Two in one: Birthday and picnic. What to cook?

When creating a picnic menu, consider the basic requirements for food in nature. What should it be like? First of all, it’s filling – you always want to refresh yourself in the open air. And also convenient for transportation and so that you can easily eat it, preferably without the use of additional utensils.

And, of course, it is non-perishable for a long time - travel and lying in the sun should not harm such food. Snacks meet all these criteria. We offer interesting and simple recipes for snacks for an outdoor picnic that will help out any housewife.

Puff pastry curls

A great snack that you can take with you anywhere.

You will need:
450 g puff pastry, 200 g chicken, 4 tomatoes, herbs, 100 g feta, 1 tbsp.
ketchup, spices, 1 egg. Preparation:

Cut the chicken into small pieces, roll in spices and fry. Chop the greens and feta, cut the tomatoes into cubes, and roll out the puff pastry and brush with ketchup. Place the filling on it and roll both halves up to the middle. Cut the roll into pieces 3 cm thick, brush with egg and bake for half an hour at 180 degrees.

Name day of Mukha-Tsokotukha

Birthdays gradually became personal, but for a long time no one paid attention to the date of birth of children and women. The first woman whose birthday was celebrated on a grand scale was the beautiful Cleopatra. It was not customary for ordinary people to record and celebrate ladies' birthdays.

The position of Christianity on this issue was initially extremely harsh: life was given to man to atone for sins, so he had no time for fun. Later, the church softened somewhat and allowed baptisms with name days. But the Soviet system was against name days and, figuratively speaking, trampled tradition with its iron boot. Even the famous birthday fly was ordered to be removed from the works of old man Korney.

By the way, name days in Rus' were very popular: they baked a loaf, brewed delicious beer, made pies and always sang songs. Of course, peasant holidays were much more modest than the royal ones: sometimes the amount spent on the name day of the crowned person could build several luxurious palaces.

Potato kebab

Even ordinary baked potatoes can be made more interesting.

You will need:
1 kg of potatoes, 100 ml of water, 100 g of mayonnaise, 50 ml of white wine, 2 tsp.
dry rosemary, spices. Preparation:

Cut the potatoes into quarters, cover with water and place in the oven or microwave for 15 minutes in advance. Mix mayonnaise, wine, rosemary and spices, and marinate the potatoes for at least an hour. Place it on skewers and grill until done.

Fish and seafood

for grilling fish - salmon, salmon, trout, sturgeon, mackerel, catfish, cod, catfish, carp.

You don’t need to use additional vegetable fat for marinating fish and just use white wine, soy sauce or lemon juice. The fish will remain juicy if you try to preserve the skin as much as possible when cutting (without scales, of course). As for large fish, it is better to fillet or cut steaks for grilling. Before cooking, dry the fish to ensure it is as dry as possible.

Large shrimp can be cooked on skewers; shrimp , squid and scallops are good on the grill.

Fish for a picnic

Chicken with olives and nuts

Original kebabs for grilling or grilling.

You will need:
300 g chicken, 200 g olives, 50 ml olive oil, 100 g walnuts, spices, 1 bunch of herbs.

Chop olives, nuts and herbs, and mix with oil and spices. Cut the chicken into pieces, roll in the marinade and put on sticks, and then fry until cooked.

Lula kebab for a picnic

By the way, the preparations can be divided into several times and stored in the freezer.

You will need:
500 g pork, 500 g beef, 1 bunch of cilantro, 4 onions, spices.

Pass the meat through a meat grinder twice along with the onion. Finely chop the greens, add spices and mix well, and then beat the minced meat. Form lula kebab on skewers and then fry on the grill or grill.

Video recipes: what snacks to prepare for an outdoor picnic

An outing into nature (into the forest or to the river) is a pleasant event. But first you need to properly prepare, assemble and prepare delicious snacks. Everyone has already become tired of simple vegetable and meat cutting. To pleasantly surprise your family and friends, prepare original and easy-to-prepare snacks using the step-by-step video instructions below.

Delicious snack for a summer picnic

Stuffed loaf with herring

Canapes on skewers

Spicy appetizer of young zucchini

Marinated champignons

Quick, simple and very tasty - what else do you need for a picnic?

You will need:
500 g champignons, 2 tbsp.
olive oil, 3 tbsp. soy sauce, spices. Preparation:

Mix the oil, sauce and spices, and marinate thoroughly washed mushrooms in this mixture for at least half an hour. Fry them on a grill or skewers for about 10 minutes.

