How to make a cat costume for a girl with your own hands? —

Children really like the festive costume of a cat because they love to imitate this pet. Affectionate purrs, mischievous scratchers, playful beasts - all kinds of kittens you will meet at children's parties in the garden and at school. Many of them are dressed in ready-made faux fur suits, while others proudly flaunt their own homemade outfits. And believe me, such children feel much more comfortable and happier than other kids. Because their suits look original, they fit perfectly and are noticeably different from the standard, slightly boring factory outfits.

But a New Year's cat costume is very easy to make at home. And to create the simplest look, you don’t even need to sew anything; you can use the clothes you have in your closet.

Catwoman for Halloween

A universal version of an adult look is an elegant tight dress or trouser suit , decorated with fur ribbon trim at the edges of the cuffs. A more daring option is a piquant leather outfit, complemented by lacy ears and a daring studded collar.

Cut out four blanks for the ears from lace fabric. Place them facing each other, sew them together and turn them right side out. For stability, thread a thin and strong wire through them, giving the ears a shape. Wrap the hoop with a satin ribbon and secure the finished ears on it. Gloves made of the same openwork fabric will complete the look.

There are no restrictions for an adult costume. It is appropriate to combine corsetry with stockings and elastic sleeves , or you can prefer long mittens and, in addition, do a “cat manicure” with long claws. Fluffy leg warmers and cuffs contrast with delicate ears and a chain around the neck. You can fantasize endlessly, it is only important to maintain the overall tone of the outfit and light up any party.

- a matter of imagination and skill of the needlewoman. In other words, there are a lot of instructions and they are all different. Some sew the entire costume - from head to toe, others may limit themselves to just the ears and tail, and others will take care of everything else - the cat's chest. In a word, the flight of imagination is limitless, and in any case, a homemade costume will turn out to be original.

Here are some options for possible materials and items that will help create the basis of a cat image for a girl:

  • Fabric for ears, tail, chest: felt, fur, velvet, silk or satin;

  • The basis of the ears is a hair hoop. You can make ears by cutting out double-sided triangles from felt and attaching them in the center to a regular hair hoop. You can hide the hoop with a velvet ribbon or any fabric from which the ears are made. Felt ears are more suitable for younger girls. You can attach a wire in the shape of two ears to the hoop. Wrap the wire with a thin ribbon of silk or velvet. Contour ears will look impressive on teenage girls.

Advice. The wire can be covered with lace or nylon and decorated with rhinestones.

  • Cap. For more experienced needlewomen, it will not be difficult to sew a simple hat with cutouts for the eyes and ears. You can use a ready-made hat and simply sew ears on it. You need to understand that the fabric of the hat and ears must match the quality of the fabric so that the product does not look ridiculous and does not ruin the entire costume.
  • Hair. Ears can be made from hair. It will look extravagant and unusual. For a “cat” hairstyle, you need to take small locks of hair in the right places and make two ponytails. Twist the tails into “pyramids”, tapering towards the top. Secure the resulting ears with hairpins, and it is important to leave the remaining hair loose. This hairstyle is very flirty and mischievous. If desired, you can attach a piece of fur to the tip of each ear.

Costume ideas

A cat's New Year's costume can look different, because there are many such fairy-tale characters. For example, recently the kittens from the cartoon “Three Cats” - Korzhik, Kompot and Caramel - have become very popular. But the old “Soviet” cartoon cats also do not lose their popularity.

Cat Matroskin and kitten Chi

Matroskin's cat costume consists of a gray striped jumpsuit, a smoky silver hat with ears and a red scarf. This look is suitable for both boys and girls of primary school age. There is also a modern interpretation of this outfit - the kitten Chi, the hero of Japanese comics. He is the proud owner of the same gray tabby fur coat as the well-known talking cat from Prostokvashino.

