45 years of marriage: what kind of wedding and what to give?

Forty-five years of being together in the proud title of spouses is a date that deserves all admiration and a little white envy from those who are not so lucky with their soul mate.

The symbolic name - sapphire wedding - is associated with one of the most expensive and durable gemstones of an unusual blue color, which is credited with wisdom and strength. Muslims believed that the Earth is a huge sapphire, the reflections of which give the sky a bluish tint, and in wedding symbolism it is a planet on which the couple lived their whole lives together.

How to celebrate a sapphire wedding - scenario

The sapphire anniversary, which is celebrated on this day, is traditionally decorated in any shade of blue and blue.

On this day, blue flowers and gifts are given in sapphire-blue tones; the heroes of the occasion are dressed in the same color scheme and the banquet hall is decorated in the same color scheme. In the morning, according to tradition, the newlyweds congratulate each other on the 45th anniversary of the long and not always happy life that they lived together, sharing all the hardships and hardships, joyful and happy moments.

In the morning they give each other gifts. The traditional bouquet given by the spouse is designed in blue and white colors, usually roses or hydrangeas, forget-me-nots and cornflowers, but the composition of the bouquet is not canonical, the main thing is the shade, which is selected according to the season.

Despite the fact that, according to etiquette, the celebration on this day is celebrated on a grand scale, and paraphernalia is strictly observed, including expensive and significant gifts from guests, flowers must be present everywhere.

The first bouquet is given to the wife by the hero of the occasion, the festive hall is decorated with it, and guests give beautiful and unusual compositions.

Colors from guests must include white and blue shades, but pink, red and purple are allowed in parallel with the main defining tone, symbolizing love, tenderness and warm feelings. The outfits of the happy spouses are dominated by blue and white; the dress code for guests is not so strict, but bright blue should be present at least in a symbolic form - a bracelet, a hairpin, a handkerchief in a jacket pocket.

In the outfits worn for the gala anniversary, guests are allowed to wear gold, silver, white and all shades of blue. Men, depending on the time of year, are allowed to wear a strict, classic beige or black suit. The design of the room is in the same colors: the tablecloth on the table is blue, the dishes are the most pompous option, if you can find transparent blue glasses, it will turn out absolutely perfect.

Etiquette experts insist on the most solemn scenario - right down to a guest host (toastmaster), video filming and a live orchestra. But there are no fixed rules.

The main thing is to create an unforgettable holiday for parents, and for guests an anniversary that will be remembered for a long time.

The only thing that is certainly included in the script is a beautiful wedding cake, which at the end of the holiday the husband and wife cut and present to their guests.

You can also celebrate at home if there are no financial opportunities appropriate for the occasion, but even then all the requirements for decoration remain unchanged. As a last resort, you can celebrate in a narrow family circle, with close friends and relatives, but be sure to have fun and solemnly.

On a fine summer day, go to the dacha and organize a holiday there, in relaxed, friendly and well-thought-out conditions.

Room decoration

The basic rule to remember is the predominant color is blue or light blue. However, sapphires, as noted above, come in pink, green, yellow-orange colors, so the presence of such shades will not be superfluous. Usually the hall is decorated with bouquets of flowers and balloons. Cover the chairs with capes, cover the table with a tablecloth, and lay out napkins. They decorate an arch for a photo shoot at the entrance or where the heroes of the occasion will sit. Bottles with alcoholic drinks and glasses are also decorated. The hall in blue and white colors looks simply amazing.

Features of holiday planning

No important holiday would be complete without invited guests. Send cards to all your relatives and friends to come to your wedding. To hold a celebration, you can use the space of your home or book a place in a restaurant. To prepare food, call either a cook or someone you know who is willing to help create a banquet.

  • Each guest writes on a piece of paper one feature that he loves in the celebrants;
  • The message should be written on colorful pieces of paper.
  • Then these pieces of paper are laid out near the plates of all those present;
  • During the wedding celebration, everyone takes turns reading the notes together.
  • Afterwards, you need to fold the congratulations and present them to the heroes of the day. Such organization of the event does not create unnecessary problems, and will leave a pleasant memory for your parents.

