Sketch for Mother's Day, methodological development (grade 4) on the topic

General recommendations

In order for the skit about mothers to be as interesting and fun as possible, you need to take care of some nuances. For example, it is better to distribute roles in accordance with the character of the children themselves who will play them. This way the production will be more lively.

Even if it is not possible to equip the stage with decorations, it can be transformed using available means. For example, a rug, a couple of indoor flowers, a tablecloth on the table, etc. will help to imitate an apartment. The images of children should also be different in appearance. For example, to make it clear that grandma is on stage, she needs to wear a scarf, mom needs to wear a robe or apron at home, dad needs slippers, and so on. It is also advisable to select children by height. It is clear that a taller child will be more convincing in the role of an adult, and vice versa.

Don’t forget that the younger the children, the more time they will need to rehearse. If you follow such simple (even obvious) rules, the holiday will be unforgettable.

Sketch for Mother's Day Music lesson plan-summary

A selection of scenes for Mother's Day

Dvoichenko Elena Borisovna,

music director, MA preschool educational institution No. 26

"Child Development Center-Kindergarten"

1. Sketch about mother and son.

The first comic skit for Mother's Day involves a girl and her mother. A girl sits in a room at a desk on which there are textbooks, notebooks and pens.

The phone rings, the girl picks up: “Hello, Katya!” No, I won’t go outside! At school we were assigned to write an essay about how I help my mother.

She ends the conversation, puts the phone on the table and thinks: “And how do I help my mother?”

Mom enters the room: “Daughter, have you done your homework yet?” Girl: - Not yet (sits at the table)

Mom starts sweeping the floor. Daughter: - Mom, I’m doing my homework, but you’re disturbing me! Mom: - I’ll just sweep and leave! Daughter (writes in a notebook): - Yeah, that means I’m helping mom sweep!

Mom begins to wipe the dust off the table. Daughter: - I also wipe off the dust! Wonderful!

Mom approaches the sofa, on which her daughter’s things are lying. - What a dirty dress, I need to wash it! Daughter: – It turns out there’s just something I can’t do!

Mom: - Oh, I have soup cooking on the stove! (goes to the kitchen). Daughter: - So I also cook food!

She picks up the notebook, looks at it and says: “Yes, helping mom is a whole science!” We need talent here!

The production involves mother and son. The son is sitting on the sofa watching TV. His mother enters the room with large bags in her hands.

Son: - I can’t even find words! Well, how can you, mom, Carry ten kilograms of weight in your wallets? I see you came again just before dawn, you’re from the supermarket...

Mom: - So what should we do? Any advice? Son: - Go twice, mom!

2. Sketch “Helping Mom.”

The next short number features a mother and her children.

The mother returns home after work and asks the guys: “How was your day?” What did you do?

First child: - Mom, we decided to help you and do all the housework! I washed the dishes! Mom: - What a fine fellow you are, how attentive and caring!

Second child: “I’m great too, I wiped all the dishes dry!” Mom: - And you did a good job too!

She turns to the third child: “What have you been doing all day?” Third child: - And I swept up all the broken dishes and took them to the trash!

After this, in a comic scene, the mother “falls” on a chair, then comes to her senses and says: “You are still the best children in the world!” Thank you for your care and effort!

3. Another sketch about mom.

Mom returns from work and sees her son cleaning the floor. She drops her bag, sits down on a chair and asks with concern:

- Son, what happened? The last time you swept the floor was when you got a D in math. I beg you, tell me what happened.

- Nothing! - the son answers. - I see you wiped the dust on the table? - Wipe it off! - Admit it, what have you done? - Nothing!

(Mom goes into the kitchen, then returns). “Did you also wash the dishes and take out the trash?” - Well, yes! - Oh, apparently it’s not the class teacher who’s calling me, but the school principal...

She falls onto a chair, her son fans her with a magazine and hands her a glass of water: “Don’t worry, mom!” I also did my homework and brushed my teeth.

Mom, waking up: - So what happened? – Our school announced a day to help mothers. – Will everything be the same tomorrow? – Mom asks incredulously. - Well, yes, the old way! Don't worry, mommy.

