Game - quiz Visiting a fairy tale. 1st competition “Fairy Tale Trouble”

Quiz “Who gave useful advice?”

1. Don't open doors to strangers.

2. Brush your teeth, wash your hands, take a shower regularly.

3. I ate, wash the dishes after myself.

4. Don't walk through the forest alone.

5. Help your friends in difficult situations.

6. Chew your food thoroughly, take your time and don’t talk while eating.

7. Don’t fulfill requests from people you don’t know.

8. Drink only clean water.

9. If you find yourself in a difficult situation, do not panic, but try to find a way out of it.

10. Study well.

11. Read fiction and science books.

12. Don't eat a lot of sweets.


1. Seven kids. 2. Moidodyr. 3. Fedora. 4. Little Red Riding Hood. 5. Turnip and Alyonushka from the fairy tale “Geese and Swans”. 6. Chicken from the fairy tale “The Bean Seed.” 7. Kolobok. 8. Brother Ivanushka. 9. Masha from the fairy tale “Masha and the Bear” and Gerda. 10. Pinocchio. 11. Znayka. 12. Winnie the Pooh.

Quiz about the characters of Russian folk tales

  • This woman from the fairy tale “Morozko” was evil, bad, and bad. (Stepmother).
  • From the fairy tale “Morozko” he was soft, sympathetic, good-natured. (Old man).
  • What was our Kolobok like? (Cheerful, mischievous, constantly joyful, loved adventures).
  • In all fairy tales the bunny had this character. (Cowardly, helpless).
  • In every folk tale, the fox was exactly like this. (Cunning, deceiver).

Quiz on fairy tales from Yulia Belka

  • What number appears most often in fairy tales? What other numbers are found in fairy tales?

(Number 3 – three brothers, three horsemen, kingdom far away, three years. TWO more from the casket, SEVEN kids, etc.)

  • What riders did Vasilisa the Wise meet on her way to Baba Yaga? Who was that?

(Red, white and black horsemen. It was a white day, a red sun and a dark night)

  • Which fairy-tale character used their tail as a fishing rod?

(Wolf in the fairy tale “The Fox and the Wolf”)

  • The fabulous owner of, perhaps, the first aircraft.

(Baba Yaga)

  • What other fabulous vehicles do you know?

(Emelya’s stove, flying carpet, walking boots)

  • A unique recipe for a tasty and nutritious dish made from construction tools?

(Porridge from an ax)

  • How many people were involved in harvesting the bumper turnip harvest?

(Three. All the rest are animals)

  • Who helped the brother and sister from the fairy tale “Geese and Swans” escape from Baba Yaga?


  • She can be alive or dead.


  • What is susek?

(A chest or compartment in a barn for storing grain and flour)

Where is Koshchei's death kept? (At the tip of the needle)

  • A musical instrument on which storytellers played along with their stories in ancient times?


  • What happened to the Fox’s hut in the fairy tale “Zayushkina’s Hut”?

(It melted because it was made of ice)

  • What kind of dishes did the Fox and the Crane serve each other from?

(From a plate and jug)

  • What fish did Emelya catch?


  • Remember another magic fish. True, it is not from a Russian folk tale.

(Gold fish)

  • Why did brother Ivanushka turn into a kid?

(I didn’t listen to my sister and drank from the hoof)

  • At what time of year does the fairy tale “At the Pike’s Command” take place?

(Winter, since the pike was caught from the ice hole)

  • Who was Khavroshechka's assistant?


  • Who managed to drive the Fox away from Zayushkina's hut?

(To the Rooster)

  • Who owns the saying: “the beaten one brings the unbeaten one”?

(to Fox)

A couple of more difficult questions:

  • Which artist painted the Serpent Gorynych?

(V.M. Vasnetsov, K.A. Vasiliev, N.K. Roerich)

  • What monuments to the heroes of Russian folk tales do you know?

