Interesting activities for teenagers: types, descriptions, socio-psychological trainings

Teenagers are often characterized by explosive temperaments and intolerance. This is because they want to gain some independence from their parents and become part of their unique time. Interesting activities for teenagers should be exciting, so that they take their breath away, and the very thought of being able to accept changes into their lives brings pleasure. Young people aged 14-17 do not like to sit in one place. They are happy to experiment and bring some variety to their daily routine. It is during this period that older children often come into conflict with their parents. Guys and girls need to find their own individual path. To achieve this goal, experiment is often used as the main effective method of self-knowledge.

After all, in order to discover new opportunities in yourself, you need to at least not feel sorry for yourself and act purposefully. Let's look at the most interesting and useful activities for teenagers. Perhaps they will be useful to those who want to keep their children busy with something useful and develop them in every possible way. Caring parents always worry about the fate of their children. They try to make children's lives as emotionally fulfilling and exciting as possible.

Types and description

Interesting activities for teenagers 16 years old or slightly younger must begin with an informed choice. However, in order for the child to have the opportunity to accept it on his own, you need to offer him several worthy options to choose from. Don't force something just because you like it. Only in this case will a sincere interest and desire to really achieve something be formed. You can choose any direction. The main thing is that your son or daughter likes it and brings real pleasure. Interesting activities for teenagers cannot happen under pressure.

Teen Party Food

  • Meatballs with different sauces.
  • Argentinian fried pies, empanadas, filled with chicken.
  • Quesadilla with vegetables.
  • Tacos with crab and spicy salsa.
  • Mini oven-baked potatoes with parmesan cheese.
  • Potato croquettes with cheese.

Once your party look is put together and the food is served, it's time to really have fun.

Figure skating

This sport is incredibly attractive with its beauty. If possible, you should try to direct your child in the desired direction. Ice skating strengthens all muscle groups and contributes to a kind of character strengthening. It is not at all necessary to strive to achieve stunning results. It is quite enough if the child simply actively engages in what he really likes. Sports activities can only be beneficial for teenagers. The result can be seen after some time: improved mood, formation of a positive outlook on life, a clear vision of goals for the future. In order to avoid getting tired of the hobby quickly, you should definitely motivate your child to greater and better achievements.

Figure skating is not just a beautiful sport, but also a separate life. Every teenager in his early years wants to live it as meaningfully as possible, to turn his deepest desires into reality. Figure skating allows you to escape from everyday life and try to reveal your potential.

Makeup for teenagers at a party is also very important.

  • Korean makeup is light, relaxed, requiring a small amount of decorative cosmetics. There are many video tutorials on YouTube that will help you create beautiful makeup suitable for any event in a few steps.
  • Makeup in the style of “Euphoria”. Glitter and rhinestones are still in fashion. Create a unique look that will allow you to shine.
  • Makeup with transferable tattoos. Give free rein to your imagination and use small transferable tattoos - butterflies, fish, stars, freckles, etc. - as part of the original image.

Let's move on to the next important component of the party - food. If you're tired of pizza and burgers, then it's time to turn to our ideas bank for help.

Soap making

This is a very interesting activity for teenagers. It can captivate you so much that you will want to somehow transform your own life, make it brighter and richer. Currently, people of different age categories are engaged in soap making. Children aged 14-16 are very inclined to try something new, find some inspiration in their work and be surprised by the results obtained.

Soap making is a very exciting and unusual process. It can be classified as a creative endeavor. To achieve the best result, you should purchase soap base, dyes, and special molds in advance at the store. Various flavors and fragrances will come in handy. By learning the basics of this activity, a young man or girl has every chance of achieving certain heights. You can regularly make soap and then sell the product to friends. Perhaps this is exactly what will distract a grown-up child from watching the next episode of an exciting film and make him look at the world more broadly.

First Letter Party

It's time to let your imagination run wild and have a costume party. The rules are simple: each party participant chooses the image of a hero, character, famous person, object, profession - anything, whose name begins with the same letter as his own. For example, Pasha is Peter Parker or a pirate, Dasha is the Tinker Bell fairy, Sasha is a superhero. The main task of the guests is to make their costume bright and recognizable.

Dress code:

  • Costumes of selected characters.