Birthday cake

What's a holiday without cake?! There must be one. Now confectioners are creating real miracles, making not just a sweet treat, but a masterpiece. If we had money, everything could be bought. Homemade baking is not excluded either. Often the cake made to your liking is the best. It’s not a problem to decorate it in blue and white tones, or make a figurine of the bride and groom. For this purpose, confectionery molds, dyes, and ready-made wedding decorations are sold. How many tiers the cake will be depends on the number of guests and the preferences of the heroes of the occasion. A huge cake is ordered for a large group.

Requirements for organizing a festive anniversary

You should think through some aspects of preparing for your wedding anniversary in advance:

  • guests should be invited in advance so that they know what anniversary is being celebrated and can slowly choose a good gift;
  • you need to think about the outfits of the spouses, they should be light blue;
  • you should decide where the sapphire wedding anniversary will be celebrated, approve the menu and list of guests;
  • you need to agree with the presenters, the photographer, select music from previous years, prepare a good interesting script;
  • you need to decorate the hall, room in blue, blue tones, hang decorations, garlands, balloons, posters and banners with the inscription “45 years of marriage”, order bouquets;
  • toasts, congratulations must be found in advance, agreed with the singer, DJ.

All these issues need to be carefully thought through and discussed so that there are no hiccups or hiccups before the holiday.

Design in sapphire tones

For blue shades, a combination with white, gray, silver or gold is a good choice. To focus on the theme of your anniversary, you should look at:

  • garlands and candlesticks;
  • sweets in blue wrappers;
  • blue glassware;
  • blue sapphire tablecloth;
  • ribbons and golden balls;
  • white dishes.

All of the above will easily highlight the theme of the sapphire holiday.

People who have lived hand in hand for 45 years are usually given hyacinths or delphiniums; they come in charming blue shades. When you decorate the festive table and hall, you should use gerberas, sunflowers and other yellow plants that will contrast with the overall color tone.

Choosing a sapphire wedding concept

Sapphire newlyweds do not need to be shy about celebrating their wedding anniversary on a grand scale.

They may well do this: their health still allows it. Many good friends are nearby, the children have already grown up, the family is large and friendly, and the “round anniversary” of living together is a good reason to gather everyone together at a big table.

Wedding in sapphire color - in the decoration of the hall where the celebration will be held, you need to use light gray and blue shades, since sapphire is blue.

Gold and silver colors go best with blue - they should be used as complementary colors.

You can choose yellow flowers for decorating holiday tables - this will be a very good contrast, a highlight of the festive decoration.

Gift ideas for husband and wife

It is customary to give symbolic, iconic and expensive gifts on this day. For a married couple, this is an unforgettable day from which tangible reminders should remain. Beautiful flowers from your husband are a sign of love and attention.

On this day, spouses traditionally give each other jewelry or high-quality costume jewelry, but the gift is determined by the financial condition of the family. Therefore, a frame with a view of the city in which a distant honeymoon took place or a household item that the wife has long dreamed of may be more appropriate than the most expensive decoration.

A wonderful gift could be a walk together and a light breakfast in a cafe, a trip to a museum or a visit to the cinema. This will remind you of the times of youth and pre-wedding courtship. courtship. A good tradition on this day is to exchange paired sapphire rings, which replace previously worn rings with rubies. A husband can give his wife earrings or a necklace, and a wife can give her husband cufflinks, a ring or a tie pin.

In lean times, this could be a hand-knitted scarf or warm socks, a husband’s favorite pie or a dish that is labor-intensive to prepare, for which on other days there is simply not enough energy or time.

Sapphire Anniversary Souvenirs

Very often, it is customary to give souvenirs to guests attending a wedding. Agree, they will also be pleased. For example, you can put blue organza into silver bags and add delicious sweets there. As an option, you can decorate some product with Swarovski stones, which in appearance are very similar to sapphire.

