Air Force Day (Air Force Day) of Russia 2021: history, interesting facts and traditions of the holiday

Air Force Day (VVS Day) of Russia

August 12 marks the Day of the Air Force of the Russian Federation (VVS Day), a professional holiday celebrated by combat pilots of the Russian Air Force. After the creation of the Russian Aerospace Forces (RF Aerospace Forces) in 2015, which included the country’s Air Force, the holiday began to be celebrated as the Day of the Russian Aerospace Forces. The Russian air force has existed for more than a century and during this time has managed to go through a glorious military path. Today, the Russian Aerospace Forces are considered one of the strongest in the world.

The sky has always attracted people. In the last century, aviation has evolved from a homemade glider that stayed in the air for a few seconds, to supersonic fighters and hypersonic spacecraft. The military became one of the main users of all technological innovations in aviation. Air Force pilots have always been a kind of army elite: tough selection, remarkable endurance and a sharp mind. Even their uniforms always featured the signature leather jacket with a wool frill. In addition to them, there are development engineers, mechanics, navigators and flight control center employees.

106 years ago, on August 12, 1912, by decree of Emperor Nicholas II, the staff of the aeronautical unit of the Main Directorate of the General Staff was formed in the country. This is the starting point in the history of the Russian air force.

Military pilots did not always celebrate their holiday on this day; over the course of a long time, the date of the celebration changed many times. So, in 1924, by decision of Frunze, the celebration of Air Force Day was moved to July 14. And in 1933, Stalin moved the date of celebration to August 18. At the same time, Air Force Day in the Soviet Union received the status of a public holiday. This was influenced by the successes in the development of the aviation industry of the young Soviet state.

Subsequently, the date of the celebration changed several more times. The date of August 12 was finally returned to in 2006, when, taking into account the historical past, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree “On the establishment of professional holidays and memorable days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.”

Our country's military aviation has a glorious and long history. It was the Russian military pilot Pyotr Nikolaevich Nesterov who laid the foundations of aerobatics, for the first time in history performing the complex “dead loop” element; in Russia, this complex aerobatics figure is sometimes called the Nesterov loop. The pilot demonstrated his skills on August 27 (September 9), 1913 in Kyiv over the Syretsky field. Nesterov's great merit was that he was the first to use the lifting force of an aircraft wing to perform maneuvers not only in the horizontal, but also in the vertical plane.

Pyotr Nikolaevich Nesterov

Russian military aviation performed well during the First World War. Despite the fact that Russian industry then lagged behind the military industries of other states, and Russian military pilots fought mainly on foreign-made aircraft, it was in Russia in 1915 that domestic designers created the world's first serial multi-engine bomber, the Ilya Muromets, and also a specialized fighter aircraft to escort it. For its time, the four-engine bomber Ilya Muromets was a unique aircraft, which set a number of records for payload, time and maximum flight altitude.

In Soviet times, the development of military aviation was given even more attention and effort. Everyone understood perfectly well that in future battles aviation would show itself to the fullest. In the pre-war period, a large number of excellent combat aircraft were created and put into mass production in the Soviet Union, among which were the famous Il-2 attack aircraft, the Yak-1 light maneuverable fighter, and the Pe-2 dive bomber.

WWII aircraft 1941-1945 IL-2

Throughout the Great Patriotic War, Soviet military pilots showed heroism en masse and made a huge contribution to the overall victory. In total, during the war years, the country trained 44,093 pilots, of which 27,600 died in battle: 11,874 fighter pilots, 7,837 attack pilots, 6,613 bomber crew members, 689 auxiliary aviation pilots and 587 reconnaissance pilots. During the war years, more than 600 Soviet pilots carried out aerial ramming missions; their exact number is still unknown. Moreover, more than 2/3 of all air rams occurred in the first years of the war - 1941-1942. Our air aces, Ivan Kozhedub (62 victories) and Alexander Pokryshkin (59 victories), also became the most successful fighter pilots of the Great Patriotic War and World War II on the Allied side. For their exploits in the sky they were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union three times.

