Choosing inexpensive snacks for a buffet table at work: simple and quick

Buffets are popular nowadays due to their main advantages: the possibility of free communication, movement, their originality and colorfulness. In addition, a buffet table per person is minimal cost than, for example, a banquet table for one guest.

The buffet table is distinguished by its diversity and originality. Buffet dishes are served in small portions. To prepare them, a combination of various products is used. Therefore, they have excellent taste. Buffet dishes are prepared quickly, and the main advantage is their presentation.

For a buffet for 300 people, the menu must include light appetizers, cold cuts, canapés, and tartlets. They take minimal cooking time and are also appetizing and tasty.

Light snacks

  1. On a skewer

An important advantage of such dishes is ease of preparation. You can prepare them yourself without any problems, but you must take into account the taste compatibility of the products. For appetizers on skewers, the following products are used:

  • vegetables (cucumber, tomato, eggplant, pepper);
  • meat cut into cubes or slices (chicken, turkey, pork, veal are suitable);
  • olives and black olives;
  • grape;
  • cheese (hard varieties);
  • mushrooms;
  • fruits.

Approximate appetizers on skewers:

  • crab sticks, cucumber;
  • ham, Brussels sprouts;
  • sausage and cheese;
  • assorted salted vegetables;
  • ham, cheese, tomato;
  • zucchini, bacon;
  • olive, hard cheese;
  • mini kebabs;
  • cheese, shrimp;
  • salmon with apple;
  • cheese alternated with pineapple cubes, grapes or olives.

Skewers perfectly replace the main cutlery at a buffet table - a fork.

About trends

Based on the experience of his company, Sergey came to the conclusion that the classic buffet menu remains the most popular even against the backdrop of the popularity of vegetarianism and proper nutrition. But when offering clients a catalog of dishes, catering companies always take into account the interests of vegetarians. Exclusively vegetarian buffets are rarely ordered, as is correct, for special events.

“Gluten-free cuisine is in fashion now, and we have already worked out a menu for such requests,” says Sergei. — But catering is a service of mass demand. It is extremely difficult to find a team consisting only of vegetarians or gluten-free consumers. Typically, the menu of any buffet table is a mix of the preferences of each employee of the company. Moreover, a buffet is a format in which the number of different items is extremely rarely less than 10-15, and usually 20-30 different canapés and appetizers.”

Cold cuts

For it you need to cut it thinly and beautifully:

  • sausage of various varieties (smoked, semi-smoked, boiled);
  • ham;
  • bacon;
  • salo;
  • smoked or boiled meat.

The main thing when serving cuts is to arrange the cuts beautifully. Then decorate it with herbs, salad, and fresh vegetables.

Fruit hedgehog

This edible animal will decorate the holiday table and provide benefits to children - after all, it contains only fruit.


  • Pear
  • Cloves and olives for decoration
  • Green grapes


Peel the top of the pear. Pierce each grape with a toothpick. Then we stick toothpicks with berries into the unpeeled part of the pear.

We make eyes for the “hedgehog” from carnation flowers, and a nose from olives.

The funny fruity guest is ready to meet the kids!


An excellent dish for buffets are canapés - small sandwiches. The basis for them is a piece of fresh or toasted bread. There is another way to decorate it - canapés on skewers, which does not require a bread base.

When preparing such mini sandwiches, keep in mind that they should be of such a size that you can eat the whole thing at once. Canapés are prepared from a wide variety of unusual products:

  • herring, boiled potatoes on a base of rye bread, buttered;
  • salami and cheese;
  • ham, cheese and herbs;
  • prunes and boiled pork;
  • sausage and pepper;
  • boiled pork, greens and tomato;
  • salmon and olives;
  • cheese cream;
  • red fish;
  • smoked chicken and cucumber.

You can prepare canapés with caviar, any pate and butter. You can easily prepare them yourself, using your imagination to diversify the ingredients and decorate the canapés.

Read what types of canapés there are and what they come with.

"Fly agarics"

Fly agaric is a poisonous mushroom. But you can serve edible fly agarics on the children's table. A bright and light snack will definitely attract the attention of guests.


  • Cherry tomatoes
  • Quail eggs
  • Sour cream or mayonnaise
  • Greenery


Boil and peel the quail eggs. They will be the “foot of the fly-bugs.” We make hats from tomatoes. It is necessary to cut them in half and scoop out the pulp with a spoon or knife. We connect the parts of the “fly agarics” and add white dots with mayonnaise or sour cream.

Decorate the “mushrooms” with greens. You can serve on a platter (to do this, cut off a convex piece of the egg from the bottom for stability) or on a wooden skewer.

