Pirate or pirate girl
A classic that can be found in any country where this Celtic holiday is celebrated. Plus, this is one of the easiest costumes you can create yourself.
First you need a bandana. To learn how to tie, use these instructions.
A hoop earring and makeup won't hurt either.
And to sew the costume itself, study this tutorial and diagram:
Video instruction:
How to make a witch costume for Halloween 2021 - step by step tutorial
The main accessories of any witch are her broom assistant and a pointed hat. Therefore, having such products and a simple black dress at home, it will not be difficult to make a cool witch costume for Halloween. You can learn how to make a beautiful hat and broom in the next master class.
List of materials for making a witch costume for Halloween 2021
- sheet of paper and cardboard;
- black and purple fabric;
- jute rope;
- scissors, glue;
- yard broom;
- glue gun;
- wooden handle for garden tools.
Step-by-step tutorial on how to create a cute witch costume for Halloween 2021
- Prepare a tool handle and a new broom.
- Carefully separate the bottom of the broom.
- Arrange the branches evenly and place a wooden handle on top.
- Wrap the branches around the new handle and secure with jute rope.
- Draw a large circle on the cardboard.
- In the center of the large circle, draw another smaller one.
- Cut out the workpiece.
- Trim the edges of the workpiece. On paper, draw a semicircle with a radius of 30 cm. Cut out the semicircle and fold it into a cone.
- Place the hat brim blank onto the cone and mark their location.
- Cut the workpiece along the marked edge, align the cone. Draw another circle 3 cm below the first mark.
- Cut the paper between the fringe marks.
- Glue the brim to the fringe using a glue gun.
- Cover the blank-hat with black fabric and glue it to the paper inside.
- Cut a long ribbon from purple fabric and glue it to the hat.
Classic vampire
Unlike modern vampires, classic ones were made according to Victorian canons. This, of course, is a pale face, slicked hair, a formal suit and a long cloak - this is still the best role for men.
While makeup and a tuxedo are easy to get, a trench coat is not sold in stores. But it’s easy to sew it yourself if you use these instructions.
Devil costume
A creepy and at the same time attractive image. The main colors of the suit are black and red. The devil has horns. Take a red top, red leggings or a skirt. Red gloves. Paint your nails black or red. Emphasize your eyes, paint your lips brightly. If you don’t want to use red makeup on your face, you can wear a devil mask.
Horror films often use nurses as maniacal characters. First prepare the basic kit. The right zombie makeup won't hurt. You can find a detailed makeup guide here.
You can also just put on a long hospital gown, but this won’t scare anyone. It’s better to sew it yourself, adding a little otherworldly charm. For production, you can use this guide as a basis.
Vampire outfit
This vampire or female vampire costume is suitable for bright and confident personalities. It’s very easy to create this image with your own hands; all the necessary components are at your fingertips. As a base, take a black dress and a corset of a suitable color. A raincoat can be easily made from scrap fabric by securing the edges to the neck. Don't forget to maintain a gothic-romantic look with accessories. Massive bracelets, earrings and a neck checker will look great when combined. This costume can easily be turned into a cat costume by adding whiskers and a tail.
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When finished, you will have this look that can easily be modified into a zombie costume by adding corpse spots.
If you have a child, you can play with the image of a vampire family. Dress him in clothes that match the color scheme and decorate a couple with drops of red paint, this will serve as blood. And you will have a great children's costume.
Cleopatra is one of the most mysterious Egyptian empresses. You can’t buy a costume for her, but it’s quite easy to make. You will need a large piece of white fabric - a sheet or a white curtain will do. It just needs to be folded and stitched according to the instructions below.
The result is a spectacular costume that can be quickly made before a costume party.
The image of the dead bride from "Corpse Bride"
Another popular Halloween look. The image is creepy but impressive. Here you can let your imagination run wild and create an absolutely incredible costume.
- Choose a dress. A simple plain one made of light flowing fabric will do. Preferable colors are white, pink, green, blue.
- Ruffles and brooches are attached to the dress.
- The sleeves of the clothing must be partially torn. Add artificial blood.
- The look will be complemented by hair accessories: a headband, a tiara. Attach the veil.
- You can make your own bridal bouquet from plastic flowers.
There is even such a disease - hagiophobia, that is, fear of priests. And the most frightening ones are Catholic pastors in formal suits.
He doesn't need much: a sinister black suit and a distinctive padre collar. Below are instructions for making your own clothes.
How to make a women's nurse Halloween costume for a party - step-by-step master class
It’s not difficult to come to a party in honor of All Saints’ Day and surprise all your friends. To do this, you just need to make a truly scary costume. A nurse's uniform is perfect for this purpose; it can be easily and quickly remade using gouache. This work will take no more than half an hour, but will guarantee you an unusual outfit for Halloween.
