Recipes for children's canapés and sandwiches with photos of ready-made snacks

Canapés are mini-sandwiches that are often placed on a skewer.

In Europe they are consumed every day for a quick snack. Canapés are prepared at home or ordered in cafes, where they are very popular and are presented in various variations.

For us, this is a more festive dish, without which it is difficult to imagine a buffet.

Most often, holiday treats for children are thought out by mothers or holiday organizers. Ingredients for children's canapés are preferably neutral and do not cause allergic reactions.

Little gourmets will appreciate the delicious light snacks. Beautiful design and presentation are important.

Fruit canapés on skewers

The following fruits are perfect for them (seedless).
The choice should be made on those fruits to which children do not have food allergies. To prevent the fruit from darkening too quickly , cut them before serving. You can keep the beautiful look longer by sprinkling the finished canapés with lemon juice.

Procedure before threading the pieces onto a skewer:

  • Rinse the fruit under cool running water.
  • Let them dry a little in a bowl or on a paper towel.
  • Remove peels and seeds.
  • Cut into circles, cubes, or even funny shapes using molds (dog, duck, mouse, Christmas tree and much more).

Below are the most interesting recipes for children's fruit canapés on skewers.

We offer a pirate party scenario for organizing a themed holiday. Let's talk about the most popular places to hold a children's birthday party.

Ideas for competitions for children to celebrate Birthday -

Pineapple boat

A half ring of canned pineapple is strung on multi-colored plastic toothpicks - this is the future sail.
Banana rings and ripe nectarine will serve as a deck. You can carefully cut them out using a regular 20 cc syringe with the end cut off from the spout.

Sweet Rainbow

Cut tangerine, pineapple and kiwi into slices or cubes.
Thread them together with raspberries, blueberries and grapes onto a long skewer according to the colors of the rainbow. Place the canapés next to each other to make the rainbow more visible. This beautiful, bright and healthy treat looks impressive on the holiday table .

Merry strawberry

Cut the peeled banana into slices 2 cm thick and sprinkle them with lemon or orange juice to prevent them from darkening.
On a skewer, thread a fresh mint leaf, a medium-sized strawberry and a banana, which will be at the base of the canapé. Draw smiling faces on the strawberries using cream. The children will be delighted!

tailed peacock

The lower part of our peacock's tail will be a pillow of tangerine slices and banana slices.
On top there will be grapes, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries strung on skewers. The bird's body can become a pear. Make the paws and beak from tangerine peel, and the eyes from blackberry pieces.

Berry jelly

Fruit jelly is very popular among children.

It can be prepared from various berries.

I will offer this recipe for fruit jelly, consisting of one glass of berries (cranberries, raspberries, currants, etc.), 3 glasses of water, half a glass of sugar, 2 tbsp. l. gelatin, 1 g citric acid.

Soak gelatin in a glass of water for 1.5 hours. Rinse the berries and squeeze out the juice. Pour hot water over the pulp and boil for 5-6 minutes, strain, add sugar, citric acid, bring to a boil.

Stir in the swollen gelatin until it dissolves. Bring to a boil again and add juice, stir, pour into molds and cool. Before serving, immerse the jelly mold in hot water for 1 - 2 seconds and place the jelly on a plate.

Meat canapés on skewers

Meat canapes can be based on sausage, ham, boiled pork, baked or boiled pieces of chicken, duck, beef . In addition, you can use greens, lettuce, various vegetables, and olives.

Such original sandwiches on skewers will be the best treat for children at a birthday party.

The interesting thing is that on a beautifully decorated sofa, a child will eat even a product that he doesn’t really like - onions, carrots, sweet peppers, etc.

Canapes with boiled pork

Fry pieces of wheat or rye bread in butter until golden brown.
Thread sweet peppers, pickled cucumber slices, diced boiled pork, hard cheese, and croutons onto skewers. Garnish with dill and parsley.

Flight of fancy

Marinate the duck meat in orange juice for a day and then fry it in vegetable oil.
Cut into thin slices. Cut the persimmon into slices. Thread onto a skewer along with blueberries and a mint leaf. It turns out beautiful, juicy and appetizing.