  • The “First letter of name” party rule will be needed here too. Create a menu in which the names of the dishes begin with the same letter as the names of all guests. For example, Masha - raspberries, ice cream, tangerines, Katya - caramel, cupcake, potatoes, Vova - vol-au-vents, waffles, grapes.
  • Also select drinks according to the first letters of the names (l - lemonade, t - tomato juice, etc.).


  • Visually divide the table with food into several parts according to the first letters of the guests' names. Place cardboard letters on the table to represent each segment. You can buy them at a specialty store for the holidays or decorate the letters yourself: make them multi-colored, cover them with small voluminous balls, or use different textures for the base.


  • Make a list of tasks, following the rule of the First letter of the name (for example, Tanya - dance, etc.). Distribute the tasks into a large table and draw it on a marker board or regular Whatman paper. Cover the tasks with a small piece of paper with the first letter of the name of this task, but so that later the piece of paper can be easily peeled off or torn off.

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Rules of the game: the participant stands at a short distance from the board with his eyes closed. At the leader’s command, he goes to the board and points to any part of the table that he wants. After this, the presenter or the participant himself peels off the paper with the letter and reads the task out loud: sing, dance, recite a poem, portray an animal, etc.

Additionally: for completing a task, the participant can receive a small gift as a reward. The gift must also begin with the same letter as the participant’s name. You can decorate gift boxes separately by wrapping them in paper with the desired letter on it.

Reading books

Getting acquainted with fiction can be a very interesting activity for teenagers. It would be a big mistake to think that modern children are not interested in books. It’s just that most often it turns out that the circumstances in life are not the best. Reading, although not a very popular activity, can be beneficial. A teenager who strives for personal growth in every possible way does not neglect modern authors, and is also familiar with the world's classics. To raise such a book lover, you don’t need to rely on a happy accident. It takes some effort. To do this, it is good for parents to accustom themselves to giving books to their children on birthdays and other holidays.

This will help him realize the importance and value of self-development. High-quality literature develops good taste and makes you start taking care of your own intellectual development. In addition, sometimes a good book is quite capable of bringing a person a lot of positive emotions. The same tangible effect occurs as if you communicate with an interesting interlocutor.


This is not just about everyday pet care. It is much more important to learn to feel the needs of your pet. If a child shows a certain interest in a certain breed of dog or cat, or maybe is interested in turtles or parrots, he should be given the opportunity to express himself. Perhaps his hobby in the future will lead to him becoming a famous dog handler or felinologist. It is very important to remember that the most interesting and useful activities for teenagers are those that they themselves enjoy. There are people who, in principle, do not allow children to have animals at home. This is a wrong position, more reminiscent of egoistic views. After all, this is the only way to learn responsibility, to notice everyday changes in nature. Animals help create coziness and harmony, which are absent in apartments where they are absent. If a child is happy communicating with his favorite cat, he should not be prohibited from doing so.

Sand painting

A very original and unusual hobby. Sand painting can be quite a fun activity. You can create entire masterpieces and never cease to be amazed by the resulting creations. Sometimes a teenager really doesn't know where to focus his efforts. The task of an adult is to promptly prompt and advise. Under no circumstances should you force your child to give up his dream just because someone thinks it is stupid and not approved enough. A teenager wants to feel freedom, and not be driven into a certain framework. Sand painting will really help you free yourself from many stereotypes and try something inspiring and interesting for yourself. Perhaps the child will be able to feel truly significant and important. After all, we all want to understand that we are capable of much more than we can imagine. This type of activity will help make your most cherished desires come true.


Here, much will depend on the material well-being of the parents. If adults can afford it, then the child will acquire the habit of traveling. A teenager really needs strong impressions. Introduce him to the cultural characteristics of different peoples and countries. Most likely, he will not remain indifferent to what is happening. Traveling in general has a very beneficial effect on the development of the emotional sphere. There is some self-confidence and a desire to learn more. In some cases, it is so addictive that there is a desire to try something new. When we leave our usual place of residence, we may experience some discomfort. You need to be open to new experiences and not be afraid to let them into your life. Then everything will begin to change for the better, and a certain self-confidence will appear.


