On All Saints' Day, it is customary to transform into various “representatives” of evil spirits: vampires, zombies, skeletons. But fans of films, cartoons and TV series can easily choose another carnival costume that will match the theme of the holiday. For example, this could be a Julius Caesar Halloween costume for boys and girls. Or it could be the image of Immortan Joe from Mad Max. You just need to choose the most attractive outfit and create it with your own hands to participate in a competition or attend a party. Among the workshops on making children's and adult costumes offered below, you can easily choose an original look. Simple instructions will help you create an unusual outfit at home, become the main character of the holiday at school or office and surprise the guests present.
Pirate or pirate girl
A classic that can be found in any country where this Celtic holiday is celebrated. Plus, this is one of the easiest costumes you can create yourself.
First you need a bandana. To learn how to tie, use these instructions.
A hoop earring and makeup won't hurt either.
And to sew the costume itself, study this tutorial and diagram:
Video instruction:
Holiday theme
Every year you can organize themed parties, which will influence the choice of the appropriate costume for each invitee:
- a wedding party dressed as a dead bride or groom;
- prison celebration with prisoners and cell wardens;
- vampire party with bats and scary vampires.
Regular makeup, in which black predominates, will help create images of zombies and witches, a hellish angel or a frightening doll.
Classic vampire
Unlike modern vampires, classic ones were made according to Victorian canons. This, of course, is a pale face, slicked hair, a formal suit and a long cloak - this is still the best role for men.
While makeup and a tuxedo are easy to get, a trench coat is not sold in stores. But it’s easy to sew it yourself if you use these instructions.
Wednesday Addams
This is one of the easiest and at the same time canonical images for the most terrible holiday. What does Wednesday Addams' Halloween costume consist of? Cosmopolitan explains that all you need is a black dress with a white collar and the lightest foundation you can find in the store.
Braid two braids and apply foundation tightly. Draw arrows on your eyes, apply black, blue or plum lipstick to your lips. If it is not possible to find such products, apply black eyeliner to your lips.
Wednesday Addams Halloween Costume: Pixabay
Horror films often use nurses as maniacal characters. First prepare the basic kit. The right zombie makeup won't hurt. You can find a detailed makeup guide here.
You can also just put on a long hospital gown, but this won’t scare anyone. It’s better to sew it yourself, adding a little otherworldly charm. For production, you can use this guide as a basis.
The premiere of the film “Cruella” ended at the beginning of the year, so the upcoming Halloween is a good opportunity to appear in the role of everyone’s favorite villain. A distinctive feature of the character is his eccentric appearance, emphasizing the duality of his character. Cruella's look combines madness and elegance.
It will be quite easy to repeat the image of a villain. How to make a Cruella costume for Halloween? You will need:
- Long black dress.
- Long leather gloves in red or black.
- A wide scarf that you will have to throw on like a raincoat. Look for a leopard print scarf or pick a white piece and color it yourself.
- Black and white wig.
- Mouthpiece.
The highlight of the look is the makeup. Sierra Mayhew in Harper's Bazaar recommends trying the smokey eye technique. To create the image of Cruella, gray or black colors are suitable. Decorate your eyebrows in black so that they don’t get lost against the background of active eye makeup.
The final element is bright red lipstick. It’s better to choose a matte one so you don’t have to touch up your makeup often.
Cruella Halloween costume: YouTube / Darina Sweet
Cleopatra is one of the most mysterious Egyptian empresses. You can’t buy a costume for her, but it’s quite easy to make. You will need a large piece of white fabric - a sheet or a white curtain will do. It just needs to be folded and stitched according to the instructions below.
The result is a spectacular costume that can be quickly made before a costume party.
How to prepare a suit?
Having chosen the things that will be the basis of the costume, we need to thoroughly prepare them. Namely, break it. Don't forget that zombies have rather poor control over their bodies, so they move awkwardly, constantly bumping into different objects. Therefore, their clothes clearly cannot look neat.
It is advisable not to cut holes and gaps with scissors, but to break through them so that they look more natural. To make it easier, you need to make a small cut with scissors or a stationery knife, and then tear the fabric with your hands. If the fabric is thick (for example, denim), you can rub it with sandpaper to make it look worn. For knitted items, you can unravel them slightly, make a slit and pull the fabric, making sure that the loops of the fabric “crawl”.
However, you shouldn’t get carried away with creating holes and tears; the suit must still cover the body, otherwise our image will turn out to be somewhat vulgar.
You can decorate the suit with a couple of “scorches”, that is, burn holes with fire. However, you need to be careful here; some synthetic fabrics can ignite if touched with fire. In addition, such “decoration” of a costume can only be done in a safe place. It's best to go outside or at least in the bathroom. These precautions will protect your home from fire if something goes wrong.
Now you need to get the suit dirty. Don't forget that zombies come out of their graves, so their clothes are soiled with dirt. It is best to take some soil for indoor plants, since no one will undertake to guarantee that there is no dangerous infection in the soil brought from the street. The soil should be mixed with water until sticky mud is obtained, and then rub the prepared clothes in some places. You shouldn’t be too zealous, because otherwise, once the dirt dries out, it will begin to fall off in pieces.
There is even such a disease - hagiophobia, that is, fear of priests. And the most frightening ones are Catholic pastors in formal suits.
He doesn't need much: a sinister black suit and a distinctive padre collar. Below are instructions for making your own clothes.
Skeleton costume for a girl: how to complement a scary image
You'll have a cool skeleton costume for girls if you accessorize the look with a full skirt and colorful themed accessories.
Don't forget about one more important detail - the skeleton's shoes. Draw the phalanges of the fingers using acrylic paint on old ballet shoes or slip-ons.
Kids just love dressing up as skeletons!