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MiG-15 Soviet jet fighter developed by the Mikoyan and Gurevich Design Bureau in the late 1940s. The most popular jet combat aircraft in the history of aviation, which was in service with many countries around the world.

In the post-war years, the main direction of development of the country's air force was the transition from piston aircraft to jet aircraft. Work on the first jet aircraft began in the USSR back in 1943-1944, and such an aircraft made its first flight in March 1945. During flight tests, flight speeds exceeding 800 km/h were achieved. On April 24, 1946, the first Soviet production jet aircraft took to the skies - the Yak-15 and MiG-9 fighters. The massive use of jet aviation began in 1947-1949, when serial jet fighters MiG-15 and La-15 with swept wings appeared, as well as the first Soviet front-line bomber with turbojet engines, the Il-28.

In the early 1980s, fourth-generation aircraft began to enter service with the Air Force, which were characterized by a significant improvement in maneuverability and flight performance. The regiments began to receive modern Su-27, MiG-29 and MiG-31 fighters, Su-25 attack aircraft, and the world's largest strategic supersonic bomber Tu-160. At the same time, fourth generation aircraft - MiG-29, Su-27, MiG-31, created taking into account the advanced achievements of science and technology of the USSR, are still in service with the Russian Air Force. The existing groundwork made it possible to modernize these aircraft, as well as to create on their basis new 4+ generation models, which form the basis of the Russian Air Force fleet at the moment.

Nowadays, the Russian Air Force is a branch of the military that is part of the Aerospace Forces of the Russian Federation. The Russian Air Force is designed to repel aggression in the air sphere and protect command posts of the highest echelons of military and government administration, administrative and political centers of the country, industrial and economic regions, the most important economic and infrastructure facilities of Russia and groupings of troops (forces) from air strikes; defeating enemy targets and troops using both conventional and nuclear weapons; aviation support for combat operations of troops (forces) of other types and branches of troops.

Su-27 Soviet and Russian multi-role all-weather supersonic heavy fighter of the fourth generation, developed by the Sukhoi Design Bureau and designed to gain air superiority. The aircraft is also used for missile and bomb strikes against ground targets. It is a carrier of tactical nuclear weapons.

Military aviation continues to perform a very wide range of tasks: guarding and patrolling the country’s air borders; transportation of troops, weapons and military equipment; landing of units. In addition, Russian Air Force crews are regularly involved in special tasks, for example, providing air patrols, evacuating victims of emergencies and natural disasters, extinguishing large forest fires and solving many other tasks. As part of combat training, Air Force flight personnel practice various issues and tasks to repel the air aggression of a potential enemy and provide air cover for ground groupings of troops. These days, not a single major Russian military exercise can take place without the participation of the Air Force.

Since 2015, Russian military pilots, at the request of the official authorities of the Syrian Arab Republic, have been carrying out combat missions in Syria as part of a military operation against the terrorist group “Islamic State” (“Islamic State” (IS) is a terrorist group banned in Russia).

New modern threats and challenges that the Russian Air Force faces today require its modernization and renewal. In recent years, this process has been particularly active. According to information from open sources, the Russian Air Force's aviation fleet currently consists of more than 800 fighters (Su-27, Su-30, Su-35, MiG-29 and MiG-31), approximately 150 attack aircraft (Su-24 and Su- 34), about 200 attack aircraft (Su-25), as well as 150 training aircraft (including the Yak-130), about 70 strategic bombers (Tu-95 and Tu-160), more than 40 long-range missile-carrying bombers Tu- 22M3.

Fighter-bomber A front-line fighter capable of striking enemy ground and surface targets. It combines the qualities of a fighter and a front-line bomber, and is usually capable of using powerful air-to-ground weapons.

Modern Russian Air Force

In 1912, on August 12, the Russian Military Department issued an order to form a special aeronautical unit in the Main Directorate of the General Staff. The order was signed by the Minister of War of that time V.A. Sukhomlinov. The command of the aeronautical unit was entrusted to Major General M.I. Shishkevich. This date can be considered the birthday of the Air Force of our Motherland. Of course, since then they have grown significantly, strengthened, developed and are already very vaguely reminiscent of that “newborn baby”, which was used mainly for conducting reconnaissance operations behind enemy lines. The modern Russian Air Force is a reliable air shield for our country; they perform a variety of tasks, namely:

  • carry out reconnaissance activities from the air;
  • prevent and repel a possible attack by enemy military aircraft;
  • provide fire support from the air to troops fighting ground or sea battles;
  • transport troops and necessary equipment, and also carry out military landings;
  • attack and destroy enemy ground targets.

