Fun games and competitions for preschoolers for April Fool's Day

Fun games and competitions for preschoolers for April Fool's Day

Natalia Chernikova

Fun games and competitions for preschoolers for April Fool's Day

Tomorrow April 1st is a holiday of laughter, smiles and good mood. On this day it is customary to play pranks on each other and joke.

The proposed games can be used during an event dedicated to April Fool's Day in order to create a joyful mood and a fun pastime. You can involve characters in the event, for example, clowns, Dunno or Carlson.

Goal: creating a cheerful mood among children and guests of the event

Game “Let's say hello like this!”

Children stand in a circle, cheerful music sounds. When the music ends, the host (the hero of the event) invites the children to greet each other with smiles. To do this, children turn to face each other and smile. And then greet first with your palms, then with your noses, shoulders, heels, tummies, etc. Between the options for children greeting each other, music sounds.

Game “Princess Nesmeyana” (“Tsar Nesmeyan”)

Children sit in a circle on chairs. Each player takes turns speaking with a different intonation: “Ha,” “Ha-ha,” “Ha-ha-ha.” The task of each player is to make the other participants laugh. Anyone who laughs is eliminated from the game and becomes an observer. The last player remaining in the game wins. He can be awarded the title, if it is a girl, Princess Nesmeyan, if it is a boy, Tsar Nesmeyan.

Competition "Kangaroo"

The competition is held between two players. Each participant holds a balloon between his knees and jumps, for example, from the starting line to a pin or a stand, goes around it and comes back. Whoever completes the task faster is the winner.

The competition continues.

Game "Laughter in moderation"

Children stand in a circle, in the center stands the driver (the hero of the event) with a scarf in his hands. He throws the handkerchief up. While the handkerchief falls, the players must laugh. As soon as the handkerchief touches the floor, participants must stop laughing. Players who violate the rule are eliminated from the game.

Game "Magic Hat"

The participants of the game stand in a circle, in the center is the presenter (hero of the event) wearing a hat. Cheerful music plays, the presenter shows the movements, the participants repeat, everyone dances together. As soon as the music ends, the host takes off his hat and puts it on any player. He becomes the leader and stands in a circle.

The game repeats itself.

Game "Funny Snakes"

The leader helps the children break into groups. Children stand one after another. These are snakes. The first participants put on hats with images of snakes on their heads. And the last participants have their ponytails secured at the back (these can be ropes or ribbons). The task of the snakes is to move in a circle to the music. The first participant must grab the last one by the tail. The team that completes the task first wins.

April Fool's Day card file (senior group)

Games and competitions on April 1 for children.

April 1 is a day of jokes, fun, pranks and good mood! Funny competitions, funny stories, songs, dances, games and an interesting scenario will turn April 1 into a real holiday of laughter.

Game "Who is faster"

Along the room you need to lay out a ribbon to which sticks are attached at different ends. Two participants must, as quickly as possible, wrap the ribbon around the stick on their side so that it is closer to him.

Soap bubble competition

We hand out bottles of soap bubbles to all the children and announce a competition for the largest bubble and its flight range.

Competitions for April 1 “The picture is through the roof”

The participant’s task is to draw a picture on a given topic: the sun, a house, a smiley face, a bird, a flower, a tree. The difficulty of the competition is that the paper must be mounted high above the artist. To draw each stroke, you will have to jump. The one with the funniest picture wins.

Competition on April Fool's Day "Interesting story"

For this fun you will need a stack of old newspapers or magazines, blank sheets of paper, scissors, and glue. Children are divided into teams, each receiving several newspapers and magazines, from which they need to cut out headlines and compose an interesting story in the allotted time. Whoever has more fun wins.

Competitions for April 1 “Tongue Twisters”

Participants pull out pieces of paper with tongue twisters written on them. They need to be learned and repeated out loud from memory. Whoever is faster and without hesitation wins. Examples of tongue twisters:

  • You can’t talk through all the tongue twisters, you can’t over-speak them all.
  • The ships tacked and tacked, but did not tack.
  • Two woodcutters, two wood splitters, two wood cutters.
  • Three woodcutters are chopping wood in three yards.
  • Karl stole corals from Clara, and Clara stole a clarinet from Karl.
  • The bristles are on a pig, the scales are on a pike.
  • Horses trampled in the field, and dust flies across the field from the trampling of hooves.
  • Two puppies were chewing a brush in the corner, cheek to cheek.
  • Senka is carrying Sanka and Sonya on a blue sled.
  • Margarita collected daisies on the mountain, and the daisy lost daisies in the yard.
  • The jackal walked, the jackal galloped.
  • A landmark is a landmark.

