Wish Checkbook with Printable Page Templates

Want to add a little variety to your personal life? Make your romantic relationship interesting and filled with pleasant surprises?

The news portal “Vtemu.by” in this article invites you to make an unusual romantic gift with your own hands for your loved one - a checkbook of wishes.

This gift can be given to your significant other on Valentine's Day, relationship anniversary, wedding day, etc. Becoming the owner of a checkbook of wishes from your loved one is very romantic!

In this article we offer you several options for wish checkbooks for your loved one. You just need to choose what you like best (color, design and desires), print, cut and staple together.

Your loved one, who will become the owner of your unusual romantic gift, will be able to use it at any time. You just need to tear off the desired page and present it to the donor. The donor must try as soon as possible to fulfill what is written on the check. To ensure that you do not have any disputes regarding the rules for using the wish checkbook for your loved one, we recommend that you print out detailed instructions for its use and attach it to the checkbook itself.

Unlabeled checkbook with printable templates

Well, we actually came to the selection, albeit a small one, of templates for the pages of the checkbook of desires without the desires themselves and the inscriptions. Save to your computer or flash drive and print on a color printer. If you want to immediately use thick paper, you can contact a copy center for services.

And you have already seen such pages with inscriptions above.

From option No. 5

From option No. 4

From option No. 6

From option No. 7

From option No. 3

I think that's all for now. Thank you for reading this article to the end. It was very nice to talk about those moments that will help you get closer, strengthen relationships, feel and understand the moments of the values ​​of this or that desire of your loved one. Share the article on social networks and subscribe to my Instagram page

Create happiness with your own hands and heart. And love each other. All in your hands.

Receipt templates for a wish checkbook (can be printed in Word)

As I already said, I made these templates for you. They can be saved in Word or pdf and printed on a color printer. Of course, I indicated specific and most common desires. But if you need posted templates without inscriptions, they are at the very end of the article. I would also like to point out that if you have a specific desire that you want to display on checks, please send a request by email, WhatsApp8, or

Option #6

You can give this checkbook to your girlfriend. These desires in most cases do not cost money, and therefore are priceless. Give her the gift of personal time.

Option No. 7

How do you like the options for a hot erotic book of desires?

And the New Year's version:

The custom wish kit contains 21 checks, plus a cover. The size of the checks is 16*9. The price of electronic pages is 550 rubles. Requests can be made in the comments, by email, WhatsApp8, or

Take a look at my Savimina Craft or on the page There are ready-made checkbooks for gifts for any occasion

Option No. 8

Laconic but airy pages with your desires will show a man what you dream about. If you need checks with individual wishes, send a request to zaharchuk2015@bk.ru , WhatsApp8, or you can receive them electronically and print them on a color printer.

Option No. 9

Let your relationship be rich in feelings, a sense of happiness and serenity.

It is possible to order a checkbook of wishes in the Pin Up style in my workshop Savimina Craft

Option No. 10

If you need checks with individual wishes, please send a request by email, WhatsApp8, or Instagram

Options for instructions. Save to your computer and print.

How to make a checkbook of wishes with your own hands

We all know that the best gift is the one made with your own hands. Therefore, girls and boys can take as an example this simple master class on how to make a checkbook yourself. Looking through the material with finished books, I noticed that they are mostly made by professional craftswomen, in a beautiful binding, with different elements on the covers and use the scrapbooking style. But, we are all different, and if you think that such options are quite difficult to implement, then you can make such a checkbook quickly and easily, and its value will be no less than that of a purchased one. Or you can order electronic pages from me and assemble a book from ready-made checks. Write to WhatsApp or Instagram.

Prepare all necessary materials:

  • Cardboard or thick double-sided colored paper
  • Hole puncher
  • String or tape for assembling pages
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Ready-made drawings and inscriptions

The size of your book can be completely different. There are no restrictions according to GOST. Also decide how many pages, and accordingly, how many wishes there will be in it.

In order to see the overall picture and the final result, draw a sketch in advance and write a list of wishes that will need to be placed on the receipts. This way you will know the number of blanks and, if necessary, you can print strips of inscriptions.

Using a hole punch, we make holes on each sheet with the same indentation and distance, so that at the time of assembly the pages will lie evenly in the finished product.

We mark the same distance and draw a line on each sheet with a pencil. Since the pages need to be flipped or torn off, this line will serve as a guide so that when decorating, you don’t accidentally stick decor on the border of the crease.

In order to diversify the same type of pages, even if they are colored, I suggest taking a neutral shade of canvas paper for packaging or specially aged elements, and cutting triangles of different shapes in random order. For example, as shown in the figure.

Carefully cut along the lines

And distribute it onto each sheet.

So, there are blanks, but we continue to fill the pages with decor.

In order to visualize our desires, you can independently draw pictures that are suitable in meaning or find them on the Internet. We print, color and think about how best to place them on receipts.

But that's not all. The most important thing is desires. This is actually why a checkbook is created. We print out the cherished words in different sizes and fonts and give them the right place. You can glue it with glue, but if the cardboard or paper tends to ripple a little when drying, then you can safely use double-sided tape.

