Congratulations for retirement


It is better to play a fun game at the beginning of the evening at the table to put the guests in a cheerful mood, relax the audience and laugh. The host invites the hero of the occasion to answer questions and check whether he knows army terms. After each answer from the conscript, the presenter names his funny answers.

  • The place where every young man dreams of quickly becoming a grandfather is the army.
  • Dashing Ali Baba and 40 robbers - Army platoon.
  • This place is a wonderland. As soon as he entered there, he disappeared there - the Military Commissariat.
  • Execution early at dawn - Charging.
  • Return of the Prodigal Son - Soldier's demobilization.
  • Treasure Island - Food Warehouse.
  • And I want to sleep, and I feel sorry for my homeland - Guard.
  • The high gate to the soldier's paradise is the checkpoint.
  • He who gets up early bothers everyone else - Getting up in the barracks.
  • No down, no feather - Hard pillow.
  • Biological weapons of mass destruction - foot wraps in the evening.
  • All-terrain vehicle: first he runs as long as he can, and then as long as he is ordered - a soldier on a jog.
  • The longed-for connection with the mainland - Mobile phone.

Contests for seeing off the army

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Contests for seeing off the army

How best to conduct competitions for seeing off the army

For many, joining the army is a sad event. Therefore, in order not to be sad, you need to arrange a fun farewell with a large number of competitions. They will cheer everyone up and will be remembered for a long time, both by the future soldier and by all the guests present. Contests for congratulations to the army must necessarily have a military theme. You need to buy in advance various souvenir medals, badges, toy grenades and much more that is related to the army. You can also buy small gifts for guests: souvenirs, chocolate, postcards. You should not take expensive things, it is better to take cheap ones, but in larger quantities. READ CONTINUED AT THE BOTTOM OF THE POST

Competition "Heaviness of shoulder straps"

The point of the competition is to keep the napkin on your shoulders. Dancing couples need to put “epaulets” in the form of paper napkins. Slow music plays first, and couples need to hold a weight on their shoulders. Then you need to turn on a fast song, the couples continue to dance. The one who keeps the napkin on his shoulders the longest wins this competition. Instead of napkins, you can use small sheets of paper. The main thing is that the subject is light.

Strongman competition

Guys should hold girls in their arms for as long as possible. Victory is given to the strongest young man. For this competition, it is better to choose girls of slender build, so that everyone is relatively equal in weight. Of course, if there are couples at the party, then each guy must hold his girlfriend.

Accuracy game

You need to draw a target yourself on a piece of paper. Young people must hit the target with colored markers. The result can be seen by the dots. The most accurate player wins. Felt pens should be of different colors and bright so that the marks on the target are clearly visible.

Competition with questions

Words must be written on pieces of paper, and the players must come up with a humorous definition. Everything should concern the army. For example: the army is a place where a young guy can become a grandfather. There should be little time to think. The winner is the one who gives the most interesting and funny definitions for words.

Grenade game

For the conscript, this competition should be a help to the army. To play the game you need to prepare a small ball and any unbreakable objects. Also, you need to place chairs around the room. They will serve as a trench. Players must navigate a path of obstacles, crawl through simulated trenches, and shoot down set targets with a ball-shaped grenade. Whoever goes the whole way faster and knocks down more objects wins. This competition is suitable for large rooms where you can crawl around calmly and not drop furniture. To make the task slightly more difficult, you can place a glass or a book on the players’ backs. They must complete the task without dropping the load.

Dress up competition

In the army you need to be able to dress quickly. Therefore, the conscript must take off his outer clothing within a minute. Other guests can also take part in the competition. In particular, it will be interesting if those who have already completed the army will play.

Jokes competition

This requires the participation of all guests. Everyone takes turns telling a joke about the army. The one who knows the most wins. This competition is best held among the adult generation. Young people know few jokes, but their parents can struggle.

Word game

The famous game “towns”, only you need to name not cities, but any words related to the army. The winner receives a small prize. Mostly men should participate in this competition. However, girls can also play if they wish if they know a lot of words on military topics.

Army knowledge competition

On the Internet or in books, you need to write down as many terms as possible regarding military service. Young people (those who have not served) must define the words that the presenter will call. For each correct answer - one point. Whoever scores the most wins.

Competition "Dress a friend"

Guests should split into pairs. Both girls and boys can participate. On command, one of the pair must dress his partner. Things should be superficial - socks, trousers, a jacket. All this must be worn over your clothes. This competition can be classified as a method of learning to help your comrades.

Competition "Orphans"

Every soldier should be able to provide first aid. Therefore, for the competition you need to prepare bandages. On command, young people must bandage their partner’s arm or leg. This needs to be done not only quickly, but also efficiently. The actual judges will have to evaluate the work and choose the winner. The main thing is not to overdo it and not to tighten the veins of the “patient”.

Competition "Burst the Ball"

This competition should be held by those who have gas masks. You will need three of them. Also, you need to take balloons of three different colors, about twenty of them. Three guys put on gas masks and pop balloons in them. Then, they need to collect the tails from them. The one who collected the most is the winner. This competition is good for those who have already served in the army and know how to put on a gas mask. However, this competition is very funny and will amuse all the guests; it must be held at the send-off.

