A scene in the style of the 90s “Tough Times” in verse for a theme party

If you remember the chewing gum “Love is” and “Turbo” with special warmth in your soul, you can easily sing along with Irina Saltykova in the song “These eyes, these blue eyes,” then spending your birthday in the style of the 90s will be an excellent decision . Turning back time - isn't this the best gift to your loved one?

How to dress for a party in 90s style

For girls, bright makeup and hairstyles with combed bangs are required. Clothing should correspond to the style of the 90s: leggings, acid colors, wide T-shirts with a belt at the waist or short tops. Take an old T-shirt, shorten it and glue on bright letters or write on it with a marker. Men will create the mood of that time if they find a crimson jacket, wear a “golden” weighty chain, and grab a “large and thick format” mobile phone as an accessory, or you can wear a tracksuit and a T-shirt with the image of the “Kino” group.

Competitions “Music has connected us.”

Of course, you can hold this party completely in the spirit of the nineties: get drunk and dance until the morning, as they did then. But it will be much more pleasant to surprise guests with an immersion in the atmosphere through competitions. Here are some ideas for them:

You can get a “Dandy” console, jump ropes, rubber bands, Tetris and Tamagotchi - guests will have the opportunity to entertain themselves with these cute trinkets during breaks between dances and competitions. It would also be a good idea to organize viewing of old TV series: let “Kamenskaya”, “Wild Rose”, “Alf” and “Beverly Hills” play on the TV screen.

How to decorate a room

A birthday in the style of the 90s cannot be imagined without specific attributes. Hang up posters of nineties stars. Place a cassette recorder on a separate table and lay out cassettes of popular groups:

Carmen, Technology, Hands up, Tender May, etc.

If a party in the style of the 90s is celebrated at home, then it is worth covering the furniture with old bedspreads, such as tapestry ones, bringing a Record TV from the village, laying out an old program guide on the coffee table, where you need to mark with a pen the most outstanding shows this week. Musical arrangement is the simplest part of the paraphernalia, since today it is not difficult to find a collection of hits from the nineties. In addition to the musical selection, it is worth taking care of the lighting design of the dance part of the evening: light music is a must.

Dancing and having fun until the morning

If the surroundings, outfits and feast can be made exactly as they were in those years, then this will not work with the script: most parties began with dancing, which then turned into drinking. Now this option is considered not the most successful. It is better to do without alcohol, and to dilute the dancing, for example, with songs with a guitar, watching Soviet films or their excerpts, playing dandy or Tetris.

And in order not to miss anything at all at your special party and remember the 90s down to the smallest detail, you need to periodically organize themed competitions and quizzes. For example:

  1. As it was before. This competition can also be called vice versa - “As they don’t do it anymore.” Its essence is for guests to try to remember things that today will only cause misunderstanding and bewilderment. Remember the connection between a cassette and a pen? And now not everyone will guess.
  2. Knowledge of songs and performers. A simple game “Guess the melody”, only you need to guess the hits of the 90s. You can arrange the same competition, but for knowledge of TV series and films.
  3. Hide your stash. There were big problems with money back then, so the wife, like a bloodhound, felt every penny that her husband wanted to hide and put aside for beer. Hiding the stash was truly difficult. Try it today. To make the task even more difficult, give participants a very short time, such as 10 seconds.
  4. The largest bubble from chewing gum. In those days they chewed a lot of gum and had time to practice blowing bubbles. Now it's time to find out who was the most diligent.
  5. Games in the spirit of the 90s. Think back to all the games that were so popular and embrace the nostalgia. Hopscotch, rubber bands, jump ropes, blind man's buff and thimbles - just hearing about such an offer, guests will probably take up the game with enthusiasm and pleasure.

Periodically capture what is happening in memorable photographs. These photos, as well as the style of the party, will become another very pleasant nostalgic memory that you never want to forget.