Gray striped jumpsuit. Sailor suit Paws-slippersGray-white hat-muzzleSoft bootsRed scarf. Matroskin cat costume Hat with ears Cozy gray overalls. Japanese kitten costume ChiHood with cat face

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Leopold the cat and Basilio the cat

Leopold the cat's costume is the least reminiscent of a cat's outfit, since this cartoon character loves to wear clothes. This boyish look can be complemented with a fluffy tail and appropriate face painting.

The costume of the cat Basilio, as in the case of the cat Leopold, is not so much about the cat family, but about the original elements of clothing. Not only schoolchildren or teenagers, but also young adults can try on such an image.

Yellow loose-fitting shirt. Cat Leopold Blue trousers with turn-ups Neck bow Vest with blue stripes. Cat BasilioHatDark sunglassesLong sleeve vest. Cat Basilio Owl glasses Bowler hat Jacket with fur collar. Basilio costume for boysCheckered trousers

Kitten costumes for kids

Kitten costumes are a separate category of children's New Year's outfits. They are not much different from the costumes of adult cats, except for the age of their owner: a kitten costume is selected for a kindergartener 3-6 years old.

This image is not tied to a specific color, and costumes are often made without a tail, so that little children can have fun at the holiday.


One of the most important moments in creating a cat's image is applying the appropriate coloring to the face. Here is where your imagination can run wild. The catwoman costume will be complete. After all, a cat's face is not only black whiskers. Don't forget to draw:

  • three to four vertical stripes above each eyebrow;
  • slanted eyeliner;
  • nose, in the form of a black pipette at the tip of the nose;
  • above the upper lip you can draw a stripe up to the nose and decorate the skin with black dots;
  • if you are depicting a tabby cat, you can make faint stripes on the cheeks.

DIY cat costume for a child: video

For children's parties, a carnival costume is necessary. Whether it's a New Year's party, a Halloween party or a themed birthday. An original do-it-yourself cat costume for a girl will be an alternative option for boring fairies and sorceresses.

Kids are very mobile, and the finished outfit should not limit their movement. Therefore, it is recommended to choose a dress for a cat’s New Year’s costume that is not only beautiful, but also comfortable.

The costume consists of
ears, a tail, a dress and gloves.
All proposed options can be easily combined with each other and are suitable for children's and adult looks.
Making the details of the costume does not require special sewing skills
; such an outfit can be easily sewn by hand without the help of a sewing machine.

Thin jacket, fluffy white tutu skirt, matching gloves and tights, pink ears

will turn the baby into a white kitten. A cute bow and subtle makeup will complete the look.

Even a novice needlewoman can handle a skirt for a white cat costume.

You will need tulle and a wide elastic band.


  1. Cut the tulle
    into strips equal to the desired length of the skirt.
  2. Stretch a wide elastic band
    on the back of the chair - the basis of the future pack.
  3. Fold each strip of tulle
    in half and tie it in a knot with an elastic band. Do this with all the ribbons, forming a full skirt.

Ears for a cat

Ears are an important component of the image. There are several simple ways to make cat ears with your own hands: from felt, lace or fluffy wire.

It's very easy to make ears from decorative wire. It is necessary to bend the fluffy pieces to the shape of the ears and secure them to the hairband. Wrap the very base of the hoop with matching ribbon.

Soft ears are suitable for younger girls


To work you will need a hair hoop, pieces of felt, and sewing supplies.

Draw a pattern on thick paper and cut out the blank. Transfer the pattern to the fabric.

Cut out four black blanks and two smaller pink ones. Wrap the blanks of black parts around the hoop and secure. Place two pink parts on top of the black ones. Finish the edges with decorative stitching. Disguise the hoop itself with a velvet ribbon or a strip of fur.

Tail for suit

The tail is sewn from fur ribbon

, its width should be twice the finished part.
Fold the workpiece in half and stitch. Turn it onto the face and secure it to the suit with the open edge. Insert wire inside to maintain the shape. For the second option,
you will need
three narrow rolls of paper towels and a cloth.
Fold the rolls with their narrow edges facing each other and thread the wire into the structure. Wrap everything in a regular plastic bag.

and fix it. Sew a long stocking from fabric and stretch it onto a cardboard blank. Finish the open edge and sew to the suit.

