What to wear for Halloween: 20 win-win ideas from the stars

The origins of Halloween can be found in the paganism of the Celts. The holiday was celebrated during the harvest and was called Samhain. It was believed that this was the name of the main demon, who must be appeased by dressing in scary costumes similar to his appearance. People believed that the end of the harvest had a sacred meaning, so they performed various rituals. Some traditions of the ancient celebration remain today. Until now, people give themselves a terrible appearance, similar to demonic forces. One of them is devil makeup for Halloween, which will be a great addition to the costume.

Halloween in Celtic times was called Samhain

Looks for girls

In addition to the devil, girls can dress in other creepy images. After all, beauty is not in first place on this day. Every representative of the fair sex can make her dream come true and transform into the heroine of her favorite horror movie for a few hours.

To create an image, you need to prepare basic products, which include eye shadow, lipstick, foundation, eyeliner, and mascara. Additional products you should choose are cream pigments, professional makeup, and glitter.

Important! You may need bandages, threads (to imitate sewn-up mouths or wounds), lenses with scary pupils, false vampire fangs.

The range of terrifying heroes whose appearance you can try on is large, so there is plenty to choose from:

  1. A dead bride. The heroine would suit unnaturally pale skin, sunken cheekbones, and streaks of blood. To enhance the effect, you should choose the appropriate outfit, which can be an old wedding dress and veil.

The dead bride must have light skin

  1. Crap. Devil makeup is easy to create at home. Bright cosmetics and an additional detail in the form of horns on the rim are required. The costume is optional.

For make-up, you need bright cosmetics

  1. Devil makeup would be appropriate. It can be seductive or scary. There are bright eyes, red and black lipstick, fiery elements. You can do everything your imagination can do.

Devil makeup can be seductive

  1. Fallen Angel. A durable yet attractive look will appeal to many girls. Such makeup should be bright and aggressive. It is recommended to use a large amount of black, diluting it with gold, silver or other shades.
  2. Mummy. To create a costume you will need several packs of bandages. They wrap the entire figure. The suit must not be too tight so that you can move freely in it.
  3. Catwoman. Appropriate makeup and a black suit are required. Don't forget about the ears, which will complement the makeup.
  4. One of the most popular images is the witch. The mystical personality has long been a symbol of evil otherworldly forces. The makeup should have a greenish or black tint; you can choose purple shadows. If desired, draw a large mole on the nose.

The witch is the most popular Halloween image

Children's Halloween costumes are beautiful and simple. You can buy them in stores or make them yourself. The most common costumes are those of favorite cartoon characters, comic book characters, and kings. Girls will prefer princess outfits, boys - devils.

Costumes and makeup of the dead bride

In 2021, the current look for girls for Halloween will be the outfit of the dead bride from Tim Burton's cinematic masterpiece of the same name. This film and character are loved by horror fans and are now able to compete in popularity with the unshakable image of the witch.

Creating one is quite simple. You can use any wedding lace or plain dress in pastel colors as a basis. It can be artificially aged, torn a little, or abrasions added.

You can pin or sew ruffles, a little lace, and rhinestones onto a regular dress. And dry leaves, grass or twigs stuck in the folds of the dress will add a sharp edge to the look. You can make dirty or bloody handprints on the hem. The addition will be a faded bridal bouquet, a wreath on the head with a light veil.

Special attention should be paid to makeup. It is necessary to create a bluish tint to the skin, emphasize the eyes, eyebrows and eyelashes, draw a scar on the cheek, and make pink lips. Hair should be left loose and flowing freely.

Step-by-step devil makeup

Halloween makeup for half face

Bright demon makeup for Halloween for girls is a great opportunity to create a blood-chilling image. Depending on the character's character, it will vary: seductive, intimidating, impudent.

To create a seductive devil makeup for Halloween, you should prepare everything you need: eye shadow, mascara, eyeliner, foundation and more.

Step-by-step Halloween demon makeup for girls consists of the following steps:

  1. First you need to prepare your skin: cleanse it, apply moisturizer and base. After this, foundation and corrector are applied to mask skin imperfections. A light corrector is applied to the area under the eyes, after which the face is powdered. For the last step, it is recommended to use loose powder.