In classic wedding scenarios there is always an element of surprise. Hire a cameraman to film your celebration. After this, you can add a film about one of the most important events to your home collection. Such a gift will preserve the memories of your 45th anniversary of marriage. 29th wedding anniversary - what is it called, what to give, 29 years of marriage

Sapphire Anniversary Gifts

You can give anything that pleases your soul as a gift for a sapphire wedding. So, if you don’t like making banal gifts, then you can approach your choice creatively. For example, in the printing industry you can order a blanket or bed sheet with photographs of the celebrants. They will definitely appreciate such a surprise. If you know how to work with decorating things, you can do the work yourself, but if not, turn to professionals. For a storyline, it is interesting to use photos of a couple of different ages. It is best to give your wife sapphire jewelry or a ring with a precious stone. This piece of jewelry is a perfect addition to any woman’s collection. For your husband, you can choose decorated cufflinks. You don't have to buy expensive things to give a gift. The most important thing when choosing is to follow the wedding theme and color scheme. So, he can present the couple with a blue plant, for example, blueberry or periwinkle. Sets of dishes or services are considered excellent gifts.

. If spouses really like to play around in the kitchen, then buy them quality products for cooking. As you can see, this is a good option for doing without precious jewelry. You can surprise your celebrants with an original entertainment program at their wedding, for example, arrange an original picnic with beautiful scenery and interesting competitions. To create a cozy family atmosphere, bake them a cake or brownies with blueberry cream - it's not only delicious, but also in the theme of the anniversary.

What can't be given?

Each event has its own traditions and signs. This also applies to gifts that relatives and friends give on the 45th anniversary of marriage. There are things that are inappropriate to give for such an event for one reason or another.

  • Antiques - it is believed that such things carry negative energy, which can have a detrimental effect on the relationship between spouses. A husband and wife with such an acquisition may cease to understand each other. This can lead to constant quarrels and even divorce.
  • Glass - some people associate it with fragility and unreliability. With its help, you can weaken the union, which in the end can break as easily as fragile glass breaks.
  • The mirror has long been considered a guide to the afterlife. Such a gift may offend the spouses, who may see a hint of their imminent death in a beautiful and expensive gift. To avoid misunderstandings, you should exclude any products with mirrors from your list of intended purchases.

  • A set of knives and forks can cause quarrels and unhappiness in the family. Superstitious people will accept such a gift only by exchanging it for a banknote, which, in their opinion, will avoid negative consequences.
  • Trinkets - in most cases, their purpose is only to collect dust, and therefore they cannot be given as a gift for such a grandiose event.
  • Empty vases or piggy banks represent emptiness and lack of money, and therefore they can only be presented when filled. You can put coins or candies inside the products.
  • Candles mean the rapid melting of love in marriage. They can be used to decorate a room, but not as a gift.

When choosing a gift for your 45th wedding anniversary, it is important to find something you really need that will be used in the future. Birthday celebrants are unlikely to appreciate a gift in the form of a trip to the sea, a subscription to dance classes or a certificate to a beauty salon. In old age, people need peace and quiet more, and therefore the gift should be appropriate.

Original wishes and toasts

The easiest way is to buy the appropriate postcard and read the wish written in it. Another option is to find congratulations on the Internet. They choose a poem they like, print it out or learn it in order to pronounce it expressively and with soul.

Examples of toasts and wishes:

During the celebration, celebrants are often given a comic diploma, which remains as a memory of the cheerful celebration.

Congratulations are said not only in poetry. Words spoken from the heart are even more impressive. On the eve of the holiday, you need to think about what to say at the table.

Interesting toast: “Once upon a time there lived a devil and an angel. The time has come to choose a life partner. The angel married the devil, and the devil married the good fairy. Time has passed. A year later, the angel turned into a devil, and the devil became an angel. Whoever you hang out with, you'll gain from him! So let's drink to the women who make an angel out of a devil! Our anniversaries are a living example of this.”

The 45th anniversary of marriage is a celebration of two people who managed to maintain a warm relationship. They have the right to decide for themselves how and where to celebrate an important event. You might want to go on a trip around the world or spend the night in nature, remembering the pleasant moments of life, looking at the starry sky. There is no need to follow generally accepted standards, the main thing is to make a holiday for yourself.