What to cook with pumpkin: 15 delicious recipes

Important menu: choosing suitable recipes for holiday dishes

There is more than enough entertainment in nature. Guests will find something to entertain themselves with; the weather will not let anyone get bored. So, what can you still prepare for a summer birthday in nature for a cheerful group of guests? What to feed them? The main thing is that it is tasty, quick and simple, because the guests will definitely arrive hungry.

Tomatoes stuffed with vegetables

round tomatoes -8 pcs.
bell yellow pepper -1 large
cucumbers -2 large
greenery -bunch
white onion -1 large
vegetable oil -2 tbsp. l.
garlic -2 cloves
radishes -150 g
salt -taste
cheese -150 g
Cooking time: 40 minutesCalorie content per 100 grams: 87 Kcal

Wash vegetables and herbs. Cut off the tops of the tomatoes and scoop out the pulp with a spoon. Cut peppers, cucumbers, onions and radishes into cubes. Finely chop the greens. Pass the garlic through a press and grate the cheese on a fine grater.

Mix chopped vegetables, herbs, garlic and cheese in a bowl, add salt and pour over oil. Stuff the tomatoes and you can serve them to your guests.

This appetizer will look beautiful on the table. Even if the juice drips from the vegetables, the tomatoes will keep their shape and look quite appetizing.

"Snow Snack"

To prepare an appetizer for 2 people you will need:

  • 6 small tomatoes;
  • 2 tbsp. l. sour cream;
  • 1 tbsp. l. mayonnaise;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 200 gr. cheese;
  • Ground pepper to taste.

Wash the tomatoes and cut them into medium rings, place them in one layer on a plate.

Peel and grate the garlic, mix in a bowl with mayonnaise and sour cream.

Grate the cheese on a fine grater. Sprinkle the tomato slices with pepper, brush with garlic sauce, and sprinkle generously with cheese.

Lay out tomato slices, grease and sprinkle with cheese until you get a small mound.

The key to this dish is to sprinkle it well with cheese. It looks interesting, and everyone will like the taste.

Baked potato with a surprise in foil

What's a holiday without potatoes? It’s impossible to make standard mashed potatoes in nature, and potatoes baked in coals have long become boring. An interesting option could be potatoes with mushrooms and carrots (they will be the surprise) in foil.

For 4 people you will need delicious potatoes:

  • 8 potatoes;
  • 2 large young carrots;
  • 8 large champignons;
  • Salt and pepper to taste;
  • A bunch of greenery;
  • 50 ml olive oil.

Wash potatoes, carrots, mushrooms and herbs. Cut the tubers into 4–6 pieces, the carrots into medium rings, and the champignons into halves. Finely chop the greens.

Season vegetables and mushrooms with salt, pepper and oil. Mix carefully and place on foil in portions.

Wrap the foil on all sides so that when turning the dish over, the food does not spill out.

Place the foil envelopes on the coals of the fire and cook for about 20 minutes, during which time you need to turn the dish over 2 times. Unwrap the finished potatoes and sprinkle with fresh herbs.

Potatoes may well work as a main dish, and together with mushrooms and carrots it will also be beautiful.

“Miracle fish”: deliciously baked on the grill

Another main dish is grilled fish. Which fish to cook depends on personal preference. Red fish cooks quickly and looks appetizing.

For 2 persons “Miracle Fish” you need:

  • 4 salmon steaks;
  • 2 tbsp. l. seasonings for fish;
  • 2 tbsp. l. grated ginger root;
  • 1\2 lemon;
  • Salt to taste;
  • 60 gr. olive oil.

Mix spices, oil and ginger root, squeeze the juice from half a lemon and marinate the steaks in this mixture for about 40 minutes. During this time, light the grill.

Place the salmon on the grill and fry for 3 minutes on each side. The fish will turn out tender, even if it is a little damp; the principle “salmon is never raw” applies to everyone.

Fish is a light product; you can snack on it during breaks between entertainment and swimming in a pond.

You can serve fresh vegetables or herbs with the fish, but alcohol that is strong and low in alcohol is suitable.

Sauce – guests will rate it 5+

Sauce for meat and fish is important; it will highlight the taste of the dish. You should choose it based on the ingredients of the main dish; a tomato-based sauce is more suitable for meat, and mayonnaise for fish. If you experiment and add different herbs and spices, you will get an original mixture.

For the sauce for meat shish kebab you need:

  • 1 can of Krasnodar sauce;
  • A bunch of greens (parsley, dill, cilantro);
  • A few sprigs of tarragon;
  • Ground black pepper to taste;
  • 1 onion.

Peel the onion and finely chop. Wash the greens and chop finely. Add herbs and onions to the sauce, season with pepper and mix well. Herbs will complement the taste of meat.

