Children's New Year's games: how to have fun on the most magical night of the year

New Year is a period of magic and good fairy tales, it is the smell of tangerines and a fluffy beautiful Christmas tree, this is the time when Zhenya Lukashin will mix up the apartments again, and the Grinch will again try to steal Christmas. It is children who look forward to the New Year holidays with special impatience, and the task of parents is to create a festive atmosphere, bring a bit of magic into the gray routine and arrange great fun for them on New Year's Eve.

You should not perceive organizing a holiday as a boring routine, because in fact it is a very interesting activity! Looking for children's competitions for the New Year, creating props, buying prizes and treats, decorating the house with tinsel and colorful lights - all this pleasant fuss just creates the New Year's mood. And the joy that children’s New Year’s games will bring them will be the best reward for their efforts for parents.

A New Year's party is a concern not only for parents, but also for school teachers and kindergarten teachers. Many competitions and games are universal, that is, suitable for both home and school parties.

Voroshilov Sharpshooter

For this game you need to prepare a large plane (made of cardboard or plywood) with inflated balls inside. The players' task is to shoot down as many balls as possible using a slingshot.


The guys are divided into two teams. Each team is given the same number of balloons (mosquitoes). For a certain time, while the music is playing, the participants of the game need to throw balls at the other team. The team with the fewest balls wins the mosquitoes.


Snake cake! Make a mold from the dough, prepare a cream, add green food coloring to it. Decorate the snake with whipped cream and place it on green coconut.

Take two pieces of corrugated cardboard, stick animal figures and feathers on top, roll and glue.

A skirt for a native! You will need crepe paper, string and scissors.

5 ideas for children's parties


"Star Wars"


at a children's bowling alley or sports club.


space traveler costumes, “space food”, invitations with rockets and stars.


A bowling tournament involves competition. To diversify it, tell the kids that you are in a spaceship, and the pins placed on the path are alien ships. Only balls of combat shells and precise aiming can destroy enemy missiles.



Number of players: from 4 to 7.

Players age: from 12 years.

Time: 40–60 minutes.

For whom: for good friends and creative people.

“Imaginarium” is suitable for close-knit companies, because in the game you need to guess the train of thought of another person. The better you know each other, the easier it will be to play.

The rules are simple: each player receives six cards. The leader places one of his cards face down on the table and names the association associated with this card. Each player chooses from the cards he has the most suitable one, as it seems to him, and also places it face down on the table. The cards are shuffled and revealed. The most fun part of the game begins: you have to guess which card belonged to the leader.

Come up with clever associations, guess other people's fantasies and move flying elephant figures across the playing field. The player whose bishop moves the furthest wins.

For a not entirely sober group, this is one of the most suitable games. Once everyone figures out who should guess what, you will begin to share associations with each other. Do I need to explain why after a couple of glasses of champagne the game becomes difficult, but terribly exciting?

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Devil's tail


  • thread or rope;
  • pencil;
  • bottle.

We take all the props in multiples of the number of participants. The rope is attached to the participant's belt so that it hangs from the back to knee level. A pencil is tied to the end of the rope. The contestant's task is to lower the pencil into the bottle without helping himself with his hands. The one who can do it faster than the rest wins. What is interesting here is not so much the result as the process of getting a pencil into a bottle. For the competition, choose a fun musical accompaniment.

Competition "Miracle Yudo"

To conduct this entertaining activity you will need sheets of paper and pencils. The first participant must come to the table with a piece of paper and draw the head of the future character. You can draw anyone, for example, a cat. Having drawn a head, the child must fold the sheet so that the next participant does not see what he has drawn.

The next one should draw the neck, torso and arms. 3rd participant – legs. Each of them will have to bend the part of the sheet on which he drew something. At the end of drawing, the sheet is unbent. The point is that each participant does not have to guess what the previous one is drawing. The results are quite funny pictures that can amuse the company.


Number of players: from 2 to 6.

Players age: from 10 years.

Time: 45–90 minutes.

For whom: for noisy companies and colleagues.

Games with similar mechanics appeared in Inglourious Basterds, Sherlock and a dozen other films and shows. If you haven't played anything like this before, it's time to finally try it. It's simple: you attach a card with an unknown word to your forehead and try to guess it by asking leading questions to those around you. Who are you: a princess, a rutabaga or a hang glider? You have one minute to find out. Whoever guessed the most words wins.

