Ditties for the New Year of the Tiger 2022 - funny and cool

What is remarkable about this genre of folk art?

Chatushki occupy a special place in Russian folklore. These are cool quatrains that are sung to the accompaniment of a musical instrument. Funny, simple tunes can amuse any audience. They are often used for entertainment at New Year's corporate parties, matinees, and when celebrating a special occasion with the family.

Particularly funny quatrains are dedicated to topical issues of today. And the New Year is a great opportunity to sing a funny ditty!

Below we have selected for you several selections of ditties for the New Year of the Tiger 2022 for various events.

Corporate event

At an honest corporate party, We came to have fun, We put on mice masks, We want to get drunk from the bottom of our hearts.

We dance merrily, sing, the tree is shaking! We don’t care about all the problems, There’s no point in sorrow.

The tables are bursting with dishes, We treat the rat, Happiness and comfort await us, And we drive away troubles!

We accept congratulations From the boss, honor, We remind you in chorus We are counted towards the bonus!

Dear, beloved boss, We congratulate you, And we wish us high salaries in the Year of the Rat!

May good luck await us all, We will not count money. Happiness, joy, success, And we are not in a hurry to have problems!

Ditties about the Tiger for the New Year 2022

Ditties about the Tiger for the New Year 2022:

The tiger comes to visit us Open the doors! Let everyone who believes in fairy tales be surprised by the gifts!

He's big and toothy, but he knows how to rest! Come on, have fun, guys, it's time to celebrate the Year of the Tiger!

The working year is over. He was very bullish. Tiger accepts orders, Who wants what!

So that we can make friends with the New Year and get along with the Black Tiger, We planted a heifer under his Christmas tree.

There is a Tiger on the threshold. He is embarrassed to enter. Pour it, guys, let it settle in!

Who is coming to us, who is coming, Long-awaited New Year! We open the doors to the tiger - And fill the glasses!

The blizzard howls outside the window, And there are candles on the Christmas tree, The tiger enters every house, Waiting for laudable speeches.

Tiger congratulates us, And the gifts are simply classy - Happiness, joy, health, And some money in reserve!

For colleagues

Happy Year of the Rat, dear colleagues, I wish you well from the bottom of my heart - May you be happy!

Oh, you are my colleagues, Glorious, dear ones, Maybe we can stop the fighting, And the fornication of empty words?

Maybe this year of the Rat we’ll arrange a holiday for everyone? Will we give reconciliation a go, will we calm our temper?

Let's treat others with respect, and not run around with complaints and stupid ones!

You are my dears! I want to congratulate you, I respect you, golden ones, and I love you sincerely!

I hasten to congratulate everyone on a wonderful holiday, may success await you and be an amazing year!

The funniest New Year's ditties 2022

The funniest New Year's ditties 2022:

How it's done on New Year's Day People get drunk. Yes, and we are not lagging behind, We urgently take out glasses.

The New Year is just around the corner, I got ready to go to the store, and returned home to Mana, having bought only an orange!

People celebrated the New Year and the degree of fun grew... In the end, Santa Claus lay on a platter Only under his fur coat.

Oh frost, oh frost, Don’t freeze me to tears, I’m already in tears, Prices on the shelves - ah!

We will tighten our belts, We will prick up our ears, We will live anyway, If only there were ditties!

Santa Claus sits in his sleigh, He’s bringing us a Christmas tree, And he’s ready to dance with us, To celebrate the New Year!

Santa Claus, beetroot nose, Freezes us to tears, We'll go dance now, We'll thaw, we'll come to life!


New Year, New Year, Santa Claus and Christmas tree! Have fun, honest people! Great drinking party!

Hello Rat, how are you? What did you bring with you? They were waiting for you impatiently - they fell face first into the salad.

The glasses are full to the brim, wishes are made, it’s close to the battles - the frying pans are hidden.

Let good luck come to the house, And let finances go into your pocket, Let troubles burn with fire, Be washed away with champagne.

We celebrate the New Year, With songs and dances, Some in the circle of our family, And some in an embrace with masks.

New Year's two weeks, We waited a long time at the gate, By the second we were crazy - A glorious New Year holiday!

