, attention should be paid to lighting, whether it is possible to isolate natural rays, how effectively this can be done, and also what is the level of artificial lighting. The ideal option would be to have all kinds of reflectors and lights at different levels. In order to create a feeling of semi-darkness and muffle glare.

The furniture should not be ignored either; it should be as close as possible to the French style. That is, to be not pompous, but sophisticated with carved and flirty elements, but this is already in the ideal case. Also, given a large choice, preference should be given to the room that has a stage, because it is difficult to imagine such a celebration without traditional cabaret dances on the podium.

Image of a lady "Burlesque"

Before you start building your image in the style in question, you should evaluate yourself. The main thing is feminine curves, gently outlining the line of the chest, hips and waist. And at the same time, neither the length of the legs, nor the curvaceous or thin physique matters.

But besides the body, a woman’s character is also of great importance: playful, alluring and absolutely inaccessible, like a dream of an ideal. Sensuality and distance are the contrasts that make a representative of the fair sex attractive in the eyes of a hunter.

And to create such an image, you need to choose the right clothes, makeup and hairstyle.

The basics of burlesque makeup style include smooth, silky and perfectly toned skin. In this regard, it is worth taking a closer look at the queen of this trend. Porcelain skin is expertly highlighted with bright accents of the eyes and lips. By the way, the eyes should be emphasized by graceful arrows and lush eyelashes, and an alluring smile on the lips should shimmer with shades of a red rose. Blush? There should be a minimum of them and only in accordance with the recommendations for applying makeup for winter ladies.

The rules of the burlesque hairstyle are so strictly regulated. Every day, in any environment, it must be impeccable. Radiant curls or a perfectly styled French knot – the choice of option depends only on the oval of the lady’s face. By the way, the color shade of the hair is absolutely not important, as is its length. The main thing is to be perfectly combed every minute of your existence.

How to decorate a room?

As mentioned above, the color scheme comes first. The red color should be deep, rich and languid, so to speak, personifying passion and desire. The golden color is needed to emphasize luxury and high cost; it is better to give preference to a noble shade without adding orange or pistachio. Well, the black color serves as a neutralizer. Red should shine the most; more than half of all decorative elements can be allocated to it. But the rest can be divided between black and gold.

The main decorations should be made of luxurious textiles; satin is best. They can decorate everything you can, from furniture and paths to napkins and bows. The main thing is not to spare the fabric; the larger and more voluminous the elements, the more you will be able to convey the atmosphere of the Moulin Rouge. But we must not forget about the other two colors; if you manage to find a fabric made of black and gold colors, where one is used as a background, and the second performs large elements of the ornament, then nothing can be better if you just add fringe along the edge of the product. But there are also purely decorative elements, let’s take a closer look.

How about an Italian style party?

Paintings - it is better to order large posters separately using pre-selected layouts and place them in carved gold frames. For pictures, you can choose photos of old Paris or scenic moments from French cinema. But here, too, we must not forget about the color, for example, a green lawn near the Champs Elysees will not be suitable at all, only if converted to black and white shades or artificially aging the paper.

Vases with large flowers are an indispensable attribute. Vases can be black, transparent or in the color of aged gold, and flowers can be absolutely anything, but it is desirable that the buds be red in shade and impressive in size. The only rule that is appropriate here is a large number of such vases. It would be nice to make several vessels on the floor, and insert into them, in addition to flowers, feathers or compositions made from them.

Full-length mirrors are not a very important attribute, but simply necessary. No matter how strange the previous phrase may sound, this is exactly the case... In fact, you can easily do without them, but what about luxurious coquettes, for whom it is very important to look at themselves from the outside to make sure that everything is in order and admire themselves once again. Besides, what kind of woman doesn’t like to just hang around the mirror?!

Garlands, rain, beads - just what should be golden in color, firstly, this is the real color for these accessories, and secondly, their gloss and light will add completeness to the holiday atmosphere.

Party in Las Vegas style - what could be more interesting?


