April Fool's Day, April Fool's Day (April 1) - history of the holiday and traditions

The holiday called April Fools' Day or April Fools' Day is always celebrated on April 1st. Moreover, it is widespread not only in Russia and the post-Soviet space, but throughout the world. Traditions differ in different countries, so if you find yourself in another country on this day, it is better to find out how they usually joke or congratulate you.

On this holiday they usually play pranks on friends or make fun of them. Moreover, every year they come up with more and more new pranks. But there are also those that have been around for decades; they are a kind of tradition; many people fall for them year after year, which gives a lot of positive emotions and lifts the spirits of those around them.

You should remember a simple rule: all jokes must be kind and harmless so that the person does not have any unpleasant memories. Some people, in pursuit of practical jokes, forget about this moment, and as a result, instead of positive emotions, they receive negativity or insults from loved ones.

Some cool pictures can be found in this article. And you can play a prank on your friends, colleagues or relatives over the phone right now. Choose an interesting prank.

History of the holiday April 1 - April Fool's Day (April Fool's Day)

It is impossible to determine the exact place where the holiday appeared. There are several versions that have been in use for hundreds of years, but their authenticity cannot be verified. The easiest way is to familiarize yourself with the most popular and widespread ones in order to find your bearings on where and when April Fool’s Day was celebrated:

  1. In ancient India, the festival of jokes took place on March 31, on this day they played pranks on others and at the same time celebrated the arrival of spring.
  2. According to the second version, the homeland is Ancient Rome, where Fr. It took place not in April, but in mid-February. The ancient Roman writer and philosopher Apuleius claimed that this day was dedicated to the deity of Laughter.
  3. Some believe that the birthplace of the holiday is Ireland, where it took place on April 1 and was dedicated to Skadea, the daughter of Tiass (these are local deities). Also on this day they celebrated the New Year and played pranks on each other.
  4. There is information that at first the holiday was celebrated in India and Rome on the day of the spring equinox. They organized mass celebrations, joked and had fun to celebrate the onset of the warm season and appease the numerous gods.
  5. Another option for the origin of April Fools' Day is associated with the transition to the Gregorian calendar. In the Middle Ages, the New Year began on April 1, but after the reform of the chronology system, the date moved to January 1. Many people continued to celebrate in the old way, which is why they were called “April fools”; later, a tradition of playing pranks on acquaintances appeared, which has survived to this day.
  6. An interesting version is associated with the Neapolitan king of Monterrey, who was given a large fish on April 1 in honor of the end of a strong earthquake. A year later, he demanded exactly the same fish, but they could not find it, so they prepared a similar one and served it on the table. The monarch realized that this was the wrong fish, the attempt to deceive him amused, so from that time on a tradition arose of playing pranks on others.

The holiday was brought to Russia by Peter I, who liked it during his stay in Europe. The first time the people were played was in 1703. On April 1, heralds throughout all the streets of the capital announced an unheard-of performance that a visiting troupe would give in the central square. At the appointed time, when a crowd of thousands of people had gathered around the stage, the curtain parted and behind it everyone saw a huge canvas on which was written “April 1st - don’t trust anyone!” Peter himself was there, but he didn’t even get angry at this prank, but only said “The liberties of comedians.”

