Happy 60th birthday greetings to mother from daughter, son

Happy birthday to mom! An excellent anniversary - sixty. We want to wish you such a mood when your eyes sparkle with joy.


You have gone through and lived a lot, The years have flown by in labor and worries. Now you can calmly and freely Start a cheerful and sunny life.


We wish you not to grow old in your soul, to live with a sparkle and not count the years. Let life open up wide opportunities And on the anniversary, and tomorrow, and always.


An anniversary is not a holiday of old age, let your heart not feel tired. An anniversary is always maturity, It is an experience of great work. This is a very small age, Never grow old in your soul!


Mommy, you are sixty today, Although the years fly by quickly, May happiness, health, love always be with you, And we will celebrate your hundredth anniversary with even more fun.

Short congratulations on your 60th birthday to your mother

At 60, I congratulate you on your anniversary. And may life not spare goodness, May it lead you along the straight road that was laid long ago by fate.


For a wise mother, age is not a hindrance, And you bear your years with dignity. You are full of joy, health and success, beautiful, witty, young.


You are 60 today, but 20 in your heart! The sparkles still shine in your eyes. I wish you not to be sad, not to give in to the years, And not to count the gray hairs.


I want to congratulate my mother today, Because it’s a very good occasion - Today is a special day in its own way, After all, today is your birthday!


Congratulations on your 60th birthday, I want your dreams to come true, I wish you goodness and happiness, and the rest - everything you want!


This is already the sixth decade, “Happy anniversary!” - everyone screams. There will be happiness and prosperity, And in the soul there will be a blooming garden! And, of course, love, so that the blood boils in your veins!


  • Anniversary, such a date! Really? Sixty? You are always young for us, Let the years fly by! Happy anniversary, congratulations from the whole family, strong nerves and patience, and live to be a hundred years old!


60 wonderful years you live in this world, And there is no more beautiful mother, I honestly say this!


Let the playful sparkle in your eyes Never fade away, May the whole apartment be drowned in delightful colors!


Let your health not be naughty, And let your relatives visit, But let resentment, evil and sadness know no way to you!


  • And despite the distance, I will feel your warmth, After all, you are the kindest creature. And I'm lucky to have you.


Let the age of 60 not fall as a heavy burden on your shoulders. Life is an amazing miracle, Let it make you happy.

Cool toasts for a woman's 60th birthday

Like a flower you bloom, Every year you grow and bloom, You delight everyone with your beauty, And you give out advice.

You are 60 today, Such a wonderful anniversary, You shine like a star, In the circle of loved ones and friends!

All the years are like petals on a beautiful flower, I will be happy for you, I will drain my glass to the bottom!

I wish you happiness, health, love, May you always make all your wishes and dreams come true!

Our dear, you are a mother for some, a grandmother for others. But the greatest happiness is that everyone who cares about you came and gathered here in honor of your sixtieth birthday. We wish you good health and many more years to live without sorrows and losses. Love this world, for it was created to be loved. For you!

You are a Goddess, you are beautiful, charming, kind, and today you are shining, thirty years, wow!

So what if we multiply, We are 2 of your years, We love you, we respect you, We drink to you today!

I wish you women’s happiness, Don’t be sad, don’t be discouraged, And always let such brightness into your everyday life!

They say that human life acquires meaning only when it is lived for the sake of someone other than oneself. I want to raise a glass to our respected hero of the day, because her whole life is filled with meaning and those present here are further confirmation of this!

You are 60 today, a wonderful age, you will always remain as charming!

I drink to you today, And I wish you happiness, Be healthy, don’t be sad, And live in wealth!

You are as beautiful as a princess, as pretty as a flower, you are fresh and so wonderful, I drink to you today!

You are 60 today, Only this is just a number, Happy Anniversary, May everything be fine!

Let all your dreams come to life, Don’t get sick and don’t get old, Let all troubles recede, Only get younger every day!

Here’s to your anniversary, May you bloom like a rose, May you be the most beautiful of all, May your ringing laughter sound!