(Monument to Emelya in Suzdal, Princess Frog in Kaliningrad and Moscow, Kolobok in Donetsk, Little Mouse in Lithuania, Fox and Crane in Moscow, Serpent Gorynych and Koshchei the Immortal in Novosibirsk. But if you don’t pick on the meaning of the word “monument”, then the figurines made of wood or stone, depicting fairy tale characters can be found in public gardens and children's parks in any city)

Fairytale Quiz: “Questions and Answers”

  • Who did Kolobok meet when he was walking through the forest? (Bunny, wolf, fox, bear).
  • What small animal broke an egg by touching it only with its tail? (Mouse).
  • This animal is so big that it crushed a large mansion in which other animals lived. (Bear).
  • He planted a turnip and was unable to pull it out on his own. (Grandfather).
  • This little animal saw the first little house and settled there. (Mouse).
  • This girl started living in the bear's house, eating their food. (Mashenka).

Quiz on Russian folk tales No. 1

  • These birds stole Ivanushka when his little sister was playing and walking. (Swan geese).
  • Who constantly offends the orphan girl, who is considered the main character of Morozko. (Stepmother).
  • Baba Yaga has an interesting house. It stands on unusual legs. (Chickens).
  • In this tale, the wolf ate the kids when their mother went out to get milk. (“Wolf and 7 kids”).

Wolf and 7 kids

  • The cockerel has a very interesting comb. (Gold).
  • For Emelya, these objects walked independently in the snow. (Buckets).

Quiz on Russian folk tales No. 2

  • Where did Carlson, beloved by all children, live? (On the roof).
  • The director of this institution was Karabas. (Circus).
  • This small object prevented the princess from sleeping at night. (Pea).
  • This month the girl went to look for snowdrops in the forest. (December).
  • What 7 things helped the girl fulfill 7 wishes. (Seven-flowered flowers).
  • She gave the girl a wonderful red hat. (Mother).
  • This woman gave the name to poor Cinderella. (Stepmother).
  • What is the name of the man who was able to get into the land of giants. (Gulliver).
  • What is the name of the bear who wrote poetry? (Winnie the Pooh).

Winnie the Pooh

  • In this fairy tale, the fish could make wishes come true. ("Gold fish") .
  • The goat-dereza settled in the house of this animal and drove him out. (Bunny).
  • What did the man decide to give to the bear after digging up the turnip? (Vershki).
  • Who did Frost want to turn into an ice statue? (Khavroshechka).
  • The cat took this musical instrument when he played near the fox’s hut, saving the cockerel. (Gusli).
  • The crane treated the fox to this dish when he invited her to visit. (Okroshka in a jug).
  • What material did grandfather use when making the resin bull? (Straw, resin, sticks).
  • This tree was gnawed by an evil witch when she tried to get to Tereshechok. (Oak).

Column of announcements from literary characters

  • Hares wholesale. Pickup.(Grandfather Mazai)
  • I'm looking for good hands. (Cat Behemoth)
  • A collector will buy an antique firearm. Barter is possible for high-quality agricultural products. (Ivan Ivanovich (Gogol N.V. “The Tale of How Ivan Ivanovich Quarreled with Ivan Nikiforovich”)
  • I will buy an elegant round tablecloth with a diameter of at least seventy cubits. (Arthur of Camelot)
  • I will buy a Slavic wardrobe and other furniture rarities. (Stirlitz)
  • We can do anything, 24 hours, 7x7... (Timur and his team)
  • “On the route DIKANKA - Peierburg, transportation is carried out only on Christmas night” (Kuznets Vakula).
  • I will find a lost, missing, hidden person of any age, without a photograph or coffee grounds, quickly, reliably, inexpensively - just lift my eyelids (Viy)
  • I teach fair rules. (Uncle Onegin)
  • A free skating rink is open for foreign guests on Lake Peipsi (A. Nevsky)
  • I am canceling all previously booked flights due to road repairs. I apologize for the inconvenience caused" (Adam Kozlevich)
  • We will help you and teach you the art of seduction. (Georges Duroy, Guy De Maupassant)
  • I fix primus stoves. (Cat Behemoth).
  • I write posts and letters to order. (Tatiana Larina)
  • Buying chairs (Ostap Bender)
  • Popular lectures on an alternative theory of anthropogenesis. (Dr. Lemuel Gulliver)
  • I invite you to a wine tasting. (Salieri)
  • I am selling a cookbook of Korean cuisine, “Heart of a Dog.” Ask... (Dr. Bormental).
  • I'm selling the key to the apartment where the money is. (Bender)
  • The dog is missing. The su breed... ...uh... the mongrel is shorter. It was and isn’t, it’s as if it sank into the water. (Janitor Gerasim)
  • I'll paint a cottage in a pseudo-Ukrainian style. (Blacksmith Vakula).
  • The freshest baked goods - bread with a nose! (Praskovya Osipovna)
  • A highly qualified lawyer is required to competently draw up an insurance contract for land ownership in the Pacific Ocean in the event of a natural disaster. (Captain Nemo)
  • Guide services for snow extreme walks (Ivan Susanin)
  • I take care of old ladies. (Raskolnikov)