In fact, you can collect anything: from stamps and kinders to quite expensive things. It is important that the child likes it and helps him strive for something better and more. Collecting is incredibly inspiring, adding strength and energy to achieve a meaningful result. If a child can really be involved in this activity, then life becomes more interesting for him. A sincere desire to achieve something appears, not to stop in the face of emerging difficulties, but to overcome them with dignity. Collecting various things disciplines your character, helps you understand yourself, and makes you look at everything from a completely different perspective. Collecting is an incredibly exciting and, in a sense, unique process. Each individual item collected may be different from the previous one. People who have never been interested in such an activity sometimes sincerely do not understand what its meaning is. In fact, it helps a person change significantly, grow above himself, and set great goals for the future. The ability to understand yourself develops over the years and in reality is worth a lot.

Party outfit for teenagers

If the party is not thematic, where it has already been discussed in advance what guests should wear, then it’s time to dive into the world of trends:

  • Let's remember the 2000s. Thick soled shoes, leather jacket, crop tops, hoodies, polo shirts, cargo pants, dresses over jeans.
  • Country style. Checkered shirt, lace dress, fringed jacket, leather boots.
  • Cottagecore is an internet aesthetic that idealizes rural life. Natural cotton and linen fabrics, beaded and shell accessories, knitted cardigan, floral print.
  • Sport casual. Oversized hoodies, bicycle shorts, leggings, straight jeans, sneakers with thin soles, puffy vests.


Sports activities for teenagers can be different. If you really want to, you can do cycling training two or three times a week. As a rule, most young people will like them. Skating helps keep your appearance in good condition and also adds self-confidence. That’s why after such a walk your mood is incredibly lifted, and you have a desire to literally conquer the whole world. Self-confidence also grows at a rapid rate. All this is really necessary for a young guy or girl.

A child, being at this stage of development, longs to feel like a significant and important person. Cycling is a very interesting activity for a teenager 14 years old and older. It is during this period that you want to achieve something extraordinary, show your best qualities of character, and cultivate talents. Parents may well share a new hobby with their child, and then life will become more fun for them.

Drawing by points

This is a very exciting activity that can keep a child busy for a long time and give wonderful emotions. It's about creating the most authentic paintings yourself. To do this, you just need to connect certain points one by one. Adults sometimes cannot even imagine how fascinating this action looks. The very realization that you can participate in the creation of a great painting brings incredible joy. Drawing with dots not only entertains, but creates a desire to continue to act in a given direction. Having finished one painting, I want to immediately start the next one, to outline the paths of personal development for myself. This is one of the most fun activities for teenagers to do at home. The child has the opportunity to constantly engage in self-improvement and not get bored.


This hobby is very popular in Japan. In the Land of the Rising Sun, many people prefer to practice amigurumi. And it is not at all accidental, as it might seem at first glance. This business involves a certain creative work - creating original toys and small pendants using crocheting. Such creative work develops imagination and helps improve existing abilities. Doing amigurumi is very exciting. The great thing is that you can start at any age. There is absolutely no shame in consulting with your child, looking for original ideas together, and then happy to share the results of the work done. If you are seriously thinking about what interesting activity to do for teenagers, then invite them to create a cozy, original little thing. If you can’t do something the first time, you can always redo the work. By allocating extra hours, you will certainly get closer to the desired effect. Amigurumi is an original way to find yourself, do something pleasant and not regret the time spent. The Japanese sometimes choose their hobbies very wisely. Why don’t we also learn something useful from them?

Party with master class on beatmaking

Slava, what did you do?

This party option is definitely suitable for those who want to make music like Slava Marlowe. In fact, it’s not that difficult: you can write a full-fledged beat in one lesson. Plus, you can split up into pairs and make a beat with your best friend, and then write the lyrics. What if it turns out to be a tiktok banger?

Don't forget about technical equipment: each guest or pair of guests should have a laptop. They can be rented or borrowed from parents, and the beat-making software is free to install. But there are also advantages! No need to bother with the playlist: you can just turn on what you got at the master class and dance!

No special registration is required. Moreover, if you choose this loft: images of rappers on the wall will complement the atmosphere of the music studio.

What do rappers and beatmakers eat? Of course, street food. And it’s okay that you have to eat indoors rather than outdoors. Below we provide an approximate list of dishes that can be changed and supplemented in every possible way.


  • hot dogs and corn dogs;
  • taco;
  • burgers;
  • french fries;
  • pizza.