Thread pieces of white loaf with mayonnaise spread, lettuce leaves, slices of ham, kiwi and halves of physalis berries (or any other) onto skewers.
It would be ideal if the mayonnaise is homemade. Quite voluminous for a canapé, but it turns out very tasty. Children will love the juicy .

Fragrant ham rolls

You need to cut the ham into very thin slices so that it rolls up well.
For the filling you can use hard cheese (or cottage cheese), homemade mayonnaise, and a little garlic. Spread the ham with the filling and roll it up. Pierce each roll with a skewer containing a pitted olive. Simple and satisfying!

Salad "Watermelon slice"

This salad includes:

  • chicken fillet – 300 g
  • cheese - 100 g
  • boiled eggs - 4 pcs
  • champignons – 300 g
  • fresh tomatoes - 3 pcs.
  • fresh cucumbers - 3 pcs.
  • mayonnaise – 200-250 g
  • butter - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • pepper, salt

Other canapés on skewers

If you need simple and tasty canapés, there are many products you can use.

You can combine meat, seafood, mushrooms, vegetables, cheese, olives, herbs, etc. in every possible way. You don’t necessarily need a lot of ingredients to get excellent taste.

The main thing is to combine them correctly.

Exotic fish

Cut lightly salted salmon into thin strips and wrap around a black olive.
Place this roll on a skewer along with a mango slice. It turns out to be an unusually tasty snack that is quick to prepare.

Senor Tomato

Cut small cherry tomatoes in half.
Place a cube of processed cheese or feta cheese inside. Prick this stuffed tomato onto a toothpick along with a basil leaf.

Instead of feta cheese, you can use another white, lightly salted cheese.

Edible fly agarics

Beautiful mushrooms on skewers will definitely attract the attention of children.
The cap is made from half a cherry tomato, and the leg is made from a boiled quail egg with the top slightly cut off. You can garnish with parsley. Dots of sour cream or mayonnaise are applied with a toothpick.

Pancake Tower

Spread a thin pancake, cut into portions with a sharp knife, with curd cheese.
Top with another piece of pancake. Place a slice of lightly salted trout. Alternate such layers to the desired height of the tower.

Stuffed eggs

You can also make stuffed eggs. It is enough to boil a dozen chicken eggs, cut them and mix the yolk, for example, with cod liver or boiled chicken liver, add salted non-acidic cottage cheese and grated cheese. Fill with egg whites and place in the refrigerator for an hour. The result is a very mild taste and a completely dietary product, suitable even for 2- and 3-year-old children, provided that they are not allergic to egg whites.

There are as many options for decorating stuffed eggs as there are fillings. It all depends on your imagination and the theme of the buffet table.

Canapes without skewers

A canape without a skewer is a small sandwich. It is based on toasted crouton or oven-dried bread - golden on the outside and soft on the inside. The shape of a piece of bread can be different to make it more interesting for children: round, square, curly.

Canapes can be either a festive dish at a children's birthday party or an alternative to morning porridge.

A sandwich can also be made tasty and healthy for a child.

Can be used:

  • wholemeal bread;
  • cereal bread;
  • oil;
  • curd and cheese mass;
  • cooked meat;
  • vegetables, fruits, greens.

It is not recommended to prepare a children's sandwich from the following products:

  • bun;
  • mayonnaise, ketchup;
  • canned fish;
  • overly salty or spicy foods.

You should approach the design creatively, but in such a way that the sandwich is easy to pick up and eat. The filling should not drip or fall out. The curd mass will help glue the vegetables and bread together.

Kids love helping prepare simple canapés with just a few ingredients. You can entrust them with such an exciting activity, and then enjoy the result together.

Strawberry ice cream

Children will enjoy an ice cream dessert.

You can come up with a lot of options, from ordering an ice cream cake to making this dish yourself.

I can offer the following recipe, a frequently used dessert hit.

Freeze a kilogram of strawberries, grind them in a blender, mix with half a kilogram of ice cream (vanilla, ice cream, cream can be used), add 200 g of jam or strawberry jam, 50 g of honey.