The tone for the face should not just be pale, but deathly pale. If even the lightest shade of foundation does not allow you to do what you intended, you can use talc.

  1. The next step is to give shape and color to the eyebrows. Brunettes are recommended to use black, blondes – dark brown. If you wish, you can change the natural shape of your eyebrows. For example, give them a stronger bend or extend the length.
  2. Creating eye makeup. To do this, you need to draw arrows with black eyeliner or a pencil on the lower and upper eyelids. The lines should be neat, but wide enough. The inside of the eyelid is drawn especially carefully. Two lines are drawn on the upper eyelid, which should be at a short distance from each other. You can't do without eyeliner, regardless of your look. It is necessary in order to make the eyes more expressive, which should not be lost against the background of general makeup. The distance between the eyeliner lines is painted over with red shadows. The same shade is used to highlight the lower eyelid. This should be done with a brush with a beveled edge. Light shadows are applied to the skin under the eyebrow. The shade can be golden or pearl. Glitter won't hurt.
  3. The last thing to do when applying eye makeup is eyelashes. In addition to mascara, they use false eyelashes, which are glued in bunches to the upper and lower eyelids.
  4. Black or bright red lipstick is applied to the lips. You can use beetroot or plum shade. Lip makeup is created mainly in black tones. The surface can be dark burgundy, but a black outline is required. It doesn’t hurt to apply makeup using the gradient technique, using dark and gloomy shades of glitter and lipstick.

The demon's makeup is complemented by an appropriate costume.

Eyes and lips turn black

Scary demonic makeup is less common than seductive makeup. This kind of makeup is more difficult to do, so it’s worth practicing beforehand. To create it, you need to prepare not only the usual cosmetics, but also theatrical makeup. If this is not possible, face painting will come to the rescue, which can then be easily washed off with water.

It is easy to apply. It is diluted with water, blotted with a hard sponge and, squeezing out the water, all the necessary details are drawn with it. Small curls and lines are drawn with a brush, applying all the strokes with confident movements.

When using face painting, consider the following tips:

  • the consistency of the paint should be thick and not run off the brush;
  • to apply thick lines, apply light pressure to the brush;
  • fine lines and details are drawn with the tip of the brush.

A devil's Halloween makeup wouldn't be complete without horns. They can be made or purchased in silicone stores.

Important! Face painting can be easily washed off with water. Theater makeup can be removed with milk or cosmetic oil.

Applying devil makeup consists of several stages:

  1. Applying moisturizer (when using face painting), baby cream (when using the theatrical version) on the face and neck. The makeup should be red.
  2. Eyebrows are drawn in with a black pencil. From the inside of the eyebrows, draw two lines down along the wings of the nose. Gray shadows are applied over the line and shaded thoroughly.
  3. Instead of blush, black shadows are applied to the cheekbones.
  4. Draw arrows on the eyes using black eyeliner. At this stage, the devil's Halloween makeup already looks pretty scary.
  5. Lips are painted with black or red lipstick.

To complete the makeup for the devil girl, you should attach the horns.

The devil's makeup is complemented by a costume and attributes: a spear, a trident

Cats, panthers, snakes and other animals

A catwoman in the classic version - in a dark latex tight-fitting trouser suit with ears and a tail - will look very bold and stylish at a party. You can diversify the look with a short dress instead of trousers, shirtfronts around the neck and wrists, and a different color scheme.

Lenses with imitation cat eyes can be a piquant detail. You can do classic makeup, emphasizing the eyes, or you can do makeup with elements of a cat's face.

Similarly, you can create the image of a panther or snake. For a snake woman, it is better to choose a tight-fitting outfit with leggings with a matching print.

An animal theme for Halloween is very welcome. In this style, the image does not necessarily have to be cruel, scary, or fatal. You can use images of cute animals and cartoon characters. For example:

  • bee;
  • rabbit, bunny;
  • butterfly.

For these options, makeup and body art are welcome.