Source: pro-prazdniki.com

So, we meet the guests. In order for guests to plunge into the holiday atmosphere from the very threshold, they need to be greeted in disco-style costumes, invited to wear fluffy funny wigs, and decorate themselves with bright neon bracelets. Guests can also earn liquor tickets and disco dollars upon entry by completing a simple task. In the foyer, hang flags, shiny garlands, posters with images of your favorite idols of those years, in the smoking room, leave a bag of sunflower seeds, Belomor cigarettes, dominoes, etc. on the table.

Entertainment program Guests may be interested in the competition for the largest chewing bubble. The winner is the one who blows the biggest bubble out of chewing gum. So it will become clear who devoted more time to this craft in childhood. Next, you can hold a competition for knowledge of facts and subjects characteristic of the 90s. To do this, guests are invited to take turns naming phenomena and objects that are associated with the nineties. As a result, the last participant who remains will win. Based on the results of all competitions held, “Miss” or “Mister” of the 90s is selected. After the competitions have ended, or in the intervals between them, music of that time should be played. At that time, such performers as Irina Saltykova, Tatyana Bulanova, the group “Combination”, “Ivanushki”, “Hands Up”, “Brilliant” were popular.

Disco should take center stage when planning a disco party. You can organize a singing competition. Ask your guests to sing a disco song. As a rule, many people like karaoke, so one person will start, and the chorus will finish the song. How can we do without dancing? Therefore, the competition for the best disco dancer will be more appropriate than ever.

As a background, turn on the music from the movie “Disco Dancer”; all the young people used to dance to it. While guests quench their thirst and hunger at the table, you can arrange a quiz competition on your knowledge of well-known facts of the disco era. Questions might include: What is the most popular chewing gum? A brightly colored item of clothing that gained popularity throughout the USSR. List in order all the general secretaries of the USSR. Which countries were formed as a result of the collapse of Yugoslavia. Using the most famous hits of that time, hold a “Guess the Melody” competition. If there are people at the event who did not comply with the dress code and came without a suit, organize a makeup competition for them. Using cosmetics, gouache, self-tanning, chocolate, you need to beautifully paint the participant’s face.

To hold a Rubik's cube competition, you will need 6 girls and 6 men who think they know how to solve a Rubik's cube. The girls are sent backstage and put on an additional 6 plain clothes in blue, white, yellow, red, green and orange. As things you can use fabric wound like a scarf, skirt, scarf, blouse, belt, etc. A man chooses a girl and must dress her in one color as quickly as possible. The winner gets a prize - a Rubik's cube.

Collect puzzles of drawings of love is chewing gum inserts. You can play Monopoly. Make a fun start by dividing into brothers in crimson jackets with massive gold chains around their necks and crime bosses in Abibas tracksuits. You can change roles without even changing clothes. It’s also interesting to organize a team competition for the most incredible idea for a business: each team presents a business plan, for example, opening a network of “Pelmenni” on Mars (this would have worked in the 90s) or building a country mansion for godfather Pumpkin. The more unusual the presentation, the more points the team has.

The table quiz “Nobody Does That Nowadays” can be an interesting “entertainment.” Under the terms of which, each participant in a circle must remember what he or his friends did in the 90s. For example, they drank water from a water pump on the street, washed plastic bags, highlighted the TV program, etc. You can also hold a “What Cost How Much” quiz, where guests will have to remember the cost of food, clothing and other things in the 90s.

Source: vk.com

I don’t want to call this party “In the style of the 90s.” I want it just like that “In the style of Hands up!” . Do you remember the time when on a day off you heard from all the windows: “Well, you, student, found a new toy”? It was just a super megahit! And soon: “My baby”? If at that time people already had mobile phones, then it’s not difficult to guess what ringtones would have sounded on everyone! Yes, this is the whole era of Zhukov and Potekhin! It seemed that they wrote songs taking into account the personal life of each listener: for many, it coincided with their first relationship, and graduation, and breakups.

every turning point is a new hit. Millions of fans, song parodies, collections of cassettes, calendars, stickers and posters.