But she faints again.

4. Another short production for Mother's Day.

Mom asks her son: “Pasha, take away the soldiers you scattered on the floor!” Son: - Mom, do you want me to give them to you? - Well, thank you, son, how generous you are! “Now, mom, put your little soldiers in the box yourself.”

5. In another funny scene, mother and daughter are sitting in the kitchen.

Daughter: - Mommy, dear, rest! I don't want you to wash dishes on Mother's Day. Mom: - How caring you are, daughter! Daughter: – Leave the dishes for tomorrow, when the holiday is over!

6. Another version of the scene.

Three boys in the following skit want to give their mother a gift for Mother's Day.

Vova: – And what gift will we give mom on this day? There are many great ideas for this. I will make a tablecloth from my mother’s dress for the table. I’ll just cut off the sleeves and trim the hem a little...

Dima: – I’ll draw beautiful flowers on the wallpaper. (Asks his brother): - What gift can you prepare for your mother?

Valera: - Well, I’ll decorate the closet with flowers as a gift to my mother. It would be nice if there was a ceiling... It's a pity, I'm not tall!

After this, my mother enters the room and, clasping her hands, sits down on a chair in exhaustion.

7. Scene.

In another issue two women meet.

One of them says: “I heard that you recently had a baby?” Good for you, you're on vacation now!

The second one answers: “You can’t imagine how wonderful it is to be on maternity leave!” I jumped up at 5 am, fed the baby, washed him, and played with him. Then she cooked dinner, took her for a walk, fed her, and put her to bed. Again I washed everything, washed it, fed the baby, played, walked, bathed, put it to bed... Well, finally, I can look in the mirror! Well, at least the kid started watching cartoons. So I want to express my gratitude to their creators for the opportunity to wash my face, comb my hair and drink a cup of tea!

8. Mini-scene for Mother's Day

A teacher and a student are talking. The teacher asks: “Petya, does your mother always do your homework?” Petya: - No, not always. When she stays late at work, then grandma!

9. There is one more option.

A little boy solves a crossword puzzle. “You can’t make pancakes without it.” Four letters. The first one is “m”. After thinking a little, he says: “So this is “mother”!”

Mother's Day skits for high school

Are you preparing a concert at school for Mother's Day? In many countries around the world, this holiday is celebrated on the second Sunday of May, and in Russia - on the last Sunday of November. In 2021, the celebration dates fall on May 9 and November 28.

You can stage funny skits for this holiday. Interesting stories that play out everyday situations and easy presentation of numbers will help make the holiday fun.

You can select background music for such miniatures. However, keep in mind that the musical accompaniment should be appropriate and not loud.

Funny skits for Mother's Day for high school students

The first production involves children, father and mother.

Family members meet their mother after work: – Dear mother! Congratulations on your holiday! We really wanted to please you, and decided to “present” you with everything that you love so much.

Father: “I stained all my socks and shirts with soot.” Wash, my love, for your health!

Daughter: “And I wrinkled my best dress and blouse well.” Now you will have something to do in your free time. I know very well how much you love to iron!

Son: - I got the dishes dirty. Mommy, wash, iron, clean up, in a word, enjoy life!

Mom looks at them with fear. But the father and children laugh: “Well, of course, we were joking!” Today you don’t have to do anything, because today is your holiday!

They present her with flowers and gifts. This school skit for Mother’s Day ends with family members taking turns reading poetry: “I really want all mothers on the planet to live happily.” Always make the children happy, so that all your dreams come true.

– Mother’s Day is a wonderful holiday. Our deepest bow to all mothers. Let happiness shine in their eyes, And let the horizon be clear.

Here’s another fun skit that high school students can prepare for Mother’s Day, where a mother and children participate.

Mother returns home after work. – How was your day? What were you doing? Son: - Mom, we wanted to help you so much that we decided to redo all the housework! I washed the dishes!

Mom: - What a fine fellow you are, how caring! Second son: - Mom, I’m also great, I wiped all the dishes! Mom: - Thank you too!

She turns to her daughter: “What have you been doing all day?” Daughter: - And I picked up all the broken dishes and took them to the trash!