Gloves and cuffs for kittens

For a cat costume any gloves
decorated with fur on top, or
fluffy cuffs
sewn by yourself, are suitable.

To do this, you need to cut narrow strips of fluffy fur, fold them in half and stitch them. Thread an elastic band into each piece and connect the open edges.

Another original way

Suitable for craftswomen who know how to crochet. Using fillet mesh, knit two elbow-length sleeves. Cut two strips from fluffy fur and sew along the bottom edge of the blanks. Leggings can also be made in this way. And for a complete look, decorate the edges of the skirt with a fur strip and make a fluffy bib from the same fur.

The finishing touches to a cat's look

It is impossible to imagine a cat costume for the New Year without appropriate makeup and additional accessories.

To imitate a cat's eye, use black eyeliner or a pencil
to draw rather thick arrows going to the temples.
Draw the edge of the nose with a dark brown pencil. Draw a mustache and lightly highlight the lips with a soft gloss

Young girls are recommended to use face painting

, not cosmetics.

A pink hair bow or collar (choker), a small bell or a gold chain will decorate a small cat.

Cat make-up

No matter how beautiful and unusual the costume is, you can’t do without cat makeup. The main emphasis is on eye makeup. You need to make beautiful arrows with eyeliner, giving the look mystery and mystery. You can also use dark eye shadow. A thick black dot on the nose, whiskers on the cheeks, and thin eyebrows will create an unforgettable impression. Lips need to be highlighted with bright lipstick. A beautiful design can also be made on the cat’s neck.

The perfect holiday look is ready. If you put in a little effort and imagination, you can make a cat costume for a girl with your own hands quickly and beautifully.


  • Dress. It should be monochromatic and elegant. All accessories are selected or sewn in appropriate colors. A fluffy dress with a tulle skirt for a little girl will look festive. For a teenage girl, you can find a short leather dress or a long velvet one.
  • Pantsuit. Perhaps the easiest and most affordable option. A monochromatic suit made from velor or fleece is best suited. Other options are also acceptable. A great addition to a regular pantsuit is the faux fur trim on the sleeves and legs.
  • Skirt and jacket. In this option, a combination is possible, for example, of a ready-made plain blouse and a hand-sewn tulle skirt to match the blouse. A tulle skirt is easy to sew. Even an inexperienced needlewoman can cope with this task.
  • Leggings and gymnastics leotard. This combination will create a latex effect. You can decorate a simple suit by attaching a white breast to the swimsuit.

A few final tips!

  • Buy special contact lenses that will change your eye color. Cat eyes are most suitable for the look. Bright green lenses will look original and bright.
  • Practice applying makeup a day or two before the intended party.
  • Let your imagination run wild! Why not transform into close relatives of cats - tigress, leopard, cheetah, lynx!

  • Don't forget that being a cat requires certain behavior! The body must be flexible. All movements are graceful, slightly daring. The look is cunning, bold, seductive!

Why is the image of a cat so popular at such holidays? Maybe because in the character of every girl there is a cat’s cunning and slyness, which from time to time changes to softness and affection? Or maybe because it’s not at all difficult to create a Catwoman costume and makeup for Halloween with your own hands, and it will look different on every lady?



How to make a headband with ears?

A New Year's cat costume for a girl will not be complete without the head attribute - ears. Cat ears can be sewn onto either a matching headband or a hat of the appropriate color. A hat with ears is more suitable for a small child, and for older babies - a beautiful hairband.

First you need to prepare templates from cardboard or thick paper: triangles for the ears and ovals to attach the ears to the headband. If you plan to use a cap, ovals are not needed. From thick fabric or felt you need to cut out four triangles and two ovals, then sew two triangles together and attach each of them to the oval. These designs are sewn to the rim. The middle of the ear can be made pink, and the outer side black. When sewing a triangle to an oval, you can bend it a little to make the ears more voluminous and more realistic.

Instead of a headband, they also use hairpins - clips to which ready-made ears are attached.