Birthday snack recipes should be light and at the same time original.

A quick snack to go with cognac - simple, easy and tasty, read the recipes.

Bookmark recipes for cold appetizers for the holiday table.

Dessert “Sweet tooth”

There is no birthday without dessert. Of course, taking cake or cream pies out into the wild without a refrigerator is very dangerous. It is quite possible to prepare sweets without cream and oven while guests are enjoying nature.

For the “Sweet Tooth” dessert you need to take the following ingredients:

  • 1 package of waffle cakes;
  • 1 can of condensed milk;
  • 2 bananas;
  • 1 sour apple;
  • 1 tsp. citric acid.

Wash the apples, remove seeds and skin, cut into thin slices. Peel the banana and cut into slices. Grease each waffle cake with condensed milk, put a few slices of apples and bananas, sprinkle them with lemon.

Continue this way until all layers are laid. Leave the top crust clean. Let the dessert sit for at least a couple of hours. Then cut it into pieces and offer it to guests.

The dessert is prepared quickly, but it needs time to soak in. The top crust remains clean so that the pieces can be picked up with your hands and eaten carefully. Nothing will happen to the cake in 2 hours. If you put it in the shade, it will not spoil, but the birthday boy will have a real birthday cake.

What will the guests drink, alcohol? - No, refreshing lemonade!

To quench your thirst, you can place bottles of drinks in a pond; they will remain cool for a long time. And if you have the opportunity to take a mini-fridge with you outdoors, you can put a large amount of ice in it.

By adding it to drinks, there is a real way not to die of thirst while making lemonades.

To prepare lemonade for 2 people you need to take:

  • 0.33 liters each of Sprite and Tarragon drink
  • 1\2 lime;
  • 2 sprigs peppermint;
  • 160 gr. ice.

Mix the drinks, add sliced ​​lime and hand-torn mint leaves. Lightly crush the ingredients with a fork or mortar. Pour the drink into tall glasses and add ice. Garnish with a cocktail straw or umbrella.

The drink will quench your thirst and will be useful for a non-alcoholic party. But you should drink it carefully, as there is a risk of getting sick. In the heat, ice-cold drinks can play a cruel joke on the human body.

Fried watermelon for a picnic

For those who crave summer experiments

You will need:
1 watermelon, 250 g honey, 60 ml lemon juice, 2 tsp.
pepper, 1 tsp. salt, 1 bunch of mint. Preparation:

Cut the watermelon into 2.5 cm slices and chop the mint. Mix honey, lemon juice and spices. Dip the watermelon in the marinade on both sides, fry on a well-heated grill and sprinkle with mint.


Pork. For barbecue, the neck, brisket, loin and kidney part (lumbar part, rump, back of the loin) are suitable.
Tenderloin and meat on the bone are also well suited for grilling on the grill - ribs, brisket on the bone, brisket on the bone. Lamb. It's best to roast a leg of lamb, prime rib, or shoulder. You just need to eat it right away, piping hot; lamb has one unpleasant property - it hardens quickly.

Beef. For shashlik, tenderloin, sirloin, rump, thick edge and thin edge, and the inside of the hind leg are suitable.

Chicken. These are, of course, legs and wings. You have to be careful with white chicken breast meat: it can easily dry out.

Offal. From beef tongue to pig ears: they can be cooked very well on a grill, and some on a skewer.

-marinate any meat, like offal . It's good to do this at home in advance. One option: vegetable oil + acid + onion. The oil covers the pieces of meat with a film, thanks to which they do not dry out during frying and remain juicy inside. Use any oil without a pronounced aroma, for example, olive (but unrefined sunflower or mustard oil should not be used, they interrupt the taste of the meat). Acid is lemon juice, dry wine or natural vinegar (one thing, not all at once). Onions enrich the taste of kebab like nothing else.

Pork for a picnic

Caramelized salmon

A delicious grilled fish recipe!

You will need:
4 salmon steaks, 1 tbsp.
water, 1 tbsp. honey, 1 tbsp. olive oil, 0.5 lemon, 3 cloves of garlic, spices, 1 tsp. balsamic Preparation:

Mix lemon juice and all other ingredients for the marinade. Leave the salmon pieces in it for about half an hour and then fry on both sides on the grill.

Eggs stuffed with crab sticks

Eggs have always been a staple for quick snacks.
They can be stuffed with literally any product. The most popular fillings are usually fish or bacon. Today we invite you to cook eggs with crab meat. At first glance it seems that this is a slightly strange combination, but this is not the case at all. Try to use farm eggs and high-quality crab sticks, because the choice of these products determines the taste of the finished dish. Cooking time: 20 minutes. Number of servings: 3.