A real man (a real woman)

A cool competition suitable for the first wedding anniversary for participants of both sexes and any age.

For the competition you will need a women's handbag and backpack. In the bag you should put curlers, a set of tips, brasmatic, highlighter, green face concealer, lipstick, foundation, powder, comb and other cosmetics. The backpack should contain “male” items - pliers, screwdrivers, a set of bits for a screwdriver, a wobbler, a decoy, an expander, a spool valve, a pressure gauge, etc.

Man-woman couple. Spouses can also participate.

First they call a man and give him a woman's handbag. Within three minutes, he must find in it items from a list consisting of curlers, tips, brasmatic, highlighter and concealer, and then say how to use these things.

A woman receives a similar task, only she will have to find a set in her backpack consisting of pliers, a wobbler, a decoy, a spool valve and a pressure gauge. There are no winners in the competition, because it was designed to entertain guests.

As a thank you for their participation, you can give the couple handmade soap or medals with the inscriptions “Real Man” and “Real Woman.”

How to congratulate spouses for friends and relatives - tips

The main selection criterion is maximum attention to the celebrants themselves. What matters on such days is not so much the amount spent as the attention shown.
For children, the best gift would be to save their mother from the hassle of housework and tiring standing in the kitchen, so they should take charge of organizing the holiday.

For friends

We wish you, dears! Great and good health, which will strengthen the feelings and strength of your love, give your loved ones moments of joy and shared evenings! Be as beautiful and light, fresh and devoted as ever. We look at you and want to believe in a fairy tale!

Nickel wedding - how many years and what to give

Congratulations on your sapphire wedding! May your love be eternal and live not only on earth, but also in heaven. May flowers bloom and the sun shine from your love, may the birds sing and the fruits ripen.

Your marriage is like a blue sapphire. His love is strong and beautiful. It grew every day, became stronger, God grant that it will become even stronger in the future!

You have achieved love as perfection, Family, mutual bliss. May your life be sweet and tolerant, May everyone be dearly loved by others!

Sapphire shimmers with a deep blue color and warms you with a rainbow, happy light. Let your marriage, like a precious jewelry stone, grow stronger every day!

How noble is this stone, How noble is this marriage. He is warmed by happiness, affection and places And he is just as hot as many years ago!

Today your marriage is valued like a rare sapphire stone. May harmony accompany you, May peace accompany you!

This sapphire wedding is heard with ringing songs and laughter, Everyone is walking together today And age is not a hindrance at all!

You have lived peacefully for 45 years, since the spouses made their vow, and we wish you great health, so that there is still a lot of your love!

You are young in your soul and heart, The love in your eyes allows everyone to bask, Stay together for a few more dozens. Happy years to you! Everything will be fine!

Your marriage is an example of all love unions! Let the muse never leave your relationship, let everything go well, everything be fine, and nothing stands in the way of your happiness!

You showed us the treasure of love, you were able to prove your sincerity to everyone! You have been together for 45 long years, you are still the groom and still the bride!

For husband from wife

After so much time, my husband’s beloved wife, the first, She is still the only one that inspired his heart!

A woman with many years of endurance Always remains mysterious, fresh, She inspires her beloved husband, She is needed for the soul and affection!

Beautiful wife and wise friend, You are the best faithful wife in the world! Thank you for preserving our marriage for years, for not allowing separation between us!

You are dear, valuable, you are like a sapphire! You opened up a whole world for me. Thank you, dear, for a wonderful married life, like the bright sun!

I'll look into your sapphire eyes and tell you how much I love you! You gave me everything that is important in life, I’m not afraid to live my life with you!

Such a deep and rich shade - Sapphire is your color of your favorite eyes, It has been faithful to me for 45 sweet years, I will turn the world upside down with love more than once!

Thank you for the warmth, love and happiness. All 45 years were not in vain. You are love, support, joy for me, Let our life continue to be like sweetness!

Like the sun you illuminated my life, You grab onto me tighter. We will live many more years and we will joyfully give each other light!