Brut, caviar and Olivier, On the rich table, An hour later - drunkenness And a massacre with obscenities.

Let dreams come true, And success comes, Now we are on first name terms with the Rat, He enters our doors.

Let us caress, lovingly, the Mouse, with songs and dances, and in return she will replenish our savings book with bucks.

Ditties for the New Year 2022 for corporate parties

Ditties for the New Year 2022 for a corporate party:

The corporate New Year will be very positive, because the director will tell us who will receive the award.

The New Year is knocking on the door, Legally clean, Legitimate and legal - Ideal for lawyers.

We are all waiting for the New Year, Because in it, for all of us, Everyone’s salary will be increased, They will send us on vacation!

We don't want to work, We don't want to work. We want to relax and lie in the sun!

We worked yesterday, And today, right in the morning, We are celebrating the New Year. Right at the corporate party!

Happiness, suddenly, in silence, knocked on the door. Are you really coming to me? I believe and I don’t believe. There are all sorts of miracles in the New Year, New Year, New Year is coming soon!

If I were young, If I were playful, I would dance on the table And climb onto the Christmas tree! I am a cheerful Snow Maiden, I’ll play blind man’s buff with you, But I’m afraid to get drunk on tea - I’ll melt from the hotness.

Frost with a white beard, with a lush mustache, like a young boy, dances with us. I'm in the bag for Santa Claus. I'll do an audit. He was going to give gifts to an entire division!

Santa Claus, don't yawn, but get the gifts. If you want to fight, let's fight! On New Year's Eve, walk more boldly Whichever path you want, And in any home you will be treated to a shot glass!

Happy New Year and wish you all good health, so that you can go to work on Saturdays. We sang ditties for you Mostly decent ones We are waiting for New Year's gifts Cash would be better!

For adults

The holidays are here, everyone can relax, well, hang in there! And get ready, asshole!

I spent a whole year on a terrible diet, and now I’m not leaving the freezing cell!

In the summer my waist was like Gurchenko’s, Oh, this New Year! The belly hangs like a fold!

For two weeks on end I ate continuously, the glorious New Year holiday - I can’t fit into the doors!

Santa Claus hugged me, I was stunned, My chest, like the ninth shaft, flew up to the ceiling!

A dispute arose with the Snow Maiden, which of us is sweeter than which, the Cahors won the dispute - Put an end to this epic!

New Year, New Year! The ceiling is shaking! All the people are having fun, the wine is flowing like a river!

Ditties for the New Year 2022 for schoolchildren

Ditties for the New Year 2022 for schoolchildren:

I won’t believe in Santa Claus, I’m no longer a fool! I know that the Snow Maiden gives out gifts to children!

Santa Claus with a beard, With a luxurious mustache, Like a young boy, Jumps with us at the Christmas tree.

Near the house at the skating rink, my friend made a snowman, made a nose out of a carrot, but this is Santa Claus.

Bring us, Santa Claus, both skis and slides! Give us, Santa Claus, all the “colas” in the “fives”!

For some reason, Santa Claus is checking his chair? Does he really not trust his grandchildren?

Grandfather Frost loves children's ditties, and he will give all the children Candies and crackers.

I haven’t seen how you are progressing in our school. Instead of a letter to Santa Claus, we will send everyone an SMS.

Mom doesn't allow me to jump and scream at school. When I grow up, I’ll go to the disco “jumping”!

We say thank you to Grandfather, For his gifts, Let's kiss him all, He will be hot!

The Snow Maiden's braid has already grown to the floor. While walking along the corridor, I swept the floor with my scythe.


The Internet will celebrate the year, Programmer Evgeniy, Virtual Gathering of Rats, Worthy of respect.

I’m clinking glasses with a friend on Skype, I’m having a snack on my knees, And outside the window there’s a wind with a blizzard, The Boston waltz is dancing for an encore.

I’m sitting with my classmates, With friends and markets, I’ll order a hundred OKs, I’ll shower everyone with gifts.

I am sending SMS, Happy New Year, Be happy friends, After all, you all have me!

Funny ditties for kindergarten

Funny ditties for kindergarten:

The fluffy snow is silver, Santa Claus is rushing in a troika, the elegant spruce tree is noisy, and the fireworks are thundering in the forest.

