World Thank You Day: congratulations, history and traditions of the holiday

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January 11 marks International Thank You Day, a holiday established on the initiative of peacekeeping communities. Every day people say the word “thank you” millions of times, but do they think about how this word appeared in our speech, what it means and how powerful energy it has? Remember that words of gratitude have magical properties - people use them to give joy to each other, express attention and convey positive emotions, so do not skimp on kind and warm words, thank everyone you love and appreciate on this day. UNIAN invites you to remember the history and tradition of International Thank You Day, as well as interesting poems with which you can congratulate your loved ones.

Holiday traditions

The modern world lives such a fast-paced life that we sometimes do not notice simple things and experience truly sincere, bright feelings less and less often. Therefore, it is not surprising that such a holiday as International Thank You Day appeared. In all countries it is celebrated on the same day, but may have different names. For example, in the United States of America this holiday is usually called National Thank You Day. It has become so popular among ordinary Americans that in some states the celebrations extend for a whole month, which is called National Thank You Month.

Relatively recently, this date began to be celebrated in the post-Soviet space. Russians celebrate International Thank You Day on January 11. Wherever you are, know that the holiday tradition has a single idea - to charge those around you with positive emotions and feelings. As a rule, most people exchange colorful cards with the inscription “Thank you!” on the front side.

What to gift

On the eve of International Thank You Day, we recommend making original cards and giving them to everyone you know, without thinking about whether the person deserves our gratitude. Remember that there are no random people in our lives. Some are able to help financially, some morally, and there are those who will bring valuable experience, even if negative. For everything you need to sincerely thank, and International Thank You Day is a great occasion.

We all say thank you not only to our relatives and friends, but also to our work colleagues and business partners. You can show your gratitude, for example, by rewarding the team with an extraordinary bonus, or by making discounts for regular customers. With this gesture, you will not only rise in the eyes of others, giving them pleasant emotions, but also make a smart business move that will definitely have a positive impact on your business.

Russian thank you

On the territory of the Russian Federation, International Thank You Day began to be celebrated several years ago. The word “thank you” itself has appeared relatively recently, which, according to some scientists, came to us from Paris at the end of the 16th century. It was then that a shortened form of the phrase “Save Bai!” arose. Bai is one of the dominant pagan gods, whose name they tried not to use in speech. People expressing their respect said: “thank you, thank you.”

Russian thank you appeared much later than French and comes from the phrase “God bless!” A word that expresses something more than just gratitude is used exclusively in a positive way, experiencing bright feelings for the recipient.


The holiday appeared in different countries of the world thanks to the international companies UN and UNESCO. It was created in order to rid the world of rudeness, anger and impoliteness. However, gratitude should not be conditional, that is, it should not be that you automatically said: “Thank you” and immediately forgot about it. If you are already thanking a person, then look into his eyes at this moment. Eye contact is very important in human communication, and even more so in showing gratitude.

The word “thank you” itself has a very long history. It arose 400 years ago. For the first time such a word of gratitude appeared in French speech in 1586 and consisted of three syllables. In Russia this word appeared after a short period of time. Avvakum, who was a priest of the Russian Church, replaced the well-known “thank you” with the phrase “God save.” But it did not begin to be used in simple speech immediately, but only after a long period of time.

However, “thank you” is not the first word used to express gratitude. The modern Ukrainian word “dyakuyu” was precisely the first, although at that time it was originally Russian. From the word “dyakuyu” gratitude came to other languages. So, in Polish the word “dzyakuy” is used. Although it is not entirely correct to talk about the similarity of this word in the Polish and Ukrainian languages, since many of their words are similar to each other. But “dyakuyu” was used in the chronicles “Book of Veles”, which were written in the ninth century.

Gratitude in the modern world

Despite the fact that almost every mother tries to teach her child to say thank you, many young people try to exclude it from their vocabulary, since you can often hear the phrase among young people: “You can’t put thank you in your pocket.” Sounds offensive, doesn't it?!

In order for your child to feel free to express gratitude to other people, it is necessary not only to teach him good manners, but also to regularly take him to events dedicated to International Thank You Day. For children, as a rule, the organizers organize various competitions, the purpose of which is to instill good manners in the younger generation. If your child is already old enough, then ask him to make colored cards with the word thank you on his own, and then distribute them to those whom he would like to thank.

You can also have a geography quiz on January 11th. International Thank You Day is a great opportunity to make colorful flags with the word “thank you” in different languages. And then, together with the child, according to the linguistic principle, assign them to suitable countries, for example, thank you - USA or Great Britain, merci - France.

We were all taught as children to say thank you. And we spoke in response to a treat or a good wish.

Politeness has been valued at all times, and every person is well aware of the importance of good manners and their necessity in everyday life, although we express most of our thanks without thinking about their meaning, as if by chance.

