Game 12 notes, rules, examples of notes. Quest 12 notes.

To make your children's holiday fun and interesting, come up with an exciting quest for little adventurers with intellectual riddles and outdoor games. In advance, you need to hide notes with hints in hiding places that will direct you to the next place where a new task awaits the children. At the end of the game, participants find prizes and gifts. For a street game you won’t need a lot of props, but children will be happy to plunge into the atmosphere of adventure in search of a surprise. Riddles for the quest, which will take place on the street, can be of different difficulty levels. It all depends on the age of the participants, the location and the chosen theme of the holiday.

Riddles about the garage and yard

In the courtyard of a private house there are many places where you can hide clues: a porch, benches, gazebos, flowerpots, a doghouse, a bathhouse, a deck chair, a swing and much more.

Riddles about the garage

There dad rests his soul,

Even though the room is small.

He tinkers with the car for days on end,

Anyone who is a motorist will understand everything.

The car has its own home

She feels very comfortable in it.

How many instruments are there, dad has courage,

When he goes to...


There are parents' cars in it,

And also spare tires.

This is both a home and a hospital,

Where cars can get treatment.

Riddles about the yard

Our dog guards the house,

Where does our dog live?

We drew a forget-me-not on it,

Come on, children, look for the dog...


High, high I am,

Which I am undoubtedly very proud of.

Even though I'm in a mess here,

I am proud, tall, beautiful...


How nice it is to sit on it in the summer

And look at the flower bed.

You can even lie there

As long as you don't fall from it to the ground.


They are needed to light the stove,

So that everyone can live in warmth and comfort.

Once upon a time they were a tree,

Now all that remains of the trees are stumps.


Pickles and preserves are stored in it. It's always cool and damp there. What is this?


There is a house without walls in the yard,

In the heat it is cool, the shade saves everyone.

We often drink tea here,

Can you guess what it is?


Sitting in it in the evening,

When there's nothing to do

We have leisurely conversations

All together at the round table.


We don't live in this house

But there are a lot of useful things in it:

Rake, buckets, shovel,

Everything we need for the garden.


Looking for a means of transportation

In which it is a pleasure to travel.

If you find where it is,

Look where the spare tire is.


I help barbecue

I'm used to working with fire.

When cooked on fire,

Don't come close to me.


Riddles about the bathhouse

Here you will not only become clean,

But you can also steam the bones.

In this house the brooms are making noise,

They invite the guys to take a steam bath.

When I'm resting

I refresh you with the coolness.

When I start working,

There is steam and water in me.

Come to me, friends,

I will make you clean.

I will add strength to you,

I'll leave you healthy.

Silent system

A cheerful company will definitely like the game “Mute System”. It would be a good idea to film the progress of the game on a video camera, so that later the participants could watch the recording and laugh.

The essence of the game is that all participants line up in one row, and the leader, passing behind them, slaps them on the back a different number of times. How many claps there were - this is the participant’s serial number. At the command of the leader, when everyone has already been assigned numbers, the participants must line up in one order in order, but at the same time talking or gesturing with their hands is strictly prohibited.

The catch is that the presenter can clap the same number of times to several participants at once, which means that the formation will be not just one, but several at once. Only the participants mooing and winking at each other do not immediately understand this, and therefore all their manipulations are very funny to watch.

Riddles for a quest at the dacha

In a country house, you can organize an exciting quest for children, the tasks of which will help you happily splash out energy and strain your brains to find clues. At the dacha there are many hiding places where you can hide notes: porch, greenhouse, garden trees, equipment.

Riddles about the greenhouse

What an amazing house!

It's raining outside, but it's dry inside.

Vegetables grow in the house,

Everyone is looking forward to them very, very much.

In the garden there is a house in which vegetables grow. Rather, run there, but not for cucumbers and tomatoes. A hint awaits you among the greenery!

Riddles about the apple tree

In spring I stand in bloom,

I'm waiting for late summer,

To treat you with beautiful fruits,

Liquid, round, red.

Grows on this tree

What compote is made from.

What they crunch with joy,

They give treats to all the guys.

Riddle about the chicken coop

There is a bird house in the yard,

The chicken is sitting on a perch.

Soon we will lay an egg

And he will bring chickens.

