The best shows for the New Year's corporate party 2022: an adult fairy tale with a good ending

The New Year 2022 is approaching with its hopes, joys, and pleasant chores. Large and small companies are busy organizing corporate events, but they will go differently for everyone.

Elementary boredom can turn a New Year's party into a banal feast. Attempts by particularly active employees to entertain themselves or their colleagues sometimes lead to unpredictable consequences. Tales and anecdotes about such events have already become classics of the genre. If you don't want your team to experience shock or disappointment, think and act creatively. Ideas for original shows for a New Year's corporate party will make the holiday truly positive and unforgettable. Feel the general mood, choose what will appeal to the majority and surprise the most notorious skeptics. New Year is a time of miracles, and for adults too.

In this article:

  • pop beau monde;
  • dance marathon;
  • taming fire;
  • exotic paintings and artists;
  • back to the childhood;
  • magic and magic;
  • fun science;
  • drink and eat with taste.

Pop stars and live music

Famous artists and popular groups are an expensive but welcome addition to a New Year's corporate party. Less famous performers cost less, but the effect of their performances is much more modest. If you use a classic scenario, choose one of the options, and who to invite depends on the budget. If you prefer originality, arrange something enchanting.

Lookalike show

Only one artist will entertain the guests all evening, but how! Appear in completely different images, sing in male and female voices, perform star hits of all times and generations. Those who wish will have a photo with the star as a keepsake, and the innocent forgery will be a little secret.

Saxophone or drum roll

Live music always creates a special atmosphere. A small orchestra, a pianist, and a lively accordionist will be able to keep the level of fun at the proper level. A violin or saxophone solo will enchant and awaken the souls of many. If you want to really get the crowd going, choose a drum show - ethnic and modern motifs in a fiery rhythm.

Secrets of a successful corporate event

The formation of a corporate culture is simply not possible without the collective celebration of special occasions. In order for the event to be successful and achieve its goal, it is worth following a number of recommendations regarding its organization and conduct:

  • Carefully approach the location of the festive event. It is important that the room is spacious enough and well ventilated so that guests feel comfortable. In addition, it is better to choose a cafe, restaurant, banquet hall, boarding house or other. But it’s worth holding a holiday within the office only if it concerns the organization directly.
  • In order for the holiday to go as planned, it is necessary to appoint a manager who will be responsible for the organization. This could be an employee of the company or a person brought in from outside (it is best to use the services of a special agency).
  • Even the most eventful holiday will be sluggish and boring without a good menu. The dishes should be satisfying enough so that guests do not go hungry, but also light enough so that they do not lose the mood to have fun. We must assume that there should be at least a kilogram of food per person. But when it comes to alcohol, you should know when to stop.
  • In order for the atmosphere to be truly festive, it is important to take care of decorating the room. To raise corporate spirit, you can involve the work team in this process.
  • Since parties are organized in honor of some holiday, it would be appropriate to give corporate gifts to employees. Their cost should vary, depending on how significant and solemn the event is. It is better to give something practical, and not just branded trinkets. If the authorities have doubts, then it is better to get by with a cash bonus.
  • Be sure to develop a corporate party scenario so that guests don’t have to be bored for a minute. It can be both official and entertaining.
  • It is quite difficult for a boss to assume the responsibilities of a leader, because it is important for him to be part of the team. That is why it is better to hire a professional to organize the holiday. This could be a famous person (if the budget allows), or maybe a toastmaster from an agency.
  • It is better to plan a corporate event so that there is a day off after it.

Organizing a good corporate event is not an easy task. There are many subtleties and secrets here, without which this event will turn into an ordinary buffet.

Dancing as action and spectacle

Music will sooner or later call you to move. Some will dance until they drop, others occasionally, and some will watch from afar. So let the show ballet professionals demonstrate the beautiful spectacle. The choice of programs is huge:

  • cabaret;
  • jazz;
  • flamenco;
  • Eastern dance;
  • go-go;
  • body plastic surgery;
  • shocking performance.