So that you do not know troubles and evil, So that your dream comes true, For sixty wonderful years, There is no more wonderful person in the world!

To your wonderful years, To your anniversary and to your health, To your beauty, eyes, I’ll drink to the dregs today while standing!

You are sixty today, You are so beautiful, just a diva, I wish you joy, goodness, And let troubles pass by!

Happy anniversary to a gorgeous woman. I would like to drink to the fact that your 6 dozen are written down only in your passport, your appearance does not bear the stamp of age and this is true, because wise women understand a lot about beauty. For your inner age, which is far young relative to today’s anniversary.

They say that living life is not a field to cross. I want to raise this glass and invite everyone present to join my wish for our dear hero of the day. The path of her life will be like the sea, in the sense that no matter what storms rage, she would still be beautiful! For the wonderful life of our hero of the day!

Brief congratulations to your mother on her 60th birthday

It’s Mommy’s anniversary, She’s young, She’s only sixty, Let’s pour her some wine!


Let the Guests speak at the table today, Let them dance and sing in spite of all the years!


I just want to wish you Tenderness and affection, Keep up with everything as before, Well, and live without a shake-up!


Happy birthday, mommy, Happy most important day of the year. Know that no matter what happens, I love you very much.


  • Today is your mother’s anniversary. We are celebrating your sixtieth birthday. This is very little, believe me, we all know very much about this.


Always be as young as you are on your holiday now. Be always cheerful, and dear, and very loved for all of us.


Dear Mom, on your anniversary I wish you well at sixty years old, good luck, success, the best moments, and accepting compliments from people.


I love you very much, I am very proud of the fact that my mother is very proud, I wish you to bloom with happiness, Be joyful, cheerful, have a great life!


Mama, my affectionate earthly angel, I am so lucky in this world with you! I hasten to congratulate you and wish you only sunny days and good luck in your destiny!

Toasts for a woman's 60th birthday

This toast template can be used for any female name, simply substituting the one you need.


She returns home and says that she saw a cave today, and there were countless treasures there! And they decided that tomorrow the two of them would go to get the treasure.


But he, in his wisdom, also endowed them with stupidity so that they could love us men.


One day two elderly friends were walking down the street. Suddenly a doctor came towards them. Here one of the friends hid behind the other.


- Yes, you know, it’s kind of embarrassing. After all, I have never been sick and have never once in my entire life turned to a doctor for help.


So let's drink so that our birthday girl will always be ashamed of meetings with doctors and will forever forget the way to hospitals and pharmacies! To the health of the birthday girl!

Happy 60th birthday to mom

  • The whole family is celebrating a glorious anniversary today. 60 to my beloved mother, Congratulations from me.


You are smiling, beautiful and, as before, young. Congratulations, dear, Happiness, peace and goodness.


Our dear mother, You are celebrating 60. You always keep peace and harmony in our house.


You are an example for us in many ways, attractive, smart. You are talented from God. Mom is the best, wife.


Beautiful, sweet and dear Today – sixty. Today everything is for you alone, And we must admit that, regardless of the years, You are the best of all, Mommy, my dear, May success await you


  • In all your worries and affairs, Live and prosper, Health, happiness, don’t think about the years, just know.


Sixty is not a lot at all, This figure is small, It is like a big road, Above which the clouds float!


Sixty is not much, Mom, It’s just a special milestone, It’s a river in which the pirogue is carried by the wind, which is fresh!


May you, mother, still have the strength to make your dream come true! At 60, stay sweet and don’t you dare be sad today!


What kind of joke is this?! Just imagine for a moment: Our mother is 60 - Yes, to forget - not to remember I will never believe it Because she is so young, After all, she is a poet’s dream, Like a flower in the southern summer Like the most tender dove Let happiness creep onto your threshold like a cat 60 - just a little!


  • Congratulations on the anniversary! And I want to wish that you remain so beautiful for another twenty-five years.


Mom, always be healthy, live for many, many years, and go through life with a cheerful smile.


Today the bird under your window sings to you, Mommy, a song About how beautiful your home is, About your interesting life!


