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Victor is a masculine name of Latin origin. Translated, it means winner. The representative bearing this name has been very trusting since early childhood. He is not vindictive and even as he grows up he does not lose trust in people.
Victor is a sanguine person with a stable psyche and strong will. Has weak intuition. He values comfort and material wealth. Willingly engages in work that requires attentiveness and thoroughness.
Victor's name day according to the Orthodox calendar
Victor is a masculine name of Latin origin.
Translated, it means winner. The representative bearing this name has been very trusting since early childhood. He is not vindictive and even as he grows up he does not lose trust in people. Victor is a sanguine person with a stable psyche and strong will. Has weak intuition. He values comfort and material wealth. Willingly engages in work that requires attentiveness and thoroughness.
Character of the birthday boy
Victor is one of the few people who firmly and confidently knows what he needs. He is fair and patient. Punctual. People like Victor are usually called workaholics. Because of this zeal for work, it is used very often by employees.
A guy named Victor chooses a strong woman as his companion. She should be not only beautiful, but also smart. It should be noted that if Victor does not love his wife, he will run after every skirt, and if he marries for great love, he will be faithful until the end of his life.
Peace to you! Thank you for reading this far. We would like to tell you that we have a charity purse and collect funds for the needs of the sick and children from boarding schools. We are curators of a boarding school for children with speech impediments.
We have already helped/are helping different people and they are very grateful for the help. If you have the opportunity to make a contribution (at least 100-200 rubles) we will be grateful! Guardian Angel to you!
The representative of this name is very worried about his failures. He becomes hot-tempered and irritable.
But even after great failures, he is able to start anew.
The bearer of this name can be an official, an electrician, a mathematician, or a teacher.
Victor's Angel Day according to the church calendar
Not many people know what date the day of the angel Victor is celebrated. Sometimes even the bearers of a given name themselves do not know when it is celebrated. It should be noted that Victor’s name day according to the Orthodox calendar is celebrated three times a year. These are dates like:
- February 13 – martyr Victor of Corinth;
- May 1 - martyr Victor of Nicomedia;
- November 24 – martyr Victor of Damascus.
Moreover, on Victor's Day, which is celebrated in winter, there is a sign among the people. It says that if there is fog and darkness on Victor's Day, it means there will be a good flax harvest. It will be fibrous and long lasting and will make very good yarn.
Must read: Slavic names for girls
May the Lord protect you!
Watch also the video about Victor's Angel Day:
Source: https://ikona-i-molitva.info/imeniny-viktora-po-pravoslavnomu-kalendaryu/
Characteristics of the birthday boy Victor
Victor is a great dreamer. He believes in fairy tales, fantastic stories. Very often, Victor becomes so immersed in an imaginary world that he loses the reality of life.
His vivid imagination interferes with his school work, distracting him from his studies and causing him to become unfocused. He is always inventing something, coming up with different jokes and pranks.
As a rule, Victor does not have the patience to complete the work he has started.
True friends are rare in Victor's life. He prefers privacy. Victor treats people trustingly, sincerely, he will never offend people just like that, or give away someone else’s secret.
Having matured, Victor becomes a practical and thorough person. He is somewhat ashamed of his fantasies, preferring not to talk about them.
He is patient, but failures instantly make him angry. However, Victor is quite easy-going.
Victor takes his work very seriously. He devotes himself completely to his favorite work, without feeling tired.
Victor will become a good writer, journalist or editor, provided that he learns to focus on what he has in mind. He will also find himself in the fields of teaching and technology.
In his work, Victor will be able to realize his hidden plans, fully reveal his abilities and capabilities.
Victor likes to be the center of attention. He has a good sense of humor and remembers many funny stories and funny incidents.
He is a wonderful storyteller. This attracts the fairer sex to him. Victor often starts affairs, he has many girlfriends.
Victor chooses his wife intuitively. He needs a powerful and wise woman who can support him and protect him from the “temptations of life.”
