Competitive and entertainment program for students in grades 1-4 “Autumn Ball”

DIY crafts for kindergarten on the theme “Autumn” (all new items)

With preschool-age children, you can simply use your imagination. Take and lay out magical multi-colored trees from plasticine balls. And indeed there will be a golden autumn.

In addition, you can also use paints and cotton swabs for hygiene; you can use them to create paintings and scenes on any topic.

Agree, there is nothing difficult about this, just sit there and put it on a piece of paper.

Another fun work from scrap materials, made at home, such as millet, is what the author offers.

You can also make pictures from rice and semolina, or pasta, in the same way.

Everyone knows that kids love to play with signets, so why not take advantage of it. Dip dry leaves collected from the ground and dip them into liquid paint, you will get an excellent print.

You see how brightly and elegantly you can decorate any drawing.

Or you can go another way, put leaves (either real or paper) and use them as stencils, that is, paint directly on them, you will get prints.

Works made from palms are popular. Well, let's use this idea.

You need to take a disposable white paper cup and paint it green. Make a barrel out of a toilet sleeve and glue it to the plate.

Draw the children's hands on cardboard and cut them out.

Glue one of them brown on the trunk.

And then, in this order, everything else.

Alternatively, you can make the work in the form of acorns and even squirrels, cool!

Kids also love to use natural materials in their creations; for example, you can get by with pumpkin seeds. Print out a picture of wheat or rye on an A4 sheet of paper and decorate it with these branches. Doesn't it look creative? And most importantly, it’s simple and charming!

Read the finished description with materials and description below:

Do you want to use only colored paper? So you will need to cut strips of different colors and a couple of circles. Decide on the sizes yourself.

Fold each circle in half.

Then draw the trunk and make the crown of the tree, cut it as shown in the photo with scissors.

Glue the trunk on white paper, and the crown, that is, two circles with each other, only asymmetrically.

What is missing is, of course, colorful leaves! Cut them out in red, yellow and green.

So, what else, but here's what. You can take disposable paper plates, these are sold at a fixed price or in any hardware store. Paint them in the desired color, for example brown, and then let them dry. Cut out the body of a hedgehog or other animal from white cardboard, draw parts of the body, and let it hold a pine cone or acorn with its paws.

Probably the most primitive, but also so bright, souvenir made from cotton pads. Dilute the paint in a glass beaker and take pipettes. Carefully paint the discs with them. Let them dry.

And then glue it to any background, wow, beauty! And my mood even lifted, it was so bright and cool!

In my classmates I came across another such landscape, only it was made in a different technique.

How to make an applique from leaves: quickly and beautifully

For such works, you can take absolutely any character and easily decorate it with dry leaves that you collected in the park. For example, you can lay out funny owls using cardboard and paper.

Or you can make a huge owl entirely out of leaves.

Or plant the birds on a branch decorated with bunches of rowan berries.

You can take any face, preferably some animal, cut it out, and then decorate it.

And with what, of course, leaves. Collect them and place them on a sheet of newspaper so that they do not shrink when drying.

Maple leaves are best suited as decoration, for example a lion.

Or perhaps you will be interested in working in the form of a little lion cub.

Today my kids and I made these creations. And we actually sat down to do it, and then my mother remembered that she forgot to buy glue. I’m thinking what to do, mine are about to go broke))). It's good that there was plasticine. And this is what happened.

You can easily build a vase using a balloon.

Or make an applique of seeds and plasticine.

Or you can imagine the work in the form of a three-dimensional toy.

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