DIY gift certificate: the best present for a loved one.

Certificate for manicure template

A manicure certificate will provide a unique opportunity for clients to receive services in the chosen salon. In addition, such a certificate can be an excellent gift.

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Participation certificate template

Various competitions provide for the presentation of certificates for participation in the event. We offer you five ready-made templates for making yourself. Print the template and fill out the certificate.

For a business person

The spouse's father may be a boss or a businessman who not only works in the office, but also has an office at home. If business forces him to be at his desk often, this will give him ideas for a gift. Think about what to give your father-in-law for comfortable work? For example, headphones or computer speakers. Or maybe give a trainer for your office or a massage cover for a chair? Gifts for work can be extremely practical. For example, a thermopot, a mini-fridge, a wine cabinet.

• Silver handle; • Personalized wallet or purse; • Massage chair cover; • Humidifier; • Lamp for the office; • Comfortable chair for work; • Computer speakers; • Portrait from photo; • Personalized flash drive; • Battery case for phone. • Personal book of your photos; • Shtof for strong drinks; • Wine cabinet.

Pictures Photo Frame Docking Station Travel Map

Competition participant certificate template

All participants in any competition deserve to be awarded a certificate of participation, regardless of whether they became first place winners. The proposed templates are easy to print and fill in with information about each participant separately.

Script documents

Driving license for driving a baby stroller

The bearer of this certificate has the right to drive baby strollers of all types, as well as other vehicles equivalent to them without limiting passenger capacity. The driver is prohibited from: –...

The act of handing over the bride to her husband

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The act of handing over the groom to his wife

We, the undersigned friends and associates of [groom's name] and [bride's name], on the other hand, have drawn up this document stating that the groom, who has the surname [Last name] from birth, has been miraculously preserved and is completely...

Soldier's decree

In connection with the formation of a new paramilitary unit, in accordance with the law on marriage and family, I order: 1. Call for active permanent family service the bachelor [name of the groom] [passed a medical examination and was found fit...

Royal decree

Out of love, on the day [day] of the month [month], you, dear friends, dear, wonderful friends, got married. Prince [name of the groom] became the husband, and [name of the bride] became the princess, a husbandly wife, an affectionate, wonderful wife. And you sealed your union with a chain...

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Decree of the Minister of Family-Building Education

Decree of the Minister of Family-Building Education dated [date] In connection with the wedding situation in the families of the bride and groom, declare [date] a national holiday. Assign titles: Mother-in-law: mother of the bride; Father-in-law: to the father of the bride...

Open letter from Hymen Mendelssohn

The presidium of our solemn meeting received a greeting from the World Association of Family and Marriage named after Hymen Mendelssohn. In addition to traditional congratulations, it also contains useful advice for young spouses: For your...

Family constitution

Basic Law of the Family Union: Article 1: Spouses have the right to join their paths and create a healthy, growing and exemplary family. The spouses are obliged to keep it until the end. Article 2: The husband is the main legislative body. Wife -...

Bachelors club resolution

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Resolution of the Women's Committee

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Wise advice for your husband

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Wise advice for your wife

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Groom's promise

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Bride's promise

I, [name of the bride], entering into marriage in the face of this noisy company, solemnly promise: 1. Never tie a tightrope for my husband; 2. Raise your husband according to the principle of “taking care of him like a child; respect like an elder”; 3. Create houses...

Groom Code

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Bride's Code

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Certificate for newlyweds

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Beautiful certificate templates

Beautiful universal certificate templates for all occasions:

How to decorate a gift certificate

You can decorate the certificate in different ways, using what you already have at home from decorations, or by purchasing what you need.

  1. You can write a title on the cover, for example, “Certificate of Wishes for your Beloved Husband.” You can also add clarification on how many wishes he has.
  2. If you decide to use points, then you need to indicate how much the certificate is for, and whether there is a period for the points.
  3. Next, you can list the desires themselves in a row, or you can use a separate page for each desire, decorating the content of the page according to the theme.

Of course, now you can order the production of such a gift if you don’t have time at all. But the certificate will be more pleasant and valuable if you make it yourself, when you have put your soul and warmth into it. And definitely no one will have this.

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Anti-double certificate template

The “Anti-D” certificate is the most expected bonus from the class teacher. The lucky owner of this certificate will have a special “indulgence” in extreme cases, when it is necessary to save the situation in the event of an unsatisfactory grade.