Dress code:

  • casual and oversized in everything: large hoodies and wide jeans.


It is one of the most popular activities. Adolescence is a time when you want to endlessly try something new. Experiments can take place at least every week. The most important thing about them is that the child learns to understand his own needs. He strives with all his might to cultivate his individuality. It is not at all surprising that boys and girls are constantly looking for original hobbies. Skateboarding is one of them. Of course, it takes a lot of time and patience to achieve good results. Not everything will work out right away, which is understandable and obvious. Learning to skateboarding does not mean becoming a winner of some competitions. Even if a child achieves very mediocre results, it makes sense to continue to try to develop in the chosen direction.

You will gain self-confidence, peace of mind and an understanding of which direction you should move next. Developmental activities for teenagers can be combined with sports. It is only important not to suppress initial aspirations, not to destroy the formed trust, not to frighten off self-confidence. Explain to your son or daughter that luck favors those who persevere, not those who give up after the first defeat.

Home games for teenagers

A great reason for fun is a birthday! The usual festive atmosphere with a variety of dishes and popular music does not guarantee the cheerful mood of the guests and the birthday boy. Fun competitions and games for teenagers will help you organize a bright, unforgettable party.

"Treasure Hunt"

An excellent choice for teenage children would be the game “In Search of Adventure” or “Treasure Hunt”. Such an idea will require you to have a clear plan of action: put the object (treasure) in a cache and come up with various competitions for teenagers, consisting of performing various actions, guessing riddles and answering questions, the correct solutions of which will help to find the treasure.

When organizing such a game indoors, put breakable objects away and get ready for the mess that comes with the fun. Hidden items could be a children's toy jewelry set.

"Guess the melody"

High school students love music and creating a game that features their favorite songs will appeal to everyone and will also show that you are on the same page as them. Pick out your teens' favorite songs. Then play one melody for a few seconds and let the person who guessed the song answer.

The rules of the game can be arbitrary or, on the contrary, more structured, indicating playback time and counting points (the less the song was played, the more points the player gets). You can also come up with gifts and create teams from large groups.


Most children have favorite youth artists whose songs they like to sing or parody. Then everything depends on your idea. Organize an entertaining event by setting up a small stage and connecting karaoke. Then the children will be able to put on a real show for each other, singing their favorite songs.

Instrumental versions of compositions and music competitions for teenagers will be a good addition.

Question-Answer Tournament

If your children are smart and erudite, although this is not necessary, organizing a question-and-answer tournament can add flavor to the evening. Of course, you can make cards with questions yourself, or you can purchase ready-made sets.

Try not to repeat questions and exclude frequently occurring ones each time so that children have no chance of remembering the correct answers. The themes of such games vary - from modern pop culture to any other topic close to teenagers.

Typically, intellectual competitions for teenagers are perceived with the greatest enthusiasm by the younger generation.

TV sketches

If your children love television, encourage them to act out short skits inspired by various TV shows. Allow them to dress up in whatever they find around the house or in your closet.

Children can write a script based on a particular TV show. They are allowed to make any changes if they feel that this option is better. The dramatizations are then performed in front of each other.

Such entertainment activities for teenagers are suitable for a close-knit group in which children have known each other well and for a long time, therefore, they will be able to behave relaxed and will not be embarrassed to demonstrate their talents.

"GOOG night kids!"

From the group of guests you need to choose participants: kids (two people) and parents (four people: 2 moms, 2 dads).

The competition must consist of stages:

  • The baby woke up. To the music, “mom” and “dad” dress the “baby”: diaper, bib, cap, pacifier, booties (shoe covers will look very funny). The couple that did it faster gets 1 point.
  • Om-Nom-nom! Moms” need to try, blindfolded, to feed the “baby” fruit puree from a jar. At this time, the “dads” try to help, suggesting where to point the spoon. Each “father” has a bottle of milk or juice in his hand, so you still need to have time to give the “baby” something to drink between meals. Winners get 1 point.
  • Baiushki bye. babies” begin to cry loudly, and mothers try to console them with rattles and songs. At this time, caring “fathers” prepare their “children” for bed: they take off their clothes and give them a pacifier. The “family” that completed the task first earns a point.

The winners should be awarded the main prize, the rest of the participants - consolation prizes.