  • Chicken eggs – 3 pcs.
  • Crab sticks – 4-5 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise with fat content 67% - 0.5 tbsp. l.


1. Chicken eggs can be pre-boiled, in which case the preparation of the snack will take a matter of minutes. If your eggs are not boiled, then do it - the cooking time is ten minutes.

2. After the eggs are cut in half, you need to remove the core.

3. Chop the crab meat or sticks and combine with the yolks.

4. Add sour cream or mayonnaise, as well as salt. After this, mix until the mass becomes homogeneous.

5. Now all that remains is to fill the egg white halves and serve. Garnish with lettuce leaves and dill. Rugs of olives are perfect for decoration.

Lavash roll with ham

You can cook and cut it in advance, and then just take it with you on a picnic.

You will need:
1 sheet of pita bread, 300 g of ham, 150 g of mushrooms, 150 g of processed cheese, 50 g of mayonnaise, greens.

Finely chop the mushrooms and fry. Grind the ham and herbs, and mix all the ingredients for the filling. Add grated processed cheese and mayonnaise there, wrap the filling in pita bread, put the roll in the refrigerator for 3 hours, and then cut it.

Modest cut and luxurious roll

Many families adhere to classic, long-standing traditions and set the table with their favorite dishes that guests know by heart. But this approach has its own benefits: people will never leave hungry and are guaranteed to be satisfied.

Standard cold appetizers include meat, cheese and vegetable slices. This classic approach has never failed anyone. The main thing is the variety of varieties in the cutting composition. Everyone knows that any feast should start with cold appetizers. This is the so-called organizational moment: it is useless to hope that no one will be late. And while waiting, the rest of the guests will be able to have a great meal so as not to drink on an empty stomach.

There are express recipes for those initiated on how to set a delicious and inexpensive birthday table: a cold roll and an appetizer with the romantic name “Raffaello”. The first one is prepared as follows:

  • a sheet of thin pita bread is greased with a mixture that includes: mayonnaise, garlic, dill and grated cheese;
  • Thinly sliced ​​ham is placed on top;
  • then the actions are repeated;
  • roll the pita bread into a roll;
  • Wrap the product in cling film and put it in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours.

This inexpensive but original dish should be served by cutting it into portioned pieces with a very sharp knife.

The Raffaello appetizer will require the following ingredients:

  • crab sticks;
  • garlic;
  • hard cheese;
  • mayonnaise;
  • cashews (but to save money, you can use walnuts).

cheese ball
You can also use seasonal dishes. The budget version of the menu is prepared in the summer. For example, eggplant tongues or fingers. The second option is more expensive, since it contains very little meat, but it does include meat.

Hot dogs for a picnic

Home-made alternative to street fast food.

You will need:
1 baguette, 1 cucumber, 1 tomato, 5 lettuce leaves, 1 red onion, 2 tbsp.
vinegar, 4 tbsp. water, tomato sauce, mayonnaise, mustard, 5 sausages. Preparation:

Cut the onion into half rings and marinate in water and vinegar. Cut the baguette into equal parts and cut lengthwise, but not all the way. Cut cucumbers and tomatoes into thin slices. Grease the inside of the baguette with sauces, place lettuce leaves, and in them - the remaining ingredients for the filling.

Gift for those with a sweet tooth

But don't forget about dessert for the kids. Not everyone is allowed to eat ice cream, so opt for fruit jelly. A bright glass of jelly will cool the kids' ardor and give them new strength for playing outdoors.

To make jelly, buy instant gelatin. For one glass of compote there is a teaspoon of gelatin. Bring this mixture to almost a boil and remove from the stove. Pour a handful of raspberries and pitted cherries into a glass or plastic cup. Now we fill this whole fruit cocktail with boiled jelly. Leave it in the refrigerator overnight. Before serving, garnish the jelly with berries and a mint leaf.

Green salad for a picnic

Lightweight, useful and suitable even for those who watch their figure.

You will need:
200 g cabbage, 2 cucumbers, 2 celery stalks, 1 apple, 2 tbsp.
olive oil, 2 tsp. soy sauce, 1 tsp. rice vinegar, spices. Preparation:

Mix all the ingredients for the dressing and let it brew for a while. Finely chop the cabbage and other ingredients, mix and pour the dressing over the salad.

What to cook for a birthday: 20 recipes, quick and tasty

Salad with Feta cheese and fresh vegetables

Original, tasty, satisfying and healthy! This is the motto of this salad, which will delight your family and friends.