We have been together for almost 5 happy decades, Our beautiful love has not lost its power. You are as good and as beautiful as you were 45 fabulous years ago, my love!

All these years you have given understanding, care, affection, respect, attention. And I appreciate all your efforts, I hope I met all your expectations!

For the wife from the husband

You went through your life with me, Even if not all of it... there are still years ahead. Our hands are intertwined like branches, You and I are of the same breed.

You always protected me, Protected me from trouble and evil eyes, And in return you never demanded anything, not just once!

You are more valuable than any sapphire And other precious stones, My beloved and glorious man, You are dearer to the heart of everyone in the world!

I am behind you, like behind a stone wall, You have been protecting my life for 45 years, I feel good and happy with you, You inspire me every day!

Quite a lot of borscht was cooked, cups were broken, dishes were glued together, We lived with you this number - 45! You know, I won’t regret my time with you And if there was a chance, I would live my life with you again!

They say that a successful marriage depends on the man. I have been respecting the “half” for 45 years in a row.

He gave me warm smiles Every day, even if it was raining, He didn’t let me make mistakes And he always gave me all his love!

Living to see the sapphire anniversary is not a way for every man in love, But you managed to prove to me otherwise - You discovered great unearthly happiness!

You and I have a reward for feelings - Not only wonderful children, but also grandchildren. And this is the most important happiness in the world. We did not live for 45 years in vain!

There is no greater happiness in the world than the colors of our love, We are bright, cheerful, strong, Sapphire anniversary, after all!

For parents

Today you are not dad or mom, not grandfather, not grandma today. Today you have become the bride and groom, Your marriage is filled with peace and love!

We congratulate you, parents, on your sapphire wedding date, you keep your family hearth, may everything be fine with you!

Great family happiness, peace, tranquility. Big loving heart, Family care and tenderness!

May the stars shine brightly for you for another hundred fabulous years. Let the air run out from kisses, Let the light of your love not go out in your eyes!

You taught us a great science of how to love and be devoted. Here are your children and grandchildren gathered, so that you can inspire us!

From grandchildren

Dear grandparents! We may not have known this life yet, but looking at you, we know for sure that we want to live it! You allow us to believe in golden fidelity, devotion and mutual great feeling! Stay healthy and continue to inspire us for many years to come!

Tell us how you did it?! Your true heart has never broken, you fell in love 45 years ago, and you still continue to love!

What a wedding 43 years of marriage: what to give for the anniversary, how to celebrate, congratulations

The first wedding remained only in memories, The shadow of youth flew away with it, You made promises to each other, You keep them to this happy day!

You have reached the age of a noble, Keeping your feelings warm, Proved to others the impossible, That there is love on earth!

And today, at a fabulous holiday, Everyone wants to raise a glass, Share with you the taste of this joy And shout with happiness to the whole room!

Don't be afraid of the years that are left for you, You have eternity and the world ahead of you! The years will be warm and affectionate, like everyone else 45 years ago!

Cool congratulations for spouses

Many years have passed, and now what? Well, don’t close the door in your heart? May you have great things, Only successes, daring years!

No, not grandma or grandpa, Just a guy and just a girl, Very sweet, pretty, And achieving personal happiness!

The age of love is far from being an obstacle, Age is only the endurance of a strong feeling, May there always be a lot of laughter in the house, May it never be empty!

We wish you to see the weddings of your great-grandchildren! We wish you not to know the worrying old age! Walk another 100 years hand in hand, Drink tea without sugar with love and sweets!

We wish the wife a tolerant husband, In her old age she hardly needs a nervous one, We wish the husband a calm wife, He does not need worries or scandals!

Living life for each other is a great thing, believe me! Two seedlings grew together into a trunk and became a strong tree!

He didn’t give her sapphires And he didn’t give her diamonds, But he opened the world in one apartment And every day he told her:

“You are brighter than the sun! More beautiful than the sky! Believe everything I say! After all, no matter how and where... You know - I always love you!”