And now about thousands of associations with that time: school evenings, first dates, first kisses, the first cigarette behind the garages, “Love is” and “Turbo” chewing gum, “Tofita” sweets, Brazilian TV series, Soviet masterpieces “Prisoner of the Caucasus” and “Gentlemen” good luck”, “Lollipop” and salted nuts, “Pepsi”, curfew (everyone has their own), KVN, “adidas” tracksuits, leggings and faded jeans and black and white T-shirts with images of Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet from "Titanic"! And also huge tape recorders with two cassettes, from which they sounded at full volume: “And he kisses you, says that he loves you...”! Ah-ah-ah! Take me back to that time!

But time cannot be returned. But you can arrange an evening of fun, reckless nostalgia “without brakes”! Give your friends complete relaxation: no, not a glamorous party, but the ultimate party of the year, in the style of “I’m eighteen already!”

Organizing a party in the style of those very 90s.


There are many options for invitations, but the most successful, in my opinion, is the one with an audio cassette cover.

On a black and white printer, print identical pictures: one of the albums or a photo of the group.
Write an invitation on the inside. Be original in everything: you can use words from the “Hands Up” songs. For example: “ My baby , I invite you to a party without brakes !” Be the kindest , gentlest, most affectionate and punctual: come exactly at 20.00. The program is not for children , so put on a knee-length skirt and remember how they sang the song “Hands up!” . Yours Seryozha. »
You can process photographs from “that time” in Photoshop, adding the necessary shades in the style of a faded, old photo. Write the text of the invitation on the reverse side.

Meeting time and room design

A 90s party should resemble a school party or a disco of some rural club, without unnecessary antlers and pathos. If you fail to rent a school gym, you will have to move to a nightclub hall (preferably with a minimum of modern decorations: you will do everything your own way). Don't discount the gym idea - it's actually the coolest option!

Since Hands up! The party will be indoors, it doesn’t matter whether it’s winter or summer. Most likely, the event will last all night, so it is advisable to gather guests in the evening, around 8-9.

The 90s... The era of combining the incongruous: the deficit begins to be filled with imported things from Turkey and China, often of terrible quality. Use this when thinking about your decor.

Things that will create a:

- colored balloons on the walls, under the ceiling, on the floor;

- posters with popular groups, performers of the 90s: “Aria”, “Strelki”, “Virus”, “Mumiy Troll”, “Zemfira”, “A-Studio”, “Bi-2”, “Brilliant”, “Guests” from the future, “DDT”, “Reflex”, “Disco Crash”, “Tender May”, “Ivanushki”, “Paints”, “Ellipsis”, “Nancy”, “Ocean Elzy”, “Propaganda”, “Gaza Strip” , “Spleen”, “Semantic Hallucinations”, “Total”, “Freestyle”, “Ace of Base”, “Aqua”, “E-Rotic”, “No Doubt”, “Scooter”, Madonna, Dr. Alban and “Hands up!”; - if you still have old magazines or newspapers “All Stars”, “Cool”, lay them out in bulk on the tables;

- under the ceiling - a sparkling mirror ball,

- cassette recorder, you can have several: place them on tables, put audio cassettes nearby;

— “Dandy” console, if you can find one, even if it’s not in working condition: put it like a rarity, with a joystick;

- Tetris, Tamagotchi, Rubik's cubes, video cassettes, a rainbow spring, chewing gum candy wrappers, chips, an audio cassette player - excellent decor from things that were once of such value to us that it is difficult to express in words;

- if you can get a tube TV with a V-shaped antenna, give yourself 5 points, and put the TV in the corner of the party room!

If you found yourself in the 90s, you don’t have to look for detailed instructions on how to throw a party, just close your eyes and remember what you dreamed about, what you were happy about, what you were surprised about... Then you can make everything really warm, natural and fun.