Living dolls don’t just look creepy, many people are afraid of them to the point of becoming phobic. Moreover, to create an image you only need:
1 Doll clothes. Gothic dolls have been popular for the last 10 years. Therefore, you will need a dark dress with a corset.
2 Makeup. There are many options, but for a gothic style a simple make-up of an old doll will do.
If you decide to sew costumes with your own hands, then this video will help you:
Men's suits for the holiday
For men, aesthetics are not as important as instilling fear in the public. This is where we will start from.
The main element for zombies is definitely makeup. For this you will need a pack of face paints, black matte eye shadow and a marker.
See the photo for the process of creating a scary image.
This makeup is suitable for a skeleton, a zombie, and a vampire. For zombies, I would also recommend applying a lot of bruises with red lip gloss.
Well, where would you be without scars? I would recommend not messing around with creating them, but purchasing ready-made ones, especially since they are inexpensive.
Surely everyone knows the classic version of a mummy with toilet paper wrapping. But you must admit, such a very short-lived option can easily ruin the whole event, even if there is no rain (what if you knock the glass over yourself?))
To create a more durable costume you will need: white fabric (bandages are possible), a few safety pins and some black (or gray) dry pastels and hairspray.
The creation process is brilliantly simple:
- Cut the fabric into long strips about 8-12 cm wide and the length you need.
- Remember carefully and rub the material in your hands; if the fabric is loose, then pay special attention to the edge.
- In some places of bandages or fabric, rub thoroughly with fine dry pastel. This is necessary for the aged effect of the bandages.
- Spray thoroughly with varnish so that the pastel does not rub off.
- Wrap the fabric in the right places and pin it together so it doesn’t fall off.
To complete the effect, you can also apply makeup, but more about this in the paragraph about zombies.
For this you will need black clothes. It could be a dress, dark jeans with a T-shirt, or just long black pajamas.
Let's consider two creation options:
Option 1: In addition to clothes, prepare bone patterns (you can draw them yourself), a pencil and acrylic paints.
Then everything is simple: transfer the templates to clothes and paint them with acrylic paints, wait until they dry completely (several hours) and iron them on the wrong side.
Option 2: Again, you need patterns and a pencil. But instead of paints, prepare a few pieces of white felt (you can buy it at any fabric store). Also don't forget to take scissors and white thread.
Cut out the bones from felt according to the template. Then sew the bone parts to the clothing with thread in several places. It is not necessary to sew completely along the edge, you can literally sew it on the corners so that the bones do not fall off.
This method is good at least because you can wear the clothes in the future. You just need to carefully cut off the bones.
Other options
Skulls and skeletons are different.
Game of Thrones
From the clown to Jack Sparrow
Let's not forget about the Joker
In American and Celtic mythology, the scarecrow is a separate character for horror stories. DIY Halloween looks like these are easy to make, but you will need to find a large piece of old fabric or rags for the overalls.
By the way, it is recommended to sew with thick nylon thread or twine. Seams should be visible and untidy.
You will need to make a canvas jumpsuit, which is usually used to dress a scarecrow. To do this, you can use this pattern as a basis.
Instead of canvas, you can take old jeans or worn, rough cotton fabric.
As for makeup, just a little smudge on your face with mascara is enough.
This completes the instructions for a DIY Halloween costume.
Best Costume Ideas for Halloween 2021
If you want to stand out among other holiday guests, you should make a bright and noticeable costume. You can take note of the following ideas:
- Snow White;
- Cinderella;
- Princess Jasmine;
- Little Red Riding Hood;
- Batman and other famous comic book characters;
- Demons;
- Grim Reaper;
- Characters from your favorite movies with detailed costumes;
- Scarecrow;
- Zombie with elaborate makeup.
One of the easiest DIY Halloween costumes for a girl, as it only requires makeup and dark clothes.
To create a DIY Halloween costume for girls, you will need a pointed hat with a brim. Detailed instructions are in this video:
Don't forget about the makeup of a witch or a drowned woman!
You also need a dress. Don't forget, witches live far from people, so they don't have access to shops. Therefore, it is better to sew the dress with your own hands, but how - see the instructions below.
The simplest zombie Halloween costume for a 12-year-old boy - master classes with photos and videos
Usually preparations for a party on All Saints' Day are carried out in advance. But if parents did not have time to work on a child’s costume, then the easiest option would be to make a zombie outfit. The following workshops with photos and videos will help you create the simplest zombie Halloween costume for a boy 12 years old or older.
List of materials for creating a “Zombie” costume for a 12 year old boy for Halloween
- White shirt;
- tie;
- black thread and needle;
- gauze;
- fabric paint;
- old black jacket;
- trousers.
Photo from a master class on how to create a zombie costume for All Saints Day for 12 year old boys
- Paint the gauze using black fabric paint and wait for it to dry. Then, using scissors, make cuts on the old jacket and tear off the buttons. Sew dyed gauze to the “damaged” jacket using threads.
- Dress the child in prepared new clothes and a made zombie jacket. Complete the look with appropriate makeup.
Master class with video of creating a scary zombie costume for a 12 year old boy for Halloween
Making a zombie costume can be done in another way. To do this, you can use old, worn things that the child will no longer wear. The following simple master class will help parents create a scary zombie costume for a 12-year-old boy for Halloween:
DIY costume ideas
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How to make a nun outfit for a girl?
There are no other options for a child other than to create the image of an ordinary nun . Erotica, zombies, vampires - all this is not for children's outfits. A long black loose dress, a starched headdress, snow-white cuffs, a modest cross - this is what is appropriate for a children's carnival costume.
Makeup is a must. Whiten your face a little, highlight your eyes with mascara, apply a light blush. The image should turn out to be meek and innocent.
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