Victor cannot stand quarrels; he instantly withdraws into himself, becoming irritable and gloomy.
Victor cannot be called a faithful husband, but he rarely leaves his family, becoming firmly attached to his children and everyday life. He is a very decent person.
The main features of this name: tenderness, simplicity, strength.
Victor's name day
As a child, Victor trusts everything he is told, especially if his parents say it. He believes even in the most unlikely things. And when he finds out that he was deceived, he is very upset. True, after that he still quickly forgets everything. He does not know how to be angry for a long time and harbor resentment. He forgives easily, and his eyes become trusting again.
Professionally, he chooses simple professions where he needs to work with his hands. The family has a good owner who can do any housework. Victor is always very fair and fights for justice. Victor is also very impulsive. He may get excited about some new idea. Knows how to stop in time.
In marriage, Victors are usually led by their wives, and they don’t argue with this. They are quite happy with this state of affairs. People named Victor do not step on the same rake twice, as they learn from their mistakes. It’s a pleasure to have any conversation with Victors, but you need to express yourself clearly and to the point. Some abstract conversations do not attract him.
: He always faces a lot of trials. But he easily gets up and moves on, and when, it would seem, everything has already been decided and at the breaking point, he again and again surprises everyone with his willpower and perseverance.
The Saints
: Victor of Nicomedia (name day May 1), Victor Rimsky (name day April 2), Victor Damascus (name day November 24).
Victor's Angel Day
The origin of the name is ancient Roman, from the Latin language - winner. This name was “awarded” to great warriors and generals. "Ave, Victor!" (Hello, winner) - the exclamation with which the Romans greeted generals and heroic warriors during the days of all-Roman triumphs. The meaning of the name Victor - defender of the Motherland, defender of his home - has survived to this day.
Victor Name Day according to the Church Calendar
- January 21 – Victor (Usov), schmch., priest /new martyr/
- January 30 – Victor (Europeans), schmch., priest /new martyr/
- February 13 – Victor Korinthsky, martyr.
- March 3 – Victor, martyr.
- March 7 – Victor (Morigerovsky), schmch., priest /new martyr/
- March 23 – Victor Corinthian, martyr.
- March 30 – Victor (Kiranov), schmch., prot. /newmuch./
- April 2 – Victor (Fotin) Rimsky, martyr.
- April 28 – Victor Mesukeviysky, Gruzinsky, martyr.
- May 1 – Victor of Nicomedia, martyr.
- May 2 – Victor (Ostrovidov), Spanish, bishop, Glazov /new martyr/
- June 1 – Victor (Karakulin), schmch., priest /new martyr/
- June 20 – Victor (Nikiforov), schmch., priest /new martyr/
- July 1 – Victor (Ostrovidov), Spanish, bishop, Glazov /new martyr/ (discovery of relics)
- July 19 – Victor, martyr.
- September 2 – Victor of Thracia, martyr.
- September 8 – Victor (Ellansky), smch., priest /new martyr/
- September 15 – Victor (Basov), schmch., priest /new martyr/
- September 24 – Victor, sschmch., priest /new martyr/
- September 29 – Victor of Chalcedon, martyr.
- October 10 – Victor, abbot
- October 21 – Victor (Frolov), martyr. /newmuch./
- November 11 – Victor (Krasnov), martyr. /newmuch./
- November 19 – Victor, martyr.
- November 22 – Victor (Klimov), sschmch., priest /new martyr/
- November 24 – Victor Damascus, martyr.
- November 27 – Victor (Ilyinsky), smch., priest /new martyr/
- November 29 – Victor (Voronov), schmch., priest /new martyr/
- December 8 – Victor (Smirnov), schmch., prot. /newmuch./
- December 31 – Victor (Matveev), martyr. /newmuch./
Source: https://ru.astrologyk.com/imeniny/v/viktor
Character traits
Since childhood, Vitya has been distinguished by his strength of character and confidence in what he wants to achieve. Among friends he is distinguished by a sense of justice and patience for other people's mistakes. Growing up, despite his irritability during failures, he is able to start any business from scratch.