Dress code

Girls: short elastic or pleated skirts, denim shorts/skirts, distressed jeans with slits, black or pink leggings, blouses with a knot at the bottom, plaid shirts, tunics with sequins and sparkles, ballet flats, sneakers or low heels. Plastic bright jewelry. Hairstyles: loose hair with a high backcomb, high ponytail (can be on one side). The makeup is bright: blue and green shadows, rich lipstick, blush. Guys: adidas tracksuit, backwards cap, bandana, sneakers. For those who are especially fashionable: jeans, a crimson jacket, long-toed shoes, pseudo gold trinkets. Or faded jeans and a plaid shirt.


What did they cook for the holidays in the 90s? Yes, everything is simple: “Olivier” and “herring under a fur coat” salads, cutlets and baked chicken (aka grilled), herring with onions, sausage and cheese slices, canned food, sandwiches with sprats, canned cucumbers.

For dessert: custard cakes, ice cream, bird's milk candies, toffee, "Chamomile", chocolate cake or "Napoleon"!

Drinks: compote, instant Yuppies, jelly, Pepsi, cream soda. Alcoholic: liqueurs (cherry, plum, cranberry!), vodka and/or beer. Yes, this is exactly that rare themed party where the theme is cheap vodka, which needs to be washed down with cheap carbonated sweet drinks.

What to cook - menu in the style of the 90s

The nineties were not distinguished by any special delights in holiday tables, although it was at this time that we learned about chewing gum, chocolate bars, instant juices, and an abundance of fruit appeared.


baked chicken, permanent mashed potatoes

Traditional salads of that time:

  • Herring under a Fur Coat,
  • Olivie,
  • mimosa.

It is necessary to set the table with the utmost simplicity, provide everyone with polka-dot napkins, and place the dishes on common areas. Instead of juices, use Pear soda.

Party in the style of the 90s scenario

Before coming to the party, let each guest name one of his favorite activities of those years, or remember something of the characteristic features of the nineties.

The evening, as already mentioned, should be accompanied by a musical selection of hits from the 90s.

Inserts or jokes

After a short feast, invite the company to play a mega game - inserts. Give each participant 5 chewing gum inserts: turbo, catch from…. Recall the goal of the game: everyone places a bet and then tries to flip a stack of inserts with a blow of their hand.

Invite guests to remember “beard jokes.” It will be very interesting to remember those jokes that almost everyone knew then.

"Call of the Jungle" or "Tetris"

Remember television programs. Many games can be recreated at a party. For example, “Field of Miracles”, if you want to play active games, stage “Call of the Jungle”. As a competition, organize a relay race with an egg in a spoon, which you need to carry from point A to point B, or offer to take part in a pillow fight on a hill. Remember what competitions you remember from Sergei Suponev’s program.

The famous game "Tetris" can also find a place at your party.

Organize a competition for an outstanding record by distributing Tetris games to the participants and determining the playing time for them in advance (no more than 5 minutes). Many will ask for revenge, while others simply will not be able to stop, remembering how much excitement this game gave in the past.

Disco in the style of the 90s

The evening must end with a super discus. During the final part, organize several competitions with nominations: the most popular moves at a disco of the 90s, the coolest dancing guy and girl, the bravest dancer, the most persistent dancer.

Be sure to give gifts for participating in competitions and quizzes; let your guests have souvenirs as a memory of the fun discus performer: cassettes, posters, keychains, chewing gum (some are still on sale), chocolates, etc.

It all starts with invitations

It is necessary to thoroughly prepare invitations. But invitations should not be simple, but such that they give you goosebumps and leave no doubt as to whether you should come to the event. Therefore, you will have to try a little and remember or find out what each potential participant in the fun was most interested in and loved.

For example, someone loved and collected chips. Then this person should send an invitation, burying it in chips. Or you can put it in the cassette box of your favorite band. Or even send a videotape of your favorite movie along with the invitation. It all depends on your imagination.

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