College student's day. Student's Day is a holiday for students. Student's Day holiday, scenarios, events, quests, competitions

Students of any higher educational institution, department and course spend their time not only studying, but also having fun with their friends. For many people, the student years are a time when they need to get some exercise before moving into adulthood. Therefore, young people try to celebrate every holiday as fun and as big as possible. This is especially true for such an event as Student's Day. This holiday is one of the most significant and revered by all students of higher educational institutions. Young people take the organization of a special event on Student's Day especially seriously, trying to make it truly fun and memorable. Thematic competitions and games, of which there are now a huge number, can help students create just such a holiday.

Smart to the teeth

The competition is quite simple in description, but not so easy to complete in reality. 2-3 students participate; accordingly, the board is divided into several parts according to the number of participants. Each participant receives chalk, which they need to take with their teeth, and at the command “start” the guys write a certain hidden phrase on the board with chalk in their teeth. For example, the phrase “Happy Student’s Day, my favorite group.” The participant who completes the task faster and writes a phrase with his teeth will win and receive a prize.

"I never…"

This game will help students get to know their fellow students better and have fun while celebrating the holiday. Before starting the game, each participant must be given ten chips, which can be a variety of small things, for example, matches. The rules are incredibly simple, so you can learn how to play “I’ve Never...” in just a few minutes.

The first participant says something he has never done in his life, for example, “I have never watched a TV series.” Those participants who have watched the series at least once in their lives give him one chip. That is, the essence of the game is that a person must honestly say what he has never done, but other participants probably did. The player who runs out of chips is eliminated. Well, the winner is the person who, at the end of a certain number of laps, remains with the most chips.

This game is ideal for celebrating Students' Day, because young people like it.

The wisest philosopher

Since philosophy is taught in all faculties and sometimes helps students in life, you can just check which of the guys is better versed in philosophy. For this competition, you need to prepare statements from different philosophers, for example, 1. Any human knowledge begins with intuition, moves to concepts and ends with ideas. (Kant); 2. To speak well about virtue does not mean to be virtuous, and to be fair in thoughts does not mean to be fair in practice. (Aristotle); 3. A capable person suffers from the desire to become even more capable. (Confucius). There are a huge number of these phrases in any philosophy textbook. So, the presenter reads the phrases one by one, and the students guess who these words belonged to. For one answer - one point, and whoever has more points wins, and accordingly is the wisest philosopher.


It is not the one who cheats who is wrong, but the one who does not know how to do it. Even teachers know about this and are not against cheating if the student was able to hide the cheat sheet and managed to use it unnoticed.

To hold the Spurs competition, it is necessary to prepare a sufficient number of sheets of paper so that there is enough for everyone who wants to participate. The essence of the competition is that one teacher is selected from among the participants, who must leave the room while all other participants hide their cheat sheets. After everything is ready, the teacher enters the room and tries to guess where one or another participant hid the spur. After completing one round, another teacher is selected and the process is repeated. The participant who managed to find the largest number of cheat sheets wins.

Famous students

For this competition, it is necessary to prepare pictures or photos of various famous people who at one time studied at institutes, for example, Pavel Volya - a teacher of Russian language and literature, Martirosyan - a doctor, and so on. The guys are divided into small teams. The presenter shows one picture of a famous person, and the teams must guess what specialty this famous person studied. For the correct answer, the team receives a point. The team that gives the most correct answers will win.

"Get to the hostel after closing"

Those students who live in a dormitory know from their own experience that it can be difficult to go home after closing time. The fact is that there are guards who at certain times close the dormitory and do not allow absolutely anyone into it, including the students who live there. They claim that they follow the instructions, that's why they don't let anyone in. However, even such principled watchmen can find an approach and get into the hostel after it closes.

Based on this peculiarity of the behavior of watchmen, it is possible to hold a competition on Student’s Day, the essence of which is that one participant acts as a principled watchman, and the second as a student who is trying to get into the dormitory. The student must use different methods to allow the guard to let him through. For example, he may flatter, threaten, plead, and bargain. The winner is named by a team of judges who choose whose argument was more powerful.

Creative game “Interesting poems”

And finally, the most creative of all games, “Interesting Poems.” The essence of the game is very simple - the first player composes any poetic line out loud. Size is not important, but rhyme and meaning are the main condition. The topic can be absolutely anything. At least “My brother and I walked on the moon.” The second player quickly, he is given about thirty seconds to think, comes up with a continuation - it must be in rhyme and the meaning of the stanza must also be suitable. And off we go. Of course, at first you will come up with completely absurd poems, but then perhaps you and your whole company will compose a great work! The main thing is speed. Because only then, as with a blitz survey, will you prepare exactly what you mean, without guile. In addition to being useful, this game is incredibly fun, and it has only one drawback - laughing makes your cheeks very sore afterwards.

So, as you can see, you can spend a fun evening with your student friends without drunken get-togethers, which only harm your health with the help of interesting psychological games for students

. There are plenty of ways to spice up boring card and TV parties. In one evening you can discover so many new things about your classmates that communicating with them will become much more pleasant and interesting, you will begin to understand them better, and the percentage of conflict situations will decrease to a minimum. After all, there is nothing more important than a healthy atmosphere in your social circle and within yourself!

"January Star"

Youth competition program.

(slides about students are shown during the program)


Good evening!
We welcome and congratulate all Tatiana present in this room. Let's congratulate them with loud, stormy applause. VED.
On Tatiana's Day, we not only honor the holy martyr Tatiana, but also celebrate Students' Day.


We congratulate the youth of the city on this wonderful holiday and wish them all the best! Happiness and love to you!


So, dear current and future students, let's remember the words of the famous student song:

From session to session, students live happily, and the session is only twice a year


Student holidays begin on Tatiana's Day, and it is these events that students celebrate noisily and cheerfully. And today let's forget about the session, and let's just have fun and dance.