Accustomed to punctuality, which later plays a role in choosing a profession, and this could be:
- teacher;
- mathematician;
- military;
- official,
- technician.
Victor's Angel Day
- January 21 and 30
- February 13
- March 3, 7, 23 and 30
- April 2 and 28
- May 1 and 2
- June 1 and 20
- July 1 and 19
- September 2, 8, 15, 24 and 29
- October 10 and 21
- November 11, 19, 22, 24, 27 and 29
- December 8 and 31
The meaning and characteristics of the name Victor
The name Victor comes from the Latin language, translated from which it means “winner.” This is what great commanders and military leaders were called. The Romans greeted the victors returning from the war with exclamations of “Ave, Victor.”
Little Vitya has been striving for victory since childhood - he likes to be a leader in the company of his peers, he always comes up with interesting entertainment and games for the children.
However, the boy is very trusting and naive, so he does not always manage to occupy a leading position in the company - more cunning boys take the “reins of power” into their own hands.
But Victor cannot stay angry and offended for a long time, and, after a few days after some unpleasant situation, he will again communicate with people who outsmarted or deceived him.
A man with this name, as a rule, chooses a simple profession - he likes to make things with his own hands and do physical labor. In Victor’s house, the tap never leaks, the cabinet doors are never broken, or other similar problems arise.
The man also chooses a housewife who will help him create and maintain home comfort. As a rule, the family of the owner of this name is always large, very friendly and happy.
Congratulations to Victor on his name day in verse
1. We congratulate you, Victor, and wish you joy with the kindest feeling, and let there be no sadness!
Let your career make you happy, let your salary grow, and let your family wait for dinner every day from work!
2. I, Victor, congratulate you, After all, the holiday has arrived today, I wish you good luck, of course, I want you to become successful!
Let work be a joy, Let there be order in everyday life, One day let someone meet, And make your life happy!
The meaning of the name Victor
The male name Victor comes from the Latin word “victory”, meaning “victory”, “winner”. It is common in many countries of the world, including Russia, however, in the last decade it has become noticeably less popular here.
Characteristics of the name Victor
Phonosemantically, the name Victor gives the impression of something light, fast, and impulsive. The latter quality is especially accurately reflected in the character of Victor, who is often distinguished by the fact that he lights up with some idea and devotes himself to its implementation.
Already in childhood, Victor shows his inner core; he is serious, neat, responsible, as a rule, he studies well, helps his parents, whom he treats with great respect. Victor retains these character traits into adulthood.
He always works for results, strives to be more significant, is not afraid of difficulties and never loses heart. Sometimes it seems that Victor is not interested in anything other than his career, but he himself is very dependent on the rear, for example, a family or a cozy home where his close friends can gather.
Often the owners of this name sin by speaking very harshly with people, making promises, but then not keeping the promise, going straight towards their goal, being aggressive and narcissistic.
Congratulations to Victor on his name day
We would like to congratulate Victor! We want to tell him now that he, why lie here, is a winner! Need to know! Let there be only victories in life, Let the path be clear in your career, Let troubles and grief pass by - forget about them! Make your decision firmly, There is no need to grow old, don’t rush! Always walk through life proudly - we wish you from the bottom of our hearts!
Victor, happy name day! I wish you a sea of joy! So that things go uphill, So that the business grows stronger and develops, And you are never afraid to take risks. I wish you reliable partners, so that you can be a winner in a fair fight. So that you can increase everything you have, I want you to live a happy life.
We wish, Victor, that even in the smallest things you will have good luck, that you will not act rashly, that every problem will be easily solved. We wish you sincere, big love, which fills life with meaning, Goodness and peace reign in the soul, And an angel protects the earthly path.
This winner enchants everyone, Although victories are often not easy. And fate itself grants him Courage, strength of spirit and hands. Under the wing of inspired luck, Know that hope is in love with you And will certainly help you in everything, If a goal, like life, is important to you!
