How to make a cardboard box with your own hands: diagrams for work, examples of decoration, step-by-step instructions

Hardware stores and gift wrapping departments stock many beautiful boxes of varying sizes and purposes. Small wardrobe items, cosmetics, threads and household items are stored in boxes.

Gift boxes are also used to beautifully present gifts for holidays and memorable dates. But you don’t have to buy boxes if you really need them - you can make them yourself from cardboard and thick paper.

Print box templates:

DIY pencil box: template

candy box template

DIY gift boxes: ready-made templates

Holidays accompany our whole lives - now a birthday, now an anniversary, now the New Year has arrived, then March 8th. And on every holiday we try to please our friends and loved ones with some gifts. But a gift that is not properly decorated loses its festive ambience and surprise effect, and souvenir bags and boxes are not a cheap pleasure. But there is a way out - make gift boxes for your dear people with your own hands, ready-made templates for which can be downloaded here. They are not difficult to make at all. And most importantly, in this form even a very modest gift will look great. After all, gift wrapping is the first thing that catches your eye when presenting a gift.

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Required materials for gift boxes

To make a gift box, you may need the following materials for your small workshop:

  • scrapbooking paper;
  • yellow packaging paper or colored paper;
  • thick colorful napkins;
  • pencils and paints;
  • ribbons, beads, buttons, pieces of felt or thick fabric;
  • double-sided tape or glue;
  • threads and twine;
  • ruler, scissors or stationery knife;
  • For small holes, a hole punch is useful; for circle-shaped parts, a compass;
  • ready-made templates.

New Year's candlesticks 2019 are an unusual DIY decor that can decorate any room, an exciting activity that will not leave anyone indifferent.

Principles of working with templates

If you don’t have the time and desire to run around specialized stores in search of paper for scrapbooking, you can print the template you like on thick paper. Cut out the future box along the contour and make cuts in those places where straight lines pass. Fold the template along the dotted lines and glue in the required places.

Interesting! Beautiful crafts on the theme of Autumn for a school exhibition.

DIY gift boxes: ready-made templates for men

If the gift is intended for a man, then you can choose one of the following options. They can be made from cardboard or thick paper.

To please, surprise and delight your friends, family and loved ones, you can make New Year cards for 2021 with your own hands . After all, such a postcard can convey much more bright feelings to the recipient and bring special joy and pride to the author.

DIY gift boxes: ready-made templates for women

There are many reasons to give nice gifts to lovely ladies. An original box made with your own hands will be an additional sign of attention for women. You just need to keep in mind that some of the templates you like need to be printed twice.

Just giving a box of chocolates is trivial, but here you need to show a little imagination. But a gift in the form of sweets and flowers is always relevant. Why not combine these two elements and create unusual sweet gifts from candies for the New Year 2021 and beyond?


Boxes with hearts are very popular, because with the help of them you can express your feelings or confess them.

Almost each of us can make original gifts for the New Year 2021 with our own hands . They will become truly unique and unusual things, filled with positive emotions, warm feelings of love and respect for each other.


Are you getting ready for a party where everyone will need to be given a little surprise? In this case, cardboard pieces of cake with sweets will come to the rescue. The pattern is suitable for both the bottom of the box and the lid.

DIY gift boxes: ready-made templates for children

If you are going to a child’s party, make him a cute box in the shape of an animal or a huge candy.

Give happy parents gifts in such delicate boxes. Follow the traditions: pink for girls, blue for boys.

Gift boxes for the New Year

New Year's mood can be created not only with the help of gifts. These adorable boxes also make great Christmas decorations.

New Year's gift box – Spruce

A Christmas tree-shaped gift box for the New Year is very symbolic. The main thing in this template is to trim the edges beautifully and neatly.

Gift boxes in the form of geometric shapes

Such original gift boxes are perfect for both men and women. Bright and stylish, they are very easy to make.

Don’t be afraid to imagine, because the result of your imagination will be elegant gift boxes - ladies’ handbags, strict men’s boxes, funny animals for children, fairy-tale houses, New Year trees. Get ideas, create and put your gifts in a unique form.

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