Birthday contests for teenagers include a lot of fun and unique moments, so during the games you need to remember to take photos as a keepsake.

"Funny ditties"

Those wishing to participate are divided into groups of 3-5 people. To make the competition bright and spectacular, teams can be given any toy musical instruments and each group can be given distinctive features: hats, bows, bundles of bagels around their necks, scarves.

The task is very simple: compose a ditty in two minutes, using a certain word. The presenter prepares cards with words in advance and, choosing one, shows them to the teams. The more complex the proposed expressions are, the more comical the texts of the ditties will be.

When ditties with the first word are sung, the leader determines which team is eliminated from the game. Then a new phrase is proposed. And so on until the winner is determined.


Unleash your teens' creative potential through drawing. Cut out or draw a few items and then put them in envelopes. Participants in the game must sit back to back. One of them draws an object from the envelope and describes it, but without naming what it is, so that the second one draws it too.

This game for teenagers teaches teamwork, develops communication skills, and funny drawings will amuse everyone. You can hang them on the wall at the end of the game and create an exhibition of great paintings.

"Greeting card for the birthday boy"

All guests of the holiday are invited to congratulate the birthday boy with an original card drawn by himself (the ideal option is to draw a portrait of the hero of the occasion). The highlight of the competition is that artists are given a sheet of paper and a felt-tip pen, but they are not allowed to pick up the instrument. Participants have no choice but to take the felt-tip pen in their teeth.

The birthday boy will have a lot of fun when he sees the resulting cards. All participants must be awarded prizes.

Birthday competitions for teenagers will not only help defuse the situation and relax guests, but will also fill such a significant day with emotions and make it unforgettable.

Social and psychological trainings

They have their own significance. If you have a great desire to understand your own child, then it certainly makes sense to contact them. Psychologist's sessions with teenagers are aimed at learning to better understand themselves and those around them. Nobody forces you to participate in them if you don’t see the appropriate meaning. Correctional and developmental classes for teenagers are necessary in order to raise a harmonious personality, capable of taking responsibility for their own life at the right time.

K-Drama Party

If the names Lee Min Ho, Lee Jong Suk, and Ji Chang Wook sound familiar, then it's time for a themed K-Drama Party. Such a party can be held either at home or at a special event site.

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  • height figures of popular Korean actors;
  • posters of famous dramas that are familiar to guests;
  • a screen where you can show clips of your favorite moments from dramas;
  • photo zone with funny props for a photo shoot - for example, headbands with ears and horns, hats with moving ears, cardboard signs with phrases in Korean, cute toys.

Dress code:

  • Korean style clothes.


  • Korean milk in boxes or jars;
  • teokbokki (be careful with the level of spiciness);
  • kimbap;
  • pianse;
  • fried chicken;
  • punoppan.


  • guess the dialogue from the drama (use SoftBox voice acting so that the dubbing voices are the same and it is more difficult to determine which drama the fragment is taken from);
  • arrange Korean karaoke and sing your favorite OSTs from dramas. Even if you don't know the words, what matters is the atmosphere!
  • Come up with your own idea for the plot of the drama. And the one who tells the most original idea will receive one of the life-size figures as a gift.

Merkabah Meditation

Today this is one of the most effective ways of self-knowledge. Correct meditation must be taught. It will take more than one week or even a month before you can master it completely. If you rely only on yourself, you can hardly count on getting quick results. After all, a young guy or girl will not ideally be able to master spiritual practice on their own. It is very difficult to act without an experienced mentor. This will require a desire to learn something new, the ability to work in a team, and not be distracted by various irritants. In the process of completing the task, adolescents learn to pay attention to their own emotional state and focus on others. It is imperative to study with an experienced instructor who will tell you in detail about the process and help you master it in a relatively short time. Psychological classes with teenagers are necessary. They provide an opportunity to learn how to restore mental balance.

TikTok party for teens

It's time to take the online party offline and throw a cool TikTok party. Popular tracks, guests full of ideas for new videos, delicious snacks - what else could make this party cooler?


  • order a banner with the TikTok logo.
  • Use the main colors of the application in the design - raspberry, blue, black and white. For example, you can order balls, tablecloths and some tableware in these shades.