Now we crease the paper so that you can easily tear off the receipt in the future or simply flip through it conveniently if you want to maintain the integrity of the book.

For scoring, you can use a special board with a stick. But if there is no such device, then place a guide ruler on a hard surface on the paper and pass it several times with an ice cream stick or other similar object. The main thing is that it does not violate the integrity of the thick paper, but only squeezes out a barely noticeable groove.

It is very important to leave instructions on how to use the wish checkbook on the flyleaf of the book or on a separate but first page.

The last step is to connect all the sheets with a string or a pretty ribbon and tie it off. The book is ready!

Friends, I will make you happy. Have you previously encountered complex versions of master classes in making a checkbook, when you need to prepare the binding and painstakingly connect all the pages? Take as an idea simple notepads with thick paper, which are connected by a spring. If desired, you can find a hard or even wooden cover. Why not a ready-made option?

This is the perfect basis for your creativity. After all, white sheets of paper can be aged. You can glue pictures on double-sided tape that indicate your desires, and write the text itself with a pen. Scroll below. Making a checkbook using these methods couldn't be easier.

Even these aged leaves and unevenly torn paper look amazing and stylish.

Be sure to read the article: How to age or tint paper

Checkbook of desires Love is...

Someone remembers these wonderful chewing gums, which were previously sold at every turn and were very popular among girls. It was so great to collect inserts and find out what love is. It is the checkbook of desires in the style of Love is.. that is perfect for a romantic idea. If you also like this wonderful couple in love, use the images for your pages.

In my Savimina Craft workshop you can choose a unique holiday gift

Samples and examples of filling out a wish checkbook

And here I have collected for you various examples and samples of craftswomen who made checkbooks themselves. I am sure that after looking through them, you will definitely come up with your own original thing.

I really liked it, and I would even emphasize that it would be appropriate to write not only wishes, but also to place quotes about love, values, and feelings on the pages. It's so heartwarming.

Look, a simple notebook on a spring, pictures, quotes and inscriptions with a pen. There is so much love and soul in this craft.

Here is another one of the pages.

This option is more complex, but I liked the idea of ​​​​designing such multi-layers and a touch of carelessness in these crumpled and tear-off pieces of paper.

Decorate your book as your heart desires. You can even give a gift to a friend.

It is possible to order a checkbook of erotic desires in my workshop Savimina Craft

More page design options

Can be supplemented with various elements. In most cases, of course, modern scrapbooking techniques are used. The layers on every page create a vibrant experience.

You can print any background or take ready-made scrapbooking paper and decorate the leaves. You can fasten it with a spring, rings, or, as discussed above, just with a ribbon.

There is also this option of fastening the pages of a checkbook with one ring.

On the spread:

Or even simpler:

Quotes on thin paper or tracing paper look very romantic and airy.

You can use a whole spread for one wish, for example, quotes, pictures and the wish itself.

It is possible to order a checkbook of wishes in my Savimina Craft workshop

And here, in fact, are the instructions for use. You can write similar ones yourself, but I have prepared this for you too. At the end of the article there are ready-made templates with such pages.

For those who are older, they probably remember the similar “Soviet” look of any forms.

Look how beautiful it is. Uncomplicated small objects can complement the cover of a checkbook in an original way.

And if you also make a gift box with your own hands and fill it with paper shavings, it will be simply a masterpiece!

I really like this aged style. For our men, such laconic and restrained pages with the most daring and passionate desires will be just the thing.

It’s a great idea to also include content with receipt numbers and names of desires.

This is such a serious approach. The wish fulfillment bank implies a check number and an individual account. And of course the owner's signature is required. I have also prepared several such pages for you.

Here are the fields to fill out and cut with quotes. Well, it’s just confusing what type of pages to choose, isn’t it?

It is not necessary to combine all the sheets into a book. You can issue checks in the form of separate cards and use, for example, a regular wallet.

Perforation on the notepad pages will help you tear off receipts smoothly. And you can, of course, make such holes with a special transfer disk, a pin (but this is a very long way) or a pizza cutting disk.

Nothing special, just a precious gift for your loved one in black and white Jack Daniel's style with your deepest desires.

How do you like just love coupons for Valentine's Day or your joint anniversary?

Mmmm, how romantic...

This is a fairly serious approach to the detailed presentation of instructions so that no questions remain.

Key Features

  • compactness (format, as a rule, A 6);
  • the present is strictly personal;
  • the number of check pages is symbolic (according to the number of years of the birthday person, an important date, just a magic number - 7, 9, 13);
  • limited to a certain period of validity;
  • the highlight is not in the gift decor, but in the text;
  • accompanied by instructions for use;
  • checks are presented only by the owner of the book, they must be executed personally by the donor, without delegation of authority;
  • The theme of each spread is often supported by clipart.