Riddle about the well

The clue can be hidden in a bucket or attached to the walls of the well with tape.

What kind of house is underground?

Gives us water?

You quickly run to him

And get some water.

Playful hands

The competition will go well in a well-warmed-up company. Only men are invited to take part in it, who must stand in pairs with their backs to each other. After this, each of them is given specially prepared equipment (sticks with red-painted tops and pieces of sandpaper).

After everyone has taken the required positions and received game attributes, the presenter gives a signal warning about the start of the competition. And at this moment the participants must quickly remove the red paint with the provided skins.

The winner is the one whose hands turn out to be more “naughty”, that is, the one who manages it first. Laughter with tears in our eyes will be guaranteed for everyone.

Street quest for older children

We offer another scenario for an outdoor quest, which is suitable for children aged 10-12 years. The presenter hands the participants an envelope with a message:

“I am the villain who stole your gifts. But, if you complete all my tasks, perhaps I will change my anger to mercy and give away your prizes. So, first task. You need to use the code to solve the clue word.”

Task No. 1. Chess cipher

A grid is drawn on a piece of paper. The numbers are written in the cells at the top: “1, 2, 3, 4,” etc. In the leftmost column the letters are written in order: “A, B, C, D, D,” etc.


Zh3, D6, B1, V3, E3, A2, A6

The result is the word “veranda”. So, the next clue is located there.

Task No. 2. What is shown in the photo?

On the veranda, the participants find an envelope containing a photograph of a bench. But you need to photograph it in such a way that children do not immediately guess what is shown in the picture. You may take a blurry photo, take it too close, or from an unusual angle.

Task No. 3. Find a clue in loose objects

There are containers with cereals or sand on the bench. Children need to “dig out” the clue (it can be hidden in advance in a plastic container from the “Kinder Surprise”).

Task No. 4. Pop the balloons

On the veranda or in the house, place balloons that are not fully inflated to make them easier to pop. Give the children sticks (not pointed ones) with which they should burst the balloons. This must be done one at a time so as not to injure your neighbor. When children pop all the balloons, they will find pieces of the note. Putting them together, you get the message:

"Go outside to the maze."

Task No. 5. Labyrinth

Lay out ropes on the grass in advance to create a labyrinth. One participant is selected and blindfolded. He must navigate the maze without touching the ropes. The whole team loudly tells where to go: “Left”, “Straight”, “Right”, “Stop”. Then the following participants go through the maze in turn.

Task No. 6. Rope walkers

Another fun and active activity that participants are sure to enjoy. Between the trees, pull the tie-down straps, which are usually used to secure the load to the roof of the car, at a short distance from the ground. Participants must take turns walking on the belts without falling. To complicate the task, place a basket with balls with letters written on them. The participant walks along the straps to the basket, takes the ball and returns back. When all the balls have been collected, children will read the following clue:

"Head to the kitchen."

Task No. 7. Guess the drink

In the summer kitchen, participants will find an impromptu bar with drinks that need to be poured into opaque bottles. Children must guess what is being offered to them:

  • juice;
  • compote;
  • Coca Cola;
  • water;
  • Fanta;
  • fruit drink;
  • lemonade.

Task No. 8. Training your memory

Lay out a lined sheet of paper on a bench or table. Each cell contains an object: a stone, an apple, a clothespin, a toy, a chocolate bar, etc. Children look carefully at the objects, after which they turn away, and adults collect them in a basket. Participants need to arrange the objects in the order in which they were located.

Task No. 9. Relay race

Participants are divided into two teams. Each player must transfer a chocolate egg in a spoon, overcoming obstacles: logs, stones, a sand mound, a hole laid out in advance. When all the eggs have been transferred to the basket, the presenter will give small prizes to the participants and an envelope with a task.

Task No. 10. Hot dances

Participants go to the lawn, where fun music plays. Children stand in a circle, and the leader is located in the center and shows the movements that need to be repeated. Then the presenter chooses one of the participants, and he stands in a circle to show the movements.

Quest finale

The end of the holiday should be bright and memorable. You can invite participants to launch balloons into the sky and make a wish. In the final, children must receive prizes and gifts. If the quest was dedicated to a birthday, at the end the parents bring out a cake with candles, everyone sings a song and congratulates the birthday boy.

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