Assorted cheeses

Of course, it’s good to prepare a buffet for a large number of guests; turn to specialists for help in order to hold such an event at the highest level.

Buffet for 20 people

To create such a buffet table, you can completely rely on your own strength. The above dishes are suitable for it. But, in addition, you can prepare others that require a little more time for preparation and decoration.

Basic rules for organizing a buffet in the office

If you want to organize a corporate buffet in your office, you will have to think not only about the food, but also about the space for the party, furniture, and the comfort of the guests. Here are a few key points to consider when preparing.

Format and room requirements

You can hold a buffet reception in the office in two formats: with the preparation of hot dishes or only with cold appetizers. If hot dishes and side dishes are prepared on site, additional space will have to be allocated for this.

“When organizing a buffet table in the office and inviting a catering service, you must provide a separate area for the so-called “back” - a place where kitchen workers and waiters can sit, says Sergey. “The size of such a room is discussed with banquet managers: they will help you choose the right space depending on the scale of the holiday.” In order not to damage the coating and furniture, the back rooms are covered with film.

Another important nuance is electricity. To prepare for large events, several pieces of hot food preparation equipment may be used. “The required voltage should not overload the office power grid and knock out traffic jams, so a detailed technical specification is prescribed for each project,” explains Sergey. — Sometimes electricians have to install a separate power line to connect kitchen equipment. But such stories are typical only for large companies and offices where the number of guests exceeds 150 people.”

If you don’t have space for chefs to work or you don’t want to deal with additional complications, you can always choose a simpler and more economical option for a light buffet at work - ordering ready-made snacks from the catering catalog.

“When organizing a festive table, do not forget about the smells. As meals are prepared on site or simply reheated, mouth-watering aromas will spread throughout the office. If you share a space with other companies, odors can reach your neighbors. Not everyone likes the aroma of food in the workplace,” the general director of Muscat Catering shares his experience.

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Necessary furniture

According to the expert, the set of furniture for a buffet table in an office is standard:

  • buffet tables where treats will be placed;
  • cocktail tables for guests to sit at.

The number of buffet tables should be calculated based on the amount of food and drinks and arranged so that guests do not create queues. It’s more difficult with cocktail tables: their number is most often limited by free space. One such table is designed for 4-5 guests, but in fact they have to accommodate up to 7-10 people.

“Catering companies prefer to work with their own furniture. It is easy to install, textiles are specially made for it,” explains Sergei Polyakov. “But there are situations when we are forced to use the client’s desks because there may not be physically enough space in the office for additional furniture.”

Buffet menu for a holiday in the office

For a corporate buffet, Sergey recommends choosing portioned salads and hot dishes, canapes, tartlets and any mini-snacks that are convenient to eat in one, maximum two bites.

The choice of dishes also depends on the budget. But most often the standard set consists of:

  • 5-8 types of beautiful and bright canapés;
  • 4-6 types of more filling snacks (for example, mini sandwiches and mini croissants);
  • 3-4 types of salads;
  • 4-5 types of hot and side dishes;
  • 2-3 types of desserts.

But other options are possible: some companies limit themselves to pies and sandwiches, others offer guests a full range of canapés, ordering 15-20 pieces per person.

“In our opinion, the choice of treats should be balanced,” says Sergei. “Small canapés are just table decoration, and it’s better to feed guests with more substantial dishes.”

First, treats are placed on the buffet table, which do not lose their appearance and taste when exposed to room temperature. Appetizers with butter, caviar, and mayonnaise are best placed on the table last.


This point is most individual for each team. Some people want to organize an inexpensive buffet and buy drinks themselves, while others order them along with other dishes from a caterer.


These are small, baked baskets that you can put a salad or other snack inside. You can cook them yourself, but it will take more time. Or you can buy ready-made ones in the store. You can show your originality by using an unusual salad to fill them. The most common fillings are:

  • grated cheese with garlic or lemon juice;
  • "Crab salad;
  • "Olivier" or "Caesar";
  • salad of cheese, chicken breast and tomato;
  • tartlets with “Tenderness” salad.

The main requirement for such a dish is that the salad should not be very liquid so that the dough does not get soggy.

Tartlets can also be filled with red caviar.

Buffet at business events

A buffet for the office is ordered not only for holidays, but also for corporate events: presentations, important meetings and negotiations, company anniversaries. Therefore, branding is often an additional service. “There are many options for such a service,” says Sergei Polyakov. — Flags, draping furniture in corporate colors, printing logos on rice paper, burning the company name onto baked goods and burgers. Even a corporate uniform for invited personnel is possible.”

For companies that want to organize a buffet for negotiations, Sergey recommends ordering all the most beautiful treats, with the most clear taste characteristics. Blue cheeses, onions, garlic - these are ingredients “for everyone.” For strangers, you need to select the most neutral positions, carefully reading the ingredients of the dishes before ordering.