In full accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 949 of August 29, 1997 (as amended by No. 549 of May 31, 2006), Air Force Day, as in any other year, will be celebrated on August 12. This holiday is rightfully celebrated not only by the pilots themselves, but also by everyone whose life is in one way or another connected with military aviation - dispatchers, designers, repair workers, mechanics and others.

Traditions of Russian Air Force Day

When Air Fleet Day was established at the dawn of military aviation in the Red Army, an air parade was held in the first year of the celebration. According to the creators, this was supposed to serve to popularize aviation among the masses. The bet worked. The Soviet tradition was not abandoned in the new Russia. However, according to Presidential Decree No. 949 of 1997 (updated in 2006), it was decided to hold festive events dedicated to Air Force Day on Russian Air Fleet Day.

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Air Force specialists most often spend their holiday at the airfield - they carry out training flights, hold ceremonial formations, present awards to those who have distinguished themselves, and arrange meetings with veterans.

There are military airfields in cities where Air Force units are stationed. On the weekend closest to the holiday, they often hold something like an open day: they invite citizens on excursions, allow those who wish to get acquainted with samples of military aircraft, and hold demonstrations.

Russian Air Force Day has many traditions:

  • In the early years, large-scale aviation parades were organized in Tushino in the presence of the high command of the Red Army. These were identities that showed all the strength and power of military aviation. Subsequently, air shows began to be held in all locations of air regiments. This is a real performance that attracts a huge number of spectators. Therefore, it is safe to say that this tradition will continue in the future.
  • They often perform stunts and aerobatic maneuvers in the air that can amaze even an experienced viewer. Most often, programs are presented by elite units that are stationed nearby or arrive at the invitation of local authorities.
  • Glider pilots and parachutists are often involved in events. They also hold demonstration performances in which representatives of parachuting participate, forming various figures in the air and demonstrating the skill of landing on a given area.
  • Military units traditionally organize open days so that everyone can not only inspect samples of modern equipment, but also get acquainted with the life and features of military service. The guides introduce you to the characteristics of airplanes, helicopters, etc. You can even sit in the pilot’s seat to fully immerse yourself in the atmosphere, try on flight suits, taste porridge from the field kitchen and take part in sports competitions.
  • In the units themselves, the morning begins with a ceremonial formation and congratulations to the personnel on the holiday. Usually the command and senior ranks from the army and state participate in the events. The banner is raised as a symbol of the valor and heroism of the Air Force.
  • Where there are graves of pilots and monuments dedicated to their heroism, flower-laying ceremonies and rallies are held. Often an honor guard is involved for this purpose.
  • During the celebration, it is customary to highlight the most distinguished military personnel and officers. In a solemn atmosphere, they are thanked, presented with certificates, memorable and valuable gifts and awards. Often the conferral of regular or extraordinary military ranks is timed to coincide with Air Force Day.
  • State and local television channels broadcast festive events, congratulations, thematic programs, documentaries and feature films. And in the evening they show a festive concert, in which A-list stars, famous actors, athletes, etc. take part.
  • Meetings with Air Force veterans have also become a good tradition. They are invited to special events. Veterans are congratulated and given memorable gifts.
  • Congratulations from governors on Air Force Day are common in regions where large aviation units are located.

By the way:

Where there are simulators for controlling fighter jets or other types of aircraft, those interested can feel like pilots of a real combat aircraft and try their hand at it.

Traditions of celebrating national holidays

Air Force Day is a time to honor true heroes and defenders of their homeland. The celebration is celebrated by pilots - civilian and military, designers, aviation dispatchers, mechanics, engineers and all those who are at least indirectly connected with this industry.