Words of gratitude have magical power, since people use them to convey positive emotions, joy, and attention to each other. Therefore, psychologists recommend saying expressions of gratitude from the bottom of your heart with a smile on your lips as often as possible.

Magic properties of the word

Some psychologists are convinced that the word “thank you” contains powerful magical properties. It can warm the soul and calm a person. The word can also be compared to stroking, only in oral form. That is why it is extremely necessary to use it to address those people whom we want to thank for something.

Most experts agree that a person who has the habit of saying thank you has a positive influence on the people around him. This is explained by the fact that the phrase itself, as a rule, is pronounced from the heart and with good intentions.

Virginia Satir is a fairly respected American psychologist. She wrote in her scientific works that a person urgently needs at least four hugs a day for a normal life. In order to lift a person out of depression, it is enough to hug him eight times a day, and for maximum stimulation - twelve.

The word “thank you” is a kind of hug that can warm a loved one even at a great distance. Say this word more often on the phone, because it is with it that you convey a piece of spiritual warmth. Remember that everything in the world works according to the boomerang principle. Having done something nice for someone, goodness will definitely return to your life.

World Gratitude Day


September 22 is World Gratitude Day. You have probably noticed that some people are calm, confident and happy, although their life is poor and difficult; some are outwardly rich and prosperous, but sad and unhappy. Why? Because what makes us happy or unhappy is what is inside us - some habits of the soul that make us happy or unhappy. Spiritual life involves paying attention to these habits, realizing that some of them should be eradicated, and some, on the contrary, should be developed. It's like with our physical health - we should give up smoking and fast food and get used to exercise and healthy food. The more we succeed in this, the better we will feel.

And one of the most important habits of the soul is thanksgiving. Murmuring, grumbling and discontent are sins from which our life will inevitably fall into ever greater decline. Resentment and angry complaints towards the world around us are completely, completely fruitless. No one is going to pay the bills you present. Worse, even if our claims were somehow satisfied, we would immediately begin to grumble and grumble about not getting more. A person dissatisfied with the lack of a bicycle, having received it, will, with the same offended look, demand a motorcycle, then a car, then a luxury car, then an even more luxurious car, then a plane, then a yacht - remaining hopelessly unhappy all this time.

An ungrateful person is unable to rejoice at any gift. He will always - with bitterness and resentment - consider himself deprived. It will always seem to him that he was not given what he was entitled to, that he was discriminated against, that he was bypassed. He can be surrounded by the warmest, most sincere love and care, showered with the most generous gifts - and be embittered and unhappy.

Until he converts and learns to be grateful for what he has. Gratitude opens your eyes to the mercy of God and the kindness of people. We notice the love and care with which we are surrounded - and we thank people and God. We understand that every day is a gift from God. Sunlight, the taste of simple food, clouds in a blue sky or stars in a black sky are all gifts that we are generously showered with. We acknowledge them - and thank their Giver.

We believe that God has prepared eternal joy for us - and we give thanks. We see how God's providence operates in our lives through people, believers and non-believers - and we thank them. In the depths of our hearts, we understand that the habit of gratitude will make us calmer and happier - but something inside us resists it. What exactly? This is called pride - the unwillingness to recognize ourselves as recipients of mercy, as weak, dependent creatures and in need of others.

But pride gives nothing but temporary and eternal misfortune. We are truly recipients of mercy. We acknowledge this. We are grateful.

Interesting Facts

You don’t have to wait until International Thank You Day (January 11) to thank someone. Say this word as often as possible. In this case, it is necessary to look the recipient in the eye, since gratitude should not be conditional.

The most polite metropolis is New York. It is in this city that people most often thank each other. The capital of the Russian Federation took only thirtieth place in this ranking, which included 42 of the largest cities on the planet.

Every year the whole world celebrates International Thank You Day. The photo shows the sincerity and joy of the event participants. This holiday falls on January 11th.

How about

There are many ways to celebrate this day. On a city scale, this holiday is celebrated with fairs or colorful celebrations in squares, which once again recall the importance of everyday expressions of gratitude.

This day is also actively used for educational purposes: children are taught about the meaning of gratitude in schools and kindergartens, and thematic lessons and games are held. In this way, children, in a playful way, learn the most important thing in human relationships - the ability to thank and politely treat the work of others.

Charitable organizations also do not ignore this day. It is important to remember the older generation on this holiday, because our grandparents did a lot for us.

On International Gratitude Day, it is worth remembering them and thanking them from the bottom of our hearts for their efforts. Therefore, volunteers often bring postcards or congratulations to nursing homes on this day, organize concerts or holidays for older people to lift their spirits and show their gratitude.

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