Game for April 1st “Burst the Ball”

2-3 (the more, the better) balls are tied to the participants’ feet. Players must pop balloons tied to their opponents' feet while listening to rousing music. The winner is the one who bursts more “enemy” balloons with the least losses.

Competition "Spring has come"

Two people are taking part in the competition. For each of them, we prepare in advance a set of winter clothes - mittens, boots, a jacket, a long scarf, winter pants, warm socks. Participants put all this on themselves and stand side by side. We place two chairs on the wall opposite them. At the leader’s signal, the children must run to the chair and take off their winter clothes. Whoever is faster wins.

Game "Guess it!"

We glue a sheet of paper with a new name on each participant’s back. Moreover, the names should be fairy-tale or cartoon characters. All participants in the competition see the names of others, but cannot see their own. To guess a name, you can ask leading questions that can only be answered with “yes” or “no.” The one who guesses his name the fastest will win.

Game "Meow - me-ee!"

Participants are divided into two teams, the leader blindfolds everyone. To the music, children dance and spin, scattering around the hall. When the music turns off, one team says “Meow!” and the other says “Me-ee.” The players' task is to assemble into their team as quickly as possible.

Competition for April 1 “Young Artist”

Invite the children to go to the board with their eyes closed and draw those parts of the animal's body that will be named. List all the parts of the body, for example, an elephant, but in a scattered order (ears, trunk, pair of legs, tail, head, torso, eyes). At the end, remove the bandages and laugh together at the portraits of elephants that you have created. Whoever is more interesting wins.

Game "Ghost Rockets"

We invite competition participants to inflate balloons without tying them. Draw “faces” on the balls and release them. The goal is to catch the rocket balls before they hit the floor.

Game "Find the right color"

Children dance to the music. The music stops, the presenter shouts: “Find the color green!” The players must find something green and touch it. Those who do not have time are eliminated. The presenter names different colors. The most attentive ones win.

Game “Everybody Dance!”

Children are divided into pairs. Couples dance to the music, holding the balloon with those parts of the body that the leader calls (back, shoulders, knees, butts, heads, legs). If the ball falls, the pair is eliminated.

Competition "Rope walkers"

Two teams are participating. We place 2 ropes or long ribbons on the floor - “ropes”. Players try to walk along a “tightrope” while holding a book on their head or hitting a tennis ball with a racket. The most agile team wins.

Competition for April 1st “Greedy”

Balloons are scattered around the room, without strings. To the music, children collect balls, trying to hold them. The child who collects the most balloons wins.

Game "Repeat in reverse"

The presenter shows various movements. The task of the participants is to repeat them in reverse. For example, the leader raises his hands, which means the children lower their hands. The one who makes a mistake is eliminated. The most attentive one wins.

Competition for April 1st “Loaders”

The teams line up in front of the starting line, each receiving three balls. They must be carried to the end of the room, then returned back. It is difficult to hold three balls at once; you need to move carefully, very carefully. The fastest team wins.

Game "Cockfight"

Participants are divided into pairs. A wide ribbon is attached to the back of each child’s clothes - these are the “tails” of cockerels. At the command of the leader, the participant in the pair tries to rip off the “tail” of the opponent. The game is played until the last participant. He is declared the winner.

Competition "Guess the song"

Children are divided into teams. Each team is given cards depicting different objects, animals, plants from famous songs. Teams must guess which songs are encrypted in the pictures. A drawn train may represent the song “Blue Car”, an image of a mammoth – “Song of the Baby Mammoth”, etc.

Relay "Fast Hoop"

Two teams are participating. We draw the start and finish. Each player on each team must roll the hoop from start to finish, come back and pass the hoop to the next player. The team that completes the relay first wins.

Ball relay

Players are divided into 2 teams. At the leader’s signal, the first participant pushes the ball back between the players’ spread legs. The last player of each team catches the ball, runs forward with it along the column, stands at the beginning of the column and pushes the ball between the players’ spread legs. Etc. The team that finishes the relay faster wins.

April Fool's jokes

“It’s really not a sin to laugh...” the classic once said. We agree, but only if the jokes are harmless and do not humiliate a person’s dignity or lead him to a nervous breakdown. But anything can happen...

April 1 jokes are traditional in many countries and, to put it mildly, are quite specific.

Tell me, do you find this custom funny: on April Fool’s Day in the villages of the Finns, children were given the task of running to their neighbors for some urgently needed tool.

What's the catch - and such a thing simply does not exist in nature, for example, a child was asked to bring a protractor for a pile of manure or glass scissors. The treacherous neighbors said that they had given the instrument to someone else, and the poor kid went further in search of a non-existent thing. And so on, until someone compassionate takes pity on him and confesses - yes, we were joking!

