How to write an invitation to a corporate event?

How to Write Dinner Party Invitations

The most important information to include in party invitations is the location, date, and time of the event. Once you have these details, you can choose the perfect dinner party invitations. They should describe who the event is for, the theme of the dinner, details of the invitation, dress code and other specifics, as well as, of course, the basic details of the location and date. If you're looking for ideas for your dinner party theme and decor, be sure to check out our complete guide to dinner party ideas. You'll also want to send invitations three to five weeks before the event to give guests time to plan.

Unexpected guest

At the beginning of chapter 14 (vv. 1-6), Luke shows us the clash of two worlds: the world of grace, the world of Jesus Christ, and the world of religion, the world of the Pharisees.

Jesus, having come to the Pharisee leader, meets an unexpected guest at the table. A person with dropsy simply had no chance of being in the temple, much less at the table of the Pharisees, due to his ceremonial uncleanness. And he could not get help on Saturday: he could not work, which means he could not approach this man. The reason he was here is obvious: the Pharisees wanted to trap and tempt Jesus by seeing if He would do something on the Sabbath.

We see from the text that religion had nothing to offer this poor man, but Jesus brought him healing. While the problem with the dropsy patient was obvious, the Pharisees did not recognize their own need, the need for healing of proud hearts. They had no compassion for the patient. They easily judged others for breaking the Sabbath, rigidly demanding observance of forms and rituals, but when it came to themselves, they quickly found excuses for themselves.

The Pharisees loved only themselves, not others or God. And this was confirmed by the way they ate.

Dinner Invitation Template and Examples

The following dinner invitation examples cover everything from a casual dinner party to the wording of a gala dinner invitation. Fill out the templates with your own examples or use them to inspire you to write your own. And if you're looking for more patterns, be sure to check out our party invitation design ideas.

Casual Dinner Invitation Wording

That's Alan's big score 5-0! Join us for our 50th Birthday Celebration Saturday, June 12th at 5pm At our Huntington Beach home 2343 Cave Road, Huntington Beach We hope to see you there!

Formal Dinner Invitation / Formal Invitation Wording

Please join us in celebrating John Scott's retirement from medical practice.

Black Tie Dinner Saturday the First of August two thousand nineteen six o'clock in the evening green room 1232 Burton Road New York, New York

R.S.V.P. by the fifteenth of September 294-284-5996

Birthday Dinner Invitation Wording

Help us celebrate Sophie's 30th birthday! Join us for dinner and dancing on April 30th at 6pm

At our home 120 Poppy Hill Road Johnstown, Montana

No Gifts Please!

Sophie and Tom Grady

Dinner Invitation Wording

Richard and Grace Nelson invite you to their annual dinner and summer wine tastingSaturday, June 7, 17.30564 Old Cedar HillPlease bring a dish to share

Casual Attire Please

Christmas Dinner Invitation Wording

The best gift you can hope for this year is spending time together Please join us for Christmas dinner

Morris House 234 Greenwood Boulevard Friday, December the Twelfth Seven o'clock in the evening Reply to 394-2866-3338

Fundraising Dinner Invitation Wording

The South Bay Women's Group invites you to their 5th Annual Fundraising Dinner Enjoy an Italian-style dinner under the stars And raise funds for local women's shelters Cocktails, appetizers and dinner Friday, September 12th six pm Ballroom Downtown San Jose 204 Fairmont Street, San Jose Jose

Formal Wear Required

Table minimum is $200

Pre-order required

Wording of the Invitation to the Gala Dinner

The Charity League of Illinois requests the pleasure of your company at our annual gala Saturday, April 13, 2019 Appetizers and cocktails at 5:30 p.m. Dinner will be served at 7:00 pm. Moss Hill Hall 2342 Storm Drain Road Moss Hill, IL Admission is $50 per person

Invitation to

Formal Attire Please×200.jpg 300w, https://1e8l7s2d5d0c6s5fz1gc4uh1-wpengine.netdna-s sl .com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/dinner-invitation-wording-4-768×512.jpg 768w, 11/dinner-invitation-wording-4-1024×683.jpg 1024w, ×533.jpg 800w,×16.jpg 24w, https://1e8l7s2d5d0c6s5fz1gc4 uh1×24.jpg 36w, content/uploads/2018/11/dinner-invitation-wording-4-48×32.jpg 48w" data-sizes="(max-) 100vw, 750px" />

College Graduation Dinner Invitation Wording

The Frasers invite you to help celebrate The graduation of their daughter Miss Corinne Fraser From Southwestern College Bachelor of Science, Chemistry Magna Cum Laude

Sunday, June twenty-second Two thousand and nineteen at seven o'clock in the evening The Frasers Home 32534 Dixie Avenue Dallas, Texas

Business Dinner Invitation Wording Ideas

The Law Offices of Burns & Hathway, LLPInvite you to their Annual Dinner PartyFriday, November 10th at six o'clock in the evening 2800 Pinewood Street, Suite 312Bandon, Oregon Please RSVP by November 1stat