Let that bird sing about your bright youth, about what happened and what awaits, and about your cherished dream!


After all, Mom, you are sixty, so let the bird glorify You! And let your eyes burn and let your heart not fade away!


I am the best mother in the whole world. Now congratulations on your big anniversary!


In your sixties, I wish, mommy, that only your eyes radiate happiness!


Mom, dear mommy, Happy sixtieth birthday to you, You are the only one for me, And giving congratulations I would like to wish you To be joyful and young, Peace of mind for you, so that you may be so joyful


In the world for a very, very long time, May fate grant you happiness, May there be a lot of health, I wish you lovingly.


At 60, life still continues, It is still seething. On this day, the hero of the day enjoys the fact that the heart is still burning!


And you, my dear mother, enjoy your life, It’s too early to be despondent and sad, Mom, be even more cheerful!


Let them not judge you for anything, You are still sixty, Let your children be healthy And let your grandchildren make noise nearby!


My dear mother, I congratulate you on your anniversary, I wish you happiness and health and goodness from my heart and soul.


I wanted to wish a lot, I just can’t put it into words, The affection that you were able to give, As a child, we spent sleepless nights.


Happy 60th birthday to you, You are still so young, Please take care of yourself, We need your holy love.


Let the sun shine on this anniversary! Let your heart open for all your friends!


Call, mommy, to visit, Let everyone come to you, After all, it’s easy to live in the world! Let the fireworks thunder, let it not be bitter, and let the stars shine, after all, you, mom, are only sixty today!


Happy anniversary, I congratulate you, mom, You remain young at 60.


I wish that no matter how many years you count, you never stop enjoying life.


I wish you love without measure, And I believe in your happy destiny.


I wish my mother to enjoy all her days, to travel always, to forget about everything!


Fly somewhere like a bird, rest and return, get ready for the big journey again and don’t be afraid of the road!


After all, you are only sixty, At this time they are not sad, At this age they live - They fly, drive and swim!


Leave your troubles and affairs, Today is a day off. And you are at the festive table, And all your relatives are with you.


And everyone wishes only good things, Words flow like a river. You turned 60 today for the first time.


And I, as in my childhood years, will snuggle up to your cheek, my dear mother, my guarding angel!


You, our dear, are only sixty. Your soul is becoming more and more beautiful, And your look is warmer.


Glorified by poets, You worked day and night, You were always ready to help everyone, And you taught us to Work and love, And we, like you, strive to be useful to people. You gave us years of warmth, And through all the adversity, You always led us forward.


To you, beloved mother, the only one, dear, We send our congratulations and our bow to the ground.

Happy Anniversary Poems to Mom from Son

Beloved mom! Congratulations on your anniversary - an important mark on your life path. You have done many important things in life, but most importantly, you gave life to me, your son. I am grateful to you for everything, and on this day I wish that there is no place for sorrows and sorrows in your life. May your health be good, may peace and love reign in your home, and may every day give you a lot of joy.

Mom, remember, I loved to play tricks, And today I’m a respectable man. Time quickly disappears without a trace, It falls like an avalanche. Only with every second we live we become cleaner and better. That’s why I won’t be a bore, I’ll stop pouring out my soul to you, and I’ll climb onto a stool, so that I can finish reading this poem, There are children hidden in all adults, Well, I’m still your son. And your son, from the stool, stumbling slightly mumbles: Mom, mommy, happy anniversary. May heaven protect you.

Mommy, happy anniversary! I wish that your dear hands never get tired, your heart never hurts, and your eyes always shine with that same smile that I love so much. And I solemnly promise that I will try to do everything for this.

My dear mother, I give you a bouquet of flowers, You are the most beautiful lady, I don’t see your years. So be, my dear, Always blooming, young, You are the most beautiful! Your son will always be with you. And on your anniversary, I wish you warmth, health, sunshine. My dear, I hug you, There is no one else like you in the world!