Practice shows that the moment when it is necessary to come up with a character raises the most questions. “What would you like to wish for?” — players think after three or four rounds, when their imagination has run out. "Friday" will put you out of your misery: the set includes 194 cards with definition words and six help cards in case you don't know what leading questions to ask.

Actually, why is the game called “Friday”? Because this particular publication was published by a TV channel that specializes in entertainment. There will be no boring cards, we guarantee.

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Children's social event




masquerade costumes of fairy-tale princes and beautiful ladies, fans and children's unbreakable "porcelain" or "crystal", CDs with classical music, ceremonial liveries for parents.


the kids go to the court ball. For one evening, adults will become servants of their little masters and will be in charge of changing dishes, and one of the older children or one of the parents will teach the kids ancient dances, retell funny fragments of history and give a lesson in good manners.


"Lunch with your favorite toy"


in a fast food restaurant (McDonald's, Rostiks).


favorite toys of your child and his guests.


In fast foods, birthdays follow the usual pattern: Coca-Cola and burgers, clowns, bright caps and birthday cake. Add your own twist to this scenario. Ask your child's guests to bring their favorite toy to the party. During breaks between standard competitions, when children who are playing up need to be calmed down a little, sit them at the table and ask each one to talk about their companion.


"Last Hero"


at a children's club or entertainment center.


tropical fruits, native masks and makeup, any attributes from the Robinson arsenal, a protective totem.


Design an obstacle course based on the kids' club rides or playgrounds. Hold competitions for “survival” - the loser must leave the game and become a spectator, and the winner can receive a protective totem... Fantasize about the Robinsons and the last heroes, your children will definitely appreciate and remember it!


Hawaiian Party: Competitions

A Hawaiian party is a great way to celebrate almost any occasion. This theme lends itself easily to stylization. Stock up on Hawaiian garlands, coconuts and other fruits, choose appropriate outfits and, of course, don’t forget about the traditional competitions for such a party.

"Diction defects"

Guys who, in their opinion, have excellent diction and a sense of humor are invited to play. The presenter needs to stock up on some Chupa Chups candies. The task for the competition was seemingly simple. You just need to introduce yourself to the public, but you will have to do this with candy in your cheek. As a rule, everyone copes with this stage, but this is just the beginning. The next phrase should be the name and date of birth, only now there will be 2 candies behind the cheek. And so every time: 1 more word is added to the phrase, and 1 more candy is placed in the mouth. The winner is the one who can speak clearly for the longest time with the most candies in his mouth.

"Roadside Picnic"


in nature, in the forest, at a summer cottage.


sausages on skewers, disposable tableware, a picnic blanket and thick pillows for sitting on the grass.


Invite the children to play a real adult party: let them grill the kebab themselves (under your supervision), make toasts, and tell each other funny stories. And if they get bored, have some street competitions in stock.

Getting ready for the holiday

Preparation in 2 weeks

  • Invite guests so they can plan ahead. Inform the parents of the invited children about the start time and end time of the holiday. The holiday for preschoolers should last no longer than 2–3 hours, otherwise the children will get tired.
  • Plan the holiday program, menu and decoration of the apartment. Make a list of what you need to buy for the holiday.
  • Think about who will help you during the holiday. There must be one adult for every five children invited.

In 1 week

  • Call everyone invited again.
  • If you're going to order a birthday cake, do it now.
  • Buy drinks and foods that do not spoil (cookies, sweets, chips).
  • Buy everything you need to decorate your apartment: balloons, flags.

In 1 day

  • Talk with your child about how to behave at a holiday: greeting and seeing off guests, thanking them for gifts, etc.
  • Decorate your apartment.
  • Get things in order.
  • Think about where and what the children will play and set up play corners.
  • Prepare your camera, camera, film, spare batteries.

During the holiday

  • 15 minutes. Have toys, puzzles, pencils and paper ready to keep the children who arrive first busy. Children may get bored while waiting for others.
  • 15 minutes. Organize outdoor games so the kids can run and jump.
  • 15 minutes. Now you can play something calm - solve riddles, puzzles, draw or sculpt.
  • 20 minutes. It's time to try the treat.
  • 20 minutes. Organize competitions and give each participant a small prize.
  • 10 minutes. Show your guests off and thank them again for their gifts.