We all dressed up the Christmas tree with our own toys. She doesn't have a single needle to spare!

Children dance in a circle and clap their hands. Hello, hello, New Year! You are so good!

May any of your dreams come true these days. Let the lights on our Christmas tree light up brightly.

Yes! On the Christmas tree there are too many toys for you and me. Only our caretaker knows exactly how many there are on the tree.

He grew to my eyebrows, He climbed into my felt boots. They say he is Santa Claus, and he plays pranks like a little boy.

Near the Christmas tree we have games, dances, songs. Dear, good New Year, There is no one more wonderful than you!

Happy New Year, New Year's greetings! I wish my mom and dad to live to be a hundred years old!

Santa Claus slept in bed, Got up, jingling icicles: Where are you, blizzards and blizzards? Why don't you wake me up?

Winter holiday New Year, I love you most of all! The long-awaited chime. I won't oversleep for anything!

In my kindergarten we will go to the matinee, And for Grandfather Frost we will sing a song together.

We are not afraid of frost, We don’t even care about blizzards! You can’t lure us from a walk to kindergarten with a roll!

Our Santa Claus has a beard, With a lush mustache, But, like a young guy, He dances with us.

Christmas trees sparkled everywhere - The whole country was surrounded by bright stars. For the guys in this hall, the Miracle Tree is lit.

For children

We are looking forward to the holiday, The candles are lit, We will start a round dance, Let miracles happen.

Christmas tree, New Year holiday! We were waiting for Santa Claus, and an astrologer came to us with a supply manager's beard!

The children dance and jump, they lead round dances, how the tinsel sparkles! The mouse in the door enters:

“Hello, Mouse, come in, We’ve been waiting for you, Come into our round dance - We’ve made a wish.

We are waiting for gifts from you! Where is Grandfather Frost? We’ll call him in a minute: “Where are you, where are you, Red Nose?”

The doors opened wide, Grandfather came in with a bag. “Where are the dolls? Where are the animals? We are waiting for gifts from you!”

How wonderful the New Year is! Sweets, toys! A mouth full of chocolate, And there are ruffles on the skirt!

Congratulations to mom and dad - I empowered the mouse to prophesy happiness to them with its magic paw.

Santa Claus was spun around, In a ringing round dance, The bearded man was deprived of his strength in front of all the people!

Around the Christmas trees are having fun, Hares and bears, And the noise makes them very angry, Angry neighbors!

How we love the New Year Celebrating at the Christmas tree! He brings us all joy, and delicious gifts!

I spent the whole day learning a poem for Santa Claus, but my voice became hoarse, only a silent pose!

Mom, dad, don’t get sick, I wish you happiness, In the lottery ticket for you, Let the lemon wait - don’t be a fig!

New Year's ditties 2022 for adults

New Year's ditties 2022 for adults:

And we were decorating the Christmas tree - It’s terrible how tired we were And at the festive table We just fell asleep.

And my friend, Katya, is boldly waiting for a gift, that they will drive her a car for a couple of thousand euros.

And I saved up for a sweet year for a cool fur coat, But she didn’t wait, And she went to Mishutka.

Oh, how I want to meet Grandfather Frost! My beauty is not enough - I’ll pay extra with moonshine!

Ah, the Snow Maiden is a minx, both playful and sweet. How a real sorceress led everyone into debauchery!

Oh, Grandfather Frost, White beard, Look at me, what a pullet!

The snowy woman was proud that she fell in love with the Bunny. The Bunny surprised her by nibbling on her carrot nose.

Baba Snow moaned that she was tired of standing alone. Good Grandfather Frost brought her a glass of vodka.

Without Snow Maiden, Santa Claus does not go to the village. Who will take him home after all the Christmas trees?

We will jump like goats and stomp like bears. Let the Lower Neighbors remember the New Year!

The year will be the same as you meet it - It’s not in vain that people say. Last time I fell asleep under the Christmas tree - On needles for a whole year!

Uncle Dima will be Grandfather Frost again, Because he walks around with a red nose without makeup.