Andrew's name day according to the Orthodox church calendar
If we recall historical data and information, it is known that Christianity arose on the territory of Rus' many centuries ago. From time immemorial there has been a tradition of baptizing newborn children and naming them with Orthodox Holy names.
Because according to the Orthodox religion, every baby should have its own invisible Guardian Angel.
Currently, many parents come up with names for their children on their own, but it is necessary to baptize a newborn under the name of some patron, therefore, such a name is often suggested by representatives of church authorities.
It is important to note that in a temple, church or monastery during the baptism of a child, the minister looks for a suitable date, if there are no holy commemorations on the day the baby was born, then they turn to information about the names of the shrine for the next three days. This tradition arose more than a century ago and continues to this day.
As a result, Orthodox believers treat her with great respect and understanding, since every person understands the importance of the existence of an invisible guardian angel.
As a consequence of this choice of the church minister, the child receives a new name at the time of the baptismal ceremony, this name subsequently becomes a kind of amulet for the child for the rest of his life, since it is known that a guardian angel comes to the rescue in any situation.
Servants of Orthodox holy places recommend that every person have a church calendar on hand in order to choose the optimal patron for a child.
It is also very important, before choosing a name for a child, to familiarize yourself with the life history of a particular significant Saint.
Over the past few years, many foreign names have become widely popular, but church ministers recommend choosing names for children such as Macarius, Arseny, Ignatius, Claudia, Fedor, Vasilisa, Anania and Sava.
Also, the Orthodox church calendar is rich in such names as Mary, Peter, Paul, Anastasia and, of course, Andrei.
It is important to recall the fact that the name Andrew became widely known in the Orthodox Faith thanks to the emergence of the Great Apostle Andrew the First-Called. That is why, over the course of one calendar church year, the name day of this shrine is celebrated several times, so at any moment of the year, you can call a baby the name Andrei.
Name day can otherwise be called Angel's Day, and it is often celebrated in honor of one or another shrine, the name of which was given to the baby during baptism. Previously, such a holy date was celebrated more extensively, but now this tradition is more loyal.
It is worth recalling that in historical information one can find information that in ancient times name days were one of the most important holidays of the year, since they were celebrated with a large number of guests, that is, relatives, but at the same time the person’s birthday was not celebrated and were practically not recognized.
Nowadays, if you look at the church calendar, you can find many identical names of saints. In the Orthodox church calendar, the day of the angel Andrew occurs monthly.
However, you should not take such words literally, since a person who is baptized in honor of St. Andrew the First-Called should not celebrate his name day every month.
It is worth noting that some temple ministers claim that there are people who make such celebrations every month, claiming that in this way they thank their guardian angel and spiritual mentor.
In this case, the ministers of the church say that it is necessary to choose one single Saint who is close to Andrei in terms of the number of births of a new person into the world, it is he who will be his patron throughout his life, and others are not connected with him in any way.
Representatives of the Orthodox religion claim that in recent years the celebration of the days of angels has been revived, so modern parents choose a name for their baby using the Orthodox calendar, which is why Andrey is the most common name in the territory of the Slavic powers.
It is necessary to mention the name days of all Saints, who are celebrated throughout the calendar year. December 23 and July 7 are celebrated as the Day of Remembrance of the most caring Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky.
Patrons of the name
Victor of Chalcedon suffered for his faith in the Savior. Victor was the guard of the ruler of Priisk. By his order, he was to throw Saint Euphemia the All-Praised into the fiery furnace. In the fire of the furnace he saw Angels and at that very moment he believed in the Lord and did not carry out the order. For failure to comply, he and his comrade were given to be eaten by wild animals, but the animals did not even touch them. They began to pray to the Lord to take them to the Heavenly Kingdom, and he took them to his other world.
Martyr Victor (Photinus) of Rome was a glorious warrior in the Roman Empire and was appointed military leader in Attalia. The mayor did not like his Christian beliefs, and he presented him with an ultimatum. Either he and his mother abandon their faith or lose their power and wealth. Victor chose the side of the Lord. After this he accepted martyrdom.
