September 27 – Day of Teachers and All Preschool Workers

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Date in 2022September 27, 2022, Tuesday
Celebrated:In many countries of the world, including Russia
Meaning:Pay attention to the difficulties of this profession, as well as assess its importance and necessity
Established:Influential publications on pedagogical issues
Traditions:Concerts in schools, matinees in kindergartens, exhibitions of students’ work, awards ceremony

When it takes placeWho celebratesHistoryTraditionsAbout the professionFacts

The day of teachers and all preschool workers is usually celebrated on September 27. This day is celebrated by teachers, nannies and preschool workers. The significance of these professions plays a big role in the development of a child’s personality. After all, in addition to his parents, he spends the rest of his time with the nannies. On this day it is worth thanking these people who are trying to teach little children something.


The history of this holiday begins in 2003-2004. The first proposal to introduce the “Day of Teachers and All Preschool Workers” came from publications on pedagogical problems. Everyone liked this idea, from workers in this field to officials. All that remained was to choose a date.

By voting, they chose September 27th. This choice was not accidental, and was explained by the fact that back in 1837, it was on this day that the first kindergarten was built. Despite the fact that the holiday was known in many countries, it still did not have official status. Therefore, the Ministry of Education decided to grant this day federal status (in 2008). After which, the following year, all workers in this field were congratulated at the state level.

How is Teacher's Day celebrated?

This holiday is usually celebrated within the walls of the kindergarten. Heads of preschool institutions congratulate their colleagues, and distinguished teachers are rewarded with certificates for successful work. Parents give teachers and other employees flowers, sweets and souvenirs from themselves or from the group, and children present their favorite mentors with the most valuable gifts - postcards and handmade crafts. Sometimes entire concerts are organized in honor of teachers, at which little artists sing, dance and read poetry.


The Day of the Teacher and All Preschool Workers is considered to be the professional holiday of all teachers, nannies and preschool workers. It is on this day that children and parents congratulate and thank those who were their “guide along the path of knowledge,” giving flowers, cards, and kind words. In kindergartens and nurseries, matinees are often held on this occasion. Boys and girls sing songs, recite poems, show dance routines, thereby saying “thank you for teaching me.” Also on this day, exhibitions are held where you can see various works of children. There may also be plasticine crafts, drawings, paper crafts and much more. The best employees are awarded with certificates and diplomas. Their photographs can be seen on the honor board.

List of films, songs and books


  • “Gentlemen of Fortune” (1971, USSR);
  • “Mustachioed Nanny” (1977, USSR);
  • “Mary Poppins, Goodbye” (1984, USSR);
  • Kindergarten Cop (1990, USA);
  • “Nannies” / Twin Sitters (1994, USA);
  • “My Fair Nanny” (2004, Russia);
  • “Bald Nanny: Special Assignment” / The Pacifier (2005, USA);
  • “Nanny McPhee” / Nanny McPhee (2005, USA);
  • “House without exit” (2009, Russia);
  • “Nannies” (2012, Russia);
  • “Kindergarten Teacher” (2014, Poland).


  • Yana Egorova, “Educator”;
  • Kenjiro Haitani, "Rabbit's Gaze";
  • Yulia Kuznetsova, “First Work”;
  • Nina Blazon, “The Secret of Polina”;
  • Barbara McMahon, "The First Rule";
  • Pamela Travers, "Mary Poppins";
  • Tuutikki Tolonen, "Buka";
  • Astrid Lindgren, “Carlson, who lives on the roof, has arrived again.”


  • "Lady Perfection"
  • “About the teacher”;
  • “Song about teachers”;
  • "Alice Shaker - Hymn to Educators";
  • “Lyudmila Frants and Lyudmila Gagelstrom – Teachers are like children”;
  • “Favorite teacher”;
  • "Song about teachers."

About the profession

It is necessary to have enormous patience, certain skills and talent to work with children. Kindergarten and nursery teachers are precisely such heroes. Every day, the teacher, faced with various difficulties, makes considerable efforts to find an approach, so to speak, “his own special key” to the thoughts and feelings of each child. After all, each of the guys has their own character, each of them has their own thoughts and views on the things around them. That’s why a truly good teacher shouldn’t, and whatever he shouldn’t, he simply doesn’t have the right to put all children on the same level. A “good” teacher must be able to consider each child individually, give each of them his attention, listen and help them make the right decision, and teach them to distinguish between good and evil. In addition, the teacher simply needs to be able to engage children in useful and developmental activities, thereby making each new day of the child more and more interesting.