Beat the mixture, pour into molds and freeze.

Sprinkle with chopped nuts or chocolate chips before serving.

If you want to make ice cream yourself, you can read the previous material How to make ice cream at home

Sweet holiday sandwiches

Interestingly decorated mini-sandwiches at a children's party are much more beautiful and appetizing than store-bought sweets. They are easy to prepare and turn into real culinary masterpieces.

Fruit and nut happiness

Spread a slice of loaf with sweet jam.
Place banana and pear cut into slices or slices on top. Decorate with a flower cut from a peach. Sprinkle with chopped hazelnuts or other nuts.

Strawberry heart

Cut the white loaf at right angles into one and a half centimeter slices.
Use a special cookie cutter to make hearts out of these slices. Carefully apply boiled thick condensed milk along the edge using a pastry syringe. Place strawberry jelly inside. To harden, place in a cool place for 20 minutes.

Magic bread

Spread pieces of white bread with a thin or medium layer of sweet curd mass.
Sprinkle colorful decorative food powder on top.

Makes a worthy holiday sandwich!

Mini meat sandwiches

Children really like sandwiches with different “edible” animals : sausage Luntik, cheese Smeshariki, a funny monkey or dog. To complete the color scheme, meat sandwiches .

Sausage cartoon characters

All children love cartoons.
The sandwich can be designed in the shape of your favorite character. For example, Nyusha from “Smeshariki” can be made like this: put a leaf of lettuce and a slice of cheese on toast, and recreate the look using boiled and smoked sausage with tomatoes.

Mini pizza on a loaf

Cut the slightly stale loaf into slices and dip in a mixture of ketchup and water.
Place on a baking sheet. Place the filling on top: sweet peppers, tomatoes, boiled meat, grated cheese and herbs. Bake in the oven until done (or in the microwave).

Appetizing roses

Brush slices of crispy French baguette with butter.
Roll the ham rosettes and place them on the prepared bread slices.

Garnish with a slice of boiled egg, asparagus stalks, cucumber and herbs.

Chicken rolls with pineapple

A very tasty recipe

Take 1 kg of chicken fillet, cut into layers, beat, salt and pepper

Place 2 tbsp on each layer. l. grated cheese, pineapples and champignons cut into small cubes, roll into rolls and tie with thread or pierce with wooden skewers

Grease them with oil and bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 40 minutes

A few more children's recipes

Other sandwiches

Preparing children's canapés is limited only by your imagination and the products you have on hand. All you have to do is put in a little effort and any banal sandwich will become a real work of art!

summer butterfly

The wings will be two eggs, each cut in half.
Garnish them with slices of cucumber and radish. Make the body from a strip of red bell pepper, and the antennae from the feathers of green onions. This butterfly looks great on a lettuce leaf placed on toast.


Spread a piece of bread with homemade mayonnaise or cream cheese.
Make a feather bed from a piece of lightly salted salmon. Draw a ladybug on top using half a cherry tomato and a quarter of a black olive. Draw the eyes with mayonnaise, and make black dots on the back from tiny pieces of olive. Decorate an impromptu clearing plate with a delicacy with a parsley leaf.

Sunny Hawaii

Simple, effective and juicy!
Place a circle of ham and a ring of canned pineapple on the bread circles. Place an olive or cherry tomato inside.

Decorate with any greenery.

Tiger Cub Salad

The following products are used in this salad:

  • boiled sausage - 200 g
  • potatoes - 400 g
  • fresh cucumbers - 200 g
  • onion - 100 g
  • carrots - 400 g
  • chicken eggs - 3 pcs
  • mayonnaise, pepper, salt

This salad is also laid out in layers, with each layer coated with a thin layer of mayonnaise.

The first layer consists of grated boiled potatoes, arrange them in the shape of a tiger cub's head.

The next layers consist of finely chopped boiled sausage, coarsely grated cucumber, chopped green onions, and grated egg.

Make the top layer from grated boiled carrots.

Make the cheeks and eyes of a tiger cub from grated protein; use cut olives to lay out the nose, eyelashes, ears, and stripes.