In military unit forty-eight, the New Year is blowing loudly, the Commander has become Father Frost, and the Snow Maiden is the political officer.

I don’t believe in Santa Claus, I’m not your fool! Who gives gifts to children? It’s clear who is the Snow Maiden!

In the new year, in the new year Borka pesters me. He says he loves me, but I’m the opposite.

On New Year's Day, on New Year's Day, my boss pesters me. His short report is in my big report.

On New Year's Day, on New Year's Day No one can sleep! In every house, young and old are having fun all night long.

On New Year's Day everyone goes to the sea. I’ll stay... Without a family! Not because there is no money - All Snow Maidens are mine!

In the New Year I asked for love more than once, And this year I ask: Take it back!!!

In the New Year One year will end, And another year will begin! Like a bubble: One will end, After it, the second will come!

This is how life is in the New Year: Don’t plow, don’t toil. Two weeks off - Sleep and cuddle!

On New Year's Day, students are walking around drunk, and the teacher is checking their notebooks under the table...

On New Year's Eve, walk more boldly Whichever path you want, And in any home you will be treated to a shot glass!

On New Year's Day, the economist needs to meet “three hundred” - I set the table economically: Half a loaf of bread and kefir.

Santa Claus arrived at night with a clear glass of milk from the forest. By morning your nose is all covered in lipstick, and that’s it!

On Christmas and New Year, all the people under the Christmas tree, the merrymaking will stop - the Christmas trees will turn into sticks.

I put cotton wool in my bra to surprise my husband. Well, he gives himself potatoes, so as not to upset me.

Happy New Year is coming to us from Vladivostok! Everyone there has been drunk for a long time, and they are probably asleep...

In our yard there is a Snowman with a broom, On a dark night he guards our house from the wolf.

Vodka, women, jellied meat, Olivier on a platter. Here the clock strikes twelve - Happy New Year, people!

There is noise and laughter around the tree, the children are in confusion. Santa Claus is snoring under the Christmas tree, completely intoxicated.

So the New Year has passed, And the hangover has arrived... Count up all the expenses for such fun!!!

Everyone is celebrating the New Year, I'm revving the steering wheel, Maybe I should throw my tractor and start a drinking party?

On New Year's Day I put on the most decent dress, Even my darling told me that I was pretty!

We all gathered together - This is no joke! Pour a glass, For those who are weak, a glass!

Everyone is celebrating the New Year, I'm revving the steering wheel, Maybe I should throw my tractor and start a drinking party?

Thank you all for your attention, It was fun at your place, Let's say together: goodbye! We will leave you now!

The doctors have everything ready On New Year's Eve: They shine with a bright light. Candles for hemorrhoids.

We ate everything, drank everything, and forgot to go home! Everyone snores with their mouths open... This is how it is - New Year!

Celebrating the New Year in the bathhouse is a cool tradition! If anyone overdos it, throw some water on him.

I gave all my love to Grandfather Frost. I only ate and drank with my friend Seryozha.

Yesterday the tree was decorated, and today it was dismantled. Because the New Year was celebrated overnight and here it is.

We were looking for a third drink, Santa Claus came up to us, While the vodka was being poured, he took away our cases!

They say that on New Year's Eve all your wishes will come true, you just need to drink less, otherwise they will be forgotten!

They say that on New Year's Eve, Whatever you want, everything will be the other way around - That's such an ass...

They say that on New Year everything always comes true. Even something that no one buys for the whole year.

The guests ate, the guests drank, and forgot to go home! Everyone snores with their mouths open, After all, that’s what the New Year is for!

May God grant the snowball a smooth path. Santa Claus will come to me Right under my window!

The bear gave the Snow Maiden a new fur coat to wear. A girl is crying in the forest, “It’s a pity for the dead fox!”

People drink for two weeks in the Old Year and in the New Year, the whole country walks around, takes a break from worries.

Santa Claus literally didn’t let him pass right away, you asshole. Despite all the tricks, I planted, impudently, a “carrot!”

Santa Claus in our village danced around with Natasha. And now I’ll tell you guys, Natasha has snow cubs.

Santa Claus brought us the book “Kama Sutra” in a bag. My husband didn’t go to work... Didn’t notice the morning.

