Warm greetings to all children and animals, mothers, fathers, grandfathers and grandmothers! The country is preparing to celebrate the New Year, and store shelves are already bursting with sparkling toys. It's hard to pass by and not buy a new star for the top of our green beauty.
I know that preparations for the holiday will go with a bang! And I want to offer kind and cheerful New Year's scenes for 5th grade. Performances can be staged at school and at home, in a children's cafe or in a holiday gym. And invite smart fifth-graders and their respected parents as actors. Everyone, even our beloved grandmothers, will have a role in the fiery New Year's show.
So, the first tale is about hot Africa. There, happy animals bask in the sun all year round, gobble up bananas, but dream of meeting the real Santa Claus.
The second fairy tale based on the old Soviet cartoon “When the Christmas trees are lit.” In this scenario you will learn about the incredible adventures of New Year's gifts.
And the third story is about the Snowman-postman, he delivered children's mail on time and fulfilled the dream of the kind boy Kolya Snegirev.
Great skits for 5th grade! Read with your parents and teachers, imagine yourself as heroes and put on wonderful New Year's performances.
New Year in Africa - a skit for fifth graders
Behind the scenes is the sound of the sea and the cries of seagulls, on stage are African animals - zebra, giraffe, hippopotamus. The animals bask carefree in the sun, eating exotic fruits.
Hippopotamus : Oh, it’s good when it’s summer all year round! If you want to swim, please, if you want to sunbathe, please. What about ripe sweet bananas? There are so many of them that my stomach will soon burst.
Zebra with reproach: Switch from bananas to mangoes, less calories!
Giraffe : You are glad that we have summer all year round in Africa. And what's good about that? Hot, mosquitoes and full of tourists.
The zebra reproaches again: Those who don’t like it can swim to Antarctica. It’s quiet there and the insects don’t bite, but I’m just warning you – you’ll freeze your ears and hooves in 5 minutes! (smirks)
Giraffe : You don’t understand anything! Due to the fact that we don’t have Winter, we don’t have a New Year with a Christmas tree and snowflakes, and Santa Claus never comes to Africa and brings gifts to our children.
Hippopotamus : How terrible! What is New Year?
Giraffe : Oh, my dear friend, this is so beautiful! I’m now going to read you a letter from my cousin, he lives in the Moscow Zoo.
Zebra with interest: Well, come on, read quickly, I’m also interested, what is New Year?
The giraffe takes out an envelope and reads the letter with expression: Hello, dear nephew! It’s already winter here, the frost outside is minus 2, and I’m sitting in a warm enclosure and writing you a letter. It’s December outside, knee-deep snow, and at night the blizzard howls melodiously.
The hippopotamus is delighted: There are so many misunderstood words - snow, frost, blizzard. Strange, but very interesting!
Zebra grumbles: Don’t interrupt, let’s finish the letter.
The giraffe continues: On December 31, everyone celebrates the New Year, this is when one calendar ends and the next begins. Schoolchildren enjoy the holidays, parents have the weekend, and they, holding hands together, come to visit us at the zoo.
Hippopotamus : Oh, how cute! But no one comes to us (almost cries).
Giraffe : Wait, don't be upset! What follows is more interesting (reads with expression). Near the penguin enclosure there is a large Christmas tree with colorful balls. The kids take pictures and we are invited to take beautiful pictures. Then the guys give us tasty treats, and in return they receive small boxes with New Year's gifts from Grandfather Frost.
Hippopotamus : And I want a gift! Am I a redhead?
Zebra gets angry: No, you're not red, you're cloven-hoofed. Don't interrupt when the letter is being read.
Giraffe : There is not much left here (continues). Dear nephew, I have long wanted to invite you to visit us. Get ready and come with your friends for the New Year! You will see a huge Christmas tree, the capital sparkling with lights, and maybe you will receive a New Year's gift from Grandfather Frost.
Hippopotamus : Wow, how cool! We are all invited, let's go, please.
Zebra : Yeah, freeze the tails?! I heard that they already have minus 2. I am against it...