There is another option for creating cat ears. Instead of felt, you can use faux fur. If you also make a tail from the same fur, the cat’s outfit will look elegant and harmonious.

If you have difficulty sewing triangles and ovals together, you can simplify your work and use glue instead of a needle and thread.

The head attribute of the cat outfit is ready.

Attributes of a cat's image

A cat costume for girls for a matinee consists of the following elements:

  • Headband or hat with ears.
  • Turtleneck or vest.
  • Fluffy short skirt.
  • Tights.
  • Cat's tail.
  • Shoes or shoes of the appropriate color.

For a boy, the skirt should be replaced with pants, and a bow tie in a contrasting color to the shirt should be attached to the neck.

The cat costume looks most impressive in black and white colors, but you can sew an outfit in other colors. The main thing is that all the colors used are combined with each other and the child likes it.

How to choose the right clothes for a cat

There are several criteria that the chosen item for a cat must meet:

  • size;
  • convenience;
  • practicality;
  • color;
  • price;
  • quality.

If you have already chosen a costume that suits you visually, make sure that the size will suit your pet. In cases where the owner knows in advance what he wants or the clothes are selected on the website of an online store, the animal’s chest circumference and the desired length of the product are measured. If measurements have not been taken, you can rely on the fact that the size indicated on the tag is correct. You can figure out what size your cat can wear using the table.

Table: cat sizes

SizeBack Length(cm)Chest circumference (cm)

The smallest size is usually suitable for older kittens or miniature cats, the largest size for large cats. It is also important to take into account the model of clothing (the item can be tight-fitting or loose-fitting). It is also important to take into account convenience. When buying clothes for the first time, you cannot be sure that your cat will wear a tight-fitting T-shirt. In addition, the model itself should be comfortable, it should not hinder movement. Most of all, cats don't like pants of any kind. They can still come to terms with the outer part of the clothes, but hardly with the pants.

If you are satisfied with the model, color and cost of the suit, make sure that the chosen item is practical. A cat cannot, like a human, sit quietly in place and, if necessary, smooth out the folds on its skirt with its hands. The thing should be such that you can put it on and not be afraid that it will quickly get dirty, tear or wrinkle. In addition, some types of outfits (for example, winter overalls) are usually chosen for more than one year.

Even if you bought comfortable clothes for your everyday cat, periodically give the animal a rest

Should you pay attention to the quality of the suit?

The quality of cat clothing is of great importance. Firstly, the animal may be allergic to certain types of synthetics, dyes or other chemicals. And secondly, a low-quality suit will wear out faster. In general, when choosing an outfit for your pet, it is better to give preference to natural or semi-natural materials. The fabric of the clothing should be elastic (stretchy). It is better to immediately abandon those things that are made of low quality material. This quality is usually accompanied by a number of signs:

  • smells bad (chemical smell);
  • there are bruises and creases (which means it’s wrinkled);
  • reminds you of that thing of yours that doesn’t wash well;
  • reminds you of that item of yours that has shrunk or stretched out after washing;
  • rustles a lot;
  • fibers stick out from the seams, the cut crumbles;
  • too thick (will take a long time to dry);
  • has a relief or openwork structure.

The chosen cat outfit can be compared with your own item of the same quality. Remember whether you are comfortable in it, whether it is not electrified, whether it washes well, etc. A cat also needs convenience; it may refuse something of poor quality.

the quality of the cat item should be the same as what you would choose for yourself

What is a scratching post for?

However, it is not at all necessary to run to the pet store and buy exquisite works of art in the form of entire wooden spans for sharpening claws. You can build the simplest model of a scratching post yourself. The scratching post is installed in one of the rooms, freely accessible for the animal. In the toilet or hallway, the cat will not even pay attention to the scratching post. Often scratching posts for cats look like a whole complex. Cat owners familiar with carpentry create scratching posts disguised as real works of art.