Santa Claus, take the bag, untie the strings. And get us some fashionable new things as soon as possible!

Santa Claus, Santa Claus, knock on my window, I’ll run to meet you, I’ll just paint my face!

Father Frost or Santa Claus? People argue loudly, but the Snow Maiden fulfills wishes the coolest of all!

Santa Claus, red nose, He brought gifts to everyone, He even passionately kisses Baba Yaga.

Santa Claus is a man with greetings, and a great joker at the same time. New Year's sends greetings, Gives us warmth and light!

Santa Claus for the New Year There was a joker too! He drank vodka in the cold and sculpted Baba Snow.

Santa Claus drinks too much vodka on New Year's Day, And the top manager farts loudly on the holiday, you prankster.

Santa Claus got drunk and snores under the Christmas tree, and Snegurochka ran to Demyan to rustle.

Santa Claus got away from his hands, And on New Year's Eve he got drunk, And he lay under the tree all night with the chick.

Santa Claus gives his granddaughter in marriage on New Year's Eve. And the Snow Maiden will melt and leave the dowry...

Santa Claus came to visit us, ate the meat and left the bones. Let's put them in his bag, let him eat for the road.

Father Frost and Snow Maiden go everywhere together. In each house they pour two hundred grams!

Santa Claus is so handsome! I fell in love with him. If I were an icicle, I would break for him!

Santa Claus, you will get a bonus for your work: Two pot-bellied cucumbers And a half-liter!

Santa Claus, where have you been, Red mittens? And when did you fill your eyes with shamelessness?!

You are Santa Claus, Santa Claus, where do you hang around all year?! With a red nose, at midnight, you appear with a woman!

Santa Claus, don't yawn, but get the gifts. If you want to fight, let's fight!

We asked Santa Claus to repay the loan for us. The old guy at the bank messed everything up, froze the account, bandit!

I will gird Santa Claus with His red sash. He will ride on reindeer, and I will follow on foot!

I fell in love with Santa Claus and forgot about my husband, and when I came home, He was already sitting with someone else!

I fell in love with Santa Claus. Oh, he's a hot man! He congratulated me so sweetly that the Snowman was born.

Santa Claus was invited, He was treated to vodka, He sits and eats and drinks, The third month will not go away.

I loved Santa Claus, I amused Santa Claus. Every day I hung a half-liter bottle on his Christmas tree!

We will pour some invigorating liquid for Santa Claus. If Santa Claus doesn't drink, you know he's not real!

Santa Claus wrote, Oh, and Santa Claus. For a gift, I’m ready to Write to an ostrich.

I'm in the bag for Santa Claus. I'll do an audit. He was going to give gifts to an entire division!

Santa Claus, that's the problem. He has a knee-deep beard. There's nowhere to go - he's rushing in to kiss!

The seller is holding the Christmas tree, (It seems without deception...) He says - come on, father, Money from your pocket,

How does the New Year spruce look like a carousel! On all sides there is a deer, a horse, an elephant, And in a circle through the lights they gallop merrily.

Nobody gives doctors peace on New Year's Eve: Some are trying to give birth, Some are struggling with gastritis!

If Grandma Yaga Dresses up as the Snow Maiden, the Leshy will probably perform a mazurka with her!

If you are lying in a puddle - Nothing, it can be worse, It’s just that this New Year it’s raining instead of snow.

If Santa Claus pours and pours - With what he drank - he will water the tree with nervousness!

If you pull Santa Claus's beard three times, you can get a gift and drink vodka for free.

If you are waiting for Santa Claus, you need to amuse Him, And hang a half-liter on the Christmas tree every day!

If you are going to drink, you need to know your limits. Because in the turmoil you might foolishly miss out!

If you want to be big Among the smallest - Sew heels onto felt boots for the New Year.

I stung, I stung barley, I switched to buckwheat. Lo and behold, a merry New Year is rolling towards us!

I'm waiting for Grandfather Frost - the rich groom, He will give me a shaggy fur coat without asking questions.

Sweet gifts await good girls. Well, the bad girls are the keys to the foreign car.