Cocktail Dress Attire Requested


Semenova T.N. – teacher of additional education, GBOU DOD DYUT Pushkinsky district of St. Petersburg Additional education. Applied creativity


A competitive program for girls in grades 5 - 7. It is recommended to conduct it at the end of the school year in sections of the school curriculum - technology or in the additional education system. Duration: no more than 1.5 hours. The work contains a script, methodological recommendations, jury forms Goals and objectives: • Summarize, consolidate, activate and apply knowledge acquired in classes in the additional education system and technology lessons (covering all educational topics) • Arouse interest in studying new topics and sections • Unite a team of girls at the school based on solving common problems and common interests. Summarize the results of the year, outline the tasks of the next • Teach how to receive guests, observing the principles of tolerance and hospitality

In advance:  Write an announcement - an invitation to the owner of the office - a technology teacher or additional education teacher  Form teams of 5-7 people (name, captain, greeting, homework, work with fans)  Organize the work of the jury (copy of the script, score sheet for each jury member )  Work with representatives of the parent committee (purchase of prizes, organize a “sweet table”)  Decorate the room (place tables and chairs around the perimeter of the room; in the center there is a table around which the main competitions will be held. Organize exhibitions of children's works and books on handicrafts )  Prepare props according to the script

Progress of the game program I. Introduction to the topic. Greeting – 5 minutes Presenter. Hello, dear guests! Do you remember what they say about the rituals of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry? “It’s better to always come at the same hour,” asked the Fox... “We must observe the rituals.” -What are rituals? – asked the Little Prince. “This is something long forgotten,” explained the Fox. “Something that makes one day different from all the others...” Presenter. What days are different from others? (Name days, birthdays, New Year, etc.) Presenter. How joyful it is on such days to visit good friends and how nice it is to see loved ones at home. Hospitality is the ability to make people feel welcome. Therefore, when inviting guests, you must definitely think through the whole holiday, and it’s good if your program immediately makes your guests smile. And today you are visiting me: teams (team names) and their fans. Next, each team welcomes guests (up to 3 minutes)

II. Warm-up - 10 minutes Task for teams: Write an invitation to your own birthday in 5 minutes. The correctness of the invitation, its compliance with etiquette standards, and its originality are assessed.

Assignment for fans: Answer questions about the rules of etiquette. The leaflets with questions are in a Kindersurprise box. Spectators take turns drawing questions and answering after the discussion (they receive tokens for correct answers).

Sample questions: - How long do they wait for late guests? (15 minutes, then the hostess invites guests to the table.) - What does it mean to be an attentive hostess? (This means seeing guests at once and each one individually, finding time to talk to everyone at least a little, and paying more attention to those who are new to the house.) - Is it possible to come to visit before the appointed time? (No. You need to arrive either on time, or 5 - 10 minutes later.) - Is it possible to whisper at a common table? - If you were given a gift and it didn’t make you very happy, then you... (will not show any dissatisfaction or disappointment) - Having received the gift, you... (unwrap it and say something like this: “How great! I’m very glad to receive this book. I I’ve been dreaming about it for a long time.”) - If you were given flowers, then you... (joyfully put them in a vase so that everyone can clearly see) - If you were given sweets, then you... (treat them to guests over tea) - Is it possible to refuse from a gift? (To refuse means to seriously offend the giver) - What if one of the guests came without a gift? (Greet him as cordially as the others. Express your gratitude for the attention he paid with his visit) - If someone brought a magnificent, expensive gift that arouses admiration, then remember ... (by expressing gratitude for it, you should not embarrass the guests , who came with a more modest gift)

Checking the completion of the task for the teams - writing an invitation to your own birthday, evaluation by the jury. Jury warning: there is a score for the behavior of teams and fans.

III. Competition “Fold the napkin” -10 minutes Presenter. How can a hostess surprise her guests? Well, of course, a beautifully set table! At different times, there were different ideas about the aesthetics of a set table. 1. This is how guests were treated in the 60s AD: Dishes with heavy food are placed at the edges; the lungs float around on toy boats and birds. Water constantly flows through tubes into a stone bowl built into a marble countertop. 2. In the middle of the 18th century, long tables covered with magnificent tablecloths were decorated with porcelain sculptures of various architectural forms, imitation fruits and vegetables. Nowadays, everything is much simpler: we arrange sets, vases, and cutlery in the same way. But where we can show our imagination is in folding napkins. Assignment: Participants of each team (2 people) present 2-3 options for folding napkins. The remaining team members proceed to the next competition.

IV. Competition “Kitchen without secrets” - 10 minutes Host. You know and know how to invite guests, how to set the table. Now let’s touch on the secrets of preparing some dishes. This bag contains various kitchen tools. Each team member talks about an item pulled from the bag. Presenter. Now let’s test our fans’ knowledge of culinary secrets.