Among the new martyrs one can name Viktor Klimov. He was raised in an Orthodox family according to God's commandments and decided to become a priest. After the seminary he got married, and he and his wife had six children. In the post-revolutionary “godless” times it was very difficult, especially with the introduction of a tax for “clergy”. In 1937 he was arrested and executed. His family learned of his death only 19 years later. Only his grandchildren found out all the details of his death. In 2000 he was canonized.
Name days in March according to the Orthodox calendar (new style)
Do you want to know when is your angel’s day, or, as they also say, name day? Just find your name on the church calendar for March.
Name day March 1
Albinus, Valens, Daniel, Eremey, Isaiah, Maruf, Nikon, Paul, Pamphilus, Samuel, Seleucus, Theodulus, Flavian, Julian.
Name day March 2
Hermogenes (Hermogenes), Karl, Mariamne (Marimyana, Marianna), Marcian, Mina, Papias, Porfiry, Roman, Theodore (Theodore Tyrone), Theodosius.
Name day March 3
Agapit, Agrippa, Basil, Victor, Dorotheus, Kuzma (Cosmas), Leo, Parigorios, Piulius, Theodulus, Flavian.
Name day March 4
Apphia, Archippus, Asklipiodota, Dositheus, Eugene, Hesychius, Casimir, Konon, Makar, Maxim, Nikita, Ravoula, Fedot, Philemon, Philothea.
Name day March 5
Agathon, Ammia, Amphilus, Eutropius, Isidore, Kindey, Cornelius (Korney), Leo, Plotinus, Zadok (Sadof).
Name day March 6
George, Eustathius, Zakhar, Ivan, Telesoph, Timofey.
Name day March 7
Anfisa (Anfusa), Athanasius, Vavila, Varadat, Vyacheslav, Limnaeus (Limnius), Mauritius, Razumnik, Titus, Thalassius, Fedor, Philip, Photius (Photinus).
Name day March 8
Adelphius, Alexander, Antiochus, Antoninus, Gorgonia, Demian (Damian), Zevin, Ivan, Clement, Kuzma, Lazarus, Moses, Polycarp, Polychronius, Fairy.
Name day March 9
Ivan, Hilarion, Sophron, Erasmus.
Name day March 10
Anton, Evgeny, Pafnuty, Taras, Fedor.
Name day March 11
Asthea, Ivan, Nikolai, Porfiry, Sevastyan, Teresa.
Name day March 12
Victoria, Gelasius, Makar, Markian, Procopius, Stepan, Timofey, Titus, Falaley, Julian, Jacob.
Name day March 13
Vasily, Dominica, Evagrius, Cyprian, Cyrus, Marina, Meletius, Nestor, Nicholas, Niphon, Proterius.
Name day March 13th of Leap Year
Averky, Barbarian, Barsanuphius, Veniamin, Ivan, Kasyan (in the Leap Year his name day is moved to March 12), Leo, Paisiy, Theoktirist.
Name day March 14
Agap, Anton, Antonina, Domnina, Eudokia, Marcellus, Martyrius, Matilda, Nestor, Nestorian, Nicephorus, Sylvester, Sophron, Trivimius, Chartius.
Name day March 15
Agathon, Arseny, Athenodorus, Barsanuphius, Basil, Euphalia, Euphrosynus, Hilarion, Joseph, Louise, Savva, Savvaty, Troadius, Fedot.
Name day March 16
Benedicta, Basilisk, Eutropius, Zeno, Zoilus, Cleonicus, Piama, Savinus, Sebastian.
Name day March 17
Akakiy, Vasily (Vasilko), Vyacheslav, George, Gerasim, Gertrude, Gregory, Daniel, Iosaph, Kondraty, Pavel, Stratonik, Juliania (Iuliania, Julia, Ulyana), Yuri, Yakov.