Saturday, April 06, 2013 19:48 + in the quote book Passion, attraction, sin...with an intoxicating unbridled desire, “Moulin Rouge” united all this! Moulin Rouge literally means red mill. This is a famous classic cabaret in Paris, built in 1889. The name of the cabaret was given by a wooden mill with red wings, created by decarator Leon-Adolphe Villette. The red color of the wings clearly hinted at the red light district. The Moulin Rouge attracted not only representatives of the middle class, but also aristocrats, people of art (Picasso, Oscar Wilde) and even members of royal families, for example, the Prince of Wales. The main attraction of the establishment was the famous cancan. Invitations Invitations can be issued in the form of bright colorful programs or caricatures can be made for each invited guest. Decorating the hall A Moulin Rouge-style party can take place in any cafe or restaurant, the main thing is to take care of the lighting. The hall should have dim lighting, and the decoration should be dominated by red and black colors. Hang a Cabaret sign on your front door. Decorate the hall in black and red style. Display red fabric, French paintings, Moulin Rouge style posters. To recreate the atmosphere of Paris, pay attention to table decorations. Place large baskets of French baguettes. Place flowers, preferably red, throughout the Moulin Rouge-style party hall. You can also hang paper ones, but only in red. Place several small tables around the room, instead of one large one, like in a cabaret. You can leave inscriptions or lip marks with red lipstick on the mirrors. You can even leave a menu program on the tables, in which you can name the usual dishes in the French style and briefly describe the entertainment program (so that guests know when to give gifts, until what time the whole celebration will be, where is the smoking room, etc.). Famous French dishes include onion or cheese soup, beef Bourguignon or coq au vin - chicken in wine. For dessert, chocolate mousse, creme brulee and Poire Belle Helene - pear with vanilla ice cream and chocolate. The final chord is hot chocolate and, of course, cafe au lait. Good selection of sauces from Provencal to bechamel and Dijon mustard. Goose pate instead of foie gras or truffles made at the factory named after. Krupskaya. It is not necessary to offer all this to guests, but you can use the names. Costumes Watch the movie Moulin Rouge and use your imagination. It is in this film that you will find images of ladies with cigars, cabaret girls and harlots of the last century. Women Black stockings and red headbands, shoes, hats and fans, feathers, rhinestones, sequins, dresses with full skirts and frills, hats with feathers and short brims, corsets and pearl beads, boas and cigarette holders, Men Tuxedos and top hats, cigars, ties bow tie, gloves. Makeup The Moulin Rouge look should revolve around flawless skin, slightly pouty lips and dewy eyes adorned with quivering false eyelashes. For radiant skin, set your face with shimmering loose powder after applying your foundation, blending pink petal blush just under your cheekbones. To do eye makeup like that of the Moulin Rouge dancer, use provocative shades of eyeshadow: charcoal, ruby ​​and garnet. Apply shimmering powder under the eyebrows, above the cheekbones and on the eyelids. A chic look for a Moulin Rouge-themed party will be incomplete without a beautiful manicure. Whatever design you choose, it is worth remembering that the party is in the style of the Moulin Rouge, and you should still adhere to harmony in makeup, hairstyle and manicure. There are no hard and fast rules when it comes to hair. Various precious jewelry, ribbons, lace and feathers will add the finishing touches to your unique look. You can see how to use them from Pink and Christina Aguilera in the Lady Marmalade video. Menu Place French dishes on the tables (for example, cheese soup, mousse, hot chocolate). For a drink, take wine. Music You might consider live music. If you manage to find a good accordionist, consider half the battle done! Let the most romantic French tunes sound throughout the evening. Don't forget to include "Mani-Mani", "Lady Marmalade" and Offenbach's music in your set of disco music. Dances Konchnozhe cancan, as well as: tribal, Latin, modern jazz, Balkan tribal, Lindy hop, Slavic tribal, burlesque, retro, Broadway show, Argentine tango, sexy R'n'B. Meeting guests To organize guests, a mime would be perfect to escort guests to their tables to French music, send air kisses, give balloons of different colors or balloons with numbers, showing that the balloon needs to be tied to a chair, that it is a personal balloon. Pay special attention to the presenter’s costume, ask them to say the famous French phrases “Bonjour madame et monsieur!” more often. Entertainment Invite a caricature artist or street artist to the banquet itself, let him draw all the guests who want. The artist's outfit must be appropriate - a French artist. As a rule, you can negotiate with artists on the street to work inexpensively for 2-3 hours in a warm room. Attractions are also suitable entertainment for a Moulin Rouge-themed party. This could be a bartender show, a performance by a magician in a tailcoat and top hat, etc. Announce that a new cabaret has opened, which requires dancers and dancers, so on this holiday there will be a selection of girls and young men for the dance group, but only two will pass the selection, a girl and a young man. What is the main thing in the life of a cabaret? Of course, cancan. Therefore, girls must show how they can dance this dance. A competition is held for the best dance. Three winners are awarded red roses. Young people also need to be shown what they are capable of. A dance competition is being held among men to the song “Mani-Mani” from the film “Cabaret”. Three winners are awarded a cigar. Now the presenter calls both girls and boys, winners of previous competitions, then divides them into pairs in random order. A dance competition is held among couples. The winners are awarded a prize. Dancer's clothes Girls participate in the competition. For the competition you will need fishnet stockings, corsets, fluffy skirts, long skirts, short miniskirts, blouses, dresses of various styles. All things are laid out on the table. The participants’ task, after the presenter’s signal, is to choose and wear from among all the clothes the one that is suitable for a cabaret dancer. The winner is the girl who chooses the right attire and looks like a cabaret dancer. The winner is determined by voting among men. The best bouquet The presenter calls several guys and brings out a large basket with flowers in it. Time is recorded. On command, the guys begin to collect bouquets. The most beautiful and creative bouquet wins. Buy a variety of fresh flowers in advance. French forfeits A game in which guests are asked to write a task on cards - to do something this evening, the cards are dropped into a hat (it is better to use a top hat), then during the evening one of the guests calls a number and takes out a card with a task (this is the number ball, i.e. which of the guests will perform the task of the note). This game will help you avoid banal competitions. Shadow play. A “screen” and a bright lamp are installed so that guests see only the shadows of those who are behind the screen. To the accompaniment of beautiful music, you can show a pre-prepared scene with the help of guests on a love theme; acted out excerpts from fairy tales, in which different actions are accompanied by different music, turn out to be very funny. Someone works as an announcer - reads the text. Another option: you can show only the action using shadows, and guests will guess what it is. Music in this case should be a clue. For example, love monologues from various famous films, including the unexpected “17 Moments of Spring”, etc. And another option: one of the guests is invited to play a role in the skit, the announcer reads the text of the skit with expression, and the guest actors must portray this in a shadow theater without uttering sounds or words, without any objects (i.e. if in the text it is said about an axe, then the actors must portray it using only their hands). A parody extravaganza can follow a beautiful dance or even instead of it. They dress the male guest as a cabaret dancer or invite a life-size doll. The costume should be comical, showing off feminine charms (example: Veerka Serduchka). Host: And now, dear friends, surprise! We meet a beauty from the heart of France, from Paris... Charming “Miss Erotica”!