Use a small plastic piece of sausage to make the tongue stick out.

I think it turned out very nice and tasty.

Pancakes for children

Almost everyone loves this traditional dessert! And I like pancakes with delicious filling even more.

Fry thin pancakes all over the frying pan, and then coat them with delicious fillings (fruit, chocolate, nuts, caramel, honey, cream, etc.). Serve dessert hot!

If you have excellent artistic abilities and talent, then you can try to make very original pancakes with drawings. The main thing before the children's party is to practice and buy food coloring so that the designs on the pancakes turn out bright and very beautiful.

To make this easier, we suggest you watch the video.

Chocolate baskets

By making these amazing and beautiful chocolate baskets, you can make a wide variety of desserts for kids in a matter of minutes. You can serve ice cream, cakes, fruits, milkshakes and other goodies in a chocolate basket.

Beautiful dessert: homemade dessert in a chocolate basket

Delight and surprise your children with new original holiday dishes! The kids will definitely appreciate it!

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Children's cake: Train Cake. How to make a Train cake with your own hands?

How to decorate a children's cake: how to decorate a cake for a boy?

Organization of a children's party

Some careless parents prefer to buy carbonated drinks, children's sausages, and cakes with whipped cream. Is this option not for you? And rightly so! This means that you are a caring parent and are concerned about the healthy eating of your children.

Do not forget that there should be no food on the table that contains many food additives , as well as food that contains allergens that can cause digestive upset and immunity disorders.

1Buffet is most suitable for young children (4-6 years old). If you decide to organize a feast a la a buffet, you can put several ordinary children's tables together, covering them with a common festive tablecloth. You can also use an ironing board. Do not forget that the height of the tabletop or board should correspond to the height of the guests.

2The buffet has a large number of different advantages. The most important advantage is that you don’t have to worry about where to get children’s furniture. Because not every family definitely has a dozen children’s high chairs and tables.

3The advantage is that no one forces children to eat, and this will undoubtedly delight them. And another advantage is that few children know how to handle cutlery, but in our case we avoid this problem.

4And finally, none of those present will interrupt you with exclamations of “I’m thirsty!”

Drinking can be varied. Many people like juice in a bag, but compote, homemade fruit juice, cocktails or smoothies are best for children’s health.

Let us give a recommendation: in order for the program to be successful and not to be disrupted, before holding any entertainment competitions, let the children enjoy fruits, snacks and all kinds of drinks. And at the end of the event, serve hot food and dessert.

The ideal option for a children's party is the minimum number of dishes that can be consumed without any cutlery

Some tips on preparation

It is advisable that your program include funny competitions and various surprises. Don't forget to warn your parents in advance that the birthday will also be celebrated with a cake for adults.

Remember that a cheerful and joyful child is a good option for any mother. It will be best if you set the table with beautiful disposable tableware, which will depict your favorite children's cartoon characters. As a rule, everyone accepts this without question.

Think in advance about what the table setting will be like (it is recommended to use disposable tableware)

Pay great attention to the design of holiday dishes. Even the simplest dishes, such as mashed potatoes, will delight children if they are decorated in a festive manner.

Find out from mothers whether their children have allergic reactions to certain exotic fruits or cocoa.

Forewarned is forearmed. This way you can avoid various embarrassing situations. Also, it would not be bad if you included dried fruits in the holiday menu, since they are storehouses of vitamins and iron.

It is advisable to prepare gifts for children a few days before the holiday. For this purpose, you can visit souvenir shops where you will find the necessary products. To order gifts in bulk, contact your supplier. If you need a small number of gifts, then it will be easier and faster to purchase them on the market. Another popular method of buying gifts is online shopping.

Fruits should be cut into slices

Decoration of drinks, bottles and glasses

Boring tetrapacks with juices on the table will not add festivity. But if you pour the contents into jugs and place them all over the table, it will turn out very elegant!

If you choose glass cups or glasses instead of disposable cups, decorate their edges with frost or powder. It's brilliantly simple and looks gorgeous at the same time.

You can also safely use decorative umbrellas to decorate glasses.

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