Mom sits down on a chair, then says: “You are still my best and most caring children!”

Another Mother's Day skit performed by high school students involves a son and his mother.

Mom: - Petya, are you sitting at the computer again? So you will remain ignorant! Son: - Well, you are retarded, ancestors! Computer is progress! Only a person who has mastered this technique can be considered educated and developed!

Mom: - Okay, since you are an educated person, show me your diary. The son rummages through his school backpack, but finds nothing. - He's not there! Apparently he passed it for testing!

He sits down at the computer again, but the mother pushes her son away, sits down herself and, clicking the mouse, looks for something.

Son: “Mom, now you’ll mix everything up and I’ll lose the game!” - You, son, have already lost! I opened your electronic diary, and in it... “two” in Russian and “three” in mathematics! And here are additional tasks for those who are behind... So stop playing and sit down for your homework.

(If desired, high school students, when preparing this miniature for Mother’s Day, can supplement it by mentioning the name of the teacher who gave the grades and citing any details from the life of your class).

The son is upset and silent. Mom: – Indeed, a computer is progress! Only that person can be considered cultured and developed today who has mastered this technique.

Son: - Well... And I thought that I just needed to hide the diary... Yes, it’s difficult to live with parents who understand computers! Oh, this is progress!…

We offer another touching and funny sketch for Mother’s Day that high school students can stage for this holiday, it’s called “Three Moms.” A little girl, her mother and grandmother take part in the production.

Presenter: – Our children are so stubborn! Everyone knows this themselves. Their mothers often tell them, But they don’t hear their mothers... Katyusha came back from a walk in the evening and asked for the doll...

Girl: - How are you, daughter? Have you eaten anything again, my dear? How bad! You may get sick because of this. Let me feed you.

She sits the doll at a toy table and “feeds” it with a spoon.

The presenter continues: “Katya’s mother came home from work and asked Katya...

Mom: How are you, daughter? Have you eaten anything again today? Soon you will lose weight and you may even get sick because of it. Let me feed you.

Then Grandma appears in this Mother's Day school skit.

Presenter: - Then my grandmother - my mother’s mother - came and asked my mother...

Grandmother: - How are you, daughter? You've probably been at work for 24 hours. Again, you didn't find a minute to eat? These daughters are in real trouble! Soon you will be as thin as a matchstick. Let me feed you...

Three heroines of a Mother’s Day skit performed by high school students at school sit down at the table, and the presenter says: “Three mothers are sitting tiredly in the kitchen, Three mothers are looking at their beloved daughters!” What to do with stubborn daughters?

... The girl, mother and grandmother say in unison: - Oh, how difficult it is to be mothers!

Children from high school can dedicate the next miniature for a school holiday on Mother's Day to a serious topic - whether it is worth having children. The production involves two girls and a boy.

The young man turns to his friends: “I’m thinking, wondering, why do they give birth to children?” So, friends, do you mind? Let's weigh the pros and cons!

1st girl: - Why do you need all this? Young man: - For a specific answer! Preparation for adult life...

2nd girl: - You came up with this cleverly! Young man: - And I feel bad for my mother, I can’t see the problems of life.

1st girl: - Yes, we cause a lot of problems... Mom is a difficult position. How much easier it would be for her without children like us.

2nd girl: – No, this is nonsense! She will be bored then! And in old age, who will bring compote in a glass? Now imagine Mom without any children at all...

Young man: - The house is quiet... clean... Beauty!

1st girl: – And emptiness! The house is cozy, but empty, Without children it is not alive! That's our lot as women: to have worries and a lot of things to do.

2nd girl: - Solve problems for children, Write essays, Scold and punish for various pranks.

1st girl: - Kitchen, dinner, laundry... We need to collect toys. Without sparing nerve cells, drive the children into bed!

2nd girl: - And hear, falling asleep: “You are so good, I honestly say…”

All together: - Mom, I love you!

We hope you enjoy these skits that high school students can perform at a Mother's Day performance at school. All you have to do is choose the most suitable ones, rehearse their roles and give mothers a beautiful, bright and cheerful holiday.

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