  • tomatoes – 3-4 pcs.
  • cucumbers – 2 pcs.
  • salad – 2-3 leaves
  • bell pepper – 1 pc.
  • pitted olives – 1 jar
  • Feta cheese – 100 g
  • olive or vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. spoons
  • mustard – 0.5 teaspoon.


1. Cut cucumbers, peppers and tomatoes into large cubes.

2. Tear the lettuce leaves into small pieces and finely chop the greens.

3. In a separate bowl, mix the oil with mustard.

4. Place vegetables on a plate and pour sauce over them.

5. The final stage - lay out the Feta cheese along with the olives.

Bon appetit!

Shawarma with chicken

Juicy, aromatic and very tasty shawarma that will brighten up any picnic.

You will need:
2 pita bread, 1 chicken fillet, 200 g Korean carrots, 200 g cabbage, 1 tomato, 1 cucumber, 60 g cheese, 6 tbsp.
mayonnaise and ketchup, spices. Preparation:

Cut the chicken into pieces, coat in spices and fry. Thinly chop the cabbage, cut the meat, cucumbers and tomatoes into cubes, and grease the pita bread with mayonnaise and ketchup. Carefully lay out the filling, wrap the shawarma and, if desired, lightly fry on the grill.

Beetroot "Royally"

Beet salads are not often found on our tables.
However, be sure to pay attention to this simple salad, which can be served either in tartlets or in a simple salad bowl. This snack is very tasty if served, for example, with toast or biscuits. Prunes will give sweetness, and garlic will add sharpness and piquancy. If desired, you can also add a small amount of grated cheese, just keep in mind that it must be hard. Cooking time: 50 minutes. Number of servings: 2.


  • Boiled or baked beets – 250 g.
  • One clove of garlic.
  • Several dried prunes.
  • Half st. l. mayonnaise.
  • Walnuts – 1 handful.


1. It is better to pre-process the root crop. You can either boil it or bake it in foil. The second option is more preferable, since beets retain vitamins and nutrients.

2. If your prunes are not dried, but dried, then they must first be left in warm water. This will make it soft and ready to cut. You should also chop the garlic and nuts.

3. Collect all ingredients in a bowl and stir.

4. Stir until smooth and add a little salt.

5. Before serving, you need to let the salad stand for a while. Garnish with cilantro.

Eggplants on the grill

We tell you how to bake the most delicious smoky eggplants.

You will need:
500 g eggplant, 100 g lard, 20 g cilantro, 2 cloves garlic, 1 tbsp.
olive oil, spices. Preparation:

Make 4-6 cuts lengthwise on the eggplants, not reaching the middle. Chop the greens with garlic and mix with spices and oil. Cut the lard into thin slices, insert into the slits, and then coat the eggplants with marinade and wrap in foil. Bake over coals until desired softness.

Birthday Recipes

Even before organizing a festive evening, the hospitable hostess must first carefully think through the menu for the birthday. It is advisable not only to surprise your loved ones, but also to take into account all the preferences of those invited to the celebration. Therefore, it is best to select birthday recipes carefully and work out them in detail. Those birthday dishes that you wouldn’t be ashamed to serve on the table can be looked for in periodicals about cooking or on a variety of relevant Internet resources. Let's take a closer look at what to prepare for a birthday: It would be best to make snacks for a birthday light, but demanding. For example, by including seafood or exotic fruits in their composition. However, in this case, it is better to make sure in advance that those present at the holiday do not have individual allergies to these products. Salads for a birthday party should be delicious and nutritious. They should become a kind of highlight of your table. Every woman has her own tricks in preparing them. The main thing is to minimize the time spent on cooking. Because it should be enough for hot dishes and a variety of canapés and sandwiches. Birthday salad recipes vary greatly in terms of complexity of preparation and components, so it is better to try the chosen option in advance and first evaluate it with your family. The festive table for a birthday does not have to be “full” of many dishes. It is enough to select several basic and interchangeable ones. When choosing recipes for your birthday menu, start, first of all, from the traditional feasting habits accepted in your circle. By browsing through a lot of forums, you can not only approve a festive menu for your birthday, but also chat about interesting topics with their regular visitors and moderators. Which, if necessary, will help you with practical advice, and perhaps even help you with your own birthday menu - with photos and the necessary comments. A birthday dinner requires special attention. Most of all you will have to work on main courses and baked goods. Since they are the most popular on our holiday tables. When thinking about what to cook for a birthday, consider not only food, but also alcoholic drinks. The taste and composition of the dish should not only match the chosen alcohol, but also emphasize its bouquet. Simple and delicious birthday recipes are the key to a great holiday and a warm welcome. They can make your evening more pleasant and cozy. After all, home cooking cannot replace the standard menu of cafes or restaurants. And now you know it for sure!