“If you are planning a meal for guests at a corporate event, then the quality of food, its presentation and level of service are an integral part of the presentation of your company in front of partners and potential clients,” says the CEO of Muscat Catering.

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Mini pies

The range of products for filling is varied:

  • meat;
  • cabbage;
  • potato;
  • pate;
  • mushrooms;
  • berries;
  • fruits.

They can be snack or sweet.

The festive buffet is complemented by an abundance of desserts. In addition to fruit baskets and slices, mini cakes, chocolate-covered fruits, and dessert tartlets can be served on the table.

According to the advice of

What is a buffet table?

A buffet implies a relaxed atmosphere and the presence of a variety of light snacks on the table. Salads, sandwiches, slices - everything goes into use.

IMPORTANT! During the buffet, very rich dishes are not welcome.

People perceive food as an addition to communication and pleasant leisure time. However, even light food can be very tasty.

It is important to remember about drinks:

  • mineral water;
  • fruit drinks;
  • juices;
  • various types of wines;
  • champagne.

They must be chilled. Red wine should be opened a few minutes before guests arrive. You can include tea or coffee in the menu.

Article on the topic: festive menu for a birthday.

Cheese whisks

If you have to prepare a holiday table for a young Harry Potter fan, then this original recipe is a must-have!


  • Soft cheese
  • Salty breadsticks
  • Natural yogurt
  • Green onions
  • Fresh cucumber


You need to cut very thin square slices of cheese. Or buy the product cut in this way right away. Fold the square in half, make cuts in strips about 2/3 long. Wrap the resulting piece around a bread stick and tie the “whisk” with green onions.

Add grated cucumber to yogurt and add salt to taste.

Serve the panicles with sauce.

Turkey ham

Cream, apple juice and spices - and here is an amazing recipe for cold cuts for children.

You will need:
1 kg turkey fillet, 30 ml butter, 150 ml apple juice, 75 ml 35% cream, 70 g paprika, 2 tbsp.
cilantro, black pepper, 5 star anise, coriander, sugar and salt. Preparation:

Make a marinade from apple juice and spices, bring to a boil and reduce by half, and then add cream. Poke holes in the fillet with a fork, roll in the marinade and leave in the refrigerator overnight. Wipe the breast with napkins, grease with oil and roll in paprika and salt, put in the refrigerator for another hour. Bake the turkey in foil for 20 minutes at 250 degrees.

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Corn waffles

Take molds or cut the finished waffles into pieces and use them as a base for canapés and sandwiches.

You will need:
1 cup corn flour, 1 cup rice flour, 3 tbsp.
sugar, 3 tbsp. oil, 1 orange, a pinch of soda and salt, 2 glasses of water. Preparation:

Mix both types of flour, add sugar, salt, soda, butter and water until consistency is achieved. Add orange chopped in a blender, mix everything until smooth and bake in a waffle iron.

"Penguins" made from olives

Bright and cute little piggies are very easy to make. These birds will decorate the holiday table.


  • Pitted olives, large and small
  • Carrot
  • Cream or cottage cheese


Cut the carrots into circles, but not too thin. Cut out a triangular slice (in the shape of a piece of pie). The larger part will be the “penguin’s legs”, and the smaller part will be the “beak”, we stick it into a small olive tree - the “bird’s head”. Fill a large olive with cheese so that the “penguin’s” white breast is visible.

Take a medium-long skewer and use it to connect all the parts.

Penguins are ready to serve!

Cabbage rolls

Another quick and healthy recipe for crispy snacks.

You will need:
1 head of cabbage, 3 carrots, 3 tbsp.
soy sauce and vegetable oil, 1 tsp each. salt and sugar, spices, 1 liter of water, 3 tbsp. wine vinegar, 1 bay leaf, 7 peppercorns, 2 tbsp. salt and sugar for brine. Preparation:

Boil the cabbage leaves in salted water for a couple of minutes. Grate the carrots on a Korean grater, add salt and sugar, mix. Heat the oil, add spices to it, stir and pour over the carrots. Add soy sauce there and leave for 20 minutes.

Divide the cabbage leaves into triangles, wrap some carrots in each and place in a bowl. Boil water with bay leaf, pepper, salt and sugar for brine, add vinegar and pour this over the rolls. Cool, put in the refrigerator overnight, and in the morning, drain the brine and serve.

Mushroom stumps

An interesting alternative to regular sandwiches for a children's birthday!

You will need:
250 g of mushrooms, baguette, 1 onion, 1 bell pepper, 100 g of cheese.

