A skit for parents at the Graduation party; methodological development (preparatory group) on the topic

A sketch about a family for children aged 5-7 years in kindergarten

“If your family is friendly, then worries are not a problem.”
A performance for preschoolers on the theme “Family” Author: Tatyana Mikhailovna Koren, music director Place of work: MBDOU-kindergarten No. 362, Yekaterinburg
A performance for preschool children on the theme “Family”.
If your family is friendly, then worries are not a problem. Purpose: Understanding the need to preserve family values, caring for your family and friends, based on Russian folk sayings and proverbs. This work will be useful to educators and music directors of preschool educational institutions, as well as primary school teachers and additional education teachers. The dramatization, based on a folk proverb, teaches children love and respect for their family and friends. Designed for children of senior preschool and primary school age. * * * Characters: Mom (preparing breakfast) dad (reading the newspaper) son (sleeping, lying on his side) daughter (playing with a toy) dog Nochka (lying on the rug) Dog : Once upon a time they didn’t grieve And they spoke Russian Actors introduce themselves: Mom : Mom Dad : Dad Son : Son Daughter : And daughter Nochka : And also the dog Nochka. Dad : And when the morning comes, my head is spinning. Son : Son doesn’t want to wake up, (turns over on the other side) Daughter : Daughter is getting ready for kindergarten (turns away offended) Mom : Dad is nowhere to be seen - (throws up his hands) Dad : Went out with the dog for a walk. Night, follow me! (leaves with the Dog) Mom : Well, Mom is all busy. Briefcase, braids, work is waiting... I need to stir the porridge, do my hair, run to the garden. And a picture presented itself: No father, no daughter, no son. No dog Nochka... No family, period! Who did you cook porridge for? Who should I go for a walk with? Who can I help with my homework and read a book? Mom is crying
Nochka comes running : And my mother became sad, After all, there is nothing better in the world When there is a kind husband and children next to you! Without them there is no happiness. Without them there is no family. And tears rolled down from the heart, from the soul... Dad comes out and carefully hugs mom. Dad : You, my dear, rest, sit down. Son ( comes up to mom, strokes her head)
: And I’ll do my test with an “A”!
The daughter puts her head on her mother’s lap
: I will draw the most beautiful flower for you!
Nochka runs up to her mother, puts her head on her other knee.
And Nochka just came up and poked her muzzle in the side.
Dad : You, friends, remember People's words: All in chorus: If your family is friendly, then worries are not a problem! My daughter asks
: But how the word came about is not clear to me at all.
Well, “I” - I understand. Why are there seven of them? Son : There is no need to think and guess, but you just need to count: He counts, bending his fingers.
There is a grandfather, there are grandmothers. You, mom, dad, me.
Add it all up. That makes seven people. Family! Daughter : And if there is a dog, It turns out, Eight-I?.. Dad : No, if there is a dog, It turns out: IN! Family! (All children show thumbs up “Cool!”)

We recommend watching:

Extracurricular event on the topic: Pedigree for schoolchildren Family Day in the senior group. Scenario Family as the main factor in the socialization of a child Features of raising children with visual impairments in the family

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Touching scene for mothers

This touching sketch about mom is quite short and is performed mainly by the presenter. The meaning of what is happening depends on its text.

"Gift for Mom."

Characters: presenter, boy, seller.

On the stage there is an impromptu flower shop. There are flowers in large vases, including roses. The whole time the presenter is reading the text, the boy is choosing flowers, the seller is silently commenting on something and showing him something.

Presenter: “On the eve of his mother’s holiday, a little boy stood in a flower shop. He stood for a very long time, carefully choosing a flower. He pricked himself on a rose, but restrained himself and did not cry. Courageous boy. “Who are you choosing a flower for?” - the seller asked furtively. “To mom,” the boy answered almost in a whisper. He took out all the change he had previously collected in his piggy bank from his pocket and gave it to him. “Is it her birthday today?” — the seller asked again. “No,” the boy answered. — Mom is in the hospital. Soon I will have a brother, and while he cannot congratulate her, I will do it myself. And then she’ll be a mom twice and get twice as many gifts on Mother’s Day.”

Sketch for Teacher's Day “Parents Meeting”


TEACHER: Well, shall we start our meeting? Those who could have already come.

PARENTS: (all together)

Yes, let's start... time... we need to go home...

TEACHER: The topic of today's meeting is the academic performance and behavior of the students in our class. I won’t say it was brilliant, but our children still finished the first quarter. Judging by estimates, for some, the summer holidays have not yet ended, but tend to smoothly transition into the autumn. Talk. Please, be with your children and explain to them that summer is only three months, not five.

PARENTS: Is it his fault if the series “Summer Never Ends” has been on TV for six months already!

TEACHER: By the way, about TV. Please pay attention to what your children are watching. Because, judging by the girls’ conversations, the most discussed topics among them are the latest episodes of the programs “Fashionable Verdict” and “Let’s Get Married.”

DAD: My wife’s favorite programs! How many times do I tell her - you’re already married, and therefore there’s no point in chasing fashion anymore!

TEACHER: Well, here you go, everything from the family!

MOTHER 1: Now, if the boys at least watched some programs, it’s not so bad, otherwise you can’t pull them out of computer games by the ears!

PARENTS: (all at the same time)

Yes, this is a problem! And what to do with them...

MOTHER 2: If only there were boys! And even dads wouldn’t mind playing with tanks either!

TEACHER: That’s what I’m saying – everything comes from the family! But there is only one way out, we need to keep them busy with something - clubs, sections, work in the country, in the end...

MOTHER 3: Working at the dacha is a death sentence for me, he’d rather vacuum the entire apartment 10 times in a row...

PAPA: What about behavior?

TEACHER: What about behavior - Ivanov, as always, is the leader in quotes!

MOTHER 4: What about Ivanov?! Almost immediately Ivanov!

TEACHER: Here you go - his catchphrase! He hurt the kids!

MOTHER 4: He claimed authority!

TEACHER: It’s too early for him to become an authority figure...

PAPA: And the rest?

TEACHER: They run away from class - the sixth period, you see, their brains can’t stand it, and the seventh is the opposite place!

MOM 2: Mine tells me - Mom, don’t buy me worn-out jeans anymore, they’ll become like that in one quarter!

TEACHER: By the way, about appearance. From this year, strictly - no jeans, neither plain nor frayed. And sweaters with inscriptions and skulls too. And be more modest, please, especially girls. Keep war paint to a minimum.

Well, we’re not raising money for anything yet.

PARENTS: (shared exhale)


TEACHER: But in general, our children are the most wonderful!

PARENTS: Well, they are ours!

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