Caesar roll with shrimp

Dedicated to all Caesar salad lovers!

You will need:
1 bunch of lettuce, 30 large shrimp, 4 pita bread, 5 eggs, 5 tomatoes, 150 g of cheese, 150 ml of yogurt, herbs, garlic, spices.

Mix yogurt with garlic, herbs and spices to taste. Boil the eggs and cut them with the tomatoes into thin slices. Grate the cheese and boil the shrimp until cooked. Place the filling on the lavash sheets, pour over the sauce and roll the rolls tightly.

Crackers with sardines

This appetizer is usually prepared right before serving.
This is done to prevent the cookies from becoming soggy and losing their shape. You can take any crackers, not only classic ones, but also cheese or onion ones. The latter turn out especially good when combined with canned fish. If you don’t have sardines, but only other canned food - say, tuna or pink salmon, then take it. Cooking time: 15 minutes. Number of servings: 5.


  • Cracker cookies – 100 g.
  • Sardines – 30 g.
  • One egg.
  • Mayonnaise sauce - 20 g.
  • Greens, preferably dill.


1. Boil a chicken egg until hard-boiled, then grate it.

2. Drain excess liquid from the canned food and chop with a spoon, then add to the grated egg.

3. Add mayonnaise sauce or sour cream to a bowl. Some people like yogurt without the filling.

4. Place the biscuits on a plate in the order in which you will serve them.

5. Carefully place the fish mass, brought to a homogeneous state, onto each cookie. Garnish with herbs and serve to guests.

Vegetarian shawarma for a picnic

A special recipe for those who do not eat meat.

You will need:
1 pita bread, 70 g Chinese cabbage, 70 g Korean carrots, 1 onion, 200 g mushrooms, spices, 2 tbsp.
yogurt, 2 tbsp. ketchup, 1 tbsp. bite, 1 tsp. Sahara. Preparation:

Cut the onion into half rings and marinate in water with vinegar and sugar. Chop and fry the mushrooms until the liquid evaporates. Grease the pita bread with yogurt and ketchup, add the filling, wrap the shawarma and lightly fry it.


Fruits that are pre-washed and packed in special plastic containers are also appropriate for a picnic. The best “transportation” for food is a large basket - it will not only look more stylish and appetizing than a mountain of bags, but will also guarantee that the food will not be wrinkled. And it’s more convenient to take out a large number of products from the basket.

Fruits and berries for a picnic

White radish salad with peas

Another fresh vegetable salad for a picnic, as an alternative to cucumbers and tomatoes.

You will need:
350 g of white radish, 200 g of carrots, 150 g of green peas, 0.5 bunch of herbs, lemon juice, spices, olive oil.

Grate the radish and carrots on a Korean or regular coarse grater, sprinkle with lemon juice and season. Add green peas and chopped herbs to the salad, pour oil over it and mix.

15 simple and delicious lamb dishes

What can you cook with you when going outdoors?

Snacks outdoors are different from those served at home. Fatty, nutritious foods, hot first and second courses are not suitable for preparing treats for a picnic. The following dishes are suitable for an outing:

  1. Cold appetizers. There are several types of such treats:
      Cold meat dishes. Baked or fried meat, sliced ​​ham or sausage.
  2. Vegetable mix. Fresh, pickled, salted tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet peppers, beets.
  3. Flour products. Pies, rolls, flatbreads, pies, donuts, cheesecakes.
  4. Sandwiches.
  5. Appetizers in the form of salads. Preference is given to dishes prepared from fresh vegetables.
  6. Cheese products. All types of hard cheeses and processed cheeses are suitable.
  7. Fresh fruits.
  8. Canned vegetable snacks. Ideal for a picnic in winter and early spring.

Cucumber snack

The lightest and freshest snack for potatoes and shish kebab.

You will need:
500 g cucumbers, 2 cloves of garlic, 1 bunch of dill, 1 tsp.
salt and mustard seeds, 2 tsp. sugar, 40 ml vinegar, 50 ml vegetable oil. Preparation:

Cut the cucumbers into cubes, mix with salt and sugar, and add crushed garlic. Add oil, vinegar, mustard and chopped herbs, mix and let it brew for at least half an hour.


Everyone definitely takes tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes and potatoes for a picnic. And that's not a bad thing. Potatoes can be raw (so that they can be baked over coals ) or boiled in their skins.

