Birthday with the clown Smeshulkin with children 3-4 years old material (younger group) on the topic

"Birthday Day with a Clown"


Materials and equipment:

birthday caps, soap bubbles, a picture of a loaf cut into five parts, a tray, a board.
PROGRESS OF THE HOLIDAY: Children line up in a circle to the cheerful music “Let them run clumsily.” Presenter:
Birthday is wonderful!
This is wonderful and funny! Congratulations accepted. And receive gifts. Where are our birthday boys? Let them sing and dance for us. To invite them here, you need to start clapping! To the applause, the birthday people enter the hall and stand inside a large circle. Presenter:
The holiday begins! One two three four five! Who will we congratulate? Whose dreams will come true? Who are these poems for?

And in the eyes of joy - whose? Who's ahead today? These are the birthday boys!!! (applause) Presenter:

Guys, there shouldn’t be a single sad face at our holiday!
And to make sure we all have fun, let’s launch the “Fun Rocket.” Do you know how to do this? Let's stomp our feet, clap our hands and loudly pronounce the sound “Ooo-oo-oo”. Come on, together, ONE-TWO-THREE, START ALL ENGINES!!! Children stomp their feet, clap and buzz at the same time. Presenter:
Well, we have launched our “Rocket of Fun”, we continue our holiday!
A clown runs out to the music. Clown:
Kids, girls and boys! Presenter:
Clown, did you come to the birthday party to congratulate the birthday people?
Yes, you're right!
(runs and shakes hands with other children) Congratulations! Congratulations! Presenter:
No, no, it’s other children’s birthday!
We have birthday caps. Clown:
Hello, hello, birthday boy!
Today, like an alarm clock, you probably got up earlier than everyone else, and invited your friends to your place. And we have congratulations! If we want this, Then we shout together “yes”, Or shout together “no”. Open your mouth wider and congratulate the kids! — Happy birthday!
YES! - Everyone is in a bad mood! NO! - Let him grow up big and smart! YES! - Like a green crocodile! NO! - Let him be brave and strong! YES! - Like a beautiful fly agaric! NO! - He will be good and happy! YES! - Naughty and pugnacious! NO! - So that mommy loves! YES! “I beat her with the strap more often!” NO! - May success await him! YES! - You kids are the best! YES! Clown:

Guys, I brought a fabulous cake as a gift to the birthday boys.
But in a clearing in the forest I saw a beautiful butterfly. I ran after her through the forest and lost pieces of the pie! Here, I only have one left (puts it on the tray). What should I do? I’m afraid that I’ll be the only one looking for the pieces for a long time. Children:
We will help you find them!
Thank you!
Guess what we'll hit the road on!? The brothers got ready to visit, clung to each other,
and rushed off on a long journey, only leaving a smoke behind. (train)

- Let's hurry up, otherwise we'll be late for the fun fairytale train!
Come on, trailers, line up! (children stand one after another and take the person in front by the belt) Children “ride” around the hall like a train to the song “Chuh-chukh-chukh, tu-tu-tu!”


Oh, cheerful locomotive, where have you brought us?
This station is called “Aerial”!
Here we need to catch all the soap bubbles! Be careful and careful! Forward! (At this station, the teachers blow soap bubbles, the children catch them with their palms, elbows, etc. The presenter quietly throws a piece of the fairy-tale pie onto the field.) Clown:
You guys are great, you caught all the soap bubbles.
Look carefully, is the piece of pie nowhere to be seen? Child:
Here he is, found!
We put it on the tray and move on! The children “ride” further to the song “Chuh-chukh-chukh, tu-tu-tu!” Clown:
The next station is “Dance”.
At this station we need to dance. Listen carefully and look at me! A musical game is played with the movements “The deer has a big house.” We find another piece of the pie and move on.

Pesennaya station.
At this station we need to sing a song together and cheerfully. Ready? The children, together with their teachers, sing the song “Let them run clumsily.”
We find another piece of the pie and move on. Clown:

Stop, locomotive! “Smart” station At this station we need to listen carefully and respond quickly. Let `s start?

  1. What was the name of Gena's crocodile friend?
  2. Who loved jam more than anything in the world?
  3. The heroine of the fairy tale by Charles Perrault, who turned from a simple girl into a beautiful princess.
  4. What is the last name of the postman from the village of Prostokvashino?
  5. What was the name of the cheerful wooden man?
  6. Which of the heroes said: “You and I are of the same blood, you and I”?
  7. What is the name of the cat, Uncle Fyodor's friend?
  8. Who left grandma and left grandfather?
  9. What was the name of Winnie the Pooh's friend?
  10. What forest animal did Kolobok meet first on his way?
  11. Who chased a hare, ate Little Red Riding Hood, her grandmother, and six kids, but didn’t find the seventh?
  12. What was the name of the girl with blue hair?


Let's move on! Next station “Povtoryalkino”

The song “The Giraffe Has Spots” plays, the children listen carefully and perform the movements according to the song. Find the last piece of the pie.


Well done boys! We found all the pieces of the pie and can return to our kindergarten! By carriages!

To the song “Chukh-chukh-chukh, tu-tu-tu!” we return to the kindergarten, the clown, with the help of the birthday children, assembles a loaf of collected pieces on the board


Everyone gather in a circle, we baked a loaf! Come out, don’t be shy, sing a song together!

They lead a round dance for the birthday people and sing “Loaf” Clown:

1. We all congratulate Sasha and wish him a lot of joy! Don't sneeze or get sick, Dance and sing songs!

2. Well, we wish Vanechka to live without grief and without troubles. And it’s not very short to live - Well, at least 200 years!