Intellectual environmental quiz

Environmental issues are relevant to everyone today: be it a child or an adult. You can systematize and organize children's knowledge with the help of an interesting test about nature. The purpose of such a game is to summarize the existing knowledge, as well as a way to acquire new knowledge about the world and ecology, so that children remember important facts in a playful way.

  1. What are our feathered friends called? (Birds)
  2. The thinnest natural thread is... (web)
  3. What is the name of the collection of rules that must be observed in relation to nature in order not to receive a fine? (Environmental Code)
  4. A large area where rare animals live is called... (reserve)
  5. Which flower is truly fun for children when it blooms? (Dandelion)
  6. This tree has purple leaves in the fall. Name it. (Maple, rowan)
  7. What tree's fruits are used as slingshot bullets? (Rowan)
  8. What do plants breathe? (Oxygen)
  9. The process of plants processing oxygen for life is called... (photosynthesis)
  10. What flower appears first after winter? (Snowdrop)
  11. A berry that can be of different colors: yellow, red, and black. What is it called? (Currant)
  12. Which tree is called a weeping tree? (Iwu)
  13. What does a boat need to keep sailing with the wind? (Sail)
  14. What do you add to the ground to make fruits grow better? (Fertilizer)
  15. What is the name of the profession whose task is to care for plants? (Gardener)

Fairytale advertisements in verse

Drama in five ads

1. Tili-tili, tili-bom, I'm renting a house. A house without a roof, but with a chimney, Smells a little bit of ash... There's a little soot in everything... Money right away. (Cat)


I fixed the plumbing, the sky is visible in the roof. I couldn’t cope with all the repairs... I’ll at least rent out a corner... (Vasily the Cat).

2. Our houses don't burn. We insure everything. We drive wedges against competitors. (Pigs).

3. Where were my eyes? What kind of fool have I become? There is a corner, a chair and a table. What did he find in that cat?... Noooo... the hut itself is needed... I'll rent out... the Goat!

PS .(Goat)

4. I’m renting out the hut, under the sieve, There’s no money for the chateau, It’s a long time to pay the mortgage... (To the Rooster)

5. In general, there is a cool house. On trend, expensive and rich. Elevator, parking, everything. In “eurs” – two million...

Bargaining and prepayment... LLC (“Kittens”).

Margarita Morozova

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Column of fairy tale announcements (A.S. Pushkin)

To work on the farm you need: a cook, a groom, a carpenter. Bonuses and remunerations are paid based on the results of work for the year. Contact us at... (“The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda” by A. S. Pushkin.)

Who wants to exchange an old broken trough for a new one or an apartment for a new house? Turn into a fairy tale... (“About the Fisherman and the Fish” by A. S. Pushkin.)

I am replacing an antique trough from the early 17th century. made of stained wood, for an aquarium goldfish or pike. Guppies and miracle whales and frogs in crowns are not offered! (address the Old Woman at the Broken Trough)

Fashionistas and fashionistas! Who wants to buy a magic mirror that can speak? Our address... (“The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights” by A. S. Pushkin.)

For those who cannot wake up in the morning when the alarm goes off, we suggest purchasing a rooster made of pure gold, which will help you out always and everywhere! Address... (“The Tale of the Golden Cockerel” by A. S. Pushkin.)

Trading offers imported goods: sable, black and brown foxes, Don stallions, pure silver, gold. And all this at affordable prices! The company is waiting for you! Address of A.S. Pushkin.)

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