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Party Costumes

Costumes. Do not confuse the Moulin Rouge style with a brothel. Although passion and eroticism come first, there can be no talk of vulgarity and accessibility. All costumes should be on the edge, as if a little more and indecent, but this fine line must absolutely not be crossed.

Drawstring corsets work well, but it is better if they have straps or puffed sleeves. Skirts should be very short, but in order not to cross the line of vulgarity, the presence of flounces and “tails” at the back is important. And shorts, too, as short as possible, are not allowed to be tight; it is better if they are made of simple dense fabric that can keep their shape straight or flared. Additionally, you can wear stockings, high-heeled shoes and a hat with a veil.

You don’t need to pay much attention to your hairstyle; let it be disheveled, consisting of curls and strands with chaotic curls. The shoulders should remain as open as possible, and you can cover them with a fur boa. For those who do not really like to expose their body, it is better to give preference to a floor-length dress, but the skirt should be voluminous and fluffy. As for men, everything is somewhat simpler. A classic suit, a snow-white shirt and a modest bow tie will suffice. The height of style would be if you add a tailcoat, a cane, a top hat and a scarlet rose in your breast pocket to your look.


Figures of dancers in bright outfits , miniature corsets with or without skirts, a stylized red windmill. An original invitation to a party at the Moulin Rouge: a box opening from the “facade”, inside – a luxurious dancer against a background of red satin and sparkles (scene).

You can use FS to add an inscription to an old poster/billboard. Send personalized letters in gilded envelopes. Make a plane ticket to Paris, look retro, aged.


The treats should include dishes from French cuisine or close to it. For appetizers, tartlets with various fillings, small sandwiches on a crispy baguette, meat in wine sauce, ratatouille, julienne, foie gras and all types of cheese are suitable. For drinks, it is better to offer guests champagne, liqueurs, wines, cognac or simply various cocktails.

You can organize an American-style party!


In order not to just eat, dance and communicate, it is better to think about a little entertainment, this will add many advantages to the party itself and its organizers, and will also charge the audience with optimism and enthusiasm. You can take part in such competitions as unlacing and lacing a corset for a while, Cancan dance performed by men. But the blindfolded competition always goes off with a bang, without exception. It requires opaque blindfolds; anyone can participate. After everyone is blindfolded, the participants, unwinding on the spot, begin to walk around the hall, whoever bumps into whom kisses him.