List of materials for creating a nurse costume for a girl or woman for a Halloween party
- nurse's suit and cap;
- stethoscope;
- red and pink gouache.
Master class on creating a women's "Nurse" costume for a party in honor of All Saints' Day
- Prepare an outfit.
- Spray the suit and cap with red and pink gouache, as if they were splattered with blood.
- Complete the outfit with appropriate makeup.
Living dolls don’t just look creepy, many people are afraid of them to the point of becoming phobic. Moreover, to create an image you only need:
1 Doll clothes. Gothic dolls have been popular for the last 10 years. Therefore, you will need a dark dress with a corset.
2 Makeup. There are many options, but for a gothic style a simple make-up of an old doll will do.
If you decide to sew costumes with your own hands, then this video will help you:
Wonder Woman Costume
Wonder Woman is an iconic heroine. She is attractive, strong, independent. To create the costume you will need: a red T-shirt, golden fabric, a blue skirt, red boots.
- It is better to take a top without straps, made of smooth material.
- Create a golden emblem and attach it to clothing.
- The skirt is short, blue. Can be replaced with shorts or tight-fitting trousers if you need a more modest option.
- Decorate the costume with stars. They can be cut out of thick white paper and white tape.
- We make white stripes on red boots with tape. If you don't have boots, you can replace them with knee-high socks.
In American and Celtic mythology, the scarecrow is a separate character for horror stories. DIY Halloween looks like these are easy to make, but you will need to find a large piece of old fabric or rags for the overalls.
By the way, it is recommended to sew with thick nylon thread or twine. Seams should be visible and untidy.
You will need to make a canvas jumpsuit, which is usually used to dress a scarecrow. To do this, you can use this pattern as a basis.
Instead of canvas, you can take old jeans or worn, rough cotton fabric.
As for makeup, just a little smudge on your face with mascara is enough.
This completes the instructions for a DIY Halloween costume.
Do-it-yourself cool Halloween costume for a girl at home - master class with photos
For a Halloween party, you don’t have to transform into witches or nurses: modern girls can not limit their imagination and turn into any characters on All Saints’ Day. For example, they can make their own costume for Princess Bubblegum from the cartoon “Adventure Time.” A simple outfit you can wear to school and take part in costume contests or Halloween celebrations.
Materials for sewing a costume for All Saints Day for a girl at home
- pink long wig;
- pink dress and white robe or jacket;
- thick cardboard;
- golden and pink paper;
- hairpins;
- self-adhesive blue rhinestone;
- pens;
- plastic glasses.
Photo from a master class for making a cool Halloween costume at home for a girl
- Draw Princess Bubblegum's crown on cardboard.
- Cut out the crown and cover it with gold paper, decorate with rhinestones.
- Connect the ends of the crown and attach it to the wig with pins.
- Cut out a candy baby from pink paper and draw his face. Put the baby in your pocket and attach a couple more handles.
- Wear a suit and plastic safety glasses.
One of the easiest DIY Halloween costumes for a girl, as it only requires makeup and dark clothes.
To create a DIY Halloween costume for girls, you will need a pointed hat with a brim. Detailed instructions are in this video:
Don't forget about the makeup of a witch or a drowned woman!
You also need a dress. Don't forget, witches live far from people, so they don't have access to shops. Therefore, it is better to sew the dress with your own hands, but how - see the instructions below.
The Horrible Family: family look costumes for Halloween 2021
Wonderful images can be created for all family members, including pets . A couple of superheroes, creative images from your favorite cartoons or movies. For example, in honor of the holiday, you can embody bright images from the beautiful family cartoon “Coco” or try on the images of the characters from the book “The Wizard of Oz.” Create your own unique family look for Halloween 2021. For inspiration, see photos of cool and non-trivial ideas.
By the way, Hollywood stars regularly dress up in Halloween costumes with their children. Sandra Bullock and her son already have dozens of creative images.
And Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, who recently married Lauren Hashian, is enjoying being a kid with his young daughters and having a lot of fun on Halloween.
DIY costume ideas
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Original skeleton
One of the most common images is considered to be a skeleton costume. It is universal and suitable for absolutely everyone, both adults and children. You will need black clothes that lighten your silhouette and a bone stencil. See below for how to make a stencil.
Once the stencil is ready, place it on the fabric and paint it white.
You don’t need to add additional accessories, because the look is very simple and classic, it is suitable for both girls and boys.
Features of children's makeup for Halloween
For Halloween makeup for children, it is necessary to use gentle products that do not cause allergies and do not turn the face into a mask. The most common way of drawing is face art or face painting. The paints used are hypoallergenic and can be easily washed off with water.