The wife, through age, has only become more beautiful, And the husband has become even wiser over the years, Today everyone wants to congratulate you on the sapphire anniversary!

How deep is the color of a sapphire, So rich and bright is the union, May it bloom for another 40 years, May it drive away sadness from you!

Surprise at the sapphire wedding

For people who have lived together for almost half a century, the material value of gifts is no longer so important. Expensive things for them are just a symbol, and not an item of value or luxury. The most important thing for sapphire newlyweds is the warmth, care and attention that the donor expresses through his gift.

Therefore, you don’t have to go shopping and spend large sums of money, but simply make a beautiful gift with your own hands. Such a gift will definitely contain a piece of the giver’s soul, which will remain with the couple for many years to come.

  • For your 45th wedding anniversary, you don’t have to order a cake, but bake it yourself. Birthday celebrants will really like this sign of attention.
  • If you are good at drawing, then you can draw a picture or a family portrait of a couple; they will definitely be delighted with such a gift.
  • Do you have a talent for embroidery? Then you can embroider a picture or make a beautiful tablecloth, and maybe even bed linen.

It is customary to please spouses with poetic compositions. You can write them yourself or order them from a specialist. The main thing is to learn the words, and not read them from a piece of paper. Then it will make an indelible impression not only on the heroes of the occasion, but also on the other guests.

  • A good alternative is to advertise in the press. It may contain congratulations in verse from all family members and close friends.
  • If possible, you can rent a big board for a month and place a photo of the spouses and congratulations on it. Now everyone will know about their holiday.
  • Or you can arrange a surprise in the style of American films. Play a prank on the husband and wife as if everyone had forgotten about their holiday, and then have a luxurious dinner in the evening. It is such surprises that are remembered for many years.

Dressing up competitions

This type is the most fun, as it reveals the creative potential of the participants and with its help, original images are recreated. In a different situation, a bride would never be able to see her husband wearing makeup and wearing heels or a skirt, but here it’s real.

Option 1. Sweet bride

An interesting variant of this type of competition is when the heroes of the occasion act as judges, and five men become participants. The latter receive a veil as an attribute and, to the song, they need to portray a tender, innocent, and also a loving bride. Musical compositions should be chosen about passionate love, lyrical. The winning options are: “I will rise to the sky with him,” “Call me with you,” and others. The winner will be the one whose game the jury considers more truthful. Such a competition held on a wedding anniversary will give a lot of positive emotions.

Option 2. Find the item you need

Participants in the competition are several men who wear skirts, as well as hats and high-heeled shoes. They are given handbags with their usual contents.

The goal of the participants is to search in three minutes in a purse for such items as:

  • brasmatic and leggings;
  • tips and iron;
  • clips and clutch;
  • and others. What is enough imagination?

A similar task can be given to the ladies by dressing them in pantsuits, hats and shoes. Instead of a handbag, they will have backpacks. They need to find:

  • wobbled;
  • decoy and pressure gauge;
  • spool and bag;
  • karemat and cartridge belt;
  • and other items.

The first task will delight females, and the second will delight men.

Option 3. Beautiful gait

Participants must be large men. They dress in high heels and a veil. The presenter's task is to draw three lines. Men need to walk along them beautifully and gracefully, demonstrating their gait. As soon as a participant leaves the line, he is immediately eliminated from the competition. It is better to leave it for the second table on the wedding anniversary, since during this period those present are already relaxed and will show interest in participating in it.

The meaning and features of a sapphire wedding

Even in ancient times, people believed that they were able to help restrain any emotions, look at current situations objectively and make a balanced and correct decision. Agree that without such qualities it is almost impossible to maintain a strong relationship for 45 years.

Sapphire has unique properties to improve health, which is exactly what spouses who are already at a fairly advanced age need. Before the blue wedding, the 40th anniversary is celebrated - the scarlet or ruby ​​anniversary.

As you can see, the color of the anniversary changes from bright and passionate to calm and peaceful. But this does not mean at all that the spouses have lost passion for each other, or even less love. On the contrary, they moved to a completely new level of relationship, now their feelings have become eternal, and no one will separate them.