Giraffe : This is not a problem, our skins are warm, we’ll buy more hats, scarves and felt boots for our hooves. Let's not freeze!
Zebra : The hippopotamus does not have a skin like ours, it is naked! He needs a coat or fur coat.
Hippopotamus with fear: Yes, I need to get a down jacket somewhere!
Giraffe : Don't worry! We’ll fly there and immediately at the airport we’ll buy warm clothes, the main thing is to see the winter and the real New Year!
The animals are getting ready for the journey, a New Year's melody is playing and the voice-over sound of a plane taking off. The characters depict flying and landing. Here they are at the Moscow airport and are already seriously frozen.
Hippopotamus is shaking: Brrrrr, how cold it is! It's probably warmer here in Antarctica.
Zebra : Yes, it’s like not minus 2, but 40 minutes. I’ll get sick (sneezes).
The giraffe carefully takes warm clothes out of the suitcase and dresses his friends. They smile and hug. A minute later, Uncle Giraffe approaches the guests from Africa, he throws bright garlands around their necks and warmly greets them.
Uncle Giraffe : Hello, hello, dears! Hello, nephew! (hugs) How did you get there? How are you?
Hippopotamus , wrapped in a down jacket: Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
Giraffe : Thank you, uncle! We are glad to visit Moscow! Show us the city, the largest Christmas tree and introduce us to Grandfather Frost.
Uncle : With pleasure!
Friends pretend to travel by car. They are surprised and delighted by everything.
Zebra : Look, look! There people dance on ice, how beautiful...
Uncle : This is an ice skating rink, here adults and children skate.
Hippopotamus : Oh, there are so many lights in Moscow, more than shells on an African beach!
Giraffe : Yes, amazing! And look how big the tree is. Maybe here we will meet Grandfather Frost?!
Uncle : Yes, we have arrived! Come out!
Animals run around the decorated Christmas tree and look at it carefully, Uncle Giraffe takes memorable photographs.
Suddenly, a grandfather wearing a long fur coat and a white beard comes out to meet the guests from Africa. The audience applauds joyfully.
The zebra exclaims: I guessed it, this is the good wizard - Santa Claus!
Grandfather : Hello, animals! Hello, guests from distant and hot Africa! Giraffe, Zebra, Hippopotamus in chorus: Hello, Grandfather Frost!
Grandfather : Glad you got to us! How can I please you, what New Year miracle can I perform?
Giraffe : Good Grandfather Frost! I dream that you will come to us in Africa, bring a Christmas tree on a sleigh and many, many gifts for African children.
Grandfather : Good wish! And although it is very hot here, I will definitely fulfill your dream and will soon fly to the Ivory Coast.
The animals rejoice, say goodbye to grandfather to the New Year's song and take away boxes with gifts.
Behind the scenes there is again the sound of the sea and the cries of seagulls. A zebra, a giraffe and a hippopotamus are eating bananas and basking in the sun.
Suddenly, Grandfather Frost comes out from behind the scenes in a T-shirt and shorts. He lights up the New Year tree with multi-colored lights, the sounds of “On New Year’s Eve” from Fixies, the animals dance merrily with grandfather and the little spectators.
Scenario of an extracurricular educational event for 5th grade “Lesson of Tolerance”
- Topic:
“Lesson of tolerance” - Goal:
to give the concept of tolerance, to promote the development of sympathy and empathy in children. - Form of work:
conversation - Tasks:
- Cultural and educational:
- -familiarization of children with the concept of “tolerance, “tolerant attitude”;
- Educational:
- - fostering respect and kindness towards other people;
- Developmental:
- -development of communication skills.
- Children's age:
12-13. - Venue:
classroom No. 17, MBOU "Maslovopristanskaya secondary school", Belgorod region, Shebekinsky district, Maslova Pristan village,
Time spending:
date 02/15/2016; time 14:00; duration 40 min.
Equipment and design:
scenario of an educational event with tasks, competitions; Handout; chair.
Distribution of orders:
teacher performance, students take part in competitions, conversations, games, etc.
- Plan for extracurricular educational activities:
- Organizational moment (communication of the topic and purpose of the educational event.)