Many groups practice mixing styles. A cabaret show can be a piquant highlight of the evening. And a real gypsy choir is songs and dances in the most sparkling manifestation. An acrobatic or parkour show is a wonderful source of adrenaline and incendiary emotions.

If you need to hold a corporate event in a small room, you can...

Invite a presenter (or duo of presenters) with an entertainment program

Fortunately, the days when the role of such a host could be a wedding toastmaster with bearded competitions are gone. Competition among presenters is high, so they are trying to look for new forms of holding corporate events. Professionals can make impromptu jokes, select the right competitions for each individual occasion, feel when the time comes for a gastronomic break, and competently alternate official moments with entertaining ones.

Of course, a lot depends on the person who orders the corporate event. If he listed all the important points and set the task correctly, everything will work out.

Payment for such a leading presenter (provided that he will conduct a ready-made program) is usually hourly. If the script needs to be finalized, poetic congratulations written and props created, the price will change. Call us, we will calculate everything as quickly as possible. The presenter will come to the office, listen to all your wishes, and send you a script for discussion.

Organize an art party where they paint pictures to the music of Disco style with a glass of wine

I tried to fit the whole essence of such an event into the title. This is not just a master class in which each participant will paint a positive picture. The organizers tried to combine creativity with a full palette of bright emotions. It's fun, educational and very unusual. You can combine the celebration of February 23 and March 8 together.

You can hold such a holiday in the office, as long as there is a room where all employees can be accommodated at the same time. You can find out more about how this happens HERE. Choose one of 150 paintings or offer your own!

Fire and pyrotechnics

Celebrate the arrival of 2022 with a spectacular fireworks display. This is a good reason to go outside, refresh, invigorate and plunge into fun with renewed vigor. There is no need to stock up on firecrackers; entrust the matter to the specialists. A pyrotechnic show from professionals is a real miracle. If you want even more exotic things, everything is in your hands.

Fire show

Ritual dances with fire, the witchcraft of ancient magicians, the appearance of a mythical dragon - all this is seen in a mysterious and bewitching fire show. Contemplation of the unbridled, but tamed elements leaves an indelible impression. The work of the artists and the flaming mosaic of fiery reflections charge you with incredible energy.

Laser show

A New Year's corporate party with smoke is not your option - replace the insidious fire with absolutely safe, but no less colorful lighting effects. The rainbow extravaganza of the laser show is a breathtaking spectacle, especially when combined with music and a dance program from professionals.

Types of corporate events

There are two main types of corporate events:

  • Entertaining - have the function of relieving emotional and physical stress, which allows you to escape from thoughts about work. For example, such holidays can mark the end of a large-scale project. We can also talk about such beloved holidays as New Year, March 8, etc. There is only room for entertainment here. Not a word should be said about work. It is enough to organize a good menu and invite artists.
  • Aimed at strengthening connections in the team and establishing a corporate culture. The elements of corporate culture should run through here - stylistics, logos, etc. It is important to maintain a balance between the official and entertainment parts. Such events include the company’s anniversary, as well as other dates that are significant for a particular enterprise.

The magic of paintings and fun creativity

Draw for the New Year - why not? Good entertainment for a quiet adult company, and, for many, completely unexpected. Surprise your colleagues with unusual creative delights.

Light paintings

The laser beam is capable of creating three-dimensional images and futuristic special effects. Art that comes from Japan immerses viewers in a fairy-tale world. The drawing appears and disappears in real time, the scenes change, captivating you with the indescribable play of light.

Sand show

Building a house out of sand is an unrealistic task, but painting a picture is quite possible. Bulk material in the hands of a master is something. Color images transform in one second, smoothly change shape, and amaze with their unpredictability. The artist works on a table, and the projection onto a large screen allows you to see everything in the smallest detail.