Zucchini, bell peppers, corn on the cob and eggplant are suitable for grilling .

For the salad you will need tomatoes, cucumbers, fresh cabbage, and sweet peppers.

Potatoes for a picnic

Pork boiled pork

Prepare the meat in advance and take it with you on a picnic.

You will need:
1 kg pork, 2 tbsp.
sour cream, 1 tbsp. sugar, 2 liters of water, 1 head of garlic, 3 bay leaves, 3 tbsp. salt, 1 tbsp. mustard, 5 peas each of black and allspice. Preparation:

Add sour cream, mustard, sugar, salt and all the spices with chopped garlic to the water, bring the marinade to a boil and cool. Boil the pork in it for 15 minutes after boiling, cool again and place in the refrigerator for a day. Repeat the procedure again, remove the meat from the marinade, wrap it in foil and put it in the refrigerator for a few more hours.

Dessert recipe - Banana boats

You can even cook dessert on the grill. Bananas taste the best. This delicious delicacy will be appreciated not only by children, but also by adults; we will decorate them in the form of boats

We will need:

  • Bananas – quantity depends on guests, one fruit per person
  • Marshmallow – 1 pack
  • Dark chocolate – 1 bar
  • Cinnamon, coconut flakes - for sprinkling


Wash the bananas, peel them, cut them lengthwise into two halves.

Next, grind the chocolate using a grater or finely chop it with a knife.

Then, take a sheet of foil and lay out the banana halves, leaving a small distance between them. Between the fruits we put marshmallows, chocolate, sprinkle with cinnamon or any other topping of your choice. We wrap the resulting boat. Fry on the grill for just a couple of minutes.

The tasty treat is ready. Bon appetit!

Cheese-crusted zucchini

They are very good cold, so feel free to take them to a picnic.

You will need:
400 g of zucchini, 50 g of cheese, 0.5 tsp each.
dried garlic, paprika, oregano and suneli hops, 1 tbsp. olive oil. Preparation:

Cut the zucchini into cubes, add oil and leave. Mix grated cheese with spices, roll the zucchini in breading, place on parchment and bake for 20-25 minutes at 190 degrees.

Appetizer “Chickens” for the festive table

The extraordinary appearance of the crab appetizer is definitely the main thing in this dish.
As the name suggests, the snack looks like little chickens. Garlic is not a necessary ingredient here, but it will give the appetizer some heat and spiciness and prevent it from being too bland. You can decorate at your discretion, but it is best to make a nest for the chickens from dill, so the resemblance will be as complete as possible. Cooking time: 30 minutes. Number of servings: 8.


  • Four chicken eggs.
  • Crab meat – 100 g.
  • Processed cheese “Druzhba” – 50 g.
  • Mayonnaise sauce – 2-3 tbsp. l.
  • A couple of cloves of garlic.
  • Salt, pepper - to taste.

For decoration:

  • Boiled carrots – 1 pc.
  • Dill – 2-3 sprigs.


1. Boil chicken eggs until hard-boiled and grate them. It is important to grind the whites and yolks separately.

2. To make crab meat or sticks easier to grate, do not allow them to completely defrost. But the cheese, on the contrary, should be put in the freezer for ten minutes, so it will be easier to grate.

3. All prepared ingredients except the yolk should be placed in one bowl.

4. Mix with mayonnaise and form small balls. Then roll these balls in grated yolk so that they are completely covered with it.

5. The beak and comb of the chickens should be made from carrots, and the eyes from pepper or pieces of olives. Decorate with dill or other herbs.

Cheese flatbreads

Another versatile snack to take with you!

You will need:
320 g flour, 200 ml kefir, 200 g cheese, 1 tbsp.
sugar, 0.5 tsp. salt and soda, 150 g sausage. Preparation:

Add sugar, salt and soda to the sifted flour, grate half the cheese there and add kefir. Knead the soft dough and leave for 15 minutes, and cut the remaining cheese and sausage into slices. Divide the dough into 8 parts and roll into layers. Place cheese and sausage on top of 4 layers, and cover with the remaining tortillas. Pinch the edges and fry them in a frying pan in oil for about 4 minutes on each side.

What menu to create for a winter holiday

Since at this time of year the body most needs additional nutrition, sources of energy are needed. Fish and vegetable dishes perform this role perfectly. They should definitely be included in the menu for the holiday and pamper those gathered not only with appetizing, tasty, but also very healthy treats.

Sandwiches with red fish

A quick snack. But don’t let the ease of preparation fool you. Bright and tasty sandwiches will be the first to disappear from the table.