Your anniversary is our common holiday. After all, mom, we are one family! And know that you received “strength” when you gave birth to your son. I wish you to see joy in everything, May there be immeasurable health. Let your heart never get tired of beating. You are dearest to everyone in the Universe! May the cheerfulness of the day and the smiles on your lips overwhelm the entire anniversary year. And let all those who are dear and close to your heart surround you with love and attention.

The woman you love - Today is her anniversary! I hasten to congratulate you all quickly. Mommy, my love! You are so dear to me! May you always have good health. Let your eyes sparkle, Let your laughter ring out, Know, my dear, that you are dearer to me than anyone else.

For some reason, when congratulating your mother, it’s customary to say nice things, but I’ll tell you straight. That I love my mother, just like a child, And I heard pleasant words from the cradle. Congratulations to my mother right away on her anniversary, forgive me dear, I’m an ugly son.

Happy anniversary, Mom, congratulations, I don’t know anyone better than you in the world. You taught me not to be afraid of life, to smile at the sun even through tears, for me, my son, you did not spare your heart, you managed to give all your love to me without a trace. A mother's love turned into a son's And the shawl fell on your shoulders.

Everyone in the world has one wonderful person, He is responsible for us in everything, And you will never be closer! After all, you are my mom, You give the best moments, Today is your holiday, Mom, happy birthday! I wish that in life everything will be given without emphasis, There will be fewer hated people, Remember - your son is your support!

Today, on your anniversary, many people will congratulate you, the mountains will give you gifts, and the sea will wish you pleasures. And I want you to always smile, without a tear running down your cheek. And I love you very much, I promise to please you abundantly. Now, take a break from everyone! Let me hug you tightly, And you kiss me tenderly. On this holiday, I, your son, give you this congratulation!


Funny congratulations on your 60th birthday to your mother

The only, dear, unique, On this day we say thank you, For affection, for love and for care, We adore you, dear.


You are 60 today, congratulations, We wish you joy, goodness, happiness, May spring always bloom in your soul, May all bad weather fly by.


My good mom, Happy 60th birthday, happy anniversary. I hasten to congratulate you, And I hasten to wish you as soon as possible, So that you will never be sad again, Having driven away troubles and sorrows from the house! May your destiny be happy, May your path be illuminated by success and luck!


Mommy is sixty today, On this solemn and decorous day, The bright look shines with happiness, And, of course, there are reasons for this.


Mommy, on your glorious anniversary, may a happy occasion come to you, so that in the circle of your family, among friends, you become happy and lucky!


The years cannot be returned back. And you have to try very hard so that even at sixty you can look like you did at twenty.


For us, you are a mother like the dawn. Like a ray of sunshine and clear. We wish you many years to come! May your life be wonderful!

Comic poems for mom's 60th birthday with humor

Dear mom, you are sixty! Let your eyes sparkle with happiness, as before! I am grateful to you for your love, kindness, and I want you to fulfill your life’s dream!


Relax, enjoying your favorite pastime, Amaze everyone with an exquisite dress on your anniversary!


May prosperity and joy grow over the years, and may love continue its happy path!


I wish my mother, on her wonderful anniversary, not to be upset, not to be mopey, to come visit us more often!


And remembering 60 is just the start, From now on, think only like this! We will be there, believe and know, Only choose joy in life!


Six decades of beautiful years have disappeared behind you today. I wish you happy, very clear days, so that you also have true friends nearby.


So that happiness reigns in the family, Love does not leave even for an hour. So that all bad weather would pass by and life would be just great.


My dear mother, I congratulate you on your anniversary, I wish you happiness and health and goodness from my heart and soul.


I wanted to wish a lot, I just can’t put it into words, The affection that you were able to give, As a child, we spent sleepless nights.


Happy sixtieth birthday, You are still so young, Please take care of yourself, We need your holy love.


Sixty today, dear mother. The anniversary is worthy and wonderful. Mom will remain young for a long time, Fewer days of stormy days, more clear ones So that there will still be more of them in my mother’s destiny, Many years of health and fun, Merry sunshine, and the ringing of spring, Joy and happiness without a doubt.