[edit] Links

  • A selection of suitable April Fool's jokes from online newspapers.
  • A little snotty story on the topic for girls
[ + ]
April 1st - celebrate another cycle of life!
InstitutionsArmy • Bathhouse • Exchange • Bookmaker's office • Children's railway • Kindergarten • Madhouse • Slot machines • Recruitment agencies • Prosecutor's office • Overdue • Market • Supermarket • Prison • University • School
Wage slaveryDeadline • State employees • Imitation of vigorous activity • Corporate culture • Credit • Carrot and stick method • Young, dynamically developing company • Professional deformation • Work (Working in our bank is a great honor • Working for food) • Team building
HolidaysNew Year (Santa Claus) • Valentine's Day • Maslenitsa • March 8 • St. Patrick's Day • April Fool's Day • Scarlet Sails • Ivan Kupala • May 9 • Shakhsey-Vakhsey • Airborne Forces Day • Knowledge Day
EventsAlcotour • Vpiska • Prom • Gay Pride • Vacation • Olympics (Vancouver 2010 • Moscow Olympics • Sochi 2014) • Funeral • Friday • Fishing • Wedding (Wedding Mafia • Wedding Video)
Other3D printing • Silumin
[ + ]
April 1st is funny!
Humor showComedy Club • 6 frames • Full house • Town • Gentleman show • Empire of passion • Pun • KVN • Mask show • Monty Python • Our Russia • Oba-na • OSP studio • Beware, modern! • SpotlightParisHilton • Self-directed • The Benny Hill Show • The Dovgonosiks Show
Individual comediansEl Risitas • George Carlin • Evgeny Petrosyan • Krasnaya Burda • Mr. Bean • Mikhail Zhvanetsky • Mikhail Zadornov • Pushnoy • Sacha Baron Cohen • Sergei Pakhomov • Shura Karetny
MemesBayan • Law Po • Shovel • Head of the transport department • Paztol • Because gladiolus • Nicknames of monuments • Scandals, intrigues, investigations • Joke about blondes

Traditions and rituals of the holiday

On April Fool's Day, it is customary to have fun, make fun of people around you, and give cool gifts to friends. On this day, people are afraid of being deceived and, in response to unexpected requests or comments, say the phrase: “April 1st! I do not believe anybody!". If someone manages to pull off a cruel joke, he says: “They fooled a fool with four fists!”

The media publishes fictitious news on this holiday. Entertainment establishments organize themed events. Cinemas broadcast comedies.

Every year, the capital of humor, Odessa, hosts the festival of humor and satire, Yumorina. The event was first organized by the KVN team (Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful) in 1972. Since that time, on the streets of Odessa on April 1, there have been carnival processions of clowns, mimes, animators, parades of KVN teams, concerts of street amateur performances, pop stars and musical groups, exhibitions of artists and amateur artists. Tourists and fans of large-scale celebrations come to the festival from different parts of Ukraine and the world. Various competitions and lotteries are organized for them.

Popular April Fool's pranks and jokes

There are different ways to prank a person on April 1st. Pranks have become especially popular among young people.

A common expression on April Fool's Day is “Your shoelace is untied.” A popular joke among schoolchildren is “Your back is white.” On April Fool's Day, office employees tape office supplies to their colleagues' desks, swap the keys on the keyboard, and wrap toilet paper around their workplace. Common pranks of family members include setting all the clocks in the house one hour back or forward, or gluing toothbrushes to the bottom of a cup.


  • The first of April is Mathematics Day. Seriously. Mathematicians get very upset when, in response to the standard “And today is my professional holiday!” hear “April Fool's Day? Is it a clown? It’s also International Bird Day, so it applies to ornithologists too. And April 1 is Hydraulics Day.
  • The first of April is the first day of the spring call to the indestructible. It’s also very serious, only there are fewer lulz for the participants.
  • One of the dead heroes for the true-old-school-goths, Rozz Williams from Christian Death, tested the strength of a rope with his neck on April 1st. The rope turned out to be stronger.
  • Bart Simpson was born on April 1st. Eat my shorts man!
  • Fred and George Weasley were born on April 1, 1978. No wonder they joke so well
  • On April 1, 1997, the premiere of the first series of Pokemon took place in Japan.
  • On the Moon, the first of April is the first of September.
  • And April 1 is the birthday of the writer of poems, troll of plays and pioneer of horror stories - Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol.

Giveaways for April 1st: 15 great ideas!

Dinner party.

On the afternoon of April 1, you can call your wife or mother and warn about the unexpected arrival of distant relatives or friends. The hostess will spend the whole day in the kitchen preparing the festive dinner. She will be surprised when she finds out that there will be no guests. But family members will have a pleasant time and taste delicious dishes.

Magic bill.

The draw can be held in any public place: office, school, university, tram, store. You need to attach one end of a long transparent thread to a large banknote and hide in a secluded place, holding the other end in your hand. When someone bends over the bill to pick it up, you should carefully pull the string. It will be funny to watch a person chasing money in a public place.

Breakfast in disguise.