It is customary to celebrate a sapphire wedding on a grand scale. It will be extremely difficult for sapphire newlyweds to organize a magnificent celebration; children and grandchildren should come to the rescue. Such a holiday cannot be complete without your closest friends. The invitation list should contain many items.

The splendor of the celebration depends on the financial capabilities of the family, but under no circumstances should such a significant date be left completely unattended.

There is an amazing tradition - replacing stones on wedding rings. If the couple put rubies into their rings for 40 years of marriage, now it’s time to exchange them for beautiful sapphires.

Interesting facts about sapphire

Since sapphire is considered the main element of the 45th wedding anniversary, let's find out interesting facts about it:

  • The stone patronizes people born in September. If your spouse was still born this month, then a sapphire gift will have double significance.
  • In the movie Titanic, the Heart of the Ocean necklace is featured in the shape of a heart. The jewelry is made of sapphire surrounded by diamonds.
  • Sapphire shades are timeless and will definitely never go out of style. So your wedding gift will always be relevant.


  • https://svadba.expert/posle-svadby/godovschiny/45-sapfirovogo-ubilea
  • https://onelove.su/45-let-kakaya-svadba/
  • https://KakayaSvadba.ru/54-sapfirovaya-svadba.html
  • https://vplate.ru/godovshchiny/podarki/45-let/
  • https://heaclub.ru/45-let-sovmestnoj-zhizni-v-brake-kakaya-svadba-kak-nazyvaetsya-chto-podarit-druzyam-roditelyam-babushke-i-dedushke-na-sapfirovuyu-svadbu-45- let-pozdravlenie-s-godovshhinoj-yubileem-sapfirovoj-s
  • https://gidnevest.ru/godovshhina/45-let-vmeste-kakaya-svadba-chto-darit.html

Competitions for 12 years of married life

  • Competition Seasons. A married couple is participating. The spouses stand with their backs to each other, the husband turns his face to the audience. The presenter randomly names the month, the husband shows his favorite activity at this time of year, and the wife tries to guess without seeing his actions. Then the spouses' answers are compared. If the wife guessed right, she gets a bonus point, if not, then the husband gets one. Then they change places. Whoever scores the most points receives a memorable prize.
  • Competition 12. Dance competition for couples. Music is playing and couples are dancing. As soon as the music stops to ring the chimes (12 times), the couples must depict the number 12. The last couple is eliminated. After each round of the competition, the number of chimes is reduced by 1 unit. The last couple left wins.
  • Competition of 12 declarations of love. Divide the participants into two teams, choose captains. Each team must come up with twelve declarations of love in 5 minutes, and then the captains compete with each other. The winner of the wedding competition is chosen by the audience.
  • Competition Artist. In 12 minutes, the participant must draw a group portrait of the spouses, and then describe his work in words. For the test you will need brushes, paints, large format paper (sheets of whatman paper will do). The competition is held among relatives and friends of the spouses, and the winner is determined by the married couple.
  • Competition Auction. To hold the competition, prepare in advance souvenirs related to the history of the married couple, symbols of their love, and talismans for good luck. For example, pendants, brooches, souvenirs brought from a honeymoon, items made of nickel. Give each lot a name, attach instructions for use, and determine the starting price. During the nickel wedding, organize a sale of talismans. The one who offers the highest price wins the auction.

A 12.5 year wedding anniversary is a wonderful occasion to have a fun celebration of love. A wedding celebration will bring new impressions to family relationships, refresh the memories of the spouses, as in the video below, and allow the feelings of lovers to flare up with renewed vigor.

Watch the video for a wonderful story of family relationships between a married couple at a nickel wedding:


Decoration of the celebration venue

Decorate the chosen place for celebrating a nickel wedding with heart-shaped balloons and posters with wishes to the spouses. Use the symbolic number 12, meaning the number of years lived, and in addition to it the dial hints that time does not stand still, but moves forward.

Set the wedding table in silver and white nickel colors: silver candlesticks with white candles, linen napkins with silver rings, as in the photo, salad bowls, as well as glasses and cutlery with silver monograms. At the end of the wedding, serve hot drinks in a nickel tea/coffee set.