With our hearts we wish for our dear mother, To live long to the joy of children and grandchildren, Sixty is not old age, golden age, And let there be no separation in your destiny.


Your light warms us and illuminates the path in life, It’s as if you are with us every hour, Your heart protects us!


And let today be your anniversary, May you become even more beautiful, Mom, We are proud of your wisdom, You are our treasure and happiness!


And let these sixty years not upset you in any way, but let tenderness and kindness, and love accompany you today and always!


Live and make your dear family happy every hour. And know that you are the most beautiful of all, And I love you so deeply!


The house is enveloped in the aroma of wonderful roses! The anniversary brought you glorious moments! So that you always bloom, sparkle with joy, so that you gain health, dear mother!


Sixty honorable years – Life continues! Take care of the secret of love and long-suffering!

Congratulations from your daughter

Mom is 60 now! Congratulations come from friends, colleagues, relatives. And, of course, mine.


I wish you the luckiest years, the brightest, the best, without illnesses and misfortunes. And also great happiness!


You are the support of our family, You are the judge of any dispute, You will judge and understand everyone, You will find the right words.


My gratitude to my mother is difficult to express in words. I love you very much and I appreciate you for everything you do.


Mommy, we congratulate you with all our hearts, On one of the best dates, We wish you to live to be a hundred years old in health, Without knowing grief and loss.


60 is a wonderful age, Spring blooms in the soul, as before, May the years multiply health, May fate be happy.


Drops are ringing for you now, Roses are blooming for you today, You are in luck, mommy, believe me And drive away the tears from your cheeks.


After all, 60 is a wonderful anniversary And for you only the sun shines, Don’t be timid before a new test, Let Fortune accompany you!


My precious, dearest, your anniversary is here, on which I congratulate you.


Don't look at the date. Sixty? Not scary! How many more wonderful years there will be:


Daddy is next to you, me and my children. Your neighbors are jealous of you with white envy.


So the years flew by quickly, Today you are sixty. Your temples have turned a little white And your eyes look a little sad.


Through the years, through joys, sorrows, You carried your love for us in your heart, You raised us and educated us, You found time for your grandchildren.


You are 60 today, congratulations, We wish you joy, good luck and warmth, May the rain wash away all your sorrows, May spring always bloom in your soul.

Etiquette doesn’t allow me to talk about the lady’s age. What etiquette?! After all, the heart, mother, does not want to count your years!


I am a tall child, always in dire need of your care and love. I wish you so on your anniversary


To you, dear mommy, Health, strength, not to know worries, To bloom more beautifully without fading, For at least a hundred years, Dream like in your youth and believe in your lucky star, Open doors with joy And warm the whole family with love!


Beloved, dear mother, I congratulate you on your anniversary! Wonderful age of 60, your eyes sparkle with joy!


I hasten to wish you to be happy, don’t despair, and don’t get sick, mommy, ever, I promise to always be there for you!


Leave your troubles and affairs, Today is a day off. And you are at the festive table, And all your relatives are with you.


And everyone wishes only good things, Words flow like a river. Today you turned sixty for the first time.


And I, as in my childhood years, will snuggle up to your cheek, my dear mother, my guarding angel!


Today mom is sixty, and we will make her happy again. She is smart, beautiful and modest, Mila, and, of course, tender at heart.


We love you so much, And if necessary, we will love you. We will write a line in your congratulations and kiss you tenderly on the cheek.

A long-awaited holiday in the house. Our mother is 60! Let happiness flow like a fountain, Let your eyes sparkle.


It’s easy for us with your love to live in crazy hustle and bustle. Strength to you, good health. Always be on top!


We will drive away evil old age, We will meet a new dawn: I will give six dozen kisses to my dear mother.


The most beloved person On this day and at this hour Let us apologize to our mother, For not listening at times For the hurtful words, And for being stubborn. Now I know, mom, you were always right!


You are 60 today, and everyone will want to congratulate you. But first of all, I will congratulate you, my dear mother!


Always be healthy and never be sad, over the years, mom, don’t get older, but just wonderfully younger!