Then I decided to make a bend in the tip of the tail. We make the upper part of the suit from an existing T-shirt or turtleneck. Since a cat has a tail, it means there must be fluffy ears. It's very easy to make them. Cover it with the same fabric from which the skirt is made. The headband must have ears. Make them also from cardboard and stick them from the inside to the rim.

Tails and ponytails are made in a variety of ways, but I will describe the simplest of them using the example of a cat tail and a fantasy cat tail. 1) Select a layer of fur for the tail. 3) So, we sewed all the parts along the dotted lines and along the red outline. It’s through this that we turn the entire product inside out. If done correctly, the tip of the tail will have a white, furry tip. 6) If the tail is made of monotonous dense fur, then you can apply the design with acrylic paints or, for the lucky ones, with an airbrush.

Materials for production

A graceful, affectionate and intelligent animal. It is no coincidence that in some countries it is considered a symbol of prosperity and wisdom. In Ancient Egypt they were revered and never offended.

Its main attributes are ears and tail. Let's start with them. Attach the white triangle to the wrong side of the black one and fold the black edges 0.5 cm on both sides. Cut out the tail into two pieces. Sew them together, turn them inside out and stuff them with stuffing. A girl in such clothes looks magnificent and very erotic. Take two strips of any fur 3-10 cm wide and slightly longer than the circumference of your wrist.

Airy skirt

Clothes for cats are needed not only to keep your pet warm, but also for going out into the world. Thus, show animals often appear before judges in exclusive outfits. Skirts are especially relevant in cat fashion, giving femininity and charm to sophisticated breeds.

To create such an unusual accessory you will need:

The easiest way to create a fluffy ballet tutu does not require any drawings or patterns. To sew a skirt, just measure the cat’s “waist” circumference and add 10 cm to this value.

Required materials and work process

The satin ribbon is cut to the obtained length. The tulle is cut into strips 2 cm wide. The length of the strips is equal to the required length of the skirt multiplied by 2.

Next, the tulle strips are folded in half and tied onto a satin ribbon with loose knots, as shown in the photo. The thicker the ribbons are tied, the more magnificent the pack will be. To add volume to the product, the length of the strips can be varied. To create color transitions, tulle of various shades is used.

How to cut and attach ribbons

When all the stripes are tied on a ribbon, the skirt is tried on the cat. The free ends of the tape are tied on the back of the animal and their length is adjusted.

Summer minimalism

Cats only need casual outfits during the cold season. In summer there is no need for insulation, but there is a need for a stylish appearance. To add some flair to your cat's image, but not to overdo the outfit, you can make a cute accessory for your pet - a bow tie.

By the way! The textile highlight is also useful for photo shoots when the animal urgently needs to find a home or introduce the cat to the public.

Read also: How to make a moon with your own hands

Bow tie for a cat

For sewing you will need:

  • thick fabric;
  • collar (you can use a flea collar);
  • needles, thread and scissors.

To ensure that the butterfly does not interfere with the cat’s enjoyment of life, you need to choose the appropriate size of the craft. Firstly, the product should not be too large. A bulky accessory will disturb the animal while eating and irritate it the rest of the day. Secondly, the craft should not have an intrusive smell, rustle or put pressure on the throat.

Step 1. Cut out a rectangle with sides 25 cm and 13 cm from thick fabric. It is also necessary to prepare a jumper for the butterfly. Its dimensions are 6x4 cm.

Tie details

Step 2. If the cat does not wear a collar, a strip of the same fabric will be useful for the tie, which will become a fastener. Its dimensions are 50x5 cm. A long piece of fabric is folded in half lengthwise and stitched. A fastener is attached to the ends of the tape.

Sew the main part for the bow tie

Step 3. A 25 cm piece is folded in half and stitched into a ring. Next, this part is folded so that the line is in the middle.

We sew a ribbon for a tie and sew on a hook

Step 4. A small jumper section is sewn into a miniature ring by hand, going around the main part. The butterfly is straightened and the jumper is secured in the middle of the craft with a hidden stitch from the inside. A part with clasps or a collar is inserted under the ribbon.

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