New Year's body art

New Year's Eve in masks is an excellent solution not only for a children's party, but also for an adult corporate party. If your company has creative employees, invite an artist who works in body art or face art. Exquisite and funny designs on faces are a reason to have fun, and face painting is easy to wash off.

Why do you need a corporate holiday?

Well-known managers argue that in order to form an effective team, as well as a friendly atmosphere in the team, people should not only work together, but also relax. A corporate holiday is one of the best ways to achieve cohesion and a friendly atmosphere in a work group.

Despite the fact that the holiday is an entertaining event, bosses will have to show diplomacy to interest their subordinates. It is important that participation in this event is welcome and not coercive, because then the main goal is unlikely to be achieved. If everything is done properly, then the corporate event can become a mechanism for forming an effectively working team.

A corporate holiday is also needed to resolve interpersonal conflicts in the team. With the right approach to organizing this type of event, many operational issues can be resolved, and therefore we can say that well-planned entertainment can be the key to the successful operation of an organization.

Children's fun for adults

The children's theme at the New Year's corporate party continues with two original performances that will help you forget about your serious status and truly relax.

Parade of soap bubbles

Dancing rainbow balls of various sizes, from tiny to giant, obey the master’s hands, as if they were alive. They unite into figures, fly off like bright fireworks, and charge you with invigorating positivity. It is possible to feel like Alice in Wonderland or appear inside a soap bubble the size of a man.

paper show

Launching a streamer ribbon, firecracker confetti, a handful of artificial snow is welcome, but on a global scale. Or better yet, dive into a pool of paper flakes and have a fun romp or a comic battle. A mischievous performance will create an atmosphere of ease, fun from the heart and a snowy fairy tale just in time.

Goals of corporate events

Organizing and holding a corporate event is not only a reason for fun and relaxation. This process has specific goals that help improve the operation of the enterprise:

  • formation of a corporate culture, as well as the image of the enterprise (a cohesive team is being built that responds with dedication and hard work to the care and attention of management);
  • creating a favorable psychological atmosphere in the team (during this kind of event, conflicts can be smoothed out, as well as friendly relations between employees can be formed);
  • staff motivation (the corporate event becomes a kind of reward for conscientious work, as well as an incentive for further achievements).

Have you ordered fakir?

In a diverse company, people with diametrically opposed interests gather, and you don’t know who to invite to bring the team together? Find a good illusionist. Man-made miracles will turn boring gatherings at the table into a fun New Year's journey through a magical land.

Tricks are sleight of hand, quackery, and other common definitions only work at a distance and in relation to home-grown half-educated fakirs. Professional illusionists organize their performances in the form of exciting shows, where the majority of the audience becomes participants in the performance.

Gypsy magic

It will come true - it won’t come true, he loves - he doesn’t love, what awaits, a government house or a long journey? The gypsy has an answer to all questions. Such a character at a corporate party is simply a godsend, especially in a large company. Just look for an extravagant guest not in the company of professional fortune tellers, but among artists of the original genre.

Start a tradition of exchanging gifts

In order for a team to not tolerate Secret Santa or Secret Father Frost, you still need to try harder. To do this, make this activity mandatory - no voluntary starts, everyone participates! Also set an unrealistic budget: too small or, conversely, too large. And yes, don’t forget to remind that the boss will be sad without a New Year’s gift.

Jokes aside, you will be surprised - the need to prepare Christmas tree surprises for colleagues irritates 10% of Ukrainians. To be honest, we are also discouraged. After all, this tradition is designed to unite the team, helps employees get to know each other better, and adds a slight flair of mystery and celebration to office life.

To prevent the tradition of exchanging gifts from being a burden, make participation in it voluntary. Create a special document in Google Sheet that everyone can sign up for. Announce your preparations in advance, at least a month before date X, so that employees have time to find out who is interested in what and find the right present.

Intellectual entertainment

Quizzes with tricky questions for experts at a corporate party are yesterday and an absolute bad manners. Create a real brain explosion, bring joy to mystics and make realists believe in miracles.