Teacher's Day 2022 - holiday date, history, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS

There is no more difficult job in the world - raising other people's children. And you are busy all day: Learn, play, undress, dress. The kids are making noise and frolicking. And he doesn’t always obey, But mischief will not work here - You will find an approach to everyone. You are a teacher no matter what! The kids love you very much. And we want to congratulate you, We say “thank you” for everything!

On this holiday, we congratulate everyone who, sparing no effort, helps our children explore the beautiful world. We wish you health, and patience, and kindness, happiness, and good luck, and warmth!

Congratulations to our beloved, dear and respected teachers, nannies and all those who work with our children. Thank you for giving our kids your warmth, care and affection. Thank you for your endless patience, kindness and tactful wisdom. We wish that your homes always have the same warm and favorable environment as within the walls of our beloved kindergarten. May you have only a sunny mood, excellent health and endless prosperity in your life. Happy holiday!

More congratulations in prose →

Not every person will find the right approach to a child, but the teacher is given the gift of always being at one with the children! Play, study and walk, Read poetry and dance, Dress, undress and feed, And scold and praise. Both adults and kids wish you with all our hearts Smiles, laughter and kindness, May life be generous with you! Let your work be a joy, May you be respected and honored, May you have enough health for everything, And may your work add strength!

Today is the holiday of those who give children a miracle, May success follow you everywhere! And like on a holiday, let him go to work, while sadness, problems and worries rush past! The smiles of children will be the cure for all ills, I wish you many years and the warmest everyday life!

We do not often congratulate In the hustle and bustle of weekdays Those whom we trust Raising children. How important your work is for the country and for all of us! This holiday is exclusively for you. We wish everyone good health and a sunny mood. We love, appreciate, respect, for your care and patience.

Let us congratulate people now on one of the professions that is so important to us. For all the “second mothers” for preschool children! Yes, yes, that's exactly what everyone says about you. You are our dear ones, so be healthy, And let everything that you have invested become the basis In the characters and destinies of those very children. They are the litmus test of the entire profession. You don’t have to blush for them, let the guys do better, let you do it. Each of them remains in your heart.

For your sensitive heart, for your care, for the kindness of your eyes, the warmth of your hands, we will say thank you, because your work is difficult and serious, enormous work. We wish everything in life to be wonderful, dreams come true, and income to grow. Health, good luck, interesting things to do, Sorrows, worries, so that they pass by.

Raising other people's children is not given to everyone. That there is no more important profession, Everyone has known for a long time! Children run to kindergarten And they know that care, joy, a kind look, Comfort, warmth, coziness are waiting for them! And our kids love the kindergarten workers. Congratulate you with all our hearts We are all happy today! We would like to wish you happiness, success in your profession, living in joy and not knowing troubles. Kindness, smiles, laughter!

Sometimes it’s not at all easy for you. We are grateful for your work. May your children adore you and grow up happy. Strength, creativity, patience, may love not dry up, so that you want to come to kindergarten again and again!

Congratulations to all kindergarten workers! Let your salary grow, Like kids in groups. Let the children bring joy, We know that your work is not easy, But God gave you the gift of bringing them into the big world! May your parents appreciate you and be with you for the same thing! Let success await you in your work, and let the family be warm!

Interesting Facts

  • In 1837, the first kindergarten appeared. Friedrich Fröbel is the founder of this preschool in Germany.
  • Not every parent could afford to send their child to kindergarten. After all, until 1868, all of them were exclusively paid. That is why only wealthy and rich people could afford this. Only at the end of 1868 was it decided to create free preschool institutions. Many people liked this idea, and various charitable organizations began to support it.
  • In Russia alone there are more than 60 thousand preschool institutions.

Significant events associated with Teacher's Day

On September 11, in St. Petersburg in 1863, through the efforts of Sophia Lugebiel, the first free kindergarten appeared. He was on Vasilyevsky Island. Sofia Lugebiel was the wife of the Russian professor and teacher Karl Yakimovich Lugebiel.

Rice. 2. The first kindergarten in St. Petersburg, opened by Sofia Lugebiel

If we take the entire Russian Empire, the first preschool institution arose in the city of Helsingfors (now Helsinki) in 1859. But even then Finland was an autonomous part of the state, essentially a separate country under the control of the Russian emperor.

In fact, kindergartens appeared in the Russian Empire much earlier, but they were paid. Only wealthy families used them. Although they could hire nannies, it was believed that in a children's society under the supervision of experienced educators, children would spend their time more profitably.

The appearance of the first free garden attracted the attention of philanthropists. Later, similar children's institutions appeared at some large enterprises in Moscow and St. Petersburg. They were arranged by enterprise owners for their female workers. But before the revolution there were very few such establishments.

