Holiday "Golden Autumn" with competitions for grades 1 and 2

Decoration of the autumn holiday in elementary school

As practice shows, musical accompaniment is very important for elementary school children. Therefore, when holding autumn games and competitions, you need to take this factor into account. The teacher-organizer needs to choose the right musical accompaniment, preferably taking into account the given topic. If a competition or game does not involve a lot of activity from children, then the music should be calmer. It would be good if the teacher provided classical music accompaniment. This theme is widely represented in the works of classics. There is a place for the broad Russian soul to roam.

Fall of Desires

Each guest writes on a piece of paper his wish for this evening, for example: I want to be kissed; I want to be made to laugh; I want to see the focus; I want to be hugged; I want them to dance with me and so on. At the end of the wish, the guest must sign up. The host collects all the leaves with wishes and, on the count of 3, throws them into the hall, and each of the guests at this time must catch one leaf from the fall of wishes. Then each guest reads the wish and the name of who this wish belongs to, and then fulfills it. It will turn out to be an interesting game that will bring the children closer together and, of course, have fun.

Who should attend the fall events?

The issue of those present at the event is resolved quite simply. If this event is cool, then it should be held together with parents, since the age of the children is still relatively young. Well, if this is a school-wide event, then the involvement of parents as guests is not provided. Otherwise you may end up with a bazaar. There are a sufficient number of teachers at school-wide events who can ensure order during the holiday.

An event such as the “Autumn Quiz for Elementary School” can take place during the week, without interruption from the educational process, namely during breaks. In this case, children will not only not run around the floors randomly and push each other, but will also be able to learn a lot of interesting things related to the wonderful time of year called autumn.

How to prepare an autumn event?

In order to properly prepare an autumn event, you must first decide on its category. It will be class or school wide. An autumn birthday would be perfect for a cool event. The following competitions are worth holding:

  • "Mushrooms";
  • "Rain";
  • "Collect leaves";
  • "Autumn Associations".

This is a speed competition. In addition, in this way it will be possible to find out which of the guys has more developed ingenuity.

The following are suitable for school-wide events: “Autumn Ball”, “Autumn Quiz for Elementary School”. Children at such events not only relax, but also learn many new interesting facts that will be useful to them in the future learning process.

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