- Game moment.
- Summing up the results of the educational event.
- Progress of the event
- Organizing time.
Hello guys! I am glad to welcome you to our event! Let's get ready for creative work and give each other a great mood!
Children turn to their neighbor on the left and right and smile.
Today I really want to get to know you better. In front of you are leaves of different colors. Write on them your most important, worthy quality, in your opinion.
Students write down their qualities, the teacher “puts” them in a chest.
You have so many good qualities! Which means there are many possibilities! Why do you think I put your leaves in the chest?
Because it is valuable, wealth.
Why do you think this is a great value, wealth?
Children, reflecting, come closer to understanding that wealth is what helps a person himself, his loved ones, those around him, decide to overcome something, cope with something, help someone, etc.
So, there is wealth that you can touch and spend. And there is wealth that can only be felt. And oddly enough, the wealth that lies in our virtues, our character, is stronger. This is our property. Money, favorite things, and a collection of candy wrappers are also assets, our wealth. But not as durable as dignity.
All of your listed qualities that you wrote down on pieces of paper can be called in one word - tolerance. The topic of our conversation is “A lesson in tolerance.” What do you think our goal is? (Get acquainted with the concept of tolerance, learn to be tolerant with each other.)
Guys! Listen carefully to the components of tolerance!
- Tolerance:
- -cooperation
- -respect for any human dignity
- -respect for people's rights
- -tolerance to other faiths, opinions
- -ability to control oneself
- -listening skills
- -ability to experience
- - sensitivity
- -sense of humor
- - trust in people
- -humanism
- - mutual understanding
- -independence
- -ability to sympathize
2. Main part. Game moment
Guys! Since you and I are ready for fruitful cooperation, then let's hold various competitions. The main thing is not to forget that the main principle in our work will be the principle of tolerance. Let's respect each other's opinions, both in everyday life and in the game!
- a) Entertaining tasks
- 1) Hedgehog gave the ducklings a present
- Eight leather boots.
- Which one of the guys will answer?
- How many ducklings were there? (4)
- 2) Two nimble piglets
- They were so cold, they were shaking.
- Count and say:
- How many boots should I buy them? (8)
- 5) Ants live together
- And they don’t scurry around idle.
- Two carry a blade of grass
- Two carry a blade of grass,
- Three carry needles.
- How many are there under the tree? (7)
- 4) So our whole yard is assembled.
- Now tell me
- How many children are there in the yard? (9)
Let's check if you haven't lost your skills over the summer. Your task is to collect the “torn” sayings. The main thing is to work together, amicably!
- b) “Collecting” sayings
- 1) Stand together for peace - there will be no war
- 2) A good word heals, but an evil word kills.
- 3) How good is the one who has a smart head and a kind heart.
- 4) A kind word is better than a sweet pie.
- 5) A true friend is better than a hundred servants.
- 6) It is better to die near a friend than to live with your enemy.
- 7) All for one and one for all.
If you don’t have a friend, so look for him, but when he comes, take care of him.
- 9) Hold on to each other - don’t be afraid of anything.
When the lights are on the Christmas tree - a New Year's scene for children 11-12 years old
The guys on stage are 5th grader Valentina and her younger brother Egorka. The kids are getting ready for the New Year,
The girl is decorating the Christmas tree and learning a short poem with her brother.
Valya : Well, come on, Egor, don’t be lazy, repeat after me. The round dance began to spin, the songs flowed loudly. This means New Year, This means Christmas tree!
Egorka grumbles and sighs: Oh, what a long poem. I’ll only learn two lines, Valyukha, I won’t be able to do any more...
Valya is angry: How lazy you are, Egorka, Grandfather Frost won’t bring you a gift!
Egor : He will bring it! I wrote a letter and asked for a big Bear who growls. He will become my friend, will protect me, and hug me with his warm paw before bed.
Valya : If you don’t learn the poem, you won’t get the Bear...
Egorka : Well, I’ll get it, Grandfather Frost always brings me gifts!
Valya : Let's see! Let's get ready quickly, let's go to the holiday!