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Kindergartens and nurseries became truly widespread only in the 20s and 30s of the 20th century, already under Soviet rule.

Short and funny toasts for Teacher's Day 2021

On Teacher's Day, in some kindergartens it is customary to gather all colleagues and organize corporate parties. If the event is only for adults, it is not complete without a feast with alcohol. On such a day, you can say toasts at the table in prose or in poetry.

I offer a drink For work, for business, So that they go up the hill, And we don’t get tired!

Don’t suffer in vain, Never lose heart, Let’s drink with you to goodness, So that we will always be lucky!


Let's drink to our work! She is one of the most necessary and noble. Let our work be easy for all of us, and let the children only make us happy and not make us sad.


We have fun all day long, Everything is flying around. Let's wish us patience, sun, light outside the window.

Dear teachers! Let's drink to the good! Let the sun shine brightly and warm us!

Congratulations from the headmaster on Preschool Worker's Day

Adults and children know that it is not easy to lead. And, of course, it is also very difficult to be the first lady. To maintain the rating of the garden, in GORONO the answer is to keep 3a the work of the team, so that they can report on their work in an eloquent and beautiful manner. All decisions must be made, advice must be given to everyone, someone must be scolded or a prize must be presented. Our manager has a very difficult job.

Beautiful flowers, laughter of children, Health, strength, endless energy, Love, hope, faith, warmth, I wish the head of the kindergarten! Confidently go towards your dream Cheerful, attractive, successful, Let happiness smile at you And life will be wonderful with joy!

How much do you need to know in life to become a manager? How much inspiration do you need for responsible decisions? You are an example to everyone in the garden, visible from day to day. We will not forget your work, We respect and love you!

It is difficult and honorable work to manage a kindergarten. As a commander, you must Command the parade.

And therefore today, on the Day of Preschool Workers, we hasten to congratulate you on behalf of everyone who is surrounded by care.

Warmed with warmth, kindness, Love, understanding. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all your efforts.

We wish you joy in everything, success in all your endeavors. Let the checks be a plus, and let help not be a hindrance.

And let it ring every day, Like a reward for hard work, Cheerful loud children's laughter Under the roof of the kindergarten.


Flowers and card. Flowers and a greeting card are a gift that will be a pleasant surprise and a sign of attention for a woman. A lover of indoor plants can be presented with a blooming flower in a pot.

Original bouquet. A bouquet of sweets or fruits will serve as an original gift. You can make such a present yourself, based on the preferences of the teacher.

Diary. A diary is an item that helps keep information at hand and facilitates the work process. The teacher will be delighted with the stylish leather-bound diary.

Thermal mug. Kindergarten workers don’t often get a chance to take a tea break. The thermal mug will allow you to enjoy hot drinks during the working day without leaving your students unattended.


“I wish to see the world as amazing and kind as children see it, I wish to dream and sing every day, find beauty in every moment and paint a picture of my life with bright colors. Success in work, health, peace, happiness and prosperity.”

“I wish you, together with your children, to enjoy life and notice everything beautiful even in the little things, I wish you to go to work as if it were a happy children’s holiday, and return home - with a feeling of joy and love, where they are always welcome and appreciated.”

“I wish you not just to work, but, together with your children, to immerse yourself in the world of dreams, illusions, miracles and kindness; I wish you not just to live, but to enjoy every happy, beautiful moment of life. Health to you and your children, playful mood, funny ideas and immodest success.”


Cinderella's slipper

A large number of shoes are placed in front of the children and they are asked to choose a pair that belongs to the teacher. After this, the teacher tries on the proposed shoe options. The participant whose pair of shoes is the right size wins.

Draw a portrait

Before the competition, students are blindfolded and given drawing supplies: paper, pencils, paints, felt-tip pens. Children blindly try to draw a portrait of their teacher. The participant whose drawing is most similar to the original wins.

Beads for the teacher

To conduct the competition you need to prepare beads and two boxes. Participants are divided into two teams and asked to take turns giving compliments to the teacher: kind, affectionate, caring, etc. The team whose box contains the most beads wins.

About the profession of a teacher

Teachers and preschool workers teach children. They lay in the child basic concepts about the world around him, instill skills in work, perseverance, concentration and thinking.

A career begins after receiving a higher pedagogical or secondary specialized education. A preschool teacher must be a versatile person and strive for self-improvement. He is required to have high moral qualities, restraint, a favorable attitude towards people, goodwill, and a willingness to help.

A teacher is a creative profession. It obliges us to find unique approaches to teaching and promote understanding of the material.

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