Chop and fry onions, peppers and mushrooms with spices. Cut the baguette into thick slices of 2.5 cm, partially remove the pulp and crush. Place the vegetable filling inside, sprinkle with grated cheese and place in the oven at 200 degrees for 10 minutes.

Lacy pancakes

Even if you don’t always make beautiful pancakes, you can definitely handle these!

You will need:
180 g flour, 150 ml milk, 1 egg, 2 tbsp.
butter, 100 g crab sticks, 4 boiled eggs, 1.5 tbsp. sour cream, lettuce leaves. Preparation:

Beat the egg with milk, slowly add the flour and finally add the butter. Fry the pancakes, pouring the batter randomly in lacy patterns. Chop crab sticks and boiled eggs, mix with sour cream. Place a leaf of lettuce on each pancake, then the filling, and roll into a roll.

Fruit waffle skewers with sauce

All children, without exception, will like the dish. The kebabs are easy to eat, sweet and fruity.


  • Small Viennese waffles
  • Banana
  • Strawberry
  • Blackberry
  • Or any other berries and fruits
  • Greek yogurt (or regular natural) - ½ cup
  • Maple syrup - 1 table. spoon
  • Cinnamon ¼ - teaspoon


We string waffles, berries and fruits in any order onto multi-colored tubes or wooden skewers. Mix yogurt with syrup and cinnamon.

Kids can dip the kebabs in the sauce - it's delicious!

Mushroom soufflé

Perfectly diversifies a dish with cheese and cold cuts!

You will need:
500 g of mushrooms, 2 onions, 1 carrot, 6 eggs, 3 tbsp.
corn flakes, spices. Preparation:

Chop onions, carrots and mushrooms, fry, season and blend with a blender. Add corn flakes and eggs to this mixture, mix with a whisk and place in a baking dish. Bake for half an hour at 180 degrees.

Stuffed "mice"

Rodents have a place on the table. As long as they are prepared according to our recipe.


  • Chicken eggs
  • Cheese
  • Garlic
  • Salad leaves
  • Mayonnaise or sour cream
  • Carnation
  • Radish (or cucumber or carrot)


Cut boiled eggs in half. Set aside the yolk. Mix grated cheese with garlic, sour cream (mayonnaise) and yolks. Fill the egg halves with the mixture. Place them on a lettuce leaf, filling side down.

Decorating the “mice”. We make eyes and a nose from cloves. We make two cuts on the egg, with the help of which we secure round thin “ears”. We make them from radishes (cucumbers, carrots). The “antennae” and “tail” are made from greenery.

The little mice are ready for the holiday!


To make this children's snack look neater, choose smaller buns.

You will need:
500 g shrimp, 5 buns, 1 egg, 5 quail eggs, 1.5 tbsp.
red caviar, 3 tbsp. mayonnaise. Preparation:

Cut the caps off the buns, remove the crumb, chop and fry until golden brown. Boil the shrimp and chop them with a boiled chicken egg. Mix with crackers, caviar and mayonnaise. Fill the buns with this mixture, place a boiled pearl quail egg on top and garnish with red caviar. Top with the tops of the buns.

Vegetable bruschetta

Another interesting recipe for a healthy vegetable snack for a children's birthday!

You will need:
2 zucchini, 1 tomato, half an onion, 1.5 bell peppers, spices, olive oil, 1 tbsp.
balsamic, 40 g feta, greens. Preparation:

Slice the zucchini diagonally and marinate in 1 tbsp. oil with spices for 15 minutes, and then lightly fry on both sides. Chop tomatoes, peppers and onions, add balsamic, add spices and stir. Grease each zucchini circle with cheese, sprinkle with chopped herbs and lay out the vegetables.

Hot dishes for birthdays: 20 recipes that are quick, tasty and inexpensive

Other sandwiches

Preparing children's canapés is limited only by your imagination and the products you have on hand. All you have to do is put in a little effort and any banal sandwich will become a real work of art!

summer butterfly

The wings will be two eggs, each cut in half.
Garnish them with slices of cucumber and radish. Make the body from a strip of red bell pepper, and the antennae from the feathers of green onions. This butterfly looks great on a lettuce leaf placed on toast.


Spread a piece of bread with homemade mayonnaise or cream cheese.
Make a feather bed from a piece of lightly salted salmon. Draw a ladybug on top using half a cherry tomato and a quarter of a black olive. Draw the eyes with mayonnaise, and make black dots on the back from tiny pieces of olive. Decorate an impromptu clearing plate with a delicacy with a parsley leaf.

Sunny Hawaii

Simple, effective and juicy!
Place a circle of ham and a ring of canned pineapple on the bread circles. Place an olive or cherry tomato inside.

Decorate with any greenery.

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