St. Petersburg, Pushkinskaya metro station,

1. For the NIGHT CALL service. The certificate holder has the right to call the newlyweds at any time of the night. At the same time, the newlyweds are obliged to listen to the certificate holder with understanding and patience, and not to use profane language or threats. 2. order your favorite song from the wedding DJ. 3. to receive as a gift a magnet brought from the newlyweds’ honeymoon. 4. for 5 trips in the newlyweds’ car in the front seat, not fastened. 5. to celebrate with the newlyweds their first anniversary. 6. do not participate in the competition program. 7. going to the cinema with the newlyweds. 8. use the newlyweds’ shower during the summer preventive shutdown of hot water. 9. going to the theater with the newlyweds. 10. For forgiveness. Can be implemented by the owner at any time and guarantees him absolute forgiveness of one offense of any severity. The “sin” is immediately forgotten and not remembered, forgiveness occurs once and for all, sincerely and from the heart 11. gives you the right to become a guarantor for the newlyweds’ mortgage. 12. To fulfill a wish. From the moment of delivery, it becomes an agreement to fulfill one cherished intangible desire of the recipient of the certificate. Restrictions: Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The desire is fulfilled during 201_ - 201_ 13. to receive a souvenir from the newlyweds' honeymoon. 14. for an exclusive photo with the bride and groom. 15. come visit the bride and groom at any time of the day or night for tea with delicious treats. 16. for dinner and overnight stay with the newlyweds on any day and for any reason. 17. for the second course at the wedding. 18. Drink without restrictions at the wedding reception. 19. for the ceremonial cleaning of tables after the wedding. 20. during the bouquet (garter) throw, you have the right to stand three steps closer to the bride (groom) than other contenders.

21. for one kiss from the bride. 22. eating borscht prepared by the bride. 23. Listening to Stas Mikhailov’s album together with the newlyweds. (any group or performer) 24. invite the groom to bachelor parties without asking permission from his wife, but no more than once a month. 25. organize a trip abroad for young people, or in the worst case, a trip to nature. 26. have a brotherhood drink with the groom’s mother-in-law. 27. take in the newlyweds’ pet for a week. 28. the right to clean the newlyweds’ apartment. 29. Going fishing with your fiance. 30. for shopping with the bride and the right to pay for all purchases.

31. for a sincere two-hour conversation with the newlyweds (on any topic). 32. to visit the newlyweds (dinner included!). 33. to a letter from the newlyweds. 34. for a bottle of wine from the wedding. 35. for active support of the newlyweds on social networks (likes and comments). 36. to accompany the newlyweds to any event of the certificate holder’s choice. 37. invitation to the golden wedding. 38. for the 10 best printed wedding photos. 39. for a book gift from the newlyweds (three favorite books of the newlyweds). 40. 10 wise tips about family life from newlyweds.

41. for a sincere two-hour conversation with the newlyweds (on any topic). 42. for a bottle of wine from the wedding. 43. for forgiveness of any guilt towards the newlyweds. 44. for the first piece of wedding cake. 45. the right not to participate in all competitions during the evening. 46. ​​for the right to receive a bottle of champagne from the newlyweds. 47. the right to be the first to babysit future children in a new family. 48. for dinner with the newlyweds on a day off (the date is agreed upon in advance). 49. the right to provide newlyweds with assistance in repairs. 50. the right to make a toast in honor of the newlyweds without waiting in line. 51. for the right to go to barbecue with the newlyweds. 52. for a free taxi home after the banquet at the expense of the newlyweds. 53 hug the newlyweds tightly. 54. kiss all the girls in the hall with their permission. 55. change places with the groom for 5 minutes, sit next to the bride, without the right to kiss, when they scream bitterly. 56. show your abilities and dance a belly dance or lambada for the newlyweds and all guests. 57. meet the newlyweds at the airport after their honeymoon. 58. Spend a soulful evening in the company of young people with a glass of wine. 59. visit the attraction chosen by the young people in the Divo Island park and provide a photo report. 60. throughout the summer, accompany young people on a trip to the forest to pick mushrooms. 61. for the third piece of cake. 62. the right to take away a bottle of alcoholic beverages from the wedding. 63. for a free taxi from the restaurant to your home at the expense of another guest of your choice. 64. Drink beer with the groom any day, without asking your wife for leave, but no more than once a month. 65. to watch a football match with the groom.