Demon Makeup Options for Halloween

Makeup for drooping corners of the eyes

Sinister little devil makeup for Halloween or demon makeup – there are many options. Each girl chooses the one that suits her taste:

  1. A demon from the underworld that looks like a skeleton. In this case, special attention is paid to makeup. Eyes and lips are highlighted in black (lipstick and shadows). For a better effect, use lenses to make your eyes black.
  2. Vampire temptress. A vampire is also a demon. The creature is the embodiment of evil forces. The topic has long excited the minds of young people. In addition to bright black and red eyes and lips, they use false fangs, without which the character would be incomplete.
  3. The devil is also a demon. The image can be made seductive, sweet or evil.
  4. Another guest from the other world is a ghost. The image should use white and light gray shades. They draw circles under the eyes, streaks of blood from the eyes, cuts on the neck, arm or face.
  5. The Bride of Frankenstein is a worthy image. White skin without the slightest sign of blush, smoothly styled hair, black eyes - all this will best bring the idea to life in the same way as the mad doctor once did in the novel.

Instead of doing devil makeup for Halloween, you can use masks that depict a demon. Short or branched horns, scary elements will create the best new image. A demon does not have to be scary, it can be tempting, seductive, beautiful. It all depends on what kind of makeup the girl does.

When creating makeup at home, do not be afraid that your eyes will turn out too bright. That's how they should be. The arrows can be made in a variety of ways: smooth, long, wide, with curls in different directions, cobwebs, in several rows, of different colors.

Image of a spider

The image of a spider can be bright and stylish. The costume can be completely simple. You can use any short carnival or evening dress, adding the necessary accessories. For the spider it is:

  • cape or cape in the form of a web;
  • tights or fishnet stockings;
  • a spider-shaped hat with a cobweb veil.

You can complement the look with makeup, where you need to whiten your skin tone, highlight your lips and eyes. It is advisable to do a manicure with long, sharp black nails.

The best photos of the devil's makeup

Oriental makeup

Scary lenses are chosen for makeup

Scratches can be painted on with theatrical makeup

To complete the makeup, the horns are attached

Classic of the genre - Elvira

The classic image for the holiday in honor of All Saints' Day can be considered Elvira - the mistress of darkness. She is elegant, attractive, and her image has an eerie overtone. Its characteristic features:

  • disheveled hairstyle;
  • a tight black dress with a high slit and deep neckline;
  • bright makeup with red lipstick.

There is nothing difficult about turning into this heroine for the evening.

Angel or demoness

A demoness in a red and black outfit with horns and a sharp tail, with a trident and characteristic makeup can compete at the holiday with a cute angel dressed in white delicate clothes, with fluffy wings and a halo. Both looks look bold and impressive. If a girl is going to a holiday with a friend, you can make a cool tandem and come as a couple.

Angel and demoness costumes are easy to create with your own hands. Stockings in red or black for a demoness and white for an angel will add piquancy to the look. Lush multi-layered skirts in matching tones will make the costume playful.

In this style, you can get creative and create the image of a fallen angel or a vicious nun. For this costume, it is enough to buy or sew a robe with a hood, under which you wear an extreme mini, stockings and bright makeup.

Fairy tale characters

It is not at all necessary to disfigure yourself with terrible makeup and drench yourself in artificial blood. Romantic images may be quite appropriate. For example, white angel, fairy, elf.

It is especially recommended to choose pleasant images for children. Kids can dress up as fairy tale characters. Girls make cute princesses, Snow Whites, Little Red Riding Hoods. Boys can be offered costumes of gnomes, foresters or heroes from “The Wizard of the Emerald City” - the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodman.

You can use animal images, offering kids images of a cat, a tiger cub, a bear cub.

Pirates and zombies

You can dress up as a sea pirate in a very bright and unusual way. It can be a stylish, playful look with a skirt and feminine elements, or a tomboy in a suit with a vest. Pirates can be lively and mischievous or with zombie elements, with makeup in the form of scars, translucent bones, skeletons and skulls.