Before applying Halloween makeup for children, you need to think about the design. But when thinking about a design on a child’s face, you should take into account that children are fidgety and it will be difficult for them to wait a whole hour until you finish your work. Therefore, try not to come up with a very complex design.
For Halloween, girls will suit the images of princesses, cute fairies, butterflies, cats, foxes or the beloved line of Monster High dolls.
There are restrictions for applying children's face painting for Halloween:
- wounds or scratches on the skin;
- if the child is under 3 years old;
- allergy to dyes.
A cute pumpkin image for a girl for Halloween - step-by-step instructions
Pumpkin is an indispensable attribute of Halloween celebrations. As a rule, they try to make a creepy expression on them, but for a girl it is worth giving preference to a cute image. To complement it, a dress with a full orange skirt with a green belt is suitable. The hair can be gathered into several buns and tied with several thin orange ribbons, and a bun made of green paper resembling leaves can be placed in the middle. It will be beautiful if the ends of the ribbons are curled - this will complement the image of a small pumpkin.
Instructions for applying pumpkin face painting for a girl for Halloween:
- Using a sponge, apply orange paint to your face, avoiding the area around the eyes, upper forehead and ears.
- At the top, using a thin brush of black and green paint, paint small leaves like a pumpkin.
- Paint the area around the eyes with black paint. Using a thin brush, paint triangles to resemble the slits of a pumpkin.
- Using a thin brush, paint four stripes of brown paint (two on each side) starting from the lower eyelid and ending at the corners of the mouth. Using a sponge, make the boundaries of these lines more blurred.
- Apply brown paint to the chin area with a sponge or sponge to create a shadow effect.
- Using a thin brush with black paint, paint a smile on the pumpkin. You can make a simple outline or a more complex and interesting one like they make for pumpkins for the holiday.
You may be interested in reading this article: Business (office) makeup: technique
The photo shows step-by-step pumpkin makeup for children for Halloween.
The cute pumpkin image is ready! This will be an interesting transformation for a girl, because images of princesses and fairies can be drawn for any holiday, and this one will be appropriate specifically for Halloween celebrations.
For our readers, step-by-step instructions on how to quickly make interesting Halloween costumes suitable for both boys and girls.
How to make a mummy costume
Get some white cloth or bandages. Old sheets work great, but you can also purchase inexpensive material from a fabric store. Paint the material. The look you are aiming to achieve is the dirty, off-white, centuries-old mummy look. To achieve this color, you will dye the fabric with tea bags!
Get a large saucepan. Fill it 2/3 full with water and bring to a boil.
Add a handful of tea bags. Presumably the larger the wearer of the suit, the more fabric you'll use, and the more tea bags you'll need. A few will be enough for a child. For an adult, take a handful.
If you don't have tea bags, use weak coffee.
Throw the material into the water and let it soak for 30 minutes to an hour.
Remove the material and let it dry. If you want, take black paint and randomly brush it in some places. To speed up the process, put everything in a pillowcase, tie it, and throw it in the dryer.
Wrap the child's head and body tightly with bandages or strips of cloth. It is important for an adult to act carefully, without squeezing the child’s neck, arms and legs;
Mummy makeup that imitates deep wrinkles: soak 3-4 napkins in coffee, dry, carefully apply a mixture of corn starch and flour onto the napkins with a spatula, place in folds on the child’s face, wrap with gauze on top;
Bruises under the eyes will complete the look; you can paint them with decorative eye shadow.
How to make a skeleton costume
Choose tight black clothes. Cut out the silhouette of a skeleton from thick paper, leaving slits in the right places.
Secure the resulting template to the clothing with pins. Paint the slits with white paint or toothpaste.
Apply makeup to the face or do without it - at the request of the child.
How to make a zombie costume
Prepare old, worn clothes or clothes that you don’t mind ruining: shirt, trousers, tracksuit, dress, school uniform.
Damage clothes even more: cut or tear, burn sleeves.
Give the skin an earthy tone using makeup: a mixture of gray, blue and blue colors.
How to make a vampire costume
Choose clothes that match your look: white or red top and black bottom.
To make a black raincoat: sew the ties to a piece of fabric in the neck area; if you have free time, you can sew on a bright red lining.
Apply face painting to the child’s face, highlighting the face with white, the eyes with black, and the lips with dark red.
How to make a Ghost costume
Prepare a piece of white or black fabric; a sheet or duvet cover works well.
Fold the fabric to form a square.
Make a hole for the head.
Bright accessories will effectively complement the image: chains made of colored paper; red stains on the fabric simulating blood.
Text: ChelMami