3. Our dear Nastya We are pleased to congratulate you. And we want to wish her a lot of happiness today.

4. Anya, Anya, don’t yawn, accept congratulations! Never be bored, always be beautiful!

5. We wish Vasilisa to live without hardships and adversity. Always be as glorious, Smile all year round!

6. Please accept, Sofia, congratulations from the bottom of my heart! Be healthy, always beautiful and a whole basket of happiness!

The clown gives the birthday boys “September Birthday” medals, says goodbye and leaves.


We congratulate you on your birthday and wish you from the bottom of our hearts: May you always be healthy, dear kids!

Entertainment for preschool children “Meeting with the Clown Raznotsvetik”

Summer fun scenario for preschoolers

To create a joyful holiday atmosphere. Objectives: - Enrich children's musical experiences.
— Stimulate joint musical and gaming activities. — Develop children's communication skills. - Cultivate in children a friendly attitude towards each other. Progress of entertainment:

Music is playing, children are gathering on the summer playground.


Hey kids! Here, you naughty girls! Put away the toys and books for a while! Come on over, kids! Everyone get together here! It's time to start the world's summer holiday!

with balloons
runs into the party :

Hi guys!
I am the clown Raznotsvetik! Come on, brave boys, let’s shout loudly: “Hello!” Boys:
And girls, one, two, three!
Let's shout loudly: “Hello!” Girls:
And the boys are even louder!!! And the girls are even louder!!!

You forgot to tell me what to call you guys... My dear children, on command, together, shout with all your strength, say your name loudly. One two three four five! What are all of you guys called? Well done! We said hello and got to know each other! Looks around.

Oh, where did I end up? (children's answer)

What is a kindergarten?


Early in the morning, mothers take all the children to kindergarten. There they draw, and play, and dance, and sing. And, we’ll tell you a secret, they live a lot of fun!

Kindergarten, our kindergarten is a home for all children.
Here we play and sing, we live together and have fun .

This means that today we meet for the first time not at the circus, but at a party in a kindergarten! How smart you are today! And look how smart I am! (turns around himself)
I heard that you were having a summer holiday and decided to come to you too.
Can I stay with you?! The children answer.

Children, what is Summer?


And we, Multicolored, will tell you this now!
A lot of sun, a lot of light, It came to us for a holiday... Children: summer Presenter:
Songs, games until dawn, It came to us for a holiday...
Children: summer Presenter:
The field is all dressed in flowers, It came to us for a holiday...
summer Presenter:
has come to us for a holiday... Clown:

Hooray! Now I know what summer is!!! I am so glad that you invited me to your kindergarten! After all, I just love to have fun and play! I can also turn the most ordinary song into a fun dance! Guys, repeat after me!

Dance based on the show “Merry Monkeys”


And now everyone who has ears, noses and cheeks is playing with us!
Game “Sticky Stick” While the music is playing, everyone is dancing.
When the music stops, the Clown names the part of the body that will need to touch each other - stick (nose, cheek, forehead, palm, knee, back, tummy, etc.) The Clown checks whether the children stick well to each other. The game is played several times. Clown:

You are great guys! You could make real clowns... But I don’t know, are you as fast and dexterous as clowns?


Of course, because all our children do exercises.
What, what?
Let's, guys, teach the Clown how to do exercises correctly. Exercises for the show “Everyone plays sports”

I want to know now who laughs loudest? All the girls, as soon as I raise my hand, will loudly and unanimously shout “Hee-hee-hee!” And as soon as I raise my leg, the boys will shout “Ha-ha-ha!”

Children laugh in turns, all together


We continue the fun, Let's all shout in unison - “Hurray!”
(children scream)
And now, without delay, the game comes to us again!

GAME “Pass the Ball”
The clown and the guys pass the ball in a circle to the music.
The number of balls gradually increases. The clown stands in a circle and tries to take the ball. When the music ends, everyone who has the ball in their hands goes to the center of the circle and dances with the Clown. Clown:

One two three four five! We'll play again!


Berries grow in the forest, they invite us to visit. We need to pick the berries. Mind you, don’t take unripe ones!!!

Game “Who can collect berries in baskets faster”

The game involves two teams - boys and girls. Each team is given a basket. The “berries”—red (ripe) and green (unripe) balls from the dry pool—scatter. To the accompaniment of cheerful music, children collect “ripe berries” - red balls. Whoever collected the “ripe berries” the fastest is the winner.


In the summer we can come up with any trip and go wherever we want. But, in order not to get into trouble, let's play the game “What you can do and what you can’t do.” If you can do “this”, then clap, and if you can’t, stomp.

Word game "Can or can't"

  • walk, jump rope?
  • swim, sunbathe?
  • destroy birds' nests?
  • walk through the forest, pick mushrooms?
  • walk through the forest, break trees?
  • help adults - water the beds?
  • Light a fire without adults?
  • Listen to your mom, should you eat washed fruit?
  • Walk by the road, throw a ball on the road?
  • Laugh more - gain strength?

I see that you are all ready for your summer trip! Then go ahead - the locomotive Bukashka is waiting for us all!

Game "Locomotive Bukashka"


We celebrated summer with you - we had fun and played,

Just one more minute of patience - there is a treat for you!

Where is it? I forgot! Crying.


Don't be upset, Multicolored! Now the guys will help you find it!

Children looking for a treat with a clown


We had a lot of fun. Goodbye, kids! But I need to go and cheer up the other kids!

To the music, Klawn leaves


  1. Balloons for a clown
  2. Baskets, red and green balls
  3. Three balls of different sizes
  4. Treat in fake candy
  5. Clown costume Raznotsvetika
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