Name day March 18
Adrian, Archelaus (Archilius), George, David, Eulampius, Eulogius, Ivan, Iraida, Hesychius, Cyril, Conon, Constantine, Mark, Onisius, Fedor, Photius.
Name day March 19
Anthimus, Arkady, Aetius, Vasoi, Evvul, Euphrosynus, Jesus, Job, Callistus, Conon, Constantine, Maxim, Melissen, Micah, Fedor, Theophilus, Julian.
Name day March 20
Agathodorus, Vasily, Eugene, Elpidius, Emelian, Epherius, Ephraim, Capitolina?, Kapito, Lavrenty, Nestor, Pavel.
Name day March 21
Athanasius, Dementius, Dion, Herm, Lazarus, Theodoret, Theodosius, Theophylact.
Name day March 22
Aglaius (Aglaius), Acacius, Alexander, Angius (Aggius), Athanasius, Aetius, Valens (Ualens, Ual), Valery, Vivian, Gaius (Gaius), Gorgonius, Dometianus, Domnus, Evnoik (Evnik), Eutychius, Ekdit (Ekdiky ), Ivan, Ilian, Ilya (Ily), Heraclius, Hesychius, Candide, Caesar (Caesareus), Cyril, Kirion (Kyriy), Claudius, Xanthius, Leontius, Lysimachus, Meliton, Nicholas, Priscus, Sakerdon, Severian (Severian), Sisinius, Smaragd, Taras, Urpasian, Theodulus, Theophilus, Philoctimon, Flavius, Khudion.
Name day March 23
Anastasia, Anekt, Vasilisa (Vasilissa), Victor, Victorin, Galina, Galya (Gali), George, Denis (Dionysius), Diodorus, Cyprian, Claudius, Kondratiy (Kodrat), Kryskent, Leonid, Mark, Markian, Mikhail, Nika, Nikephoros, Nunechia, Paul, Papias, Rufinus, Satorinus, Serapion (Serafion), Theodora, Hariessa (Chorissa?).
Name day March 24
Asklipiades, Bertha, George, Epimach, Efim, Ivan, Lin, Macedon, Patricius, Pionius, Sabina, Satorin, Sophron.
Name day March 25
Gregory, Maria, Semyon, Feofan, Phineas (Phineas).
Name day March 26
Alexander, Anin, Africanus, Nicephorus, Poplius (Publius), Savinus, Terenty, Christina.
Name day March 27
Venedikt, Evskimon, Mikhail, Rostislav, Theognost, Theodosius, Frontina.
Name day March 28
Agap, Alexander, Denis, Evarest, Manuel, Maria, Nicander, Poplius (Puplius), Romil, Timolaus.
Name day March 29
Alexander, Aristobul, Denis, Emelyan, Ivan, Pavel, Papius (Pope), Roman, Savin, Serapion, Trofim, Fal, Julian.
Name day March 30
Alexey, Makar, Marin, Pavel.
Stones and talismans for Victor and their meaning
Even ancient people knew that wearing certain stones on the body could give a person different qualities of character and change his health, luck, and relationships with the opposite sex for the better or for the worse. Therefore, you need to be very careful when choosing stones.
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Selenite – relieves tension, dispels fears, harmonizes the emotional state, increases mental activity. Strengthens will and attention, gives softness and tenderness to the one who wears it. It will not hurt the impulsive Victor to show tenderness in family relationships. The stone also helps to avoid troubles.
Agate is a stone of health and supports many organs. Promotes the manifestation of confidence, helps direct energy to the right actions, gives insight, rationality, and helps to remain faithful.
Carnelian is a love talisman, protects marital happiness, protects from quarrels, disputes, from ill-wishers, strengthens memory, protects from various dangers.
Interesting Facts
- The zodiac sign of the name is Taurus.
- Patronizing planet - Mercury.
- Color – dark gray, blue, red, brown.
- Talisman – agate, carnelian, selenite.
- Patronizing plants – birch, white carnation.
- The totem animal is a horse.
- A lucky day is Saturday.