Throwing back sixty, you came into the world, On one of the bright days of the year, Mommy was born!


For your wonderful anniversary, I kiss you on both cheeks! And I’m happy to give you Beautiful flowers!


Congratulations to my beloved mother today, I sincerely thank you for your ability to forgive! Open your heart and accept it with love, Holy because, because mother!


You are sixty today, dear, congratulations, I only sincerely wish you to rejoice! Good health, tender warmth to you, May spring always live in your soul!


Over the years, we begin to understand the importance of mother's advice, all the strict rules, teachings, responsibilities and prohibitions.


Now we are seriously responsible for our children, and just like you, we teach them how to live.


But no matter how I grow up further, I will be a child for you. Be healthy, mommy, your descendants need you so much!


Throwing back sixty, You came into the world, On one of the bright days of the year, Mommy was born!


For your wonderful anniversary, I kiss you on both cheeks! And with pleasure I give, Beautiful flowers!


Live and make happy every hour, Your dear family, And know that you are the most beautiful of all, And I love you so deeply!


Today I congratulate you twice on your thirty years. After all, it’s impossible not to notice You seem to be blooming!


You laugh loudly, like a child. There is a cunning glint in the eyes. There are a thousand little pieces in a smile and not a single wrinkle!


You are my dear mother, Like a thawed patch in the spring. I congratulate you on your anniversary and I am very proud of you!


Mommy, my love, you are sixty, bloom and smell like spring, in spite of this fate. Let troubles and adversity pass by, let wonderful moments come to life!


I thank you for your love and patience, I will give you all the flowers in the world today! To you, my dear, I raise a glass, You are a million dollar lady, simply above all praise!


My dear mom, you are sixty today, may the best wishes come to you! I thank you for your tenderness, affection and warmth, I will give you such a congratulation today -


Good health, may you live a hundred years, There is no better person in the world than you! Joy, smiles, spring warmth to you, As happy as you are now, so that you will always be!


The most important thing for me is You, my dear mother. On this holiday I will congratulate you.


I’ll bring you a luxurious bouquet to make you smile. I wish you good health and good old age


She didn’t let me know about herself, feel cheerful and also joyful. More, mom, rest, just fill yourself with happiness.


Thank you, mom, for your kindness and affection, for your kind words, mommy, thank you! In the midst of life's adversities, your embrace is a fairy tale. Be healthy, dear, loved and happy!

Many, I would even say that everyone knows Galina well. But the floor is given to the one whom Galina herself knows best - the hero of the day’s son Sasha and his wife Irisha.


I am sure that everyone present here wishes the birthday girl happiness. What is happiness for you? Do you really need much to be happy?


Most people are only as happy as they decide to be. Let's wish the hero of the day today to be one hundred percent happy and to be like this as often as possible!


They took the piles in their left hand. They put the snack on a fork with their right hand. They got ready and froze!


Congratulations in prose from children

If you don’t want to read poetry, say congratulations on your mother’s 60th birthday in your own words. Such congratulations are also touching and will also please the birthday girl.

Dear mom! Today is your anniversary! This is a big date that deserves special attention and respect. You always helped in difficult times. I love you very much, cherish and respect you. I know you don't want the years to pass. But I see that you are also beautiful and joyful. Age has not touched your eyes. I wish you good health and many more years of happy and joyful life!


Dear and dear, mommy! Congratulations on your big and beautiful date - 60 years! Let your every day be happy, filled with love and understanding from others! I wish you to always be cheerful and healthy, and give a smile to others!


My dear mother, congratulations on your anniversary! I wish you that your beautiful, kind hands never know fatigue! May your heart always be joyful and happy! So that your head does not know sadness and grief! May every moment in your life be magical and beautiful! Be healthy and happy!


Dear and dear mother! I congratulate you on your birth! Even though you are already 60 years old, you are still beautiful and young! I wish that not a single brick in your fortress breaks, that your health is excellent and your well-being is the best! Mommy, may you greet every morning with joy and pleasure! May joy, smile and happiness always accompany you!

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