You can play a prank on family members by preparing a breakfast in disguise. To do this, you should replace the products with similar ingredients that will convey the appearance and differ in taste. Scrambled eggs can be replaced with yogurt and a slice of canned peach or apricot. Instead of juice or tea, you can prepare jelly in a glass or cup in advance. A sleepy person will be very surprised to find such a breakfast.

Salty tea.

At home or at work, you should replace the contents of the sugar bowl with salt. Then you need to hide and watch the reaction of the person who will try the salty drink.

A joke on the sleeping person.

The raffle is suitable for a children's camp, army or dormitory. A sleeping comrade must be carefully carried out on a mattress into the corridor or toilet. He will be very surprised when he wakes up in an unusual place in the morning.

Soap prank.

An interesting idea for a prank with your family would be soap with a joke. The bar soap must be coated with a clear varnish and placed in a soap dish. In the morning, household members will be surprised to spend a lot of time washing their hands.

Fake bill.

For the drawing you must use a real banknote. The larger the denomination, the more spectacular the draw will be. A friend or workmate needs to be handed a bill with an insidious look. At the same time, you need to tell him that the secret of counterfeiting money has been invented, but you should not pay with it at the bank. Then, all day long, you can calmly watch your friend compare bills and look for differences.

Reduced shoes.

You can make fun of a family member by making their shoes smaller. You should carefully push napkins or cotton wool into your boots or shoes. When the owner of the shoes leaves the house, you can enjoy the picture of how he struggles to put on small shoes.

Telephone prank.

An original way to prank a friend is to call him on the phone and offer him a ridiculous purchase, notify him of winning a large sum of money or a car, or introduce himself as a famous politician or pop star.

A joke in the office.

To make fun of your colleagues, you need to hang a sign with a toilet icon on the office door. Employees will be puzzled when people rush into their office and leave in embarrassment.

Endless thread.

To carry out the drawing you will need a spool of thread. The tip of the thread must be placed on the clothing, and the spool must be hidden in the inner pocket. Anyone who reaches out to remove a thread from clothing will be surprised by its infinity.

Sewn sleeves.

Using the sewn-up sleeves trick, you can prank your household or employees at work. It is necessary to carefully sew the sleeves of outerwear in the middle with an imperceptible continuous thread without knots, so as not to spoil the item. The reaction of a person who tries to put on such clothes will be unpredictable.

A prank with a clapperboard.

You can play a great prank on your meticulous neighbor on the landing on April 1 using a firecracker. You need to tie a thread with a clapper on the other end to the handle of his door. The firecracker should be secured to the stair railing. Then you need to ring the neighbor’s doorbell and watch what is happening through the peephole of your apartment.

Student raffle.

The drawing can be held in a classroom or lecture hall. Students need to send out notes indicating that there is some object on the ceiling: a hidden camera, a huge spider, a stuck sandwich, or a stuck champagne cork. Listeners will look at the ceiling, which will infuriate the lecturer.


In the office, you can play a prank on your colleague by first gluing all the items on his desk to the tabletop with glue or tape. At the beginning of a working day, you can watch with pleasure how an employee will try to tear a cup or pen off the table.

Video: 10 pranks for April Fool's Day

[edit] Do it yourself (guide for beginners)

Full house!
Full house! This article is full of subtle irony and sparkling humor. This should be replaced with lulz.

[edit] Part 1. At work.

