Congratulations with balloons to the hero of the day words text

Comic birthday greetings with the presentation of cool gifts

We can’t give you expensive gifts on your birthday, because with these prices we can’t buy anything anywhere. But don’t think that we are not attentive, You are more valuable than any gifts, It’s just that on this wonderful day we can only love you. Although we cannot give you expensive gifts on your birthday, but still with great effort we were able to buy something. And we want to wish you from the bottom of our hearts a Sea of ​​happiness, health, love, And we will give you a necklace, And we will put it on your shoulders. You keep it from moths and frost, You can greet the dawn and sunset in it, In times of hunger, boil it for yourself, And you don’t need to spend a lot of money. If sadness and sadness visit you, disperse them with a miracle of miracles, And sell this wonderful gift, And buy an expensive Mercedes.

On this tender and affectionate evening, When all the relatives are already at the table, accept my modest gift - a three-ruble handkerchief. (We give the hero of the day a handkerchief prepared in advance.) I bought it in Orenburg, I take care of you like a mother. I’m ready to give you, my dear, not a scarf, but a towel. (We hand the hero of the day a towel.) Let everyone in the hall envy you, We will not upset the guests. So that my gifts are not stolen, I will ask everyone to distribute napkins. (Napkins are distributed to everyone present.) Age is not only years, When there is hot blood in the veins. So let's fill our glasses for the hero of the day and faith in love!

Happy Birthday, We wish you all the best. We give you equipment and fashionable clothes. To quickly clean your apartment, take advantage of this wonderful machine, our “Roventa” vacuum cleaner is very easy to use. He will wipe anyone's nose, He will remove all your chaos. You will gently take it in your hands, you will wave it in different directions, Instantly the dirt from all over the apartment will scatter - there is no dust. It won't take up much space, it will fit into any crevice. Saves kilowatts, does not buzz and is lightweight. Everything in the house will shine, there will be no place for dust to fly. (broom)

Here is the “Just in Case” device. It is the best helper in life. With it, even grief is not a problem. He will always help you. And the name is sonorous - Enema - in a scientific way. It is not difficult to use, we will attach instructions. (enema) Use it every day And your migraine will go away. It will remove all the toxins from you. Your body will look slim. In general, we tell you, he cannot be replaced in life. If you have a severe sore throat, you can gargle. If you are renovating an apartment, you can spray paint. Once you are at the dacha with him, you spray the bushes and then, like crazy people, flowers will bloom everywhere. I think you are convinced of what kind of miracle we are giving you. And now you will boldly go through life with him together.

As for the outfit, put it on quickly, you will look like a chic woman in it, and Madonna is just a shadow. Winter panties with cotton wool will come in handy because in November the cold is fierce outside. Put it on quickly and entice men to laugh. It's not so difficult to warm up together and it's not possible to freeze. Wearing hot leggings, you'll survive any cold. (diapers)

Here's the baby in front of you

The baby is naked. We need to dress him up. So that the child does not freeze.

So that the head does not freeze, we will pull on the cap deftly. (they give a cap)

So that something else doesn’t happen, And the underwear doesn’t get wet from below, Well, why are you laughing, who doesn’t happen to? In general, diapers won’t hurt us (they give diapers as a gift)


Happy birthday greetings to a woman

All the stars are shining for you, the nightingales are chirping, Today flowers are growing for you in the whole world. And on this bright holiday we wish you goodness, love, health, happiness, warmth!


It is special - a birthday, a day of excitement and fun, when you can express words of love, gratitude, recognition without embarrassment, for care and attention, simply for the charm of the human soul!


It was all there: happiness and dreams, the beginning, the first date, the doubts of youthful simplicity, and faith in creation in life. And there is a century ahead of your whole life, And next to you is a dear person!


The whole family is proud of you, Today is your birthday, And right from the very morning, Everyone is cheering you up And I will say my words, I will also congratulate you from the bottom of my heart, May your life be full of happiness, I will add applause after!


To the heart - peace, to the lips - a smile, Colorful, extraordinary moments, And of course, a sea of ​​health, True and very strong friendship.


Let the new year not confuse you, but only bestow it with the best. I wish you in advance that every occasion will be happy.


So that your heart beats loudly, loudly, Happiness, our dear, We sincerely wish you today with all our hearts!

Cool congratulations with balloons

Good afternoon friends, Gennady Korolev in the topic of unusual birthday greetings with a joke.

