Outdoor games at the autumn festival in kindergarten. Junior group

Progress of the game:

The players stand in a circle , in the center of the circle is the driver with a closed umbrella in his hands .

Children walk in a circle holding hands and sing:

The children went out for a walk,

There's no sun in sight.

Lyrics without music :

Tanya (Anya, Vanya) open the umbrella .

Save us from the rain.

The driver opens the umbrella and brings it to two players, holding the umbrella between them . Players run around the circle, in different directions. The winner is the one who runs to the umbrella and takes it in his hands. He becomes the driver.

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Outdoor games at the autumn festival in kindergarten. Junior group

Outdoor games for autumn entertainment for younger preschoolers 3-4 years old in kindergarten

Author: Svetlana Nikolaevna Kryuchkova, music director of MDOU Kindergarten No. 127 “Northern Fairy Tale”, Petrozavodsk Description of the material: the material is designed for children 3-4 years old (junior group), can be useful for music directors and educators. Games can be included in autumn entertainment or any activity with children as a fragment. Goal: creating a joyful mood in children Objectives: - to bring joy to children - to consolidate preschoolers’ ideas about the signs of autumn - to develop the creative abilities of preschoolers

1. I spin the magic umbrella, - the presenter spins the umbrella.
I turn all the kids.
You guys will spin around - the children will spin around themselves
And turn into LEAVES.
A light breeze is blowing, a leaf is flying with the breeze. - the children easily run on their toes around the hall 2. I spin the magic umbrella, - the presenter spins the umbrella,
I transform all the children.
You guys will spin around - the children will spin around themselves
And turn into HARNIES.
In the autumn meadow, mischievous bunnies are jumping. - children jump in the form of bunnies on two legs 3. I spin the magic umbrella, - the presenter spins the umbrella
I transform all the children.
You guys will spin around - the children will spin around themselves
And turn into TEARS.
The bears sing a song and waddle. - children walk in the form of bears, waddling from foot to foot 4. I spin the magic umbrella, - the presenter spins the umbrella
I transform all the children.
You guys will spin around - the children will spin around themselves.
Turn into little birds.
Birds are pecking grains, Birds are singing songs. - the children, squatting down, “peck the grains” 5. I close the magic umbrella, - the presenter spins the umbrella,
I turn everyone into children.
Spin, turn around - the children are spinning around themselves
And turn into children.


(a phonogram of rain sounds sounds, the presenter opens an umbrella)
You guys, don’t yawn, gather under my umbrella.
- the children stand under the umbrella of the leader.
Together we’ll wait out the rain, and then we’ll go for a walk.
The rain stopped falling, He was probably tired. Let him rest a little, Well, let's go for a walk! We walk along the paths together - the children walk scattered around the hall.
We raise our legs higher.
The sun shines on us from heaven, illuminating the forest with light. To the sound of rain, children again hide under an umbrella

The heavy rain pours and pours, It doesn’t let us walk, And when it stops, It will leave its puddles for us.
Now we’ll go for a walk, and we’ll cross all the puddles. Models of puddles are laid out on the floor, children follow each other, stepping over the puddles.


A bear came to us for the holiday, He brought a pine cone with him.
We need to quickly stand in a circle. We will play now. Children stand in a circle.
And they extend one hand forward, palm up. The presenter places the bear in the middle of the circle. I walk around in a circle with a pine cone, -
the leader puts a pine cone in turn on each child’s palm.
I’ll put this pine cone on the children’s palm.
1,2,3,4,5 – Go out and dance with the bear. At the end of the text, whoever has a bump on his palm goes to the middle of the circle, takes a toy bear and dances in the form of a bear (rolling from foot to foot)

We came to the forest and found a lot of leaves.
Autumn gilded them and laid them on the ground. We will play with them, we will collect leaves. On command - 1,2,3 Quickly take the leaves. Together we took the leaves and ran along the paths. - the children run with a leaf in their hands.
The breeze stopped, the leaf fell to the ground.
- the children put the leaves on the ground,
raise their legs higher - So we walk through the forest.
- the children are walking in all directions.
The game is repeated.
On command - 1,2,3 Quickly take the leaves. As a complication, you can collect leaves that are only yellow, or only orange, or only red.
On command 1,2,3,

quickly take (red, orange)


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"Musical Umbrella"

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There are a total of 13 presentations on the topic “Musical development of children”

“Umbrella Festival” for children 3–4 years old

Children enter the hall to the music and sit on chairs.

Presenter: Guys, look how rainy it is outside. So today is someone's holiday. And to find out who, you need to guess the riddle.

You take it in your hands - And you are not afraid of the rain! The rain will pass: you will put it away And you will be able to walk in the sun. If the horizon is clear, what will you leave at home? (Umbrella)

(The sound of rain is heard)

- Oh, guys, it looks like it's going to rain. We need to call Umbrella. After all, today is his holiday!

(The children call. Umbrella enters, the role of which is played by the parent of one of the children)


If a cloud frowns and threatens to rain, Let’s hide under an umbrella and wait out the rain.