A zombie for a girl is a complex and vivid image, which is created mostly through makeup. You can wear the simplest suit, fray a little and tear the clothes. The main focus of this look will be the makeup.

Images from cartoons

Cartoon characters also deserve to be part of the All Saints Day party. They can wear their original appearance or be with a touch of devilry and horror.

The images of Princess Fiona and Minion in female form can be cute and feminine. For these options, makeup is of great importance. For Fiona, you need to choose a special floor-length dress with a corset. And the minion girl can dress up in any naughty costume with a skirt or shorts.

Alice from Wonderland is very sweet and gentle. This is a very beautiful and fresh look for any costume party. If in the classic version it seems boring, then you can make Alice with zombie elements, with the makeup of a translucent skeleton or with a touch of madness and obsession. Bright makeup and lenses will help here.

The extravagant, bright and stylish outfit of the chess queen will be the highlight of the evening. This image is very impressive and unusual. It requires a special outfit with a full skirt, corset and collar in the style of the Medici queen. A hairstyle or wig and bright original makeup are required.

A fairy-tale unicorn costume will be cuter, lighter and more naive. You can dress up in a jumpsuit with a mane and a colored tail, or choose a more feminine version of the look - a fluffy tulle skirt with a corset, a wig made of multi-colored hair with a flirty horn and a false ponytail.

Movie characters

But the most popular characters for Halloween are, of course, the heroes of various films. Moreover, horror films are not necessarily taken as a basis. For example, a very popular image today are the inhabitants of the planet Pandora, that is, the heroes of the film Avatar.

But, of course, the characters in horror films are beyond competition. Thanks to them, the scariest characters for Halloween are created. Photos of the heroes of some films can really terrify, therefore, these characters are among the most popular.

The most popular Halloween characters associated with films:

  • Count Dracula. This is perhaps the most famous vampire of all time. However, after the release of the Twilight film series, the bloodsucker count was greatly displaced on the pedestal of popularity by a noble vampire named Edward.

  • Freddy Krueger. Despite the fact that films about the adventures of the not particularly handsome Freddy were released more than thirty years ago, this character is still popular. To create this look, you can buy a spectacular latex mask.

  • Leather face. The film about the adventures of a maniac who not only killed people, but also sewed masks for himself from human skin, was released back in 1974, however, it is still included in the list of the most terrible and bloody. Therefore, the character from this film is often chosen to create an image for Halloween.

  • Billy from Saw. The creepy puppet, which is used by a homicidal maniac to negotiate with victims, is quite a popular character for Halloween. Moreover, creating this image is relatively easy: the most recognizable features are a white face, black eyes with red pupils and blush on the cheeks, drawn in the form of spirals.

  • A creepy Chucky doll possessed by the soul of a serial killer. This image evokes horror even by its appearance, since the face of the killer doll is covered with numerous scars.

  • Maleficent. This beautiful witch is often seen at Halloween parties.

  • Annabelle. A creepy doll with an angelic appearance and a devilish essence - a suitable character for Halloween.

  • Samara Morgan from the movie "The Ring". This very scary girl can scare anyone with her appearance.

  • Queen of Hearts. This image from the latest production of "Alice in Wonderland" was very popular with girls.

  • Bellatrix Lestrange. Fans of the story about Harry Potter introduced fashion to this character. To create the image of Voldemort's most faithful comrade-in-arms, you won't have to seriously disfigure yourself, but the traits of madness must be present in this heroine.

The list of movie characters and images that you can try to recreate for Halloween is endless. You can use film classics, for example, why not dress up as Pannochka from Gogol’s Viy. Or get ideas from new films that come out every year.

Harley Quinn

The Joker's girlfriend has been known since comic books. She is bright, reckless, memorable. This image is well suited for a brave teenager who is not afraid to express himself.

How to do:

  • Bright, but not too provocative makeup. Hair tied in ponytails and dyed in contrasting colors.
  • Short shorts, torn tights, a T-shirt with slogans, a red and blue jacket, red and blue elastic bands for hair.

Harley is not afraid of experiments, so you can safely imagine. Perfect for young girls.

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