Answer in 5 seconds

Number of players: from 3 to 6.

Players age: from 8 years.

Time: many times 5 seconds.

For whom: for everyone who is too lazy to understand the rules.

A speed quiz in which you have to think fast and speak even faster. The game is suitable even for large companies - you will just play in teams, and not everyone for themselves. On the morning of January 1, this will be the most reasonable decision: a sleepless night will already make itself felt with a slow reaction.

How it all works: there is a playing field that you need to go through to the end. Whichever of the six players is the first to finish, well done. To make a move, you need to draw one of 385 double-sided question cards and give an answer within 5 seconds while the timer balls are rolling down.

The yellow cards have simple questions, the red cards have more difficult ones. Three brands of tea, three national flags with the color red on them, three of your favorite websites (be careful here, otherwise you never know) - answer without any extra thought. If nothing comes to mind, you can replace the question or pass it to the next player.

In case you are planning a children's party, there is a version of "Answer in 5 Seconds" for children. There are simpler questions: two reasons to eat cake, two round objects, three ways to say hello, three team sports.

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Little decorator

If you allow a young artist to create with his eyes open, you will get a new game that is useful for the child’s development.

Cut out blanks from felt. Let your little one decorate his own Christmas tree! Sew Velcro to the additional parts, then the homemade manual can be used many times.

It's the same story with the snowman. Cut out the silhouette from felt and let your child attach the pieces themselves.

Dance game "Limbo"

Limbo is a traditional Hawaiian party game. It consists of a person passing under a pre-set bar. Instead of the required bar, you can pull a rope or tape. When passing under the bar, you cannot lean forward or squat, only lean back. The game should be played to traditional music.

After all participants have overcome the barrier, the bar should be lowered. When the obstacle falls very low, you cannot touch the floor with your hands and, accordingly, the obstacle itself must remain untouched. The player who fails the task is eliminated. The winner is the one who can overcome the bar when it is at its lowest level.

Snowmen VS "Angry Birds"

The idea is simple: throw snowballs to knock down as many snowmen as possible. Snowman chips can be placed in a row, in a pyramid, on top of each other, or whatever you think of.

What to make snowmen and snowballs from? Paint ordinary plastic cups with markers or glue a carrot nose, eyes and buttons from colored self-adhesive paper - the snowmen are ready. Snowballs are light balls, lumps of paper or white socks.

Why is all this necessary?

Many people (let’s not point fingers, but most often these are not our most positive comrades) sometimes ask the question - why all these competitions? Usually I get off with jokes or answer seriously that otherwise it will be boring. In fact, the reason, of course, is not boredom. Any holiday for adults most often involves alcohol, and so that guests are not too zealous with breastfeeding, they need to be a little distracted, amused, and simply encouraged to dance.

Another important aspect is embarrassment, which is something I often encounter when throwing a party for my children or nephews. They have already passed the age when you can just come up and start playing together, and when children who are strangers to each other find themselves in the same company, you need to help them overcome a slight chill in communication.

The only place where you can do without additional entertainment is a youth party in a good club, where it’s not boring for adults even without fun competitions, and it’s better to help any group of adults spend time with pleasure and fun.


Don't think that you can prepare the entire party, including table games for adults, at the last second. I usually set aside a few days for this because you will need:

  • write a script;
  • select competitions for adults;
  • find or buy props;
  • stock up on small prizes for the winners;
  • minimal rehearsal (for example, if it is expected that several large women from the accounting department will compete in bag jumping, then you need to check in advance whether the room can withstand such a scale and whether there is room to turn around).

Ideally, you need an assistant for all this.

Rudolph the Reindeer

Everyone knows that Grandfather Frost has a faithful assistant - Rudolph the reindeer. Try on his horns and play a fun game. From a group of merry fellows, choose someone who will become a deer for a while - he must wear antlered props. The other players must take turns throwing soft colored rings. The "deer" can bend down to catch a flying ring. This entertainment is also suitable for team competition.

TIP: It is best to sew the horns on a frame so that they are rigid. This way, catching rings will be easier and more convenient. The rings should be soft and light so as not to injure the “deer”.

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