The guys leave, and Santa Claus with a bag flies across the stage like a whirlwind, light snowflakes circling around him in a beautiful dance.
After a fleeting performance, two lost gifts remain in the hall - the Bear and the Hare. They lie on the stage and don’t understand where they ended up.
The bear feels himself: Pooh-pooh, seems to be intact! It seems I've fallen out of the bag of gifts.
Bunny : Yes, Mishenka, you and I are gifts, but it’s not clear where we ended up?
The bear looks around: It looks like a forest, there is snow and pine trees all around, I’m even a little scared.
Bunny : This is bad! If we are lost in the forest, then we will never get to the New Year tree. And our children will be left with no gifts.
Mishka : Yes, on my paw it’s written to Egor Rumyantsev. The good boy probably learned the rhyme too. He’s waiting for me, and I’m lying here in the snow.
Bunny : I feel worse. I am a gift for Valya Rumyantseva, also with a huge chocolate bar. Look, she’s tied to her leg, but I can’t walk (upset, almost crying).
Bear : Don't whine, we'll think of something now! Let's try to push you like on a sled, you'll slide down the hill on a chocolate bar.
Hare : It won’t turn out like a sled, the chocolate is nutty and rough (wipes away a tear with his paw).
At this time, an angry and hungry Wolf appears on the stage. He hums a sad song, the toy animals huddle together in fear.
Wolf : Hey, who are you? What are you doing here in my forest?
Bear : We are New Year's gifts! Lost in the forest. Do you know, Mr. Gray Wolf, how we can get to the New Year tree?
Wolf : Ha ha! Present! You made me laugh, so I’ll swallow you up in an instant!
Hare : Don't eat us, Mr. Wolf, we are not real! The bear is made of plush, and I am made of cotton wool. We're not tasty at all. Here, chew my ear!
The wolf tastes the Bunny's ear: Ugh, what a disgusting thing! Indeed, not real!
Hare : But I have a chocolate bar, it’s sweet. Eat it please!
The wolf tears the chocolate from the hare's paw and eats it instantly: Oh, nutty, oh, my stomach will hurt! (grabs his side, hiccups twice and runs away).
The audience laughs. And Mishka and Bunny go on a hike. The New Year's composition from the cartoon “Umka is looking for a friend” is played, and the Bear sings a touching song about the Christmas tree.
The music is heard throughout the forest, and the kind Snow Maiden hears the voice of the bear cub. Tired, wet animals meet the granddaughter of Grandfather Frost on the way.
Snow Maiden : Hello, cute toys! How did you get into the snowy forest?
The bunny whines: We are lost! And our children Valya and Egorka will be left without gifts!
Snow Maiden : Don't be sad, little bunny! Now I’ll warm you up, straighten the bows on your neck and take you to the holiday in no time.
Bear : There was an inscription on my paw - to Egor Rumyantsev.
Bunny : And I had a big nut chocolate for Valya Rumyantseva.
Snow Maiden : Now, now, we’ll fix everything and fly to the New Year’s tree in 5 minutes.
The granddaughter of Moroz Ivanovich puts the toys in order, and they together, holding hands, run backstage.
Valya and Egorka are on stage again. They came dressed up for the holiday, waiting for Grandfather Frost. Grandfather in a long fur coat with a sparkling staff enters the hall to the music. He greets all the children and lights the Christmas tree to applause.
Valya : Oh, how wonderful! How many lights are on the Christmas tree! Real magic!
Egorka : Where are our gifts?
Santa Claus : Egor, climb onto a chair and read us a poem. And a gift is waiting for you in my big bag.
Egor stands on a chair and collects his thoughts, Grandfather looks into the bag and cannot find gifts for the guys.
At this time, the Snow Maiden appears in the hall, and with her the Bear for Yegor and the Bunny for Valya.
Egorka joyfully and loudly reads the verse: The round dance is spinning, The songs are flowing loudly.
This means New Year, This means Christmas tree!
The audience applauds, the Christmas tree lights up with colorful lights. The guys receive their gifts and everyone dances together to the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.”