The cover and form seem clear, but how is it arranged inside? Instructions for use:

  1. Who owns it (full name).
  2. Each check is required to fulfill one wish in the shortest possible time.
  3. Checks can be used around the clock, but no more than one in a given day.
  4. Presented for execution to the wife (full name).
  5. Validity period – 1 (one) year from ___ to ___.
  6. After the expiration of the specified validity period, all checks are canceled.
  7. The deadline for fulfilling wishes is set by the owner.
  8. After use, a mark is placed on the check indicating the maturity date.
  9. The refusal of the performer is impossible; in case of special reasons, the owner of the ChKZh has the right to two additional forms.
  10. The forms can be used in any order.
  11. This item cannot be transferred to other persons.
  12. Loss or damage to the PCI is equivalent to its cancellation.

Further on the pages, wishes are formulated with a note about fulfillment, impressions of what came true, and even a comic photo report. What ideas could there be for a girl? The same as in life - serious - dreams come true, frank - for those closest to you, playful, daring, wishes of a friend and child, loved one and parents. You can collect information about the most intimate bit by bit, trying to guess true feelings and habits. For spontaneous needs, “joker sheets” are provided to fulfill any one whim. Here is an approximate list of women’s “wants” floating around the Internet.

Checkbook Wish List

Now we come directly to the wish list. Of course, this is your checkbook, but you can take the ideas presented here as a basis. I've made a lot of check books and I know what girls and guys can want.

If you need a list with more than 100 ideas, write a request in the comments.

But my personal warning: under no circumstances use such desires as manipulation. I even met with this interpretation: “Come on, wife, bring me coffee in bed.” I do not rule out that this is acceptable for some. But still, let's not forget that such a gift is primarily aimed at strengthening our relationships, getting to know each other and helping to cope with some tense moments.

If you decide to use such wish checks in a relationship, be sure to say, first of all to yourself, that this is only for the good or as a joke. No matter what, be able to hear your soul mate and feel each other.

For a guy

Here I have compiled a wish list for a guy. Surely your relationship is developing and there are no children and family yet, but everything is serious with you. And there is an opportunity to get to know each other, to focus on what you love and value. Find out from your loved one in advance about dreams and deepest desires. And just reflect them on check slips. If you need checks with individual wishes, send a request to zaharchuk2015@bk.ru or WhatsApp8, and you will be able to receive them electronically and print them on a color printer.

  • All day without complaints or insults
  • Agree with all my opinions today
  • Sleep as much as I want
  • Share a secret
  • Fulfill any sexual fantasy
  • Breakfast in bed
  • Bottle of elite alcohol
  • Sex on demand
  • Scratch your back
  • Go get the treat I want
  • Forgive for everything
  • Favorite activity day
  • Bonus. Any desire
  • Active recreation together
  • An extraordinary surprise
  • Any gift
  • Striptease for me
  • Admit I'm right
  • Exemption from requests
  • I'm listening to loud music today

For husband

The relationship between husband and wife is, of course, somewhat different from the previous version. There are already more everyday contacts, worries, the appearance of children, and with them responsibilities. I even saw a desire “not to pick up children from school or kindergarten.” Freeing yourself from such an important task, at least for a while, helps you relax and unwind a little, but in no case to the detriment of your loved ones.

  • My day according to my personal scenario
  • I want a massage today with continuation...
  • Beer in a group of men for the whole evening
  • Undoing your grudge against me
  • My every wish
  • Attending a football match
  • Sex according to my wishes
  • A culinary dish for me personally
  • Sauna with friends
  • Remove the obligation to take children to kindergarten for a week
  • Fishing with an overnight stay
  • I've been spitting at the ceiling all day
  • Fulfillment of any erotic desire
  • A day without objections
  • Today is the day without a single request
  • I play computer games for 4 hours
  • Exemption from shopping trips
  • Going to billiards with friends
  • Personal menu for lunch and dinner
  • Watching football with beer without distractions
  • Take the car to a wash
  • Say "Yes" all day
  • I'm buying something for the car

If you need checks with individual wishes, send a request by email, WhatsApp8, or you can receive them electronically and print them on a color printer.

For a girl

For the sweet beauty, beloved wife, a wish list has been compiled in which they can be happy. It would seem that these are such insignificant moments that we want to feel in everyday life. But in the midst of worries and problems, it is not always possible to stop and say to your loved one: “I want a lot of kisses and hugs today.” By giving a checkbook, you will unobtrusively show what is valuable to you and what you need so much. But I would also caution that this should not be manipulative.

  • Help with general cleaning
  • Weekend trip to mom's
  • Stay with the kids all day
  • Prepare a delicious breakfast
  • Tell one secret
  • I'm right about everything today
  • I want new shoes
  • A bouquet of my favorite flowers for a month
  • Wash all dishes after lunch and dinner
  • Write a poem in my honor
  • Romantic date
  • I'm letting you go to friends
  • A whole day of hugs and kisses
  • 1000 kind words
  • I want a surprise
  • Relaxing aroma massage
  • Fulfillment of an old dream
  • Joint photo shoot
  • 1000 rubles just like that
  • Honest answers to frank questions
  • Today everything will be your way
  • Invite me to the cinema
  • Carry me in your arms

If you need checks with individual wishes, send a request by email, WhatsApp8, or you can receive them electronically and print them on a color printer.

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