Traditionally, corporate events are held on this date, where particularly distinguished specialists are thanked for their many years of work, promoted in rank and presented with memorable gifts with official symbols. Later, the heroes of the occasion celebrate the holiday with friends - not so officially, but with the same scope and honor.

How to celebrate Air Force Day in Russia

In 2021, holiday events in many regions are limited or completely canceled due to the difficult epidemiological situation. Therefore, it is best to clarify the program shortly before the holiday, as conditions may change. Even planned celebrations are often cancelled. As for the program:

  • The main part will be held on August 15, Sunday. On the morning of the 12th, all personnel of the units belonging to the Russian Aerospace Forces will be assembled in full dress uniform. After the flag is raised, congratulations will be heard from the high command. It is possible that some units will be visited by members of the country's top management.
  • All those who distinguished themselves while serving will be presented with certificates, memorable gifts and government awards. Further, the service will be carried out according to the weekend plan - concerts, meetings with veterans and other events will be organized.
  • On Sunday, some units will open gates to visitors and provide entertainment. It all depends on the venue and the plan drawn up by the management. Demonstration performances will also be organized in some units.
  • There will also be a tribute to the memory of all those who died while performing combat missions. Flowers and wreaths will be laid at graves, monuments and obelisks.
  • Most likely, a concert will be organized. Also in the regions, both local pop representatives and invited performers will participate on stages.


The holiday is covered in all media. They often interview the command, as well as pilots who distinguished themselves during their service.

Interesting Facts

  • The very first military aircraft did not have instruments to determine the location of the enemy, and the pilots had to constantly turn their heads to the sides. To prevent the collar of the uniform from rubbing the neck, silk scarves were introduced into the uniform. Some pilots still use them today, as a sign of respect for tradition.
  • Over the entire history of MiG combat aircraft, about 450 projects were developed, 170 of which were implemented. 45 thousand of these aircraft were built at Russian aircraft factories.
  • According to observations, the weather can be predicted from the contrail left behind by an airplane. A wide and dense trail portends worsening weather.
  • The black box is actually a recording device that is housed in a shockproof container. To make it easy to find in the event of a disaster, it is painted bright orange.
  • During the First World War, combat aviation used not only bombs and missiles, but also flechettes - pencil-shaped metal darts with a pointed end. They were thrown out of special cassettes. Reaching the ground, they developed destructive power and speed, thanks to which they effectively hit a concentration of infantry. Their approach was accompanied by a characteristic whistle, which served as an additional method of psychological attack against people and horses.
  • Before the invention of radar, large microphones shaped like a stethoscope were used to detect approaching aircraft. They were listened to by specially trained operators - “listeners”.

What gifts to give on Air Force Day

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In order not to make a mistake and please a person, you need to take into account his preferences when choosing a gift for him:

  • Aviator glasses. This is not only a stylish accessory, but also a useful gift. Initially, these glasses were designed specifically for pilots. You should only buy high-quality products in a leather case that will last a long time and will not affect your vision.
  • Commander's watch. A traditional accessory for a military pilot. High quality and durable, they will last a long time and will be a good gift.
  • An airplane model that you need to assemble with your own hands. For an active pilot, the one he flies would be an excellent option. Or you can choose the one that the person simply likes.
  • Flash drive in the shape of an airplane. A simple but useful gift in everyday life. Also, the flash drive can be stylized to match other elements or made as a keychain.
  • Pillow with an image of the Air Force flag or with a unit chevron. Such products are most often made to order, the main thing is to have a high-resolution image on hand. Covers for documents with Air Force symbols or a commemorative inscription. This may be an option for a pilot's license, passport, car documents, etc.
  • The aviation flag is another accessory that will come in handy during the holiday and will be carefully stored.
  • A bath hat is suitable for those who like to visit the steam room. There may be a thematic inscription on it.
  • Radio controlled airplane. Many pilots not only enjoy flying airplanes, but also control small models from the ground. This is an interesting gift that can develop into a new hobby.
  • If you have a beautiful photo of the pilot in uniform, you can order a portrait in pencil or paint. This is a great gift that can become a real family heirloom over time.

By the way!