Dress code:

  • For such a party, casual clothing is suitable, in which it will be convenient to move a lot and shoot videos. But don't forget that TikTok values ​​creativity and originality in everything.


  • sandwiches;
  • mini-pizza snack bars;
  • puff rolls with cheese;
  • muffins. If you wish, you can make the muffins multi-colored by choosing the colors of the TikTok logo as a base - black, raspberry and blue.


  • master class on mobile installation;
  • meeting with a popular TikTok blogger who will tell you how he was able to achieve success thanks to his videos;
  • shooting trend challenges.

Yoga Nidra

The modern rhythm of life is such that it often knocks you out of your usual rut. Few people never doubt themselves. Lack of self-confidence is common among people aged 14-17 years. Stress has a negative impact on both adults and children. Yoga Nidra will help in this regard. The training session for teenagers is aimed at teaching them how to relax in time. After all, by focusing on our daily problems, we plunge even more into negativity. Yoga Nidra is a unique method that allows you to achieve a state of inner peace. By practicing it constantly, we have the opportunity to get rid of negativity in a timely manner. People sometimes don’t even imagine how impoverished their lives are by plunging into endless painful experiences.

Children must be taught early on to understand their own spiritual needs. Interesting psychology classes for teenagers, as a rule, are aimed at developing an understanding of how to organize their lives and where to direct their daily efforts. If a person finds the strength to constantly work on himself, then he will never regret his decision. Gradually, a young guy or girl gets used to the fact that they need to try to accumulate positive energy in themselves. Yoga Nidra is a unique system that begins to work for a person after a certain period. It takes time to acquire precious knowledge and begin to translate it into reality.

"Let's find a common language"

Interesting psychology classes for teenagers should definitely be conducted by specialists. It is necessary to take care in advance so as not to harm the child or inadvertently cause disturbing thoughts and associations in him. You should not give information too forcefully, without giving the opportunity to properly think about everything said. The instructor must have a certain tact, a desire to do everything with pleasure and not interfere with the participants learning something new or taking individual lessons. This training is aimed precisely at learning to monitor your own negative thoughts that arise during communication. As a result of effectively working through situations, the teenager understands that he needs to begin to purposefully work on his expectations and impressions. You also come to the realization that you should always try to understand your interlocutor, to find individual “keys” for him, and this is not so easy to do. You will need to achieve a certain wisdom so as not to get upset over trifles and not take your anger out on others. In fact, if people strived more to understand each other, they themselves could become much happier than before. Some young boys and girls strive for self-development from a young age. They do not want to put up with their own imperfections, and also want to make others happy. This is a very laudable intention.

Thus, individual lessons with a teenager should, first of all, be aimed at forming his own picture of the world. A child who has reached the age of 14-16 years old urgently needs to be understood. He wants to show his existing abilities and does not agree to hide them. It is within the power of his parents to help him in this endeavor. You should definitely notice what your child needs at a particular moment in time and try to give it to him.

Games for teenagers at school

When holding mass events within a school, it is extremely important to include interesting competitions for teenagers in the script. Schoolchildren take part in such public events with pleasure and great desire.

"Written on my forehead"

All participants sit in a circle so that they can see each other. Each player is given a sticker with an adhesive strip on which he writes a new name for his neighbor and sticks it on his forehead. You can write anything: Thumbelina, Barmaley, Kirkorov, centipede, suitcase. As a result, all teenagers acquire new names, but can only see who the others are.

The first player begins to ask the others one by one leading questions to find out who he is. For example: “Am I human?”, “Do I have paws?”, “Do I like to sing?” You can answer questions positively or negatively, but without prompting. If the circle is completed and the hero is not solved, then the next one begins to ask questions. The one who guesses himself wins a prize.

If you have gathered a company in which everything is in order with a sense of humor, funny competitions for teenagers are perfect for the event.


You need to inflate a balloon and place it on the edge of the table. A blindfolded player is spun around and brought to the table. The contestant must blow on the ball until it falls off the table. It will be very funny, because the ball will probably end up in the other direction.


Raw eggs are laid out on the floor. The participant is given a minute to remember the location of the “mines” and is blindfolded. At this time, the eggs are removed. Under the shouts of extras with hints in which direction to go and exclamations: “Be careful, mine!” the player will have fun sneaking around, and the audience will laugh.

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