There is no limit to human gullibility; it would seem how much you can “buy” into the remark “your shoelace is untied” or “look, the sole has come off.” But they believe! So they joke this way every year, especially the Americans.

Students can have fun this way - they move the clock forward, and their roommate has to panic and rush to class.

Such pranks on April 1 have already become traditional, but they still work! Several ideas for April Fool's pranks are in this video:

The French still haven't gotten tired of secretly sticking paper fish on each other's backs and making fun of the unsuspecting victim of the joke and calling him "April fish."

The British, with their subtle English humor, are allowed to make fun of colleagues and friends only before lunch. Later – already “bad manners”. Those who fall for the prankster's hook are called "April fools." Cute, isn't it?

The first of April is the day when we remember who we are the other 364 days of the year

Mysteries of history

Do you know what is the funniest thing about the funniest holiday? Yes, the fact that no one can reliably tell you how, when and where it originated. There are more than enough versions of his appearance. We know only one thing for sure: April Fool’s Day is a holiday with a long history.

And in principle, what difference does it make whether it was invented in Ancient Rome or in the Middle Ages, whether it is associated with the spring equinox or with the change of the calendar. Those who are interested can read about these versions of the origin of the holiday.

And we are more interested in the funny traditions of celebrating April 1st in different countries.

Funny pranks on a grand scale

On April Fool's Day, it's easy to become a victim of a prank anywhere - in transport, at work, at university or school (kids are like that, they don't mind making jokes). We are naive by nature and easily believe everything that they try to give us at face value.

Especially if the information comes from the media. How can you not trust what you hear on a radio or television newscast?

But no one has canceled the folk wisdom - trust, but verify. Especially on April Fool's Day, April 1st.

In the 80s, one of the American newspapers reported on the creation of a telescope with which you can see... the inhabitants of the Moon. Their appearance was even described: the lunar inhabitants are very reminiscent of winged monkeys. There were many people who wanted to purchase such a telescope to observe these creatures.

Do you know about the first prank in the Soviet press? It was in 1988, and the Izvestia newspaper decided to make a big joke. In all seriousness, the publication reported: the Moscow football club “Spartak” intends to join its ranks with the legendary Argentinean Diego Maradona. And even such a serious news agency as the Associated Press believed the Soviet newspaper and reprinted the sensational information.

The dear BBC is not averse to making a joke on April Fool's Day. For example, on April 1, 2008, a message about flying penguins was broadcast. Allegedly, the film crew, which was working in Antarctica on a film from the “Miracles of Evolution” series, managed to film Adelie penguins quite by accident.

The animals soared in the air, and a video clip was even shown capturing this miracle. According to presenter Terry Jones, smart animals do not want to freeze in the Antarctic winter, they flock together and fly to South America. Penguins spend the winter there, enjoying the tropical warmth. The video became one of the most popular on the Internet.

On this day, many famous publications around the world are not averse to making big jokes. What inventive, merry fellows don’t come up with!

Have you heard about such April Fools' jokes as a flying five-star hotel or a parade of planets that allows you to temporarily experience a feeling of weightlessness? And the paradise republic of San Serriffe in the Indian Ocean (fictional, of course) - there were so many people willing to book a tour to this wonderful place.

April Fool's Day at the House of Culture

Any recreation center can also become an excellent platform for holding such events. At the same time, you can limit yourself to familiar scenarios or come up with something more original.

Options for youth scenarios

Organize a large-scale pajama party right in the cultural center - we bet its walls have never seen anything like this on April 1st! Rent large pillows and loungers, stock up on toothpaste to smear each other and toilet paper, setting up impromptu traps and traps.

It’s not necessary to spend the night in a recreation center – and the management won’t allow it, but a pajama party during the day is an even more interesting option, wouldn’t you agree?

Do you want to organize the most unusual April Fool's Day for young people? Then organize a large-scale pajama party right at your local cultural center with toothpaste, toilet paper and other paraphernalia for April Fools' Day pranks! Believe me, it certainly won’t be boring, and this holiday will definitely leave the most positive impressions on all participants.

Raffles and competitions for adults

April 1 is a great occasion to gather with your family and friends at the same table. It’s even better if not only real dishes, but also dummies are displayed on it as a treat.

Of course, the owners will have to rack their brains over organizing such a feast, but there will be a lot of laughter!

Dressing up in the most ridiculous costumes will also be a great success, because in essence, adults are the same children who love to fool around. For example, the most artistic person in the company can take on the honorable role of a gypsy, telling fortunes to everyone and making comic predictions.

You can play traffic police, organizing races in old basins, a kind of brain ring, using jokes instead of smart questions, and showing pantomimes in the style of “Guess It” in turn. In general, there are indeed many options, and each of them has the right to exist.

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