Beautiful female bodies in luxurious outfits, moving in the semi-darkness to energetic music - a real pleasure with light notes of eroticism. Such an evening will certainly be remembered by every guest for a lifetime, and will also give a lot of positive emotions, thanks to the fun and lack of inhibitions in a noisy and relaxed company.


The hastily put together scenery is not at all in the style of the Moulin Rouge. For a party you will need to find all the best within a not very modest budget. And if you do something with your own hands, then only to the highest class! Otherwise, you risk getting a kindergarten parody of an exquisite interior.

Approach the choice of the hall from the position of maximum compliance with the theme. Then it will take less money and effort to decorate your “cabaret”. If the party is held at home, try to remove or cover with decorations all unnecessary things.

Color design: black, gold, red.

Deep red should ideally predominate, gold will make the interior rich and luxurious, and black will add elegance. The drapery on the windows, walls and ceiling looks very impressive - red satin, a “night” black ceiling, heavy floor-length curtains.

Textiles can be rented; within a modest budget, only one zone can be closed. Or imitate drapery - paper wallpaper, for example. The noble black and red colors are beautiful even in this design. We offer several stylish ideas for a Moulin Rouge party:

  • It is better to dim the light, down to twilight.
    Electric garlands hung everywhere will fit perfectly into the theme of the night cabaret. Chandelier shades can be covered with homemade diffusers. Place floor lamps in the corners, lamps in lampshades with tassels and fringe on the tables;

  • Hang on the walls posters, posters, photos of Moulin Rouge dancers
    and famous visitors to the legendary cabaret (Oscar Wilde, Picasso, Prince of Wales), thematic works of Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec. In exquisite frames, perfectly straight (without chaotic negligence, if you stand for authenticity);
  • a mirror in a gold frame
    , at least at the entrance. In general, there can be as many mirrors as you like - reflecting the light, shine and elegant guests, they will create a lush luxury atmosphere even in a small room;

“Antique gold” frames for pictures and mirrors are easy to make with your own hands. For the base, cardboard, polystyrene foam, and ideally, beautiful ceiling plinths are suitable. Assemble, spray with gold from a can, and stick with double-sided tape (so you can remove it).

  • Party guests will almost believe that they are actually in the Moulin Rouge if they see Paris outside the window!
    Print out photos of night views and glue them to the glass. Sepia, black and white photo, aged - views not of a modern city, but a reflection of a long-gone era;

  • use black guipure to decorate walls, furniture, and compositions.
    These can be flirty bows, tied ribbons, or drapery elements. Spicy black guipure on a provocatively red background looks playful and sexy;
  • red glowing balls
    are a very passionate decoration! Attach an LED to the coin cell battery, put it inside the ball, and inflate it. The same latex is suitable for fastening - cut long balls of ShDM into “elastic bands” slightly wider than the diameter of the battery. Make sure that the diode contacts are covered, otherwise they will break the ball;

  • the red mill
    , of course, must be present as the main “guest” of the party. Stylizing the Moulin Rouge without this attribute is simply unthinkable. It can be built from plywood, chipboard, cardboard, polystyrene foam and almost any available material. If you don't skimp on the size, you'll get a great photo zone!
  • The Eiffel Tower
    is another idea for a photo zone and the second most important “guest” in your cabaret. If there is no room for a second massive structure at the party, then print out photos, cut out pictures from postcards, ask friends for figurines, and collect them from fresh flowers. By any means, but “invite” her to the opening of the Moulin Rouge.

These attractions are not only nearby, they were “born” almost simultaneously, in 1889. By the way, it is no coincidence: Charles Zidler and Joseph Oller deliberately timed the opening of the Moulin Rouge to coincide with the completion of the construction of the “Iron Lady”.

  • cabaret without a stage is bad manners.
    This attribute is not easy to build, but it is easy to designate the area with decorations and light. No performances planned? Place life-size cardboard silhouettes and mannequins in dancer costumes in the background. And guests will perform on the stage itself (competitions, games, fragments of the script). If there is very little space, hang a photo on the wall for ambience;

  • it would be chic if there were several “antique” things in the room.
    For example, a retro telephone, a gramophone, a music box, an ashtray. Ask your friends about today’s fashionable stylized items, models of retro cars;
  • tall thin vases with fresh flowers
    , bugles, Christmas tree beads, rain, large feathers, garlands of gold paper - the finishing touch of a pompous cabaret.

Photo of a party in the style of Moulin Rouge

Check out our full list of themed parties!

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