Outside the window there is a flock of snowflakes, They also dance in a circle. Having said goodbye to the old year, we welcome the New Year

Outside the window the snow is swirling, a blizzard has begun. It's time to celebrate the New Year, stop fussing!

Everyone is sick of winter, cold and clouds. It’s good that there is something for everyone, Our language is powerful!

I ordered a rubber boat by mail, and I received a rubber zina as a gift.

I wanted caviar for the holiday, my mother is vigorous, I ate enough sandwiches, I will remember the year!

Hello, Grandfather Frost, Cotton wool beard! Which ward did you bring Snow Maiden from?

Hello Dedushka Moroz! Give me some glasses... Did you bring me a pension? Have you paid for your tickets?

Hello, Grandfather Frost, with a white beard! Come to the light, help yourself to vodka!

Winter holiday New Year, I love you most of all! The long-awaited chime. I won't oversleep for anything!

I know: you are waiting for me in the forest near a huge Christmas tree. I bring you love, my bangs are disheveled.

For New Year's I bought chicken carcasses. And then I made up some new little ditties!

If I were not old, and still drunk, I would have danced on your table and climbed a spruce tree!

How Baba Snezhnaya is visible from our window The snowman went to get vodka And she stands alone.

As I brought the snow woman, in the morning, lo and behold, there was only water. So think about it, guess where it went!

How my friend and I cleverly made a snowman! In a jacket, a cap and glasses, And between his legs - a carrot!

Like the Snow Maiden on the white cheeks I kissed until the morning - I didn’t run away, I didn’t send, I didn’t melt! Hooray!

How the Snow Maiden twirls her naked butt on the occasion of the holiday, And everywhere she is treated to a shot glass!

Like a hare, I will attach the ears to the back of the head. I'll go buy a Christmas tree, and then a bottle!

Every year, according to schedule, We prepare Olivier, but we still celebrate the holiday in half-oblivion.

If I were young, And sober for the holiday, I would dance on the table, And climb onto the Christmas tree!

Like on New Year's Eve, sex shops are wildly visited, Christmas trees are decorated with their toys!

Like the New Year's tree, We didn't want debauchery. But how can there not be debauchery, since the girls came to the house!

Once we were celebrating the New Year in a restaurant - We were having fun and laughing, and now it’s the other way around.

My darling doesn’t come to me, He only promises. Meets the Snow Maiden under the Christmas tree every day!

When Grandfather comes to visit, He will turn the alcohol into ice! Here the problem arises: What should we celebrate the New Year with?!

If the snack runs out, We won’t grieve: The yard is full of icicles - Enough to chew.

If winter is approaching your eyes, you need to drink three times!

People love to decorate the Christmas tree for the New Year. And, singing ditties, he leads a drunken round dance.

Little vodka is cold in winter, Take the vodka out of the freezer immediately! The glasses are placed - a whole round dance! Let's have a fun, fun New Year!

The marketer in January got up at dawn, and was diligent, snoring, sculpting a snow woman.

Marketers for the Holiday Specialists in breeding - New breeds of suckers, Bred, scoundrels!

My darling kissed me in a field, near a hillock. The Christmas tree even turned red from shame.

I don’t walk past a winter salad without joking: I’ll knock it over on my trousers, or I’ll lie face down in it.

My husband went to a party. Santa Claus dressed up. Only he showed up in shorts and a hat after the holiday.

My husband went to a party, My boyfriend will come to me... They couldn’t open my fly - The New Year is all down the drain.

We were getting ready for the holiday: Oh, we were exhausted... Well, our men got drunk in the morning.

We are simple girls, we are no strangers to cold weather. Let’s quickly put on our felt boots and go for a walk in a crowd.

We set fire to Chinese firecrackers on New Year's Day. The whole village burned down, Not even a gate remained.

My friends and I follow a New Year's tradition: First we visit the bathhouse, and then the police!

We began to decorate the window with snowflakes together - And now you can’t see out the window, Go to bed or get up.

My little boy and I got into the sleigh and rolled off. I won’t say for what reason they turned over!

We will sing ditties for you. Children, close your ears. You have not gathered in vain, know that our pepper is red.

We only ate Ural dumplings on New Year’s Day. How tired we are of them, those Ural dumplings.