When computers were big
In Windows 95 there was a kosher joke. Few people know, but the Start button is a window. And it has all the options a window needs: in particular, move and close. Pressing Ctrl+Esc opens the Start menu, an additional Esc removes the menu, but the button remains highlighted. After that, the “context menu” button on the keyboard was clicked and the “Move” or “Close” option was selected. The button moved only left and right and only with arrows. Moved all the way to the right, the Start button completely destroyed the taskbar, while remaining fully functional. It was no longer possible to restore the closed Start button using conventional methods, and a reliable reboot helped. Users who were new to the Shaitan Machine and had a bad boss (“You wanted to steal the Start button, you bastard? I’ll call the security chief!”) were able to generate tons of lulz mixed with bricks. Alas, the joke was already fixed in Windows 98.
  1. An example of an easy joke that allows you to have fun with lamers. We take a screenshot of the desktop, throw it somewhere, maybe in the Windows folder, then put this wallpaper on the victim’s computer, then right-click on the desktop, organize the icons - uncheck the “Display desktop elements” box.
      As a result, the lameryuga sees that there are icons, but for some reason they cannot be pressed. For extra lulz, you can remove the START panel. Or suspend explorer.exe
  2. A similar trick can be done by putting an image of the Blue Screen on the wallpaper and removing the icons and the Start panel.
  3. You can also put a Blue Screen on the screensaver, specifying the appearance time of 3 minutes. The more advanced the user, the stronger the effect.
  4. Crazy cursor. For computers located opposite each other, swap the mice (if they are the same) or swap the mouse plugs on the system unit. The effect will be stronger if unsuspecting patients simultaneously sit down at their computers.
  5. An insider comes to the office disguised as a courier and says loudly: “Who is Vasya Pupkin here? Get your order - the latest artificial vagina." Instead of a vagina, you can substitute anything you like.
  6. Tell patient A that boss B called him, then quickly find boss B and tell him, among other things, that A wanted to talk to him seriously. The more patients are involved in this intricacy, the stronger the effect of the draw. If you do everything right, the decoys will not be able to trace where the duck came from. It’s especially funny to watch how a sucker, when asked by his boss “What did you want?”, being afraid to answer “Nothing,” begins to come up with a kosher answer on the fly.

[edit] Part 2. At school.

  1. We outline a chair for someone with chalk.
      Particularly applicable to white window frames, railings and anything on which the chalk will go into invisibility.
  2. A special case is to write “HOL” on the back of a chair, or something else.
  3. We take the wire and bend it into a horseshoe. It is better to leave ears at the ends of the horseshoe. After this, we tear off a large button from my mother’s old coat, take a rubber band and pull it through two holes in the button. We hook both ends of the elastic band to the ears of the horseshoe and begin to twist the button. We wrap it in some beautiful package or album sheet (the main thing is that the button does not unwind prematurely). We throw it on the table to one of our friends... PROFIT! And don’t forget to write on the package: “Sushonai Skarpion”!
  4. Pour a little concentrated sulfuric acid onto the chymose chair. He will stand up with his bare ass. During the reaction, heat is released, it will figure it out and wash itself off, there will be no burns. But real harm, as well as a blow to reputation, is guaranteed...
  5. We have an emergency! Before doing a prank, you need to be well prepared. Take a phone with a fairly powerful speaker and set it as a ringing signal to some kind of message about the need to evacuate, the start of a war, etc., turn off the vibration on it. Each classroom in the school has a radio broadcast system in the upper corner. We need to discreetly attach our phone to it.
  6. No! That's not mine! Go to an intimate store and buy a vibrator. When the victim is walking during recess, throw a vibrator in her briefcase so that it is slightly visible. The victim must be chosen like this: either some fagot guy, or some good girl who does not show any sexual activity. When the victim returns, ask him what he has sticking out of his briefcase. Brazenly take out the item and show it to everyone (preferably there are a lot of people around).
  7. Locker room. A lot of funny things can happen here...
      If the victim has rubber boots, pour water inside. The number of lulz increases a hundredfold if you add gelatin. Some people advise simply pouring cement into the boots instead, but this is difficult to implement.
  8. You can reduce the size of the hat by making a fold from the inside that is invisible from the outside and securing it with a stapler.
  9. Carefully insert papers to your liking inside the shoe, repeating the internal shapes of the shoe. The victim may suffer for two days without realizing that there is some kind of garbage inside.
  10. Tough and for the enemy: there is chewing gum inside the hat.
  11. If you have gloves, scarves, or any other things in your pocket, secure them with a stapler to the inside of your pocket.
  12. Sew an old shabby wig or other shaggy piece of hair, previously cut with scissors to smaller sizes, to the armpits of the victim’s hanging jacket.

[edit] Part 3. In the student dormitory.