Methodological development of extracurricular activities in mathematics for grade 5
Subject: mathematics Methodological development of extracurricular activities Natalia Alekseevna Mogilatova, mathematics teacher of the highest qualification category, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 3, Balashov, Saratov Region. Class: 5.
Mathematical KVN in fifth grades Goals: Instilling interest in mathematics; Development of thinking, observation, and intelligence in students; Development of cognitive and creative abilities in students; Development of a culture of collective communication.
Objectives: Educational (didactic) objective: to deepen knowledge in mathematics in a fun way, to promote the development of resourcefulness, ingenuity, and speed of reaction. Developmental task: to develop intuition, erudition, broaden students' horizons, interest in mathematics.
Educational task: to cultivate a culture of communication, a culture of mathematical thinking. Progress of the event Introductory speech by the teacher. Good afternoon, dear guys! Today we start KVN! All of you, of course, know the words from the introductory song to the KVN television program: “We are starting KVN - for whom, for what?...
“Who are we starting KVN for today – of course, for you! So that today you can get a little distracted and have fun, get to know each other’s talents and abilities better (and you have a lot of them), think about questions and answers, show solidarity with the teams, increase your intelligence, get infected with a sense of healthy excitement and, in general, have competitions time to good use. Why are we starting KVN? So that none of you asks the question so familiar to all teachers: “Why do I need mathematics? I won’t need it in my life!” After all, the word “mathematics” came to us from an ancient language, where “mantanein” means “to study and acquire knowledge.” Mathematics is designed to develop logical thinking, attention, and the brain. It’s not for nothing that it’s called “mental gymnastics.” I want you to be convinced that mathematics is a wonderful, not dry science, and that doing it is as exciting as playing KVN. There are also many miracles and secrets in it. Oath of KVN participants. Host: We swear to observe all the commandments of KVN, not to offend opponents and, moreover, not to be offended by them. All: We swear! Host: We swear by the wisdom and fairness of the high jury. All: We swear Presenter: We swear by the remnants of fun and humor that we manage to preserve. All: We swear! Host: Time for business, time for fun, it’s time for KVN to start. I. Greeting the teams (5 points) II. Encrypt KVN (3 points) 1
There are 33 letters in the alphabet. Each letter has its own serial number. Based on this, it is necessary to encrypt the letters KVN (12315) with a digital code. For example, the name Yaya 3333. III. Warm-up (1 point for each correct answer) Teams take turns answering questions. 1.What numbers are called natural numbers? 2.How many digits are used to write numbers? 3.
Who can name 5 days in a row without using the numbers of the month or the days of the week? (The day before yesterday, yesterday, today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow) 4. What are numbers called when multiplied? 5.What are numbers called when divided? 6. How many ends do ten and a half sticks have? (22) 7.Petya lives on the 3rd floor, and Kostya lives in the same house, but climbs the stairs twice as high as Petya.
What floor does Kostya live on? (On the 5th floor) 8.What is the smallest natural number? 9. Boil the soft-boiled egg for 3 minutes. How long does it take to cook 5 eggs? (3 min.) 10. The father was asked: how old are his two sons? He replied that if the sum of these numbers is added to the product of the numbers representing their years, it will be 14. How old are his sons? (2,4) 11. The motorcycle was driving to the village along the road.
He met 3 cars and a truck. How many cars were traveling to the village? (none) 12. 2 fathers and 2 sons bought 3 oranges, each got one orange. How could this happen? (grandfather, father, grandson) 13. Name the smallest integer? 14. How many kilograms are in one quintal? 15. Two crows sat on a birch tree and looked in different directions: one to the south, the other to the north.
“Your paws are covered in mud,” says the first crow. “And you have it,” answers the second crow, its beak in the ground. How so? They look in different directions, but see each other? (They look at each other, and this is in different directions) 16. There were 4 rabbits in the cage. Four guys bought one rabbit each, and one rabbit remained in the cage.
How could this happen? (One rabbit was bought along with a cage) 17. How many peas can fit into an empty glass? (they don't know how to walk). 18. How much earth is in a hole 2 m deep, 2 m wide, 2 m long (not at all). 19. Three drivers had a brother, Semyon, but Semyon had no brothers. How could this happen? (the drivers were women) 20. An electric train was traveling from east to west at a speed of 80 km/h.