Is it your friend's birthday? So you urgently need unusual birthday greetings with a joke!

It’s good that you came to our site, because I’ve been collecting original congratulations for a long time, of course funny and cool.

The best and most successful for me was the congratulations from the Italian, although recently the pioneers and the Japanese have been congratulating me on their anniversary quite well.

You can choose what you like and adapt it to suit yourself; today you receive an unusual birthday greeting using balloons. My tips:

“The blue ball is spinning and spinning”


The blue ball is spinning and spinning. The years are like birds flying in succession. On your birthday, we came to visit you. Well, we brought balloons as a gift.

    We will be the first to give you a red ball. It burns brightly like a fire. Lots of warmth, many sunny days. As a sign of respect, accept from the guests.

Hope lives in the green ball, In the fact that the year will be happy. The green ball will give warmth, And your soul will immediately become light.

Happy birthday greetings to Marina in verse

After all, you are a wonderful friend, And things are not scary for you. With all my heart I congratulate you on your wonderful holiday.


And may there be more smiles in your life, And may the years flow like a river, Be beautiful as long as possible, Or better yet, stay forever!


Dear Marinka, happy birthday to you, May your destiny be happy, May every day pleasantly surprise you, May you be surrounded by reliable friends.


Good health to you, good luck, Great happiness in addition, Be loved and desired always, May fate generously reward you.


Happy birthday, Marina! May you be lucky in everything, May you always be irresistible, May you blossom from year to year, May you only become more beautiful, And have no problems at all, Accept these congratulations from us as soon as possible!


Marina, I hasten to congratulate you, On your birthday, I want to wish you, May sadness leave you forever, And not let you know more about yourself!


Let there be a smooth road in life, no holes, no bumps, in general, no problems! May there be a lot of love and happiness, And no more dilemmas!


I wish you good health on your birthday with all my soul, Live prosperous, Marina, Always be happy like this.


You, beautiful, dear, I want to wish you smiles, And, never losing heart, Never know your worries all your life.


I would like to congratulate Marinochka, wish you health and happiness, we will praise her today, people like you cannot be found.


I want you to be happy, And remain like this - Always smiling, beautiful, Be good and simple.


I want to congratulate you, wish you good health, because in life that is the main thing, everything else should be.


Let your dreams come true, I wish you beauty, I want happiness to enter your home, You were the best, to spite everyone!


Marina, congratulations from the bottom of my heart, You hurry to celebrate your birthday And gather guests at the table, Wonderful and most devoted friends.


Never give up in life, And smile, dear, always, You know that in life only those who are lucky are those who faithfully go towards their goal.

Congratulations with balloons for the anniversary

The orange ball is like a dream, May it never leave you. The orange ball is the circle of the sun. Let it gather all your friends.

Here is a blue ball on the ribbon, May it give peace of mind, Let the clear distance of the bottomless sky Make even sadness bright.

Hope lives in the green ball, In the fact that the year will be happy. The green ball will give warmth, And your soul will immediately become light.

I also wish you good health, dear, good luck, so that your dream comes true, so that your heart does not encounter pain, you are my beloved half.

And, probably, there are no more precious words than words of love in these moments: Be always lucky and healthy. Live in this world until you are a hundred years old!

Balloons with wishes

Inflatable balloons are an attribute not only for children's parties. A birthday, a wedding, a declaration of love, any special occasion is not complete without a symbol of joy that creates the mood. Either the balloons have the ability to bring joy and fun, or memories of childhood awaken such feelings, but the fact remains that with them the holiday becomes especially bright.

But the ball can not only be given as a gift, like Piglet to Eeyore, it can help show feelings or become an original gift.

Balloons with birthday wishes

Giving balloons to the birthday boy has become a tradition. Guests bring them in their hands, present them with a gift, and decorate the room. He? can express your feelings more clearly than words!

How to make wishes unusual:

Tip: A wide ribbon of serpentine tied open looks more beautiful than a simple rope.

Let's move on to the original options:

A simple balloon, familiar from childhood, will turn into an unusual gift, the highlight of the program, making the holiday unforgettable. A little imagination, a little time and warm, sincere feelings - and a good wish will be remembered by the birthday boy for a long time.

Original, beautiful and funny congratulations to a woman on her anniversary.