Calico wardrobe

This competition is perfect for a chintz wedding. It's lively, musical, fun and will make for a great photo shoot once it's finished.


A large bag or box, a bright colorful scarf, a baby cap (it can be made from a diaper), a chintz robe, a kitchen apron, a skirt made of chintz strips that are tied to an elastic band, a large chintz bow on a hoop, a large chintz bow tie for the neck.

Important! Items of cotton clothing must be large in size so that both a large man and a petite woman can wear them. In addition, the element should be easy and quick to put on and take off


Everyone who came to celebrate their 1st wedding anniversary. Their number can be limited only by the number of clothes in the bag/box.


Guests stand in a circle and, to the accompaniment of music, pass a bag (box) of clothes from hand to hand. As soon as the music stops, the participant with the bag in his hands must take out any item of clothing and put it on himself. After this, the music plays again, and the guests again pass the “wardrobe” to each other. This continues until the bag runs out of clothes.

Important! If the music stops on a participant who has already put on something, the right to choose clothes is transferred to the next guest standing during the transfer of the “chintz wardrobe”


The prize for everyone will be a bright and memorable photo shoot. Guests can take photos of each other, take selfies or pose for a professional photographer.

Mahogany wedding

27 years, 27th wedding anniversary – Mahogany wedding

Mahogany wedding is the name given to the 27th anniversary of marriage. Mahogany represents nobility, strength, and is highly valued. Likewise, 27 years of marriage are very expensive. The silver anniversary is already behind us.

Expensive products made of mahogany or veneered with mahogany naturally suggest themselves as gifts for this wedding. These can be miniature figurines, such as netsuke, or small jewelry boxes with many drawers. Maybe it will even be a furniture set for the dining room, why not? Or maybe it will be an umbrella from a designer collection with a mahogany handle.

Types of interesting entertainment

Typically, such entertainment is divided into individual and team. Depending on the location, there are two types of music competitions for guests and newlyweds.

  • Table parties - they are held without leaving the table. The purpose of such competitions is to diversify the feast, take a break between toasts, make guests smile and get to know each other.
  • Competitions in the hall. They are distinguished by a significant degree of activity. As a rule, for such competitions you need not just to sing some kind of melody, but also to dance or perform some other action to the music.

Based on the degree of involvement, the following can be distinguished.

Competitions for everyone

Such competitions should dominate the program, because to create the right atmosphere at a wedding, it is necessary that no one gets bored or feels deprived of attention. Monitoring this is one of the responsibilities of the leader.

For this reason, the competition program is always drawn up taking into account the age and interests of those invited.

Competitions for the bride and groom. Be sure to include a couple of competitions in the program for the main heroes of the occasion.

Competitions for witnesses, as well as for father-in-law/mother-in-law/father-in-law. At every wedding there are separate categories of guests who are usually distinguished from others. Usually this is a friend of the groom and a friend of the bride, as well as the parents of the newlyweds. As a rule, the toastmaster includes one competition in the program specifically for them.

Music competition options

You can start entertaining guests during the feast. A fairy tale hat will help put guests in a musical mood.

The presenter puts it on the head of the selected guest, asks a prepared question like “What was the guest thinking about this morning?”, and the answer to it is a fragment of a song that is suitable in meaning and reproduced in the recording.

Among table competitions, the following options can be distinguished.

  1. Musical marathon. Having divided the guests into teams, the host invites them to sing an excerpt of a love song. The team that sings the song last will win. This competition can be held without a toastmaster, if his role is taken by a witness.
  2. We are composing a song. Each team receives a piece of paper with individual words written on it. Within a certain time, you need to compose a song dedicated to the newlyweds using these words. The bride and groom determine the winner.
  3. Guess the melody. The principle of this competition is similar to the famous music program. It will require cuts of popular melodies and prizes for participants. The team with the most prizes wins.
  4. Question answer. One team asks a question with a line from a song, and the other answers it in the same way. The team with the coolest answers wins.
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