We sang ditties for you, We are tired and sweaty, We expect applause from you, and of course compliments!

The Snow Maiden came to us for a corporate holiday: Braid on an elastic band, Two layers of plaster.

We have a bottle on the table, a chicken for appetizer, and under the tree, for dessert, a Passionate Snow Maiden.

We have bottles on the table, vegetables for a snack... So much work on the first day of the ambulance!

At a solemn moment, the President himself wished for us to be proud of the country, and to multiply like rabbits.

A blizzard has swept through the snowdrifts - We are not upset: After our feast, we will lie in them together.

Santa Claus froze winter patterns, I don’t need to buy curtains for the windows.

I dressed up as Santa Claus and glued on my beard, and I’ve been walking around the city like a fool for the second day.

I'll dress up as the Snow Maiden and sit in the tarantass. I will ride around the village to show off to good people!

The long-awaited Miracle holiday New Year is coming, Everyone is missing something, Someone is forever waiting for happiness.

The new year is coming, everyone will be screwed. Putin and the deputies will bring surprises again.

I'm not afraid of cold weather, Even if it's minus thirty-five! Give me a shot of vodka and I'll rock!

Don’t break down, TV, - We ask you kindly. On New Year's Day we are waiting for a surprise - Pena Kolya Baskov.

Don't go, Santa Claus, through apartments lightly! Bring, for everyone's joy, a naked woman in a bag!

New Year's fun does not end for a long time: We drink for two weeks, Then we suffer from a hangover!

New Year's lights, Christmas trees, gifts... Even sex on New Year's Eve Very, very bright!

New Year's, serpentine, All in garlands, in confetti, The wine store is shining! How can we get past?

I started to celebrate the New Year, As always, in advance, I fell dead at ten, I couldn’t cope with the task.

You will celebrate the New Year smartly, and today is training. We'll sing ditties for you, hang out your ears!

New Year is like a bad dream, Everything floats in the fog. You can’t wash down vodka with beer even in a stupor!

New Year is a favorite holiday for all the people, only again the toastmaster is sad for some reason...

We love the New Year very much, We are really looking forward to the New Year, So that we can eat to our fullest, And then wash it down with wine.

New Year, New Year, People are already drinking. Yes, and I am not without sin, I drank beer in the morning.

New Year's Eve - snow, cold, blizzards. And my sweetheart and I under the tree were sweating from love.

New Year's lights, Christmas trees, gifts... Even sex on New Year's Eve Very, very bright!

Celebrating the New Year together is romantic. What will we do in the New Year? It’s indecent to tell you.

Corporate New Year, It wasn’t very positive - He pestered all the girls. Drunk manager, nasty.

I decided to celebrate the New Year in a very exotic way: I called the very pretty Snow Maiden to my house.

We always celebrate the New Year vigorously! As it begins at the table, it ends under the table.

New Year - I went to the forest, behind the tree, And wolves roamed in the forest. Celebrated the New Year at the Christmas tree. Oh, the prickly needles!

I spent the New Year very well and cheerfully! And now in my hut the Mouse hanged himself from hunger!

New Year's picture - A man lies in the snow. It was Grandfather Frost who brought Papa from the guests!

Well, Valerka gave me good gifts: Electrodes - not for welding, Instead of fireworks!

Today Uncle Dima will be Grandfather Frost, Because he walks around with a red nose without makeup.

There's not enough snow these days. What to throw in the New Year? I'll cover the whole dacha with cotton wool - a drunken guest won't miss it.

Well, my friend, you chose a little berry for yourself: You fell for the Snow Maiden, a thin piece of ice!

Oh, girls, just tears, There is no one to fall in love with. I’ll be making pictures with Grandfather Frost on New Year’s Day.

Ditties about Santa Claus

Ditties about Santa Claus for the New Year 2022:

Santa Claus, Santa Claus! You should bring us some snow. We're tired of the rain and mud. At least don't leave the house!

Father Frost, Father Frost came to us on a sleigh. He brought gifts with a Christmas tree, but he forgot the Snow Maiden!

I will gird Santa Claus with His red sash. He will ride on reindeer, and I will follow on foot!