Guys, do you recognize me? I am the Umbrella. Do you know what I'm doing? I save people from rain, snow and sun. Don't you know how bad it is in the rain if you don't have an Umbrella? Clothes and hair get wet. Who, if not me, will hide you from the rain? Let's play a game and see how good it is that you have me.

Game "Sun and Rain"

Presenter. You see, guys, if it weren't for the Umbrella, we wouldn't have a game! The clouds are gathering - the rain is starting. Guys, let's sing a song about rain to Umbrella.

Song "Raining Tears"

1. Rain, rain outside The weather is gloomy. Like from a watering can, it pours from the sky all day long! Chorus: drip, drip, drip, drip. It's pouring from the sky! – 2 r.

2. Wet drops knock on the glass and roof. Even in the underground the mischievous mice are silent. Drip, drip, drip, drip. Mischievous mice. – 2 r.

3. A stream runs along the glass, tears of rain have become wet in the garden, yellow paths. Drip, drip, drip, drip. Yellow paths. – 2 r.

Reading poems about rain

The rain teases: “Hey, guys!” - He plays hide and seek with us. Either he will let it go or he will go away. It will disappear, then it will return. The raindrops are knocking more and more loudly on the branches and along the path. We will not interfere with the rain - the earth and people need rain.

Autumn walks along the path, her feet are soaked in the puddles. It's raining and there's no light, Summer is lost somewhere.

“Naughty rain” Rain, rain, listen: Don’t walk barefoot through puddles. Autumn wanders along the roads. He carries cold weather in his knapsack. If you turn white, you will become snow, You won’t melt until April.

We wandered through the meadows in the summer time. We swam in the river, overtaking everyone. And now we run through the puddles in a crowd, and our happy laughter rings everywhere

Game "Find your puddle"

There are leaves lying in disarray around the hall, representing puddles. To the music, children run around the group, when finished they occupy their puddle and “tromp” their feet in it.


The rain does not bark, does not bite, does not rush at passers-by. Why is it that everyone always runs away from him?



In an open field, by the river, cornflowers bloomed. Little blue specks, like droplets from the sky. CARNATION:

Look, look, what's that bright light? I am a red carnation. I celebrate the summer day. (Children - flowers recite poems and give paper flowers to Summer) SUMMER:

Thank you, dear flowers! All that remains is for the children to work hard, and our umbrella will turn into a flowerbed. LEADING:

Summer, read the first assignment.
(Summer takes out the first flower, reads the riddle) SUMMER:
1. If the Sun does not laugh, What pours from heaven to earth? (rain)

2.What is higher than the forest, More beautiful than the light, Burns without fire? Answer: (Sun)

3. The sun is shining, the linden tree is blooming. When does rye ripen? (summer)

4. It makes noise in the field and in the garden, but it won’t get into the house. And I'm not going anywhere while he goes. Answer: (Rain)

5. We cry without him, and when he appears, we hide from him. Answer: (Sun) 6. They planted a grain and raised the sun. Answer: (sunflower)

7. I walked along a path through a meadow, I saw the sun on a blade of grass. But the sun's white rays are not at all hot. Answer: (Chamomile)

8. You warm the whole world And you don’t know fatigue, You smile in the window, And everyone calls you... Answer: (Sun)

9. On the street there is a shirt, In the hut there are sleeves. Answer: (Ray of the sun)

10. Over the meadow, parachutes swing on a twig. Answer: (Dandelion)

11. Peas are pouring out of the clouds, jumping onto our threshold. It rolls from the roof into the garden. What's happened? This is... Answer: (Grad) HOST:

It's very good that it rained today! We will not be discouraged, We will play with the rain! GAME “SUN AND RAIN”


Well done boys!
The first flower appeared on our umbrella. (A flower is glued to the umbrella.) HOST:
Summer, read the next task quickly.
The sun shines on us, smiles, And our merry holiday continues with song!
Well done, guys!
A second flower appeared on our umbrella. (A flower is glued to the umbrella.) HOST:
It’s summer, can I get the next flower.
Well, get a flower and read the task to us.
You sang and played, but you didn’t dance yet. Well, guys, don't yawn, start the fun dance! DANCE “SQUIT”


Here is the third flower that decorated our umbrella.
(A flower is glued to the umbrella) HOST:
We danced with all our hearts, And the fourth flower is taken out by the kids. (They call the child to get the next flower)


Everything around is warmed by the sun, We hear the sounds of summer everywhere.
We invite you to play, show us what summer sounds like! SPEECH GAME “SOUNDS OF SUMMER” How do mosquitoes ring? (Children imitate the squeak of mosquitoes and further in the text) How do flies buzz? How do birds sing in the forest? Does the cuckoo scream at the bitch? How do frogs croak? How do puppies yap? How do small children cry? How do happy hares gallop? HOST:
Well done, guys!
Our umbrella becomes bright. (A flower is glued to the umbrella) SUMMER:
The last flower in the basket lies, how will it surprise us? (turns it over, there is a picture of a carousel) Carousel! Wow! But it is too small for us. In order for us to ride on it, we need to have fun together: clap our hands, stomp our feet, tell a friend: “Smile! Come to the carousel festival!” (They take out the carousel) GAME “CAROUSEL”

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