66. to go on an excursion with the newlyweds. 67. listening to songs together... 68. taking the newlyweds to a concert. 69. have personal slippers in the newlyweds’ house.

70. make any wish for the newlyweds. 71. be the first to see wedding photos. 72. come visit the bride and groom at any time of the day or night for beer and fish. 73. order your favorite song after each use of 50 g. cognac No more than 4 songs per day. 74. stroke the belly of the witness “for good luck.” 75. hug the neighbor on the right tightly. 76. receive socks knitted by a bride on maternity leave. 77. to dance with the bride/groom.

78. kayaking on rivers in the company of young people. 79. for a tea party with cakes from the bride. 80. for bathing procedures for young people during the season of planned preventive shutdown of hot water. 81. for dinner and overnight stay on any day and for any reason. 82. for a free taxi from the restaurant to home at the expense of the witness 83. for 5 trips in the newlyweds’ car in the front seat, without a seat belt. 84. the right to take in the newlyweds’ pet for a week. 85. helping newlyweds hang wallpaper. 86. to watch with the bride in the stands a football match with the participation of the groom 87. call the newlyweds at any time of the day or night and complain: about life, about men, about women, express everything that is in your heart, and the newlyweds are obliged to listen and regret without using obscene language speech. 88. for a weekend camping trip in the company of newlyweds. 89. Arrange winter rides on cheesecakes/pop/skates and build a snowman with the newlyweds. 90. for an express vocal lesson. By phone! If you are sitting at karaoke, you have no hearing and no voice, and you are asked to sing a song. 91. for a consultation on “how to make a fire” if you woke up in the taiga at night, naked. 92. to demonstrate how to kiss, using a witness and/or witness as a partner. 93. for an unrestrained dance with lunges and shouts of “Opa!”, “Hop!”, “Op-na!” or “Ay-nane-naney!” anytime and anywhere. 94. be the first to come to the rescue of the groom if he is stuck in the mud or snow in his rear-wheel drive car with bald tires. 95. If someone nearby is choking and gestures “clap”, the certificate holder is obliged to clap his hands and smile. 96. You have the right to demand that the newlyweds come to visit you with a cake or pastries on any day. 97. demand that the newlyweds come to you with beer on any day. 98. the right to cut off the largest piece of cake to the groom’s mother and convince her that it is healthy. 99. for the right to convince the bride to give the best bouquet to her mother today. 100. for a tea party with cakes from the bride. 101. convince the bride's father that from now on she is in good hands, and if you are not sure of this, convince him anyway. 102. Convince the groom's father that he raised the best son in the world, and therefore will now drink tea in the company of the most beautiful and sweet daughter-in-law. 103. come to the newlyweds for tea, or even something stronger any evening.

104. for an evening of board games with the newlyweds

105. for a joint dinner at a restaurant (name of restaurant)

106. for joint skiing and snowboarding with newlyweds

107. for active support from the newlyweds as fans with the participation of the certificate holder in the half marathon and marathon

108. for a pie prepared by the bride

109. for unlimited gatherings with the bride in coffee shops in the city

110. for trips with newlyweds to the skating rink at the request of the certificate holder

111. for barbecue performed by newlyweds

112. for 3 games of preference with newlyweds on a warm summer night. Preferably accompanied by the singing of a nightingale!

113. for the services of a driver represented by the bride or groom at any time of the day. From 2 a.m. to 6 a.m., the service is provided in exchange for a delicious cutlet!

114. for a newlyweds’ trip to Moscow (or any city) for the certificate owner’s birthday

115. for joint digging in the car. No limits.

116. for joint bike rides. Valid only in sunny weather!

117. for a joint weekend at the groom’s dacha with full board for the whole family.

118. for a nanny in the person of the bride for the children of the owner of the certificate for his participation in offroad together with the groom

119. to transfer the secrets of moonshine to the newlyweds

120. to have the faucet repaired by the groom on the first call. Cannot be transferred to third parties.

121. Gives you the right not to give a gift to the newlyweds today, but to give it tomorrow.

122. Gives you the right to present yourself to the newlyweds for the whole day for autonomous use as a repair worker.

123. Gives you the right to have your computer repaired by your groom on the first call. Cannot be transferred to third parties.

124. Gives you the right to be the first to know about the birth of your first child.

125. Gives you the right to feed the newlyweds’ cats and water the flowers in their apartment while they climb the mountains or bask in the sea.