(dance block)


Tatyana – what a wonderful name! I think Tatiana is present in our hall? Many Russian poets dedicated their poems to Tatyana. For example, Pushkin. Yesenin. Theater competition I invite 5 people to the stage. Those who wish are given cards with poems known from childhood; I suggest reading the children's poem as a declaration of love to Tatyana. Our Tanya is crying loudly, She dropped a ball into the river. Hush, Tanya, don’t cry, The ball won’t drown in the river. VED: Happy holiday to you, dear, smart, energetic Tatiana! The following composition sounds for you.

(dance block)


Friends, we invite 5 students to the stage. Let's test our students on their ability to compose, not just teachers about a missed lesson, but let's try them in the role of poets. While the track is playing, our participants will compose poems using ready-made rhymes. Well, friends, let's try ourselves in the role of Pushkin? And this needs to be done as quickly as possible.


Tatyana's Day!
A student is walking. 2.
Our favorite holiday. 3.
Tatiana’s day, the lilacs are not happy yet.
There is still a snowstorm outside the windows, the student is always happy with fun.
The student dances and sings sometimes until the morning.


Participants are preparing for the “Rhymemakers” competition.


So, dear participants, the time has come for a poetic moment in our program. Please read out your poems.

(dance break)


Our next competition is the Guinness Show. Now we will determine who is the best in our hall, for this I invite 6 students. Now we will determine who is the tallest.

And now we invite 5 girls to the stage. (left)

Now we will determine who has the thinnest waist.

And now we need help from the audience. Tell me who has the longest hair. Please come and claim your prize.

Young people, which of you have blue eyes? Please come to the stage. And now, with the help of a support group, we will determine who has the bluest eyes.

3 cheerful, positive young people are invited to the next competition. The essence of the competition is this: you need to smile, and we will determine who has the most charming smile.


And now I suggest everyone play together. I will read poetry, you should clap if these things can be worn, and stomp if they cannot be worn. Let's get ready. Game with the audience: Shout “Fashionista”.

I once met the superfashionable Tanyusha. You will never see or meet one like this.

I saw her wearing not one skirt, but two at once. There is a fur coat of fish on the shoulders and a pot on the head.

There are high-heeled boots on her feet, and earrings hanging in her ears, and tights on her arm. .

The scarf dangles around the neck. The glasses are like a shadow on the nose. There is a fan tangled in her hair and a belt on her waist.

She is also wearing a blouse with an umbrella-cane in her hand. There is a jellyfish hanging on his shoulder and a briefcase on a leash.

There is a ring on my finger, and a bowler hat on my neck, and a heart pendant, and a cambric scarf.

If you meet that girl, remember this fable. But I want to wish you not to meet such fashionistas!

(dance break)


Our student participants showed that they are real students - cheerful, cheerful, cheerful. And future students have proven that they can safely be enrolled in the ranks of freshmen in the summer. Thank you for being with us on this frosty January evening!


We once again congratulate the participants of our program on Students' Day and wish that Saint Tatiana will patronize you from the first year to the last. The disco continues, and we say goodbye to you!

Student time is a time of unforgettable adventures, new discoveries and falling in love. Along with the acquisition of fundamental knowledge, we make new friends, many of whom will remain with us for life.

For a more harmonious existence of the student body, psychological games

. This is a very effective tool in teaching work with students.

Such games are relevant for freshmen, for the purpose of faster and better adaptation

, and senior students. Through the prism of gaming activities, it is easier for children to establish communication, resolve disagreements, learn to trust each other and develop communication skills.

The apparent simplicity of some games is a huge material for the work of a professional psychologist. Game analysis can solve many important problems:

  • Determining the accentuations of a student’s personality development
  • Identifying psychological problems and barriers
  • Assistance in adaptation within the team
  • Resolving and adjusting interpersonal conflicts
  • Help and advice for teaching staff

Psychological games can be played both in the classroom and in informal settings at student gatherings and parties.


The most popular game among young people at all kinds of holidays is “Crocodile”. For Students' Day, wherever you celebrate it, this game will be the perfect choice. Its main feature is that it can make almost everyone laugh.

For this game, you can split your group into two teams and try to fight each other. One team guesses any word for the opponents' representative. This representative must show this word to his team using acting skills without using words. The team is given a certain time to guess the word, after which the guessed word is called out loud, and the team is not awarded a single point.

In order to connect the game with Students' Day, teams can agree and tell each other words that are related to the theme of students.


The scenario for the student competition can be supplemented by such a fun game as “Sultan”. To do this you need to choose two men. They will be the sultans. Next, the guys must choose 5-6 wives for their harem. Afterwards, the teams will have to complete several tasks.

  1. When selecting competitions for students, you must also prepare equipment. In this case, you will need wide pants and trousers. Their “wives” will have to fill them with inflated balloons themselves. The fatter sultan will be the winner.
  2. Next, the sultans must quickly kiss their wives in two places on the body (the places for kissing are chosen independently). For example, this could be the hand and cheek.
  3. The third part is replenishment. That is, the Sultan must think about how to attract more girls to his harem. To do this, the guy goes to the hall, kissing all the ladies he comes across on the way. The winner is the one who kisses the most girls in one time period.

Student rations

Surely, many remember Kuzya from the TV series “Univer” and his culinary invention called ketchunez: ketchup + mayonnaise. In this competition, students also need to show their resourcefulness and invent their own dish by combining two ingredients. Game in a circle, to the elimination. Each participant takes turns naming his dish from any two ingredients (what students most often eat), for example, potato: potato + scrambled egg. Whoever can't come up with something is out. And at the end of the game, the most inventive and resourceful participants will be awarded prizes, for example, packed lunches.

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