Competition - skit

For this competition it is necessary to prepare whatman paper with the image of a military man. You can make two of them. Holes appear instead of the face and hands. One person, preferably a guy, inserts his face into the image, and the second participant (a girl) sticks his hands in. A table is set in front of them with any delicacy - yogurt, porridge or something else. The girl must feed the guy with the product. At the same time, she does not see the face of her partner.

Competition with masks

The participant wears a mask depicting a warrior from certain troops. The color of the beret, markings and other distinctive features must be indicated. The participant does not see the picture and must guess what he is wearing. To do this, he must ask leading questions to the guests. He must guess within a certain time or a specified number of questions.

How to organize competitions to see off the army

Where to begin? You need to start your farewell with a toast. Let the guests sit, have a drink, and have a snack. But you should not delay this time so that the situation does not become tense. It is better to make the first competition for seeing off the army about jokes. Of course, on a military topic. The best storytellers get a present. The main thing is not to warn guests in advance about this competition so that they cannot prepare at home. After the jokes, you need to give the guests a break, listen to parting words and hold the event again. To see off the army, competitions should be held evenly, distributing them between toasts and dances. There is no need to bring guests to exhaustion with outdoor games. It is better to come up with a separate competition for each age category. This will make it both fun and relaxed. It is better to organize competitions for seeing off the army to third parties. The conscript’s mother, and he himself, shouldn’t do this. For them, this event is very difficult, so they will not be able to come up with and carry out fun competitions for their farewell to the army. Let the conscript's friends or relatives do this. And, of course, you definitely need a cameraman who will film everything on camera.


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Rescue operation

The host calls 2 teams of 3 people to a cool competition. One guy will play the role of a wounded soldier, and 2 girls will become nurses. At the command of the leader, the guys of both teams must stand on their left leg, and press their right leg and hold it with their hand. The female orderlies must quickly remove the wounded soldier “from under fire.” The guy must rest his hands on the nurses' body and move by jumping. To the accompaniment of applause, teams must walk the specified distance the required number of times. The fastest team will win and receive medals.

A comic skit for an officer being transferred to the reserve.

I don’t want to go to civilian life (depicts with facial expressions that I don’t want to). In civilian life, there are other things to do (shrugs his shoulders in bewilderment). It’s not the service there, but the work (shows how he hammers in nails), and they never give rations!

(complete despondency on the face) Eh, to demobilization, to demobilization, to demobilization (upset facial expression) Don’t let me send you, friends (pulls his hands towards the audience), I don’t want, I don’t want to go to work (waves his hands negatively), Keeping up with I want to walk with you (marches). Well, take it, take it back (begging gesture), I don’t even have half a hundred yet (shows “5” with one hand, “0” with the other and waves his head negatively).

Soldier's hair salon

The host gathers the entire male half of the guests and invites them to shave their heads. After laughter and possible refusal, the host announces the terms of the game. Men should lift their shirts and show their bellies. For each player they choose their own hairdresser-girl. Hairdressers are given shaving foam and a razor. At the command of the leader, all hair on the man’s belly must be shaved off at speed. If a guy laughs while shaving, he will be “commissioned.” The winner is the one who can endure the shave without smiling.

Military retirement age

But in this case, some other conditions must be met:

  1. the age limit for service in the current position or rank has been reached.
  2. age over 45 years;

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The last point can be replaced by a health condition that precludes further military service, but does not imply disability.

A person dismissed from a military unit due to reduction will also be able to claim such a pension. Thus, it can be understood that age has extremely little influence on the retirement of military personnel.

Let's consider the situation with citizen B., who sought the assistance of a lawyer in Moscow, related to the calculation of years of service. A man from the army entered a military school, after which he wandered around the garrisons. Some episodes of service were associated with tasks in high mountains.

Alarm suitcase

The presenter asks the conscript what should be included in the emergency suitcase. After the player answers, the named items are placed on the table. The person must be blindfolded. At this moment, the presenter adds unnecessary and funny objects to the table. This could be lipstick, a bottle of strong drink, headphones, a condom. In a limited time, the recruit must assemble his suitcase in 30 minutes, blindfolded. As a result, all guests are shown what items the recruit has collected.

Comic congratulations for retirement

This is a costumed congratulations for a pensioner who is about to retire. Depending on the specific culprit and the composition of the guests, changes can be made to make the congratulations targeted.

A comic congratulation for retirement “Ambulance with gifts” will be more effective and fun if you make the characters contrasting: a stern doctor and a cheerful nurse, or both roles played by men in disguise.

To carry out this comic congratulation you need: medical suits, an emergency kit - maybe for children, cognac with the inscription “Balm”, disposable glasses, one must have a measuring scale, sweets, a carton of milk and a beautiful bottle of alcohol, a chocolate bar as a gift

Scenario of congratulations “Ambulance brigade for retirement”

A “stern” doctor and a “hot” nurse come out

Presenter: The ambulance team consisting of Dr. Sinyak-Zabubenkina and nurse Svetko-Konfetkina.

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