The wind is blowing in the same direction at a speed of 50 km/h. Which way does the smoke from the train deviate? (the electric train is smokeless). 21.Which is easier: a pound of cotton wool or a pound of iron? (same). 22. Birds flew over the river - a pigeon, a pike, two tits, two swifts and five eels. How many birds? Answer quickly. (five) IV.
Competition Mathematical sweet tooths (guess how many candies are in a glass and who will eat them faster) (1+1 points) V. Competition “Knowledge of mathematical terms” Each team is asked questions for one minute. For the correct answer - 1 point. 2
Questions for team 1 – words starting with the letter “K”. Geometric figure, quadrilateral. (square) 1000 meters is…. (kilometer). A number that determines the position of a point on a coordinate line (coordinate). The plant and the equation have a root. 1000 grams is ... (kilogram). The unit of measurement for the mass of precious stones (carat).
A group of digits in the amount of 3, in a multi-digit number (class). A device that makes it easier to perform complex arithmetic operations (calculator). The smallest monetary unit in Russia (kopeck). Triangular scarf (kerchief). Questions for team 2 – words starting with the letter “P”. The sum of the lengths of all sides of a polygon (perimeter).
Geometric figure, quadrangle (rectangle). A line that has neither beginning nor end (straight). The highest grade a student can receive (five). The result of multiplication (product). Addition sign (plus). The surfaces of a table, a blackboard, or window glass give an idea of a geometric figure. (about the plane).
m2, km2, mm2 – units of measurement... (area). The pedestrian walked the distance from point A to point B (path). An ancient measure of mass (pood). VI. Competition Who is more attentive? But the tasks are not simple. You need to listen carefully, as the question will be asked at the end. Tasks: 1. 25 people were traveling on the bus. At the first stop, 7 people got off and 4 people got on.
At the next stop, 12 people got off and 5 people got on. At the next stop, 8 people got off and 6 people got on. At the next stop, 2 people got off and 16 people got on. At the next stop, 5 people got off. How many stops were there? (5 stops) 2. The four river Jellyfish always had excellent taste, and they invited guests to try watermelon.
Triton came to dinner, and the sea friend Elephant ate watermelon with a knife and fork, and was kind and smart. And then Varan came in. He lay down on the leather sofa. Som sat silent and lonely all evening. And the Bermuda crocodile also came to visit. Medusa had a great time! The guests ate the whole watermelon! Question: How many guests came to Medusa? (5 guests) 3. Summer task.
12 dragonflies were flying on the river. Two friends and red Barbos appeared. They splashed so much, they made so much noise, that 8 dragonflies quickly flew away. Only dragonflies remained on the river, 3
Who is not afraid of children and watchdogs? But here’s what my head forgot: Tell me, please, how many were there? (12 dragonflies) 4. At the market. At the market Trofim sold axes, carpets and jars, rakes, buckets and planes, jars of pickled cucumbers, saucepans and baskets, even children’s cars. I sold Trofim at the market.
Everyone was crowding around the counter, buying, and not skimping. And young and old praised both Trofim and the goods. Question: Count how many types of different goods Trofim sold at the market? (10)VII. Captains competition.
(2 points) “Mathematical men” Draw a cheerful little man using three geometric shapes: a rectangle, a circle and a triangle (Used: More triangles - intelligence prevails. More circles - kindness prevails. More rectangles - intelligent.
) The smartest, kindest, most intelligent is determined by the leading number of figures VIII. Music competition (1 point for each song) Perform songs that contain numbers. The last team to finish singing songs IX wins.
Game “I know the table” (1 point) 3 participants each stand in a common circle. At the direction of the leader, the players begin an ordinal count of 1,2, etc., but instead of numbers that are divisible by three and ending in three, they say “I know the table” . Whoever makes a mistake is eliminated from the circle. The team whose player remains wins. X. Homework Poems, skits, songs about mathematics (5 points). 4