  1. Diarrhea apple. Dissolve a few laxative tablets in a small amount of water. Take this solution with a syringe and inject it into an apple, pear or orange. Slip a yum to the victim and have fun! The number of lulz can be increased by replacing the laxative with an aphrodisiac.
  2. Take a jar of jam and smear the railings.
  3. We set up an ambush with a bucket of water and a kilogram of flour on the staircase. When the victim taxis out of the span, the first party throws out a bucket of water, the second throws a flour grenade. Lulz and pussies guaranteed!
  4. On April 1st at 00:01 we go out into the corridor and board up all the closed doors. This must be done quickly and carefully, because the owners of the room are not fools either. Standing behind the door and listening to what is happening in the corridor, at the sound of knocking hammers, the owners of the room can kick the door, and it, SUDDENLY opening, will fuck one of the jokers. Therefore, the kosher option is to use screws rather than nails. You can also find a board a little wider than the corridor and use it to make a stop between the door and the wall. Also, if you don’t want to spoil the doors with holes, we seal the opening around the perimeter with tape. A door sealed in this way is difficult to open.
  5. A lot of lulz are caused by stretch marks with condoms filled with water.
      Especially if they fall on the joker’s head during inept mining.
  6. The neighbor's slippers or underpants nailed to the ceiling in the hallway look picturesque.
  7. We fill a lot of three-liter jars with water, cover them with a leaf, turn them over (if everything is done correctly, the water will not spill out), fill the room with jars, and pull out the leaves. Now it’s impossible to remove the jars without spilling water.
      The only condition is that the floor must be perfectly level, otherwise the joke will change its meaning somewhat. The owner enters a room flooded with water and filled with empty, upside-down three-liter jars (surprise).
  8. We watch for a neighbor while he sleeps or simply get up before him. We tape his head and hands to the pillow (it is advisable that he does not wake up and his hands are UNDER the pillow) and pour oil on the floor. Upon completion of preparations, we loudly exclaim “RISE!”, watch and get lulz, and then pussy.
      You can take a video and show it to your friends and neighbor (so that you can look at yourself from the outside). It is important that he has a sense of humor that will not allow him to kick you.

[edit] Part 4. At a friend’s house.

  1. Toothpaste from the devil himself. Do you want your friend to have a green mouth? If your friend uses green toothpaste, then the likelihood of burning is reduced. We will need a syringe, brilliant green, some container that fits in our pocket. Go to your friend's bathroom, saying that you need to wash your face. Squeeze his toothpaste (if his family does not brush their teeth or uses tooth powder, then the prank was not a success) into our container and add greens to taste. Mix the entire mixture (directly with your finger) and draw everything into the syringe. Then squeeze the contents of the syringe back into the tube through its outlet. The severity of the joke can be reduced by simply squeezing mustard or ketchup into his paste bottle. It won't paint your mouth, but it won't turn your face blue either.
      You can also replace the shampoo with a tinted one with eye-catching color.
  2. You can rub the inside of replaceable items with glass wool, mainly in the crotch area. This joke will bring special salt if you work in a hospital and agree on this in advance with the venereologist, to whom he will visit, especially if you tell him this.
  3. If a person, when changing clothes, takes off everything at once, trousers and sweatpants, then you can insert women's panties between the jeans and sweatpants. (If married). The wife, when she puts it in the wash, will be very pleased and will provide him with very good sex.
  4. Microwave or fireworks? Just open his microwave and stick some foil or a computer disc (not a hard drive or a Blu-Ray!) onto the “ceiling” inside. When the victim decides to heat up dumplings or make popcorn, a terrible cracking sound will be made from the microwave, sparks will flow inside, and the room will smell of burning. It is a prank to carry out if the microwave is positioned in such a way that the “ceiling” of the internal chamber is not visible from the perspective of the apartment residents.
  5. The sofa is stinky. A good old, but very, very tough joke (for enemies, but not for friends). Fill a syringe with a raw egg, milk, or any smelly crap (you can use a cocktail if you want to be original). At his home, inject this nasty thing into your vein into the soft part of the sofa. When the food spoils, a terrible smell will spread throughout the room, which can only be eliminated by changing the sofa. If you're a particularly complete bastard, sperm will do instead of a raw egg. The one you cum on during fap.
  6. “Son (daughter), I have a serious conversation with you.” Works if your victim lives with their parents. Record some disc with gay pron. Don’t forget to sign accordingly, or better (if possible) apply a suitable drawing. You need to throw this disk in such a way that the victim’s parents find it first, and not her. You can leave the disk in his dad's or mom's computer, or hide it somewhere among their things.
      There is a light version in the form of a call when your beloved daughter is not at home and a request with a characteristic accent to convey to her the information that her close friend, Akhmed from Vishchivovo Market, called, yes! A pleasant conversation with parents is 100% guaranteed
  7. “What disgusting, what disgusting your jellied fish!” If you don't feel sorry for your friend's fish, and if he has them, then the joke will be successful. While your friend is distracted by something in another room, pour several packs of gelatin into the aquarium (how much is needed per liter is written on the packaging (not on the aquarium, but on the gelatin)). Hardness and lulz are reduced if food coloring is used instead of gelatin. Go for a walk with a friend. A terrible surprise will await him when he returns...
  8. Little pranks, but such nasty things. Here is a list of small jokes that do not require special preparation.
      Switch the TV to an empty channel and turn up the volume to the maximum. (Old school style, because on modern TVs the speakers do not broadcast noise if nothing is broadcast on the frequency)
  9. Alarm clocks! All for three in the morning!
  10. Put salt in sugar, and sugar in salt.
  11. Glue the toilet lid to the toilet.
  12. Turn off the hot or cold water valve.
  13. Throw soda into the kettle.
  14. Drop gelatin into any liquid in the refrigerator.
  15. All at once!