  • loaf - 1 pc.;
  • red fish - 100-200 g;
  • Yantar cheese - to taste;
  • cucumber - 1 pc.;
  • lemon - ½ piece;
  • dill - to taste.

Step by step recipe:

  1. The loaf is cut into slices, each covered with cheese.
  2. Cucumbers are cut into slices, fish is divided into thin slices.
  3. For each piece of bread, place a slice of lemon, half a cucumber slice, a piece of fish and a sprig of dill.

Advice! You can use any greenery for decoration. The main thing is that it does not interrupt the taste and aroma of the fish.

Appetizer with crab sticks

A distinctive feature is the effective presentation. On the serving plate, red tomatoes and crab sticks stand out in contrast against the background of bright green salad. Garlic adds richness to the taste. Since only one clove is taken, the snack does not have a pronounced garlic aroma.


  • crab sticks - 200 g;
  • cherry tomatoes - half as much;
  • lettuce leaves, parsley - for decoration;
  • boiled eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • cheese - 100 g;
  • mayonnaise - 100 g;
  • garlic clove - 1 pc.

Step-by-step recipe with photos:

  1. Eggs are divided into whites and yolks. They are grated separately on a fine grater.
  2. For the filling, mix the whites, grated cheese, garlic passed through a press and half of the mayonnaise.
  3. Unwrap the crab sticks, distribute the filling evenly, and wrap them back.
  4. The stuffed products are greased with mayonnaise and sprinkled with yolk.
  5. Lettuce leaves are placed on a serving plate, and chopsticks are placed on them in a circle, leaving gaps between them.
  6. Cherries are divided in half, the halves are placed in the gaps, and parsley sprigs are placed there.

Advice! To make it easier to find the edge of the stick, you need to bend it slightly.

Mackerel in mustard sauce

The dish is served both warm and cold. For decoration use sprigs of herbs and lemon slices. The latter will give the fish a piquant sourness present in the aftertaste.


  • fish - 2 pcs.;
  • onion head - 3 pcs.;
  • sour cream - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • soy sauce - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • spicy mustard - 2 tsp;
  • salt - a pinch.

Step-by-step cooking recipe:

  1. Chilled carcasses are gutted and cut into portions.
  2. The bulbs are chopped into rings.
  3. Mix the sauce, sour cream and mustard in a bowl and add some salt.
  4. In a large bowl, mix the fish pieces with onions and dressing and leave to marinate for 1 hour.
  5. Onions are placed on the bottom of the refractory dish as a pillow, and fish pieces are distributed on top.
  6. Bake at standard temperature (180°C) for about half an hour.

Advice! If you don’t have soy sauce on hand, don’t worry. It is enough to increase the amount of salt in the marinade.

No bake cake

An easy dessert to make. The taste of sweet cream is diluted with sour fruity notes of raspberries. In winter, finding fresh berries is problematic, but frozen ones must first be thawed and placed in a colander to drain excess liquid.


  • wafer sheets for cake - 7 pcs.;
  • boiled condensed milk - 1 can;
  • butter - 180 g;
  • raspberries - 400 g;
  • mint - to taste.

Step by step recipe:

  1. In a separate container, beat the butter with condensed milk.
  2. Each cake is coated with cream.
  3. When assembling, raspberries are evenly distributed over the second and fourth sheets.
  4. Having covered the cake with the last cake layer, press the product with a board, leveling it.
  5. Cover the top with cream and decorate the perimeter with raspberries and mint sprigs.

Advice! Since the waffle cakes are soaked quickly, the dessert should be prepared several hours before serving, not earlier.

Snack cupcakes

They are prepared at home in a matter of minutes, and then they decorate any picnic.

You will need:
100 g cheese, 100 g ham, 150 ml milk, 80 g butter, 200 g flour, 3 eggs, 1 tsp.
baking powder. Preparation:

Cut the cheese and ham into small cubes. Beat eggs with salt, butter and milk, add cheese and ham, sifted flour and baking powder. Mix the dough well, put it in molds and bake for 20-25 minutes at 180 degrees.

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It is better not to take semi-hard cheese, processed cheese and cheese with white mold with you: in the sun it quickly loses its attractiveness.

In nature, soft brined cheeses go well (from suluguni to feta, from chechil to mozzarella), hard cheeses (like Parmesan and cheddar), some types of smoked cheeses - those smoked “braids” that are usually bought with beer do not spoil much in the heat . Cheeses are good for sandwiches, for salads and as an independent snack. It is better to break, grate or cut hard cheese in advance.

Cheese for a picnic

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