Questions:  How do you know if the cake is baked? (Puncture with a wooden stick: if the dough does not stick to the stick, then the pie is ready.)  How to peel an onion so that tears do not flow? (Hold the knife under running cold water.)  What needs to be done to prevent the egg from bursting during cooking? (Add salt to the water.)  What needs to be done so that the beets do not lose their color during cooking? (Add a little vinegar to the water.)  What needs to be done without adding water to make the over-salted soup normal? (Dip a few raw potatoes or rice wrapped in cheesecloth into the soup for a while)  What should you do to make the potatoes cook faster? (As soon as the water boils, put a spoonful of butter or margarine into the pan)  To make the egg whites whip faster, what should you do? (Cool the whites, add a pinch of salt.)

The jury announces the scores of previous competitions.

Competition - relay race “Cooking borscht” - 5 minutes Presenter. Oh, what vegetables should I choose for salad, vinaigrette and cabbage soup? How can I figure it out and understand, What should I choose for lunch? Cards with product names (the same for all teams) are laid out on the tables. The first participant in the relay takes a card with the required ingredient for borscht, runs back and puts it in the pan. Then the next participant does the same. The winner is the team that is the first to correctly assemble all the ingredients for the borscht.

Presenter. While the borscht is cooking, we'll get down to business.

V. “Winder” competition - 10 minutes Each participant is asked to rewind threads from one ball to another and guess the riddle written on a piece of paper inserted into the ball. The length of the threads in all balls is the same. The threads are rewound at the command of the leader. Whose team rewinds the threads first raises their hand. She is awarded a point. The participant receives an additional point for guessing the riddle.

The jury announces the scores of all previous competitions.

Presenter. Yes, culinary masterpieces cannot be kept in museums. They are eaten by guests the faster the more beautiful they are. But a holiday is not only about a table and food. It’s very good if you have prepared prizes, handmade souvenirs, and small concert performances for the holiday. Small souvenirs, for example, can be used instead of comic cards placed next to the device. Everyone is pleased that everyone was welcome here.

VI. Homework. Vernissage of souvenirs. – 10 minutes From each team one concert number and three small souvenirs - business cards. Presenter. Well, now I’m sure that you will be able to receive guests according to all the rules, and your home will be hospitable. But still, the proverb says: “The hut is not red in its corners, but red in its pies.” I ask everyone to come to the table.

VII. Tea party “Red Hut with Pies” - 15 minutes While the jury sums up the results of the competitions, a tea party takes place in a separate room. The jury announces the results, winners and team members.

Presenter. Friends, I hope that when you come home, you have a desire to try yourself in the role of hospitable hosts. I sincerely wish you success, so that you and your loved ones always feel comfortable at home.

Used literature 1. Pavlova O.V. Technology week in primary and secondary schools - Volgograd: “Teacher”, 2009. 2. Volodina E.D., Suslina V.Yu. Technology 5th – 11th grades – Volgograd: “Teacher”, 2008. 3. Norenko I.G. Technology 6th – 8th grades – Volgograd: “Teacher”, 2007. 4. Literature on handicrafts, cooking, etiquette.

Jury Application

No. Competition Team " Team " Team " Note 1 Greeting 2 Warm-up 3 Fold the napkin 4 Kitchen without secrets intermediate 5 Cooking borscht 6 Winders 7 Homework

8 Fans 9 Behavior


Sending a Dinner Invitation Email

If you do choose to go paperless, you'll want to make sure that you still get all the important information across to your guests. To ensure this happens, do your best to stick the following guidelines:

  • Include the date, time, and address of the party. These are the key pieces of information to include on the invitation itself.
  • Specify the dress code for the event. Will it be casual, business casual, semi-formal, formal, or black tie? Did you want everyone to come in costume, or only wear a certain color? Having these details on the invitation will ensure no one misses the memo.
  • Tell the recipient's what the occasion is for. Starting the letter by informing everyone of your intentions to throw a birthday party or philanthropic dinner will set the tone for the remainder of the message.
  • Do you expect donations or don't want anyone to bring gifts? Include this as well.
  • Give them a contact and deadline to send in RSVP's. This will help you in the planning of your party.
  • Keep it simple enough so the key details aren't buried within the body of the email. Bold or highlight important information if necessary.

Other Resources for Dinner Party Invitation Wording

If you liked this guide on dinner invitation wording and you're looking for custom party favors for your dinner party, try our personalized glassware. Or, if you're specifically planning for a holiday party, make sure to order your Christmas party invitations well in advance.

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Habitual table etiquette

Jesus, when he was at table in the house of a Pharisee, told the guests a parable (Luke 14:7-10). The guests were “legalists and Pharisees.” The owner of the house invited people like himself to the table. But this practice flourished not only in the Jewish culture of that time.

Central to the political stability of the Roman Empire was the ethic of reciprocity, a system of gifts and obligations that bound every person, from the emperor in Rome to the child in the most remote province, in a complex network of social relationships... The expectation of reciprocity naturally extended to the dinner table[1].

Giving food to the poor was welcomed. But not through the front entrance. You never invited them to your table, so as not to damage your reputation in the eyes of society. People tried to eat with people of their own social class.[2]

When the Lord Jesus entered the Pharisee's house, He probably noticed how the guests performed maneuvers. They strived to take the most honorable places. Even at the table, religious people were driven by their pride. They constantly fought for their status and their position (v. 7).

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