[edit] Part 5. Horror.

  1. Man, you have an ax in your back! For the joke, we will need red paint, an axe, an unnecessary old jacket and a thin board. We put the jacket on the board and hit it with an ax so that it does not split the board, but goes through and gets stuck, preferably firmly. We smear everything with red paint, preferably so that everything looks like blood. We wait until it dries and put on our outfit. Then it's a matter of fantasy. You can just lie down where people pass, but not often. Or you can increase the number of lulz by bursting into a crowded room, walking a little and falling (splashing red paint from your mouth).
  2. Set my hand, please! We put on something like a jacket, jacket, etc. and place a plastic cup under your clothes in your armpits. We ask someone to help straighten the arm by pressing sharply on the forearm. We enhance the effect with screams...
  3. Try getting up before your friend. Quietly go to his room so that he does not wake up. Place a wooden board on the sleeping person's stomach (if he sleeps on his back). Take a knife. Wake up the sleeping man. Say some epic gesture (Examples: “Greetings from Siply”, “I came to say goodbye to you”) and forcefully drop the knife with its tip onto the board (provided that the person who woke up does not know about the board on his stomach and thinks that the knife fell directly on the stomach). Tons of bricks and possibly pussy are guaranteed.

Famous pranks in history

  • On April 1, 2008, the BBC television company informed its viewers that penguins had learned to fly. She showed a video that captured this miracle. Minutes later, the BBC announced that it was an April Fool's joke.
  • An interesting prank was staged on April 1, 1986 by the Parisian newspaper Le Parisien. She announced that the country's government had decided to dismantle the Eiffel Tower and move it to French Disneyland, and in its place to build a stadium for the Olympic Games.
  • On April 1, 1957, the BBC played a prank on British viewers. She showed a report about a large “spaghetti harvest” in Switzerland. In the story, local farmers picked pasta from the trees and put it in baskets.

Folk signs and beliefs

  • It is considered bad manners to be offended by April Fools' jokes.
  • Playing pranks on friends after 12 noon is unlucky.
  • In a couple who gets married on April 1, the head of the family will be the wife.
  • Children born on April 1 will be successful in all matters except gambling.
  • If you don't reciprocate jokes on April Fool's Day, disaster may strike.

April Fool's Day is an international holiday of humor. April 1 is a good reason to make fun of your loved ones or colleagues. On this day you should not be offended by jokes, but should reciprocate. The main thing is that the pranks are good-natured and do not cause harm.

Laughter and health

Geotology is an entire science that studies the effect of laughter on human health and well-being. It promotes the production of the happiness hormone, which not only lifts your mood, but also relieves pain.

In addition, laughter helps you lose weight. 15 minutes of laughter replaces 30 minutes of exercise three times a week.

After a “laughing session,” the number of cells responsible for immunity increases in the blood.

In American hospitals they even treat people with laughter therapy. There are special laughter rooms where patients watch classic comedies and performances by comedians. This practice often restores the patients' desire to resist the disease.

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