Hello, Grandfather Frost, you brought us gifts! There are albums, paints, and we want sausages!

I'm in the bag for Santa Claus. I'll do an audit. He was going to give gifts to an entire division!

I learned a lot of songs for Grandfather Frost. And when they called you on stage, I forgot everything from excitement!

Our beloved Santa Claus, come to us more often! After all, it’s more fun here than in the frosty thicket!

Today, early in the morning, I helped Santa Claus: I took some white paint from my dad and painted the window!

I got up early today. I immediately ran to the tree. Thank you, Santa Claus, for bringing me gifts!

The troika is racing, the troika is jumping, and there are a cartload of gifts on it. The bells are ringing - which means Grandfather Frost is coming!

Once we wrote a letter to Grandfather Frost. A snowmobile as a gift for myself, ordered for the Christmas tree.

Grandfather Frost listened to children's ditties and gave loud crackers to all the children.

Come to us, Santa Claus, eat our vegetables, and do not refuse all possible financial assistance.

Hello, Grandfather Frost, with a white beard! Come to the light, help yourself to vodka!

Don't go, Santa Claus, through apartments lightly! Bring, for everyone's joy, - We have gifts in a bag!

Santa Claus is a man with greetings, and a great joker at the same time. New Year's sends greetings, Gives us warmth and light!

Santa Claus for the New Year There was a joker too. He drank vodka in the cold, and sculpted Baba Snow.

Santa Claus gives his granddaughter in marriage on New Year's Eve. And the Snow Maiden will melt and leave the dowry...

Look - Santa Claus is running around naked! Sports are important for health - remember this!

Look - Santa Claus, festively dressed! He brought us gifts - Vodka, cigarettes!

Ditties for schoolchildren

There is a Christmas tree in the hall, and there are toys on it. We will now sing School ditties for you.


Three bars of soap. To wash the ink off your face. And I came to the carnival - Nobody recognized me.


It was fun on the hill for Tanya, Petya and Egorka. Only Masha didn’t ride. She was afraid of losing her briefcase!


Fifth grader Nikolai Stay at home, don’t go out. If you go for a walk, the baby will not be happy.


“My briefcase,” said Ivan. He can barely breathe. But I only drove it for two weeks.


The Christmas tree is freezing in the snow, Crying: “I can’t take it anymore. To the kids in the school hall I’ll ask you to go to the carnival!”


Yes, don’t suffer so much, Mila, that you forgot all the letters! I’m holding on as best I can, Even though I’ve forgotten all the numbers.


The wind is blowing, the snow is getting stronger, a storm promises to happen. Obeshchalkin promises not to forget the essay.


We won’t let twos get into our diaries. We promise Santa Claus to try for a whole year.


I’m trying to study reagents in chemistry. When I become an adult, I’m going to pump gasoline from the river!


Every day the briefcase is heavy. I can barely drag myself. So until I finish school I’ll be exhausted from studying.


We decorated the Christmas trees together. We tried very hard. The diaries hang beautifully. Why was everyone fighting?


Happy New Year, hello New Year's helmet! And with the whole class we wish you to live to be a hundred years old!


Just like a Christmas tree has a top, So our class sings ditties. Our school people are cheerful and will never perish.


The New Year is knocking on the window, the troika is rushing along the road, the bells are ringing, the children are having a winter holiday.


We sang ditties for you. Is it good or bad? We just ask you very much, so that you clap for us.

Ditties about the Snow Maiden

Ditties about the Snow Maiden for the New Year 2022:

Father Frost and Snow Maiden go everywhere together. In each house they pour two hundred grams!

The Snow Maiden has white cheeks, a thin waist, arms, legs, elbows, a neck and so on...

Well, my friend, you chose a little berry for yourself: You fell for the Snow Maiden, a thin piece of ice!

I'll dress up as the Snow Maiden and sit in the tarantass. I will ride around the village to show off to good people!

My darling doesn’t come to me, He only promises. Meets the Snow Maiden under the Christmas tree every day!

Like the Snow Maiden on the white cheeks I kissed until the morning - I didn’t run away, I didn’t send, I didn’t melt! Hooray!

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