Extension certificate template

Everyone who has completed eyelash extension training courses receives a certificate like this:

Certificate from Santa Claus template

On the eve of the New Year holidays, children can be pleased with beautiful certificates from Father Frost for exemplary behavior and academic success.

Certificate templates for children

Beautiful and bright templates will be useful for presenting certificates to children in educational institutions. Certificates can be awarded for academic achievements, exemplary behavior, participation in competitions and olympiads.


How much does it cost to order the production of a wedding certificate in Moscow? The average cost is 350 rubles per piece and above. Usually, when placing an order, the minimum quantity of copies is 5 pieces. Development of an individual design costs an average of 1,500 rubles or more. Delivery is not included in the price and is calculated separately.

Wedding certificates for guests will make the celebration unique, lively and interesting. The atmosphere will be warm, sincere, truly family. This simple souvenir will show how dear each of the invitees is to the young people. Such gifts will bring smiles to the faces of loved ones for a long time and serve as wonderful memories.

Comic certificate template

Add humor and fun to a corporate event, wedding or other celebration - organize the presentation of comic certificates.

Tests at a wedding for everyone present: first acquaintance

At first, cool competitions for newlyweds at a wedding with the participation of guests are designed to introduce everyone present and defuse the situation . Therefore, they begin immediately after the invitees have sat down at the table and had a little snack. To begin with, you can divide the guests among the tables and invite each team to come up with as many different congratulations as possible for the newlyweds. After the first wishes, you can complicate the process, for example, ask to depict your feelings and words using pantomime or song.

Certificate courses template

Taking specialized courses, such as massage, modeling, eyelash extensions, requires obtaining a certificate. This document confirms that the participant in the educational process has completed and fully mastered the selected courses.

Groom's wedding documents

Groom's Operating Instructions

Issued for review by (name of bride).

If you follow all the rules of this instruction, then (name of the groom) can be used forever.

This instruction is the initial standard for using the groom; time will tell what will happen next. Start date __________

The groom (groom's name) was made ___ __________ 20 ___ according to the original technology of the family (groom's surname) and approved by the district registry office commission. The groom is a modern product, practical to use.

Purpose: Intended for use as a husband, father, grandfather, great-grandfather. In addition, and this is the main thing, as a high-class laundress (washing clothes and even diapers), washing dishes and cleaning premises. The groom is a very useful thing in the household; he can bring home food and even money.

Operating conditions - (name of the groom) loves cleanliness, affection, sweet lubricant. Keep in comfort and warmth, Love, caress, do not hit with anything. Force him to work less often, do not leave him alone unattended.

Supplier's Warranty - Subject to strict compliance with these conditions, the company provides a guarantee for a period of 101 years.

Note - the company does not issue spare parts.

The bride is familiar with this document and has nothing against the groom overcoming the obstacles skillfully built on the way to her. Signature _________ of the bride.

Service certificate template

A certificate for a service gives the holder the right to receive the service for which it was issued, for example, it could be a parachute jump or a trip to a SPA salon.

How to create a certificate yourself - video:

Of bread.

Delicious thanks to the staff

  • Business breakfast with Gingerbread
  • Gingerbread cookies (thanks, Cap!) are usually branded, with a logo, although the most ordinary ones, mint and with jam, are also suitable.
  • 1/2/3, etc. kilo of fruit - apples/bananas/oranges/grapes/strawberries, depending on the season and budget :). Important! Delivered to your workplace. You can put it in a basket with a bow :).
  • Beer - a can, two or a box for a fun company, as you wish
  • Pizza/sushi - or anything else that is easily delivered to the office and consumed at the workplace
  • Candy - a bag. Or a bucket. Or a basket. In general, it’s clearly not just a banal box
  • Ice cream
  • Vitamins
  • Valerian, Novopassit and other remedies for nerves (cognac is also possible :))

Doesn't the Shop lead to the exchange of gingerbread between employees?

For some of our clients, the Gingerbread Shop was connected later than the opportunity to thank a colleague with gingerbread. And the inclusion of the Shop did not lead to a significant increase in the distribution of gingerbread among employees - they remained primarily a tool for public gratitude. Well, if there is still a fear that employees will exchange their gingerbreads in order to earn money for a gift, you can always set a technical restriction that no more than 1, 2, 3, etc. can be transferred in one thank you. gingerbread

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