When getting ready for an anniversary, each of us thinks about the question: what to give, how to congratulate in such a way as to please the hero or hero of the occasion? And, it’s worth thinking about this even more carefully if a woman’s anniversary is coming up. We must remember that congratulations and gifts to ladies should be targeted, taking into account the age, profession and tastes of the hero of the day. After all, most often (contrary to general opinion) ladies value not so much expensive gifts as those that convince them of an attentive and sincere attitude towards them.

When choosing original entertainment, surprises and congratulations for the hero of the day, you need to focus on the individual characteristics of each: for one, touching and sincere ones are more suitable, for another, cheerful and perky, for a third, solemn and meaningful. In anniversary congratulatory numbers, loved ones can allow themselves sentimental confessions or, conversely, jokes that they rarely allow themselves in ordinary life, which are most often presented in musical form or on behalf of some costumed hero.

We offer 11 of our own and other people’s ideas on how to congratulate a woman on her anniversary in an original and beautiful way ; choose those that will please your birthday girl.

Congratulations with balloons

(this greeting can be received from any other characters or just from a group of friends)

Hop-ale! Hello friends! You came to the evening for a reason.

We, prankster clowns, are also happy about the holiday.

We give a blue ball!

May you have a big house by the blue river! So that where the air is clean and fresh, you build a cottage!

We give scarlet ! Near your house, quickly plant a garden, then it will bring you Millions of scarlet roses!

Green ball Let this beautiful garden be rich in greenery! So that dollars grow straight from the ground everywhere!

White ball Among all the colored wonders There will be a white Mercedes! Let your whole friendly family fit in it!

Yellow ball To take a break from worries, you need to go to the resort! There on the yellow sand To lie in the distance!

Purple balloon Birthday is a cool day We've become too lazy to write. Purple is in front of you. Wish for something yourself!

Balloons with surprises and jokes are a gift for all times! Part 2

In this article I will continue the story of how you can surprise and delight a loved one by adding a little balloons and magic as a gift. The beginning of the article is here

I’ll start as I usually want to do as a child - with dessert and a small lyrical digression and gift idea number 10 - a photo shoot with balloons!

A photo shoot as an independent gift seems to be gaining popularity. Due to the large number of questions on this topic, we began to collect interesting ideas for photo shoots in a separate section of the site.

Let's return to the topic of the article)) I have been communicating with a talented girl named Evgenia for a long time. Together with her friend Yulia, she prepares props and conducts the most wonderful photo sessions. The photos come out alive and real!

I've long admired how they do it. And then just the occasion came up - in continuation of the article about the use of balloons in gift giving - I would definitely like to mention that photographs with them turn out to be very bright, colorful and truly festive.

Take a good camera, or better yet, a good photographer! And if you live in Yekaterinburg, you are very lucky and you can contact Evgenia and get such cool photos - like the one that opens this article)) You can view the entire set, ask something and order a photo shoot here

And here’s another idea: a baby in an aeronaut costume (or what else can you call it?) Anyway, look:

Interesting?)) And here’s a little lesson for you - how to make your own balloon with a basket for such a photo shoot:

Source, photo by Kate Mathis

Source, photo by Kate Mathis

and let me show you smaller balloons - for decorating a festive table (and of course you can hide a small gift in them or give money)

And this is gift idea number 11

This ball is intended to decorate a wedding ceremony: We wish the newlyweds a joyful journey into a new life!

(the controllability of such balls is of course not very good, but we simply won’t mention it

Congratulations with balloons


Happy birthday congratulations

Helmet (NAME) hello! And also a garland of balloons. Each one has advice for you:

The red ball is a symbol of passion! We give it for power over the male half. So that you drive them crazy, So that your husband loves you, Just carries you in his arms!

The green ball means money and will bring you good luck! So that it rustles and rings in your wallet for business!

The white ball is a family sign! Let everything be like this in the family: Let your son and husband adore you, Let everyone respect you very much, And you yourself will forever be crazy about your son!

the blue balloon - Let your friends be nearby! They share joy, share troubles, They just go to visit more often!

The yellow ball is for good luck - Let the envious people cry! Let your dreams come true! May you be happy!

May the holiday bring only joy. Let this wonderful day be remembered! And let your most cherished dream come true soon! May life give you wealth, prosperity, and let your loved ones give you love and understanding.

Congratulations with balloons poems

Original congratulations with balloons
Happy anniversary congratulations We send you a big greeting And also a garland of balloons Each one has advice for you:

The red ball is a symbol of passion! We give it for power over my wife! To drive you crazy, to sincerely love you, to carry you in her arms!