Science show

Who said science is boring? Seeing a volcanic eruption in miniature, holding hot ice in your hands, releasing a fairy-tale genie from a bottle, growing a magic crystal - all this is just a small part of the unique performance. Everyone will enjoy it. And the most active ones will be able to make their own souvenir.

Presentation from Tesla

The great Nikola Tesla became famous for his inventions, and the show named after him for its extraordinary entertainment and luxurious special effects. Tamed electricity, like a wild beast, is obedient to human hands, but it tickles the nerves and keeps them in constant tension. Bonus - great souvenir photos surrounded by futuristic lightning.

How to choose a presenter for an organization’s anniversary

The host is the soul of any event. It is the correctness of this choice that largely determines how successful the holiday will be. Thus, the presenter for a company anniversary must meet the following characteristics:

  • a bright personality who can infect everyone present with his passion and enthusiasm;
  • pronounced acting abilities that allow the presenter to get used to any role, depending on the concept of the event;
  • personal charisma, which will ensure a friendly attitude from the guests of the event;
  • well-produced literate speech, a rich vocabulary, as well as the ability to improvise in case of an unexpected deviation from the script;
  • musicality and sense of rhythm;
  • a sense of tact and adherence to etiquette standards, which will allow you to avoid uncomfortable and conflict situations.

It is important to remember that the presenter is the soul of any event. The overall impression of the corporate event and success in achieving goals depends on his work.

Adult joys

Good alcohol and delicious food in moderation are sources of extremely positive emotions. It’s difficult to argue with this, but it’s easy to organize a corporate party that doesn’t encourage asceticism or gluttony.

Bartender show

The virtuoso behind the bar juggles glasses and bottles, sets off mini fireworks, prepares delicious cocktails in a matter of seconds and rocks like an adult. Willy-nilly, I want to elevate the consumption of alcoholic beverages to the rank of art. If you want to learn the skill, a shaker is in your hands. A lesson from a guru - a compliment to a cocktail.

Service on a high note

Singing waiters are creative, fun, magical. The role of service personnel is performed by artists. Guests find themselves involved in the game, participate in the New Year's performance and simply have no time to be bored. You can organize a gift from the chef - a culinary master class or the opportunity to prepare a delicious dish yourself.

What to do if a show for a New Year's corporate party does not fit into the budget or it is difficult to find a non-standard artistic group in your city? Don’t give up, call on the talents of your colleagues, hire a professional director to stage stunts.

Doing this in advance will save the situation. For those who are luckier and have virtually unlimited choice, it’s also better not to put it off until the last minute. Booking artists early will help you save money and find the best option.

Happy New Year and the most fun corporate party for your friendly company!

Opportunities for budget savings

Organizing corporate events is a rather expensive process, and therefore every boss is looking for opportunities to save money. This is possible due to the following points:

  • decorating the premises is a fairly simple task that employees can take on (and it is also an additional contribution to strengthening team spirit);
  • host - it is not at all necessary to invite a famous person (sometimes novice actors can spend a holiday no worse than professionals);
  • There is no need to print special invitations - you can send a newsletter to employees via SMS or email;
  • do not hire a professional photographer - pictures taken yourself will turn out more lively and interesting;
  • to save money on musicians or a DJ, download a good selection of songs from the Internet;
  • Come up with a holiday scenario yourself or announce a competition among employees.

Despite the fact that when organizing a corporate event you can save on some points, it is important not to overdo it.

My suggestion

If you are interested in the ideas listed in my article, please call! (for residents of Moscow and Moscow Region)!

Holiday again Contact person: Irina Panasyan Write to me Call me

Tell us what you liked most, what your company does, how many employees, what office space is suitable for holding a party. Let's think, calculate, organize.

Yes, I liked it too! There are so many great ideas to suit every taste. The master classes alone are worth it: both interesting and useful.

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