When choosing a gift, it is necessary to take into account the interests of the person. For example, if he collects something, then a good option would be some rare item or something that is not yet in the collection.


Collectible model. A collectible model of an airplane or other aircraft will serve as an excellent gift for someone whose profession is related to aviation.

Gift Certificate. A gift certificate for piloting an airplane or parachute jump will be an excellent gift for a lover of heights and extreme sports.

Gift based on interests. If an Air Force employee has a hobby, then you can give a gift that will suit it. A fisherman or hunter will rejoice at the new equipment. An athlete can be presented with a club card to a gym or a certificate to a sporting goods store.

Interesting facts about the Russian Air Force

The Air Force also includes the Air Defense Forces (Air Defense). However, not all of them: some of the fighters are classified as ground forces.

The first military aircraft in the Russian Empire were purchased from France.

The Russian pilot Pyotr Nesterov is considered the founder of aerobatics in the world. He was not only a pilot, but also a design engineer. He was the first to perform a dead loop (1913). He went to the front of the First World War and died while ramming an enemy reconnaissance plane. It’s interesting that machine guns weren’t installed on airplanes back then. The ships were used for bombing and reconnaissance. Nesterov wanted to hit the enemy glider with his landing gear, but did not calculate the trajectory and died in a plane crash.

Many people think that the Soviet Union tested its air fleet for the first time in the Finnish War. In fact, this happened earlier, during the Spanish Civil War (1936 - 1939).

In the 90s and until 2009, the situation of Russian military aviation was critical. However, the Department of Defense sharply increased funding for this area and the Air Force began to improve.

As of 2021, all equipment in the Russian Air Force is domestically produced, with the exception of the L-39 training aircraft - they were produced in the Czech Republic. However, they are gradually being replaced by modern domestic Yak-130.

On the twelfth of August, we congratulate all military pilots, both active and veterans, on their professional holiday - Air Force Day! Hooray!!!

MiG-29 Soviet multi-role fighter of the fourth generation, developed at the MiG Design Bureau

Beautiful congratulations on Air Force Day

If you can’t congratulate the person in person, you can send a message. This is a modern solution that is being used more and more often and will suit both a good friend, colleagues or superiors.


There are always many holidays in the country. If you look at the statistics, you can see an abundance of military and patriotic holidays. This is logical: the defeat of the Khazars by Svyatoslav Igorevich, victories over the crusaders, Tatars, many other battles and, of course, 2 world wars. The people of the Russian Federation are the winner. It’s a pity that they don’t celebrate the victory over the Khazars in Russia, but there is Air Force Day. It's worth talking about.

How to congratulate you on Air Force Day

It is important for any pilot to return to the ground. And what better way to give him solid ground under his feet. And what could be more solid than a beloved family? They provide our rear, but they must also have their own rear - loved ones. So the best option is to arrange a holiday for the dear defender of the sky at home.

And as a gift you can buy air lanterns. Let them fly into the night sky together - let something fly away today without the participation of your favorite pilot. And at the same time he will take away everything bad with him.


Black box To conduct the competition, you need to prepare a small box in which some item will be hidden: a toy, souvenir, fruit, etc. The host invites the guests of the party to guess what is in the black box. You are allowed to ask questions that can be answered “yes” or “no”. The first participant to name the hidden item wins.

Longest flight Participants in the competition are given a balloon. Their task is to throw the ball and, without touching it with their hands, blow on it to keep it in the air. If the ball touches the floor, the contestants are eliminated from the game. The winner is the one who manages to hold the ball above the ground the longest.

Musical break Two teams take part in the competition, whose task is to remember and perform musical compositions that mention the word “sky”. The team that manages to sing the most songs wins.

Beautiful pictures of Happy Air Force Day (Air Force Day)

Day of the creation of Russian Army Aviation: pictures

Happy Army Aviation Day postcards for those who were and are in service. Their loyalty to the oath, courage, and professionalism are a guarantee of the peaceful life of the country. Their military skill, military brotherhood, and heroism evoke sincere respect. After all, the main asset of army aviation, which we inherited from former times and is carefully preserved now, is the moral and combat qualities of our pilots. They are people of honor and duty.


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