The green ball is for money, It will bring you good luck, So that in your wallet for business And it rustles and rings!

The white ball is a family sign! Let everything be like this in the family: Let the daughters adore, And let the wife please.

It’s not in vain that we give the blue balloon - Let friends be nearby, Share joy, share troubles, They just go to visit more often!

May the anniversary bring only joy. Let this wonderful evening be remembered! And let your most cherished dream come true soon! May life give you wealth, prosperity, and let your loved ones give you love and understanding.

Jar 100 reasons why I love you!

100 reasons why I love you.

1. Happiness is being with you 2. It’s never boring with you 3. You know how to make me smile 4. You always feel my mood 5. You love me with all my shortcomings 6. When you hug me, everything is fine 7. I can be myself when you are near 8. I lose my head from passion for you 9. We can do anything when we are together 10. The best day spent with you 11. You have such beautiful lips 12. You like me even when I grumble 13. You understand me perfectly 14. You will never say that you are hearing this story for the 10th time 15. We can talk about everything and nothing 16. You are my inspiration 17. there is no one more beautiful than you 18. You give me confidence in yourself 19. You know how to give me happiness 20. You always feel if I’m feeling bad 21. I’m never afraid, because you’re with me 22. You’re always on my side 23. It’s so nice to chat with you about anything 24. I can trust you 25. You always help me if I need it 26. When I’m with you, nothing else matters 27. Just your smile makes all my sadness disappear 28. You always listen when I talk 29. Together we can create miracles 30. When you are near, the world around you blossoms 31. We are the perfect couple 32. I am touched by the sight of you when you sleep 33. The thought of you fills every moment with love 34. You understand me, even when I whine 35. Every moment with filled with joy 36. The best night is the one we spend together 37. I don’t understand how I can live without you 38. At least you pretend to listen to my advice 39. My heart beats for you 40. You believe in me 41. You always look great 42. You can call to tell me that you love me 43. Your hugs are so affectionate 44. Your support is everything to me 45. Your jokes are very funny 46. Thanks to you, I become a better person 47. It’s impossible to look at you to be offended for a long time 48. You are the most amazing person on Earth 49. I see love in your eyes 50. I love your smile 51. The book of my life has the best chapters about you 52. You always know how to please me 53. You take care of me and you don’t demand anything in return 54. You will understand if I forget about something important 55. When I look at you, my heart skips a beat 56. You are my most precious treasure 57. You have the keys to my heart 58. Sometimes I just need to hug you 59. When we are together, time does not matter 60. You are interested in all the little things in my life 61. Your love takes care of me 62. Everything became beautiful with your appearance 63. You can make any gloomiest day bright 64. When I take your hand , it becomes easy for me 65. You make our life happy 66. You turn me on 67. I want us to always be together 68. You always make me happy just by being you 69. We know the most beautiful sides of love 70. You can find the right words 71. Your happiness is most important to me 72. It’s good to be with you anywhere 73. Even your small actions are very important to me 74. I want to never let you out of my arms 75. Looking into your eyes, I understand: my dreams have come true 76 You teach me to love 77. I love listening to your voice 78. You are the most gentle 79. I love everything you do 80. I don’t want to get out of bed with you 81. You are my best friend 82. You are always in my thoughts 83. I'm crazy about you 84. You awaken passion in me 85. You are like a magnet, I am drawn to you 86. You are my most beautiful dream 87. You don't have to be afraid to look stupid 88. It's a pleasure for me to be with you 89. You you can break away from any business to be with me 90. I can ask you stupid questions 91. All I need is to know that you are nearby 92. Your advice helps me 93. You know my secrets and keep them 94. You are mine sunshine 95. You and I look great

First birthday! Ideas for the holiday.

1. On your first birthday, you can start some new tradition. For example, as a gift for the birthday boy, you can circle the palms of all the children present at the holiday, or you can give balloons on the street to all the children you meet, because it’s great that the baby shares his mood with other children! 2. You can prepare touching invitations for the first birthday together with your baby: take cards made of white paper, on which the birthday boy, using finger paints, can leave an “autograph” with his palms)

Once the cards are dry, you can write the invitation text on them and mail them!

During the evening, invite guests to write congratulations to the birthday boy on his 18th birthday. At the end of the holiday, collect the letters and, without reading, pack them in a prepared envelope with the note